
"I am a homeless person in the United States

"I am a homeless person in the United States."

sckyh · Urbain
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75 Chs

Chapter 45 He hurriedly left, but never returned.

Along with Eris's words, there was also a clip from ABC News live broadcast.

The content was exactly the segment of the interview where Big Brother was interviewed by a female journalist.

Damn it!

After watching the video and combining it with Eris's words, Big Brother quickly realized many things.

At that time, he only thought it was a written interview, so he spoke his mind, but he didn't expect it to be broadcast live.

The reporter from ABC didn't even mention it was live! And they didn't get his authorization.

American TV stations are all commercial stations, and according to current laws, they cannot directly broadcast interviews with individuals without the interviewee's authorization. (Authorization is not required for pedestrians appearing in the background)

And Eris's tone on the phone was obviously wrong, to put it mildly, he was downright impolite.

With this kind of gray-area Big Brother, his tone was so unfriendly that he gave you a location and asked you to meet him.

Generally, at times like this, if you're not the protagonist, you can start preparing for the aftermath.

Big Brother has never thought of himself as a protagonist. He's very lucky, lucky enough to start a new life and get a system.

But he knows very well that he doesn't have superpowers, and he can't just blast through all the villains like the protagonists in Hollywood's individual heroism movies.

So, the most urgent task now is to stabilize Eris.

Quickly turning his mind, Big Brother thought for a moment and typed his reply.

"Mr. Eris, indeed, this situation caught me off guard, but please believe that I respect you and I wouldn't joke around with you over a mere $800.

As for ABC and similar TV stations, you are aware of their professionalism. They completely aired this opinion without informing me beforehand that the interview would be broadcast live."

"$800 isn't money? Is it your money? That's my money!"

Of course, Eris knows the nature of American media.

But knowing it is one thing, he chooses to squeeze the soft persimmons.

"Of course, Mr. Eris, but I think we still have room for cooperation. I've come up with a solution.

As I said, I have always respected you immensely. I will come to see you now, are you available?"

The premise of turning enemies into friends is that you have value to be accepted by the enemy.

But for someone like Eris, he won't just kill someone over $800.

He and Big Brother are not yet in an adversarial relationship.

Moreover, Big Brother can actually afford that $800, it's just a matter of time.

Relationships are developed in the process of dealing with each other.

He wants to try to make friends with Eris, the big shot of the West Coast.

"Right now!"

Annoyed, Eris put down his cigar and impatiently lowered his legs from the coffee table.

He called over one of his men who was playing games in the room and instructed him.

"When he leaves, you follow him in the car and see where he lives."

Just as Big Brother thought, Eris isn't really concerned about the $800.

When Eris said 'money', or what he really cares about, he actually refers to the value behind selling that controversial opinion.

There are always smart people in the world, and surely more than one smart head has thought of the same opinion as Big Brother's.

But at present, no 'weighty' smart head has connected abortion with America and the game of the opponents.

Eris's business revolves around the big shots of America, and he knows how much impact this opinion can have in the current top-level game of America.

That's why he's so concerned about Big Brother.

What makes him even more annoyed is that Big Brother has already spoken out this opinion!

And it has been seen by thousands of people.

Now it's too late to shut him up!

A golden opportunity that was once within reach has vanished in the blink of an eye.

If he doesn't handle the beginning and end of this matter properly, Eris fears he will lose the only opportunity in his life.

Lose the chance to bring his business into the inner circle of America's top eight.

Leaving the mountain city of the Balkans, crossing the ocean to America, and climbing up from the bottom has indeed been a long and tortuous road.

Eris no longer wants to climb slowly, but he simply cannot integrate into America's true core circle.

"Hey, did you understand?"

Putting away his complicated thoughts, Eris glared at his distracted subordinate.

Young people in America lack the spirit of dedication to the team and the cause, they just want to play games and slack off every day, and they have no initiative in their work, none of the hard work I had when I was young!

"I got it, I'll keep up with him and find out where he lives."

His subordinate's answer was casual, and Eris reluctantly nodded in satisfaction, indicating he could leave.

But instead of going out to the car to prepare for tracking, his subordinate walked straight to the computer.

He still wants to continue playing games?

"Get out and wait for me. The person you're going to follow will be here soon!"

If you can't beat them, join them, and Eris can't stand his subordinate's insubordination.

"Boss, give me five minutes. The opponent is really weak, I'll be done in a minute!"

American youngsters know how to resist capitalist exploitation.


"Sani, what did you just ask?"

After dealing with Eris's questioning, Big Brother remembered that Black Sister had just asked him a question.

The heavy pressure of the West Coast big shot made his expression slightly stiff.

Black Sister Sani had been standing by Big Brother's side, and she clearly saw the change in his expression just now.

Guessing that this Asian neighbor might have encountered some trouble, Sani asked with concern.

"What's going on? Chan?"

Not planning to tell Sani about his own experience, Big Brother found an excuse.

"A friend has run into some trouble, and I need to go see how he's doing."

Eris's rank is too high, and the pressure made him slightly rigid.

Black Sister Sani suddenly remembered her father, whose face was already blurry in her memory.

It was also an evening, when her father hurriedly put on his hat and left, never to return.