
"I am a homeless person in the United States

"I am a homeless person in the United States."

sckyh · Urban
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75 Chs

Chapter 44: Eris, I Need to Talk to You!

The night on Red Street was a hazy night.

Don't get it wrong, it's not romantic haze.

It's the kind of haze where Black Brother's uncontrollable influence makes you leave the world.

So dinner on Red Street always starts early.

Those giving out relief also want to finish their KPIs early and run away before it gets dark.

So Sani brought Chan to Red Street early, just to catch the feeding time.

"We had big shrimp pizza for lunch today, you missed out."

Black Sister rambled on ahead, chatting with Chan.

"But I only got the cheapest water, did you really hook up with a rich lady, Chan?"

Thinking of the three cases of VOSS she had never drunk, Black Sister's tone was a bit erratic.

"Never freeload, I want to be a Sigma man."

Chatting between friends is all about nonsense.

You say something, I say something.

If it hurts, apologize, then continue chatting.

"Sigma man? I only know little GG men. They say you Asians are all little GGs."

Affected by his upbringing, Sani's tiger and wolf words were truly unreserved, straightforward, and quite explosive.

"Tell me who it is, I'll send my reader friends to teach them a lesson!"

Chan wasn't angry; he wasn't a dog that got hit and needed to react strongly.

"I'm just fine with it. Little ones are cute, aren't they?"

Sani was gentle; her gentleness was more subtle and convoluted than Lisa's.

Lisa's gentleness was direct, making you feel it directly.

Sani's gentleness was subtle; she first gave you a wound, then gently bandaged it.

Chan wasn't interested in either of these two beauties; right now, he just wanted to shoot some interesting material and make fun videos with it.

Those who seek wealth thrive; those who seek love struggle.

Every day on the streets of America, there are different flower activities. As long as you shoot well, you can make videos.

Once you have a large following, you can make money no matter what you do, like selling fans, selling ad space, selling ads, and selling various American products.

"That yellow food truck, quick, let's go get in line."

Sani pointed excitedly at a yellow food truck, beckoning Chan to join her in lining up.

Chan looked curiously at the yellow food truck, feeling a strange sense of space-time illusion.

In his previous life, this yellow food truck was considered a top-notch treasure by the homeless on Red Street.

The lecturer even called it a rare monster.

A legendary encounter in the CyberNet universe.

The yellow food truck, no, the golden legend!

In the lecturer's videos, there was even a bookworm who waited for the yellow food truck to refresh every day.

That bookworm held a book, reciting it to the wall, just to wait for this dream car.

Today, Chan actually saw the story come to life, which brought him great anticipation.

"Line up properly, folks, please line up properly!"

A responsible black auntie organized the line, pushing back those who wanted to take shortcuts one by one. She was a volunteer at this food truck relief point.

"Is the food here really that good?"

Sani gave Chan a look; she thought her neighbor was sometimes very smart, sometimes not like a normal person at all.

"Just look at this line, what do you think?"

The length of the line was directly proportional to the quality of the food at the relief point?

Chan thought that sociology majors in China could write a thesis on this.

"You see, today seems to be meat soup, bread, and purified water."

Sani's reconnaissance revealed what today's golden legend was offering.

"I don't feel anything particularly special."

Chan truly didn't find these foods worth queuing up for an hour.

"It's not about how delicious it is, it's about the freshness. Many relief points may give out food, but it may not be fresh, or even expired."

Sani's explanation dispelled Chan's doubts.

He hadn't watched fewer lecturer's videos; the quality of food provided at relief points on the streets of America varied greatly.

As the sun gradually set, the line got shorter and shorter, and finally, it was Chan and Sani's turn.

"GOD bless you, can I have two bottles of water, please?"

Water is a necessity, so Chan naturally took it when he could.

As he spoke, he held up his phone, wanting to take a photo with the white lady serving food.

"Godblessyoutoo, ofcourseyoucan!"

The white lady serving food was also very cooperative, raising her hand and making a V sign towards the camera.

Not only that, she also directly gave Chan two bottles of water.

"Thank you, miss, you are generous!"

Chan smiled and thanked the kind-hearted lady.

But this white lady may have seen such a confident and enthusiastic Asian for the first time; she asked curiously.

"Where are you from?"

Faced with such a question, Chan naturally wouldn't be careless.

He spoke clearly, with a steady tone, sincerely answering without changing his expression.

"I'm from Japan! Thank you, miss, I'm Japanese!"

Chan even said it twice!

When begging, one must be a Japanese person.

Who made them like to say they were Chinese when they were doing bad things outside for decades?

The boomerang must be thrown back fiercely!

Sani actually liked walking behind Chan.

At this moment, she could watch him without him knowing.

She didn't think it was love; it was just that there were indeed many mysterious things about her neighbor.

Watching Chan's back, Sani had too many questions in her eyes.

Who are you?

How did someone like you become homeless?

Do you really like rich ladies?

"I think we need to find a place to eat first, or the soup will get cold later."

The Asian neighbor's words interrupted Sani's thoughts; Black Sister planned to eat by the river.

"Let's go to the riverside; there are many people there at night."

Evening in San Lorenzo is still beautiful.

The sunlight was no longer so bright, a faint darkness unique to the night spread, putting a filter on this huge city.

Under the filter, the poop disappeared, the trash on the ground was not so conspicuous, and the environment looked much better.

Chan placed the food on the railing by the river and ate bread dipped in meat soup.

"The taste is okay."

The golden legend is not in vain; it is not only warm but also tastes pretty good.

Equivalent to 0.8 Shaanxi snacks, 0.7 Henan hot pot level.

"You're eating it for the first time; if you eat it more, it's just okay. The main thing is that it's fresh. The scariest thing for us homeless people is not safety issues, but unclean food. Many times, in order to fill our stomachs, we have to eat food that's not fresh."

Black Sister's voice was a bit low.

Chan nodded silently.

California's welfare spending has never decreased; it has even been increasing year by year.

With so much budget, the food that ends up in the mouths of the homeless is ultimately pitifully small.

"Sani, can I ask you a question?"

Sani seemed to want to ask something.


A message came on the phone, from Eris, the neatly bearded organizer of the sign-holding group, the West Coast agent.

"Chan, your interview that day was broadcasted by the B***h-funded ABC live stream, it was broadcasted!

I remember we talked about it, that view was mine, remember?

Now I have to talk to you!"