
Novelas de linda carter eastenders - WebNovel


  • First Demonic Dragon

    Carter Williams was your typical twenty year old loser. After a fight in the street leaves him unconscious he wakes up in the body of a young dragon in an entirely new world. Armed with a system to assist him and two beautiful wives to support him, Carter vows never to live his life hiding in the dark again as he seeks the title of dragon king. - Additional tag : Yuri Discord link is : https://discord.gg/q68P5JPnNz

    AnathaShesha · Fantasía
  • Uma Linda Luna Após a Rejeição

    Cecily era uma garota magricela sem amigos. No entanto, como todas as outras garotas, ansiava por um amor verdadeiro. Ela sempre foi apaixonada por Roberto, filho do Alfa de sua Matilha. No entanto, no seu décimo oitavo aniversário, descobriu que Roberto era seu Companheiro! Antes que pudesse abraçá-lo em excitação, Roberto já havia lançado sua mão para longe como um pedaço de lixo. "Você não se tornará minha Companheira. Finja que nada aconteceu hoje. Vá embora e vigie sua boca. Não diga nada que não deva dizer!" Roberto olhava publicamente para a loira sexy e bonita Alison na formatura do ensino médio. A viagem de formatura mudou Cecily, tornando-a mais forte, mais confiante, mais vibrante, e mais bela e sexy. Além disso, Roberto, que a encontrou novamente no campus da faculdade, começou a persegui-la. "Você deve ser minha Luna. Viveremos juntos a partir de agora. Teremos muitos filhos. Eles serão saudáveis e inteligentes." Os olhos de Roberto estavam cheios de luxúria. A insistência de Roberto fez Cecily sentir nojo e náuseas! Como Cecily não podia se proteger de Roberto devido à diferença de força, Michael apareceu. "Suas ações o tornam indigno como um Alfa." Michael olhou para Roberto com desprezo. Na inauguração de Roberto como Alfa, Cecily não pôde mais tolerar sua insistência. "Eu, Cecily Levin, rejeito Roberto Paslo como meu companheiro." Quando Roberto estava furioso e com dor, querendo ferir Cecily, Michael apareceu novamente! "Cecily foi a Companheira arranjada pela Deusa da Lua para mim." Michael olhou para Cecily com ternura. "Quem quer que ouse tocá-la está desrespeitando a família real."

    JQK · Fantasía
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    The wedding day. A moment that most women treasured with but not with her. She was poisoned on her own wedding day; Nathalia Carter died full of hatred for her father and fiance. How could she accept that they murdered her? Nathalia gaped at Evette Carter, her step-sister, who was now laughing at her stupidity. Evette is one of the culprits behind her painful death. Demons. They are all demons. Nathalia thought in silence while she closed her eyes as consciousness abandoned her. With rage and tears, Nathalia cursed them and promised to take revenge if given a chance to survive. Suddenly, God hears her prayer and gives her a second chance, and she is allowed to come back to seek revenge. This time, she will not be so naive. She becomes fiercer and eager to bring justice to her own death. She would make sure they got what they deserved in this life. Revenge. Torture. Take everything they had. Make them suffer ten times worse than what they did to her. Along the way, her life changed when she met the notorious playboy- Spencer Davidson. He aims to take her as his woman and help her to fulfill her desire to take revenge. Love, Revenge, and Mystery played along the way. Giving her the most challenging part as she journeyed through her new life. Cover Created by: Weilan Wanna know more about the story, follow me on Instagram: annashannellin

    AnnaShannel_Lin · Ciudad
  • To love William Carter

    Warning: Mature content, dark themes Status: Complete It all started one perfect night at the coast of the Mediterranean sea. I was standing on a beach with my feet laved in warm golden sand and my eyes fixed on the crushing waves. That is when trouble decided to walk by in a form of a handsome face with sandy blonde hair and dazzling enthralling killer smile. One look into his ocean blue eyes and I knew I wanted him as mine. And with just a touch of his lips on mine I was in love. But he belongs to her, my sister. You can call me the villain. I saw him first and he is mine to claim. I love him but he loves her. But my heart wants what is wants and that’s William Carter. When Adeline Pierce's Sister, Brittany introduce her fiancé to Adeline. Adeline had the shock of her life. Her sister’s fiancé, William Carter was the man that kissed Adeline two years ago on a beach and she is very much in love with him. Adeline vowed to make William hers at all cost. But two things stands in her way. Her sister, Brittany and her therapist Dr. Chris Owens who has sexy tattoos and a handsome face that she can't resist But William Carter has a malicious reasons for marrying Adeline's sister. He is seeking revenge. Will Adeline still go after William Carter her sister’s fiancé or would she surrender her heart to Dr. Chris Owens, her therapist ?

    Debbie_Asan · Ciudad
  • Matrimonio de Contrato: El Novio Sustituto

    Unos minutos antes de su boda, Jeslyn descubrió que su futuro esposo solo estaba interesado en los beneficios que obtendría a través del matrimonio con ella. Desconsolada y sintiéndose traicionada, optó por la única opción disponible en ese momento, que era casarse con cualquier hombre que pudiera encontrar en un matrimonio de conveniencia, de lo contrario la fortuna de su familia terminaría en manos de sus enemigos. —Señor, por favor, ¿se casará conmigo?— le preguntó. Era un hombre que había visto entrar al baño del lugar de la boda. —Debe ser uno de los invitados—, pensó. Maverick se sorprendió por esa propuesta. Vio cómo ella se asustaba al girar la cabeza hacia él. Era obvio que tenía miedo de él, pero se compuso y se preparó para sumergirse en el misterio que tenía delante. —Será un matrimonio de conveniencia. Nos divorciaremos después de un año—, escuchó decir a Jeslyn. También necesitaba una mujer para su hijo travieso, por lo que respondió: —Trato hecho.— Sin saberlo, acababa de hacer un trato con el diablo más dulce que podría existir. ... Él es la pesadilla del país M, un lugar donde el mal gobierna. Ella es la pequeña conejita criada con amor y cariño. ¿Lastimar a una mosca? No, ella nunca había hecho eso antes. Sin embargo, obligada a convertirse en la esposa del demonio, no tuvo más remedio que dejar de fingir. ¿Pequeña conejita? ¿Quién dijo que no podía pisotear los dedos de un pianista con sus tacones y fingir que no lo hizo a propósito? ¡Ja, esas celebridades quieren jugar la carta de la pena! ¿Quieren conseguir la simpatía del público? Bueno, ¿por qué la llaman "pequeña conejita"? ¿No es porque era la mejor fingiendo ser linda? ¿Acaso nadie les dijo a estas flores blancas que quieren sumergirse en la cama de su esposo que ella le robó su alma cuando le dio nalgadas a su hijo travieso?

    Hassy_101 · Ciudad
  • Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-Wife

    [COMPLETED] Phoenix’ husband of five long years, Ace Carter Greyson, demanded divorce on the night of their fifth wedding anniversary simply because she can't bear a son. She begged him to stay but his firm decision was unbendable so she finally let him go. Her life was even more shattered after she discovered his long time affair with his secretary, and now, the mistress was pregnant. Just months after their divorce he married the impregnated secretary. Phoenix's world suddenly turns upside down when she discovers she's four months pregnant.

    ruffatorres · Ciudad
  • Ex-Esposa Embarazada del Sr. Director Ejecutivo

    Ace Carter Greyson, su esposo de cinco largos años, exigió el divorcio en la noche de su quinto aniversario de bodas. —¿Razón? Simplemente porque no puede darle un hijo.— Fénix le rogó que se quedara, pero su firme decisión era inflexible, así que finalmente lo dejó ir. Su vida se destrozó aún más después de descubrir su relación clandestina de largo tiempo con su secretaria, —y ahora, la amante estaba embarazada.— Solo meses después de su divorcio, él se casó con la secretaria embarazada. —El mundo de Fénix se pone repentinamente patas arriba cuando descubre que está embarazada de cuatro meses.

    ruffatorres · Ciudad
  • Ex-Esposa Grávida do Sr. CEO

    Ace Carter Greyson, seu marido de cinco longos anos, exigiu o divórcio na noite do quinto aniversário de casamento deles. O motivo? Simplesmente porque ela não pode ter um filho. Phoenix implorou para ele ficar, mas sua decisão firme era inabalável, então ela finalmente o deixou ir. Sua vida ficou ainda mais despedaçada depois que descobriu o caso de longa data dele com a secretária e agora, a amante estava grávida. Apenas alguns meses após o divórcio, ele se casou com a secretária grávida. O mundo de Phoenix vira de cabeça para baixo de repente quando ela descobre que está grávida de quatro meses. *** Confira A obsessão secreta do Sr. Ceo!

    ruffatorres · Ciudad
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  • A Royal Obligation

    In a realm of four kingdoms... Two kingdoms were close to war, Prince Eirik, the fourth prince of Valeidio, a Ferre with a beauty that could rival the gods, was thrust into a marriage alliance with Prince Kaelix, the strong and proud heir of Zephyros. Both princes where determined to fight against the fate forced on them. But as they clash in a battle of wills, the lines between duty and desire begin to blur. Will they find a way to accept each other, or will their resistance tear them apart? Will their hearts ever align, or are they destined to remain enemies bound by their obligation? The answers lie within the chapters, but be warned: once you start, you might not be able to stop until the last secret is revealed. in *A Royal Obligation* somethings are not as it seems. ------------ Excerpt: Eirik's breath slowed, his heart beating a steady rhythm as he grasped the delicate fabric of his veil. He could feel the tension building in the room, thickening the air as every eye fixed upon him. Even before the veil was lifted, he was aware of the whispers circulating through the hall. Curiosity, skepticism, and a hint of malice swirled in the minds of those present, none more so than in Prince Kaelix, whose demand had set this spectacle into motion. As the veil began to slip from his fingers, Eirik's mind was a flurry of thoughts. *This isn't about me,* he reminded himself. *This is about the alliance, about Valeidio, about preventing war.* His resolve solidified, and he let the veil fall, revealing his face to the entire court. The collective gasp that followed was almost audible. Silence descended upon the hall like a heavy curtain, as if time itself had stopped. The musicians halted their playing, the dancers froze in mid-step, and the servants, previously bustling around the room, stood motionless, their eyes wide in shock. For a long moment, nobody moved. Even the ever-composed Prince Kaelix found himself momentarily speechless. ----------- Warning! THIS BOOK CONTAIN N.C SCENE! THIS IS THE ONLY WARNING YOU WILL GET FROM THIS AUTHOR, ANY CHAPTER COULD BE AN ADULT SCENE! HAHA

    Linda_Wilyuhm · LGBT+
  • From a Beggar to a Bastard

    Elian, a beggar with nothing to lose, dies tragically only to awaken in the body of a despised bastard son of a Grand Duke in the ruthless Arcanoria Empire. As he navigates this dangerous new world, Elian's quest for survival becomes a burning desire for revenge against those who wronged him and his new identity. But when he crosses paths with Izan, the enigmatic crown prince hiding his own dark secrets, a forbidden love blossoms, one that could destroy them both. But will they conquer their fate, or will the empire crush their love before it even begins? The answers lie within the chapters, but be warned: once you start, you might not be able to stop until the last secret is revealed. ----------- Warning! THIS BOOK CONTAINS N.C SCENE & A BIT OF DARK VIBES! THIS IS THE ONLY WARNING YOU WILL GET FROM THIS AUTHOR, ANY CHAPTER COULD BE AN ADULT SCENE OR DARK ACT... BE WARNED!

    Linda_Wilyuhm · LGBT+
  • L'ex-femme enceinte de M. Ceo

    Ace Carter Greyson, son mari depuis cinq longues années, a demandé le divorce la nuit de leur cinquième anniversaire de mariage. La raison ? Tout simplement parce qu'elle ne peut pas avoir de fils. Phoenix l'a supplié de rester mais sa décision ferme était inébranlable alors elle a finalement accepté de le laisser partir. Sa vie a été encore plus détruite après qu'elle a découvert sa longue liaison avec sa secrétaire, et maintenant, la maîtresse était enceinte. Quelques mois après leur divorce, il a épousé la secrétaire enceinte. Le monde de Phoenix bascule soudainement lorsqu'elle découvre qu'elle est enceinte de quatre mois.

    ruffatorres · Ciudad
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  • Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

    Aria and Ivy are twin sisters whose father has gone missing for three years. They have left no stone unturned to find him, but all in vain. In an unusual encounter, a business tycoon, Noah Allen Carter, falls in love with Aria. Meanwhile, Ivy approaches Joshua Martin, who is a friend of Noah, to help find her father and in the process falls for his charms. What happens when the sisters find that the people they love are the ones behind their misery? ............................................................................................ "Ivy, sweetheart. Please come back. I love you." Joshua cried holding her hand. However, there was no response from her. "Ivy, please say something. Don't be like this." Joshua kissed her hand, but Ivy had long made up her mind. Only a miracle could make her come back to him. ............................................................................................ "I hate you, Noah," she shouted. "I love you, Aria," he replied, pulling her towards him. "No, you don't." "Yes, I do. Falling in love with you is the best thing that ever happened to me. I will always love you; today and forever." ............................................................................................ Readers can join my discord server to know more about the book. Discord: https://discord.gg/rPCgMp9MCH Disclaimer: The cover picture does not belong to me. Editing is under progress.

    prada_murthy · Ciudad
  • The Magician of Sound

    After the strange phenomenon in the 21st century where animals became Magical Beasts and overturned civilization, humanity was graced by another power called Magic. Controlling Fire? Summoning lightning? Or even manipulating the air?—Children of the next generation started having the ability to control elements. Thus, people called them Magicians. However, how about the sound? Enhancing Broadcast System? Hearing Aids Magic? Humanity has yet to find a good usage of Sound Magician until Kai Carter is born. He, who was born with Extraordinary Hearing, only wants to have a peaceful life. However, the world does not let him so as troubles keep coming into his life. Follow Kai as he uses his extraordinary hearing to give birth to many unique Sound Magics to protect his family and have a peaceful life. -------- Other Works: 1. I Can Read People's Comments 2. Oil Tycoon: Let's Find Oil in a Martial World 3. God of Tricksters (Completed) 4. Gacha Sovereign (Completed) 5. Reincarnated to Bonk in Another World (Completed) -------- Discord: https://discord.gg/yFvfjxRQag

    Fixten · Ciencia y ficción
  • Our Accidental Forever

    I never expected my life to take such a drastic turn. One moment, I was a woman with dreams, in love with a man I thought I’d spend my life with. The next, I was betrayed, heartbroken, and lost, when I walked in on the said man cheating impenitently. That night, drowning in heartbreak and alcohol, I made a mistake, a mistake that led to a one-night stand with a stranger who turned out to be my new boss. Arec, the vice president of Denco Groups, needed a wife to secure his future as CEO, and in a twist of fate, he offered me a contract marriage. I never imagined agreeing to something so absurd, but his desperation matched my need to escape my own misery. It was supposed to be just business, no emotions, no strings attached. I believed I could handle it, that I could keep my heart out of it. I was wrong. What started as a business deal quickly spiraled into something much more complicated. And when the line between our fake marriage and real feelings began to blur. Disapproving grandmother, old enemies, buried secrets, scheming rivals, and even an attempt on my life, threatened to tear us apart. This is my journey, a tale of heartbreak, unexpected love, and a fight against the odds to protect the life we built. In a world full of lies and deceit, can a marriage born out of necessity turn into our forever? The answers lie within the chapters, but be warned: once you start, you might not be able to stop until the last secret is revealed. ----------- Warning! THIS STORY CONTAINS N.C SCENE!

    Linda_Wilyuhm · Ciudad
  • Mister Night

    [Warning Mature Content] -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Atalia Carter a foreigner in the country of South Korea studying law at the University of Korea carries the burden of her family's hopes and dreams. For the past 4 years she has been indebted to her studies. Her best friend Harin a cute but sassy girl Korean girl always tries to get her to go out. Her attempts usually fail until one night Atalia said yes. Harin warned her about Shiwoo but her warning fell on deaf ears as Atalia laid eyes on him. She fell for him despite her efforts not to and she ending up sleeping with him after a drunk night out. To her disappointment Shiwoo was upset that he was her first and didn't want the responsibility for he had only set out with the intention just to play with her sweet chocolate body. Or so she thought....... She got pregnant with twins after that one night but never told him due to her petty ways and fair of being rejected. She graduated and lost contact with Harin for the relationship had become strain due to her history with the said play boy Shiwoo. 3 years later Atalia had found her self to be the CEO and self made millionaire of the infamoust Law firm that was popularly known for its ruthless lawyer. She had found herself with the biggest case of her life to represent the son of a billionaire CEOs son court but what she and the world doesn't know is that Kim's incorporated is just a show to distract the world as to what really happens behind the closed doors of the Kim house. Things are never as easy as they seem. The client turns out to be her Shiwoo of the past but also not her Shiwoo of the past. He was the same yet different. He was dangerous and deep in the Illegal trade, gun violence and the Mafia? Was Shiwoo's sudden appearance all a plan or was it just fate? Can they both handle things as adults without opening new wounds? Will she tell him of his kids and will old flames reignite? Will being together put not only Atalia's but her kids' lives in danger? Will all of this be too much for poor Atalia to handle? Will the kids accept their father with open arms and will Atalia finally get the happy ending which she had always dreamed of and deserves? ==================================== Find out in the chapters of Mister Night. The truth and mystery will be unraveled with every turn of the page *NB* Part 1- College senior Part 2- Single mother Part 3- All together All work of fiction. Any real life events and people resemblance are all of pure coincidence. Leave comments and give feedback if you like. You can also follow me on ig. Ig and discord are both on my profile. Thank you for giving my story a chance and happy reading. •||☆1st book of this series☆||•

    Ceandra_Jackson · Fantasía
  • A Proposal From The Aloof President

    If only Anna had known better, she wouldn’t have accepted the help of the handsome stranger she met at the Airport. --- Anna Carter Lee, a professional national lawn tennis player was forced into retirement after losing her sight in a car accident two years back. Left heartbroken after discovering that her boyfriend and her best friend might be cheating on her, she secretly travels to Vancouver for eye surgery where she meets, Roy Kim, President of a global tech company on her return home after recovering her sight. Driven by the need to be announced to the world in other to regain her past glory and get revenge on those who betrayed her, she accepts the President’s proposal. But President Kim has one clear rule. “In whatever you do, do not fall for me.” But what happens when Anna suddenly starts finding Roy’s charm desirable? Will she be able to resist the temptation of climbing into his bed? What happens when Roy’s girlfriend shows up to take her place? Will Anna fight for what she truly wants or will she give it up because she came in as a replacement in the first place? Most importantly, who will Roy choose to be with?

    Paschalinelily · Ciudad
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