
Review Detail of VamPyr00 in HP: What would you do if you were Snape in his time at Hogwarts?

Detalle de revisión


So the author has dropped this story already but I am still posting a review just for my own sake so that I won't reread it again. Writing Quality gets 2 stars because the translation has several errors and most importantly the author drags out EVERYTHING and makes a single conversation, letter, or inner monologue take like 5 chapters for no apparent reason. In fact, the inner monologue of the MC at the very beginning of the story takes like 4 chapters of repeating himself over and over before he does ANYTHING. Stability of Updates is 1 star since it was dropped. Story Development is 2 stars because it is horrendously SLOW due to the constant repeating thoughts and dialogue. Also, the story is taken up mostly by a completely OC environment at Salem Witches Institute that is basically just there to raise the MC's prestige in Potions and give him more OC love interests. Character Design is 2 stars because after Snape's soul merges with the Benedict guy he becomes an idiot who is constantly making mistakes that the original wouldn't have made, not to mention he is a simp/beta for literally any girl he talks to. World Background is 3 stars since MOST of it is correct, bar a few important errors. Unfortunately, the world mostly expands into the OC world of SWI so it is kind of boring IMO. Overall, I give it 2 stars and frankly don't recommend anyone reading this unless you are very good at skimming and picking out key points in massive walls of text. The writing style is such that even after picking out the key points, you will find the next 4 walls of text have the SAME key points and thus keep having to skip more and more of the story, losing details along the way. It is mind numbing and almost impossible to experience immersion while reading. The idea isn't bad at all, it is merely poorly executed.

HP: What would you do if you were Snape in his time at Hogwarts?


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