


I just want to read about a MC that isn't dumb, isn't a simp, and is SLIGHTLY overpowered all in a book with as little grammatical errors as possible. Is this too much to ask?

2021-05-24 Se unióUnited States

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  • VamPyr00
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    This would absolutely destroy a poor virgin...it might end in murder.

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  • VamPyr00
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  • VamPyr00
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    *Corporeal Patronus

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  • VamPyr00
    respondió a Metalloid
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  • VamPyr00
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    I thought that only Narcissa knew about his second Lordship? Why would he suddenly tell Lily of all people?! She is dating his enemy for Merlin's sake.

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  • VamPyr00
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    It might be irrelevant but...just think about what Tom Riddle will think about this. He has probably never had anyone under him as efficient as Narcissa. Just sent the order out yesterday to get close to him and they start dating the next day! That's impressive!

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  • VamPyr00
    respondió a manny0101

    I agree that MOST of the time it would be extremely creepy to do that, but we are talking about 2 Slytherins here. Severus is playing on the fact that HE knows, that Narcissa knows, that SHE is a bombshell and she is proud of it. He is basically throwing her pride as an 'Ice Queen' and beauty right back in her face and mocking her for it. It somewhat works in this instance, given the self and family pride and arrogance of such a girl like Narcissa. To some random girl though, it would definitely be creepy and would most probably get you slapped.

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  • VamPyr00
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    Thank god! I was sweating bullets over here, hoping that wouldn't happen like it almost ALWAYS does.

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  • VamPyr00
    respondió a _Arthas_

    I believe it is most popularly called a Phylactery.

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  • VamPyr00
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    *This one was more deadly and dangerous.*

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  • VamPyr00
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    So the author has dropped this story already but I am still posting a review just for my own sake so that I won't reread it again. Writing Quality gets 2 stars because the translation has several errors and most importantly the author drags out EVERYTHING and makes a single conversation, letter, or inner monologue take like 5 chapters for no apparent reason. In fact, the inner monologue of the MC at the very beginning of the story takes like 4 chapters of repeating himself over and over before he does ANYTHING. Stability of Updates is 1 star since it was dropped. Story Development is 2 stars because it is horrendously SLOW due to the constant repeating thoughts and dialogue. Also, the story is taken up mostly by a completely OC environment at Salem Witches Institute that is basically just there to raise the MC's prestige in Potions and give him more OC love interests. Character Design is 2 stars because after Snape's soul merges with the Benedict guy he becomes an idiot who is constantly making mistakes that the original wouldn't have made, not to mention he is a simp/beta for literally any girl he talks to. World Background is 3 stars since MOST of it is correct, bar a few important errors. Unfortunately, the world mostly expands into the OC world of SWI so it is kind of boring IMO. Overall, I give it 2 stars and frankly don't recommend anyone reading this unless you are very good at skimming and picking out key points in massive walls of text. The writing style is such that even after picking out the key points, you will find the next 4 walls of text have the SAME key points and thus keep having to skip more and more of the story, losing details along the way. It is mind numbing and almost impossible to experience immersion while reading. The idea isn't bad at all, it is merely poorly executed.

    HP: What would you do if you were Snape in his time at Hogwarts?
    Película · Shadow7Blue
  • VamPyr00
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    Severus could only laugh as he understood a little of what the Dean meant, he knew that his mother was very disorganized, she never remembered things and lived in her own world, those were some of the things that his father kept complaining about, unlike his mother, his father was very organized and liked everything to be done in a specific way, Severus was never going to understand how she married that man, they were so different.
    HP: What would you do if you were Snape in his time at Hogwarts?
    Película · Shadow7Blue
  • VamPyr00
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    Why is he so dumb after the merger? There is no way the original Snape would have made all these stupid mistakes in these conversations.

    When Severus heard her ask that question he understood his mistake in answering so simply about the pensieve, any normal wizard would not have said such a magical object as they are rare and not usually talked about much even in textbooks, so it was strange that he would think of this as a first choice.
    HP: What would you do if you were Snape in his time at Hogwarts?
    Película · Shadow7Blue
  • VamPyr00
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    Should be *SCoF (the school of flying)* according to the other ones.

    "SWI is separated into a total of 7 colleges: SCoA(the school of Alchemy) - SCoT(the school of transfiguration) - SCoE(the school of enchantments) - SCoH(the school of herbology) - SCoV(the school of Flying) - SCoD(the school of defense) - SCoP (the school of potions)"
    HP: What would you do if you were Snape in his time at Hogwarts?
    Película · Shadow7Blue
  • VamPyr00
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    OCs...OCs Everywhere.

    Luckily for Severus, the young wizard didn't seem to insist anymore and let them continue on their way without saying anything else.
    HP: What would you do if you were Snape in his time at Hogwarts?
    Película · Shadow7Blue
  • VamPyr00
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    1700,007 knuts
    HP: What would you do if you were Snape in his time at Hogwarts?
    Película · Shadow7Blue
  • VamPyr00
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    570,000 gallons
    HP: What would you do if you were Snape in his time at Hogwarts?
    Película · Shadow7Blue
  • VamPyr00
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    The elf took three steps back.
    HP: What would you do if you were Snape in his time at Hogwarts?
    Película · Shadow7Blue
  • VamPyr00
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    Why had MC become a pushover all of a sudden? Is he simping for Lily AND Hermione? Wait...he was awfully nice to Narcissa too. Will he just be a total beta?

    "Okay, okay, okay, don't look at me like that Hermione, it may have been an unnecessary comment and maybe I went a little overboard, my mistake, now then you seem to give our word that we will honor this deal and that it will not be divulged to other wizards about it."
    HP: What would you do if you were Snape in his time at Hogwarts?
    Película · Shadow7Blue
  • VamPyr00
    respondió a dragonNEET2567

    No, it is Snape speaking that sentence, not Hermione. *But I better* is already correct there. The entire paragraph needs work really but the specific part you pointed out isn't wrong to begin with.

    "Unless you use methods less ... Cough well ... less conventional ones to get the location of the ring" scoffed Snape and also laughed a little seeing the nervousness barely present in Hermione when he said that "But I better not, I have no intentions of doing such things, too much work and time I don't have at the moment."
    HP: What would you do if you were Snape in his time at Hogwarts?
    Película · Shadow7Blue