
Review Detail of MonarchOfSilence in Dimensional Descent

Detalle de revisión


I read until chap 23 with high expectations considering that one of my first novels was Reaper of the Martial World, that sadly I dropped at around 400 chaps for overly complicating things. I was like, the author must have accumulated his fair share of experience all this considered. While this novel is good, the MC's character and drive or better said lack of make it hard to read. many would say character development, I would say the author over complicating things, you either man up or die, oh he is alive because of his really good ability aka Plot Armor not because he is tough. If you ask me for this kind of world an anti-hero is the best, him? Well he has 0 plans just going along following the female lead that, incredibly is more manly than he is, like a dog in love. Idk why I hoped for something worth reading, I mean the more you hope the bigger the dissapointment.

Dimensional Descent


Le gusta a personas 118

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how is dimensional decent now?

Daoist_Supreme:really hard to come up with one, but it reminds me of second coming of gluttony the way the mc has to overcome himself in the beginning. People love that novel but seem to hate this one for some reason. The only difference imo is tha scog's mc deals with more mature problems while dd's mc deals with more immature ones.... which makes sense considering their difference in age!!! Sorry, though, since scog is so popular, I'm sure you've probably read it before

For those interested in a different perspective rather than seeking validation for an opinion they've already decided on: I rarely comment or review anything, but when I caught sight of this... Well, here goes. This is the first time I've heard that a particular story can only work with one kind of mc. If you like anti heroes, then look for stories with anti hero tags. I'm well aware of how that sounds. The whole 'if you don't like it, don't read it' response is flawed, I know. That said, I believe it's warranted here because all this person of supposed 'Silence' complains about is characterization, yet 'Silence' gives this novel 3 stars when character is only one aspect of the rating system. Such a person doesn't really deserve the benefit of the doubt. However... even ignoring this, I can still rebut their points. Leonel grew up in proper society, just like you or me. He wasn't a trained soldier nor did he suffer hardships growing up. Saying that he should just 'man up' borders on ridiculous. He's an 18 yo kid with hardly any direction in life, just like anyone else at that age. But I'm sure that when you were 18, you had the next 20 years of your life planned out, could ignore women you like with a steel heart, and enter a warzone and kill without blinking /sarcasm. You think it's normal for MC's to react in the perfect way every time because those are just all the novels you've read. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing about human psychology says that that should be true. What you're effectively complaining about is realistic characterization. Lastly, the point about following the fmc around like a dog is also stupid. Your words seem to imply that Leonel had been constantly rejected but kept persisting while bending to her every whim. That's not what happened. In fact, the second main internal conflict Leonel has in the entire story is trying to reconcile his hate of killing with the fact the girl he likes kills without blinking an eye. After realizing that, Leonel became cold and distant toward Aina and even treated her just like everyone else for a period of time. To take that and spin it like he was following her around like a dog just goes to show you're inserting your own narrative into a story where it's not needed. Ultimately, I think this is just an immature take on a great story. People are more fueled by hate than love, so it's not a surprise that this would be the top liked review. I'm just sad about how many people will turn away from this novel because of this.


You see, reviews tend to be either subjective or objective, mine is more inclined to a subjective one and I don t see anything wrong with it. After spending around 2-3 years on this site I got feed up with Righteous/Hero type mcs, my review shows it, if others agree that this story would have been way better with a more cold and indifferent MC I have nothing to say. I don't twist facts btw, Leon acted like a dog in heat, but everyone sees it how they want.

Daoist_Supreme:For those interested in a different perspective rather than seeking validation for an opinion they've already decided on: I rarely comment or review anything, but when I caught sight of this... Well, here goes. This is the first time I've heard that a particular story can only work with one kind of mc. If you like anti heroes, then look for stories with anti hero tags. I'm well aware of how that sounds. The whole 'if you don't like it, don't read it' response is flawed, I know. That said, I believe it's warranted here because all this person of supposed 'Silence' complains about is characterization, yet 'Silence' gives this novel 3 stars when character is only one aspect of the rating system. Such a person doesn't really deserve the benefit of the doubt. However... even ignoring this, I can still rebut their points. Leonel grew up in proper society, just like you or me. He wasn't a trained soldier nor did he suffer hardships growing up. Saying that he should just 'man up' borders on ridiculous. He's an 18 yo kid with hardly any direction in life, just like anyone else at that age. But I'm sure that when you were 18, you had the next 20 years of your life planned out, could ignore women you like with a steel heart, and enter a warzone and kill without blinking /sarcasm. You think it's normal for MC's to react in the perfect way every time because those are just all the novels you've read. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing about human psychology says that that should be true. What you're effectively complaining about is realistic characterization. Lastly, the point about following the fmc around like a dog is also stupid. Your words seem to imply that Leonel had been constantly rejected but kept persisting while bending to her every whim. That's not what happened. In fact, the second main internal conflict Leonel has in the entire story is trying to reconcile his hate of killing with the fact the girl he likes kills without blinking an eye. After realizing that, Leonel became cold and distant toward Aina and even treated her just like everyone else for a period of time. To take that and spin it like he was following her around like a dog just goes to show you're inserting your own narrative into a story where it's not needed. Ultimately, I think this is just an immature take on a great story. People are more fueled by hate than love, so it's not a surprise that this would be the top liked review. I'm just sad about how many people will turn away from this novel because of this.

Like I said before, if you're fed up with righteous heroes, read anti hero tags. #Righteous is literally one of the tags of this novel. Don't you think it's ridiculous to read it anyway then complain about it? Also, the trend in the webnovel community has already been tending toward anti hero for a long time already. The MC who cares about nothing else but his own goals and people is literally everywhere. I for one am the opposite of you and got tired of reading about heartless MC's. If you really wanted to read something like that, even this author has written MC's more like that in the past. Beyon that, while I gave an example of why Leonel wasn't acting like a 'dog', your only response was: 'no he definitely was acting like a dog'. Why? Because he confessed a lot of times? You're acting like he got on his knees and swore to die unless she accepted him. Most of Leonel's dark thoughts in the beginning of the story were related to killing, or rather his unwillingness to kill. Aina was just a catalyst that made it all worse. It had little to do with her from the beginning. Also, if you had paid a little more attention you would know that if it wasn't because of Aina sweeping clear the other Invalids while Leonel was taking on the A-grade Invalids before they entered the Zone together, Leonel might have died. A person acting like a dog implies that the person they want cares little for them, which is clearly not the case. If you really read to chapter 23 as you said, you should know this. Nothing I've mentioned is outside of what you've read. Your review is just inaccurate.

MonarchOfSilence:You see, reviews tend to be either subjective or objective, mine is more inclined to a subjective one and I don t see anything wrong with it. After spending around 2-3 years on this site I got feed up with Righteous/Hero type mcs, my review shows it, if others agree that this story would have been way better with a more cold and indifferent MC I have nothing to say. I don't twist facts btw, Leon acted like a dog in heat, but everyone sees it how they want.

you made great point about MC being realistic, personally i find this novel one of best so far. Tired of murder-hobos or unbelievably special MCs. But MonarchOfSilence's comment has its merits too. while mc realistic, Aina seems unrealistic. Aina acts as if MCs from one of those wish-fulfillment novels. At the chapter where she showed resources and MC like cold-blood i decided to drop, personally. It feels like Sakura from Naturo or Skyler from Breaking Bad but previliged one.

Daoist_Supreme:For those interested in a different perspective rather than seeking validation for an opinion they've already decided on: I rarely comment or review anything, but when I caught sight of this... Well, here goes. This is the first time I've heard that a particular story can only work with one kind of mc. If you like anti heroes, then look for stories with anti hero tags. I'm well aware of how that sounds. The whole 'if you don't like it, don't read it' response is flawed, I know. That said, I believe it's warranted here because all this person of supposed 'Silence' complains about is characterization, yet 'Silence' gives this novel 3 stars when character is only one aspect of the rating system. Such a person doesn't really deserve the benefit of the doubt. However... even ignoring this, I can still rebut their points. Leonel grew up in proper society, just like you or me. He wasn't a trained soldier nor did he suffer hardships growing up. Saying that he should just 'man up' borders on ridiculous. He's an 18 yo kid with hardly any direction in life, just like anyone else at that age. But I'm sure that when you were 18, you had the next 20 years of your life planned out, could ignore women you like with a steel heart, and enter a warzone and kill without blinking /sarcasm. You think it's normal for MC's to react in the perfect way every time because those are just all the novels you've read. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing about human psychology says that that should be true. What you're effectively complaining about is realistic characterization. Lastly, the point about following the fmc around like a dog is also stupid. Your words seem to imply that Leonel had been constantly rejected but kept persisting while bending to her every whim. That's not what happened. In fact, the second main internal conflict Leonel has in the entire story is trying to reconcile his hate of killing with the fact the girl he likes kills without blinking an eye. After realizing that, Leonel became cold and distant toward Aina and even treated her just like everyone else for a period of time. To take that and spin it like he was following her around like a dog just goes to show you're inserting your own narrative into a story where it's not needed. Ultimately, I think this is just an immature take on a great story. People are more fueled by hate than love, so it's not a surprise that this would be the top liked review. I'm just sad about how many people will turn away from this novel because of this.

Sakura never loved Naruto, while there are plenty of hints that Aina actually has feelings for Leonel -- especially after they survived the fort incident together. The reason Aina is distance from Leonel is explained the moment she speaks on her family background. She doesn't even show her true face, how could she so easily accept the MC's love? Especially when from what she knew about Leonel, he was just a normal high school kid. Compared to her who knew what would become of the real world, he was too naive and simply not ready to enter her world. This is part of the reason she decides to kill Conrad in the cruelest way possible in front of Leonel so that he could see they came from two different worlds. Your comparison doesn't make much sense. As for breaking bad, I never finished it so I can't comment on whether that is true or not

batuhan:you made great point about MC being realistic, personally i find this novel one of best so far. Tired of murder-hobos or unbelievably special MCs. But MonarchOfSilence's comment has its merits too. while mc realistic, Aina seems unrealistic. Aina acts as if MCs from one of those wish-fulfillment novels. At the chapter where she showed resources and MC like cold-blood i decided to drop, personally. It feels like Sakura from Naturo or Skyler from Breaking Bad but previliged one.

we are not talking about same things tho.

Daoist_Supreme:Sakura never loved Naruto, while there are plenty of hints that Aina actually has feelings for Leonel -- especially after they survived the fort incident together. The reason Aina is distance from Leonel is explained the moment she speaks on her family background. She doesn't even show her true face, how could she so easily accept the MC's love? Especially when from what she knew about Leonel, he was just a normal high school kid. Compared to her who knew what would become of the real world, he was too naive and simply not ready to enter her world. This is part of the reason she decides to kill Conrad in the cruelest way possible in front of Leonel so that he could see they came from two different worlds. Your comparison doesn't make much sense. As for breaking bad, I never finished it so I can't comment on whether that is true or not

What do you mean? Aren't we both talking about Aina?

batuhan:we are not talking about same things tho.

yeah but i am talking about how Aina is a character like a webnovel MC, while MC is realistic character. I give sakura and skyler example because of how irritating Aina was. Thats because I said other user's comment has its merits. I don't know about further chapters tho. I don't care, i dropped the moment novel lost its' uniqueness. I don't give a penny for a Aina from 140. chapter, its irrevelant.

Daoist_Supreme:What do you mean? Aren't we both talking about Aina?

I didn't say anything about further chapters. Even when rebutting the other user, I only mentioned things from chapters he read too, so I dunno why you went on that rant. That aside, Sakura is a useless character. Comparing her to Aina is ridiculous. Aina is 'annoying' to you because she is an existence independent of the mc. She doesn't need Leonel and even tries to maintain her distance from him in the beginning. Sakura is quite literally the exact opposite. She does nothing but rely on Naruto all whilie loving another man. Comparing them makes no sense. You're free to drop a novel if you feel like. It's your loss, especially since waiting until chater 140 is completely unecessary. The relationship between Leonel and Aina is already better by around chapter 30. If you couldn't even read that far, I dunno what to tell you. That only means your tolerance is especially low

batuhan:yeah but i am talking about how Aina is a character like a webnovel MC, while MC is realistic character. I give sakura and skyler example because of how irritating Aina was. Thats because I said other user's comment has its merits. I don't know about further chapters tho. I don't care, i dropped the moment novel lost its' uniqueness. I don't give a penny for a Aina from 140. chapter, its irrevelant.

we are still talking about different aspects. is it because my english writing skills are insignificant? I talked about further chapters because i didn't want to read a comment like: "it will change later, everything is gonna explained". I didn't mean Aina was useless or anything. I am talking about how Aina so much MC-like character, while MC himself is so realistic, she offsets whole realistic theme that author build. She is so alien to novel that I read so far. She is not useless like Sakura or irritating like Skyler but she has same vibe as both. Thats what I mean. I hope to be understood :/

Daoist_Supreme:I didn't say anything about further chapters. Even when rebutting the other user, I only mentioned things from chapters he read too, so I dunno why you went on that rant. That aside, Sakura is a useless character. Comparing her to Aina is ridiculous. Aina is 'annoying' to you because she is an existence independent of the mc. She doesn't need Leonel and even tries to maintain her distance from him in the beginning. Sakura is quite literally the exact opposite. She does nothing but rely on Naruto all whilie loving another man. Comparing them makes no sense. You're free to drop a novel if you feel like. It's your loss, especially since waiting until chater 140 is completely unecessary. The relationship between Leonel and Aina is already better by around chapter 30. If you couldn't even read that far, I dunno what to tell you. That only means your tolerance is especially low

I get it now, you thought that Aina was just like Leonel? That's not the case. They were born into two different worlds, that's why they reacted differently. Aina wasn't born in a normal family, she was born in a hidden family. She's been training for the Metamorphosis and has been waiting for it to happen for a long time. In addition, her mother was killed and her father is missing, so she wants revenge.

batuhan:we are still talking about different aspects. is it because my english writing skills are insignificant? I talked about further chapters because i didn't want to read a comment like: "it will change later, everything is gonna explained". I didn't mean Aina was useless or anything. I am talking about how Aina so much MC-like character, while MC himself is so realistic, she offsets whole realistic theme that author build. She is so alien to novel that I read so far. She is not useless like Sakura or irritating like Skyler but she has same vibe as both. Thats what I mean. I hope to be understood :/

yes, thank you. Yea this situation might addressed in "further chapters" but as I said: I couldn't tolerate, lol. There are so many novels that I dropped. if I try my best to tolerate and give a change so maybe it could be better later, I couldn't have any free time. I tried this one, I felt like Aina's characterisation doesn't suit the novel, and dropped. It could be explained but i can't wait for it. I don't know when will it addressed, it could be at 30th chapter or 130th chapter.

Daoist_Supreme:I get it now, you thought that Aina was just like Leonel? That's not the case. They were born into two different worlds, that's why they reacted differently. Aina wasn't born in a normal family, she was born in a hidden family. She's been training for the Metamorphosis and has been waiting for it to happen for a long time. In addition, her mother was killed and her father is missing, so she wants revenge.

Not really, Aina's characterization is a perfect foil for Leonel. It's her who helps him awaken to the fact the world has changed now. It's a jarring change, but she ultimately helped him. There were also many hints before the chapter was described that should have made it obvious. For example, Aina was the only one in Class A that wasn't affected by Leonel's aura. She could take her test without issue while everyone else had to wait for Leonel to finish first before starting. If you were annoyed, I don't know what to say. It's not only about lack of patience, it's also not paying attention to small details and hints. If you couldn't even wait 30 chapters to find out the truth, I don't know how you read any novel honestly. Do you really need everything to be perfect for you right from the beginning? Characters aren't allowed to grow? Might as well only read novels with OP, immortal MC's that never struggle. That doesn't sound like fun at all

batuhan:yes, thank you. Yea this situation might addressed in "further chapters" but as I said: I couldn't tolerate, lol. There are so many novels that I dropped. if I try my best to tolerate and give a change so maybe it could be better later, I couldn't have any free time. I tried this one, I felt like Aina's characterisation doesn't suit the novel, and dropped. It could be explained but i can't wait for it. I don't know when will it addressed, it could be at 30th chapter or 130th chapter.

Did you respond? It said your comment was deleted

batuhan:yes, thank you. Yea this situation might addressed in "further chapters" but as I said: I couldn't tolerate, lol. There are so many novels that I dropped. if I try my best to tolerate and give a change so maybe it could be better later, I couldn't have any free time. I tried this one, I felt like Aina's characterisation doesn't suit the novel, and dropped. It could be explained but i can't wait for it. I don't know when will it addressed, it could be at 30th chapter or 130th chapter.

you really like aina huh......or you are just paid to defend this novel to this extent. I am not trying to fight you, just amazed.

Daoist_Supreme:Not really, Aina's characterization is a perfect foil for Leonel. It's her who helps him awaken to the fact the world has changed now. It's a jarring change, but she ultimately helped him. There were also many hints before the chapter was described that should have made it obvious. For example, Aina was the only one in Class A that wasn't affected by Leonel's aura. She could take her test without issue while everyone else had to wait for Leonel to finish first before starting. If you were annoyed, I don't know what to say. It's not only about lack of patience, it's also not paying attention to small details and hints. If you couldn't even wait 30 chapters to find out the truth, I don't know how you read any novel honestly. Do you really need everything to be perfect for you right from the beginning? Characters aren't allowed to grow? Might as well only read novels with OP, immortal MC's that never struggle. That doesn't sound like fun at all

you really hate Aina huh.......or you just lack reading comprehension to be dense to this extent. I'm not trying to fight you, just amazed. See how ridiculous that sounds?

shashank_panthri:you really like aina huh......or you are just paid to defend this novel to this extent. I am not trying to fight you, just amazed.

well, let's just agree to disagree. You will love aina and I will hate her. No point fighting a random stranger on the internet. I was not in the best of moods when I typed the last comment, so let's just forget it. Good day.

Daoist_Supreme:you really hate Aina huh.......or you just lack reading comprehension to be dense to this extent. I'm not trying to fight you, just amazed. See how ridiculous that sounds?

I hate Aina for the fact that the author had placed her in a position where she was essentially looking down upon our MC due to her background. This then put in conjuntion with her being the MC’s love interest makes their relationship into a unequal one. To explain it simply, the relationship between the two is one of the MC giving and Aina taking with her not giving anything back, rather she is very negative with how she pushes him away. Adding to the ruthlessness she has shown to him you would think that he would give up on her at that point as we were already aware that he was only attracted to her appearance and composure in the first place as he never actually knew anything about her.

Daoist_Supreme:you really hate Aina huh.......or you just lack reading comprehension to be dense to this extent. I'm not trying to fight you, just amazed. See how ridiculous that sounds?

looking down on the MC due to her background? Did you even read the story? Aina was banished from her clan and her mother was killed by them. What background does she have to use to look down on the MC with? Stop self-inserting your own plot

CryptoCat:I hate Aina for the fact that the author had placed her in a position where she was essentially looking down upon our MC due to her background. This then put in conjuntion with her being the MC’s love interest makes their relationship into a unequal one. To explain it simply, the relationship between the two is one of the MC giving and Aina taking with her not giving anything back, rather she is very negative with how she pushes him away. Adding to the ruthlessness she has shown to him you would think that he would give up on her at that point as we were already aware that he was only attracted to her appearance and composure in the first place as he never actually knew anything about her.

So much controversy over Aina....seems to be affecting people's judgement about this novel, when I thought people would have issues with the MC instead. to each his own I guess... I happen to really like this novel. @ daoist could you recommend another one like this?

Daoist_Supreme:looking down on the MC due to her background? Did you even read the story? Aina was banished from her clan and her mother was killed by them. What background does she have to use to look down on the MC with? Stop self-inserting your own plot