


How cool would it be to watch the world burn while eating popcorn at the top of the tallest building 🙂😗

2023-08-17 Se unióNigeria

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  • kill_zone58
    respondió a Avery025

    you think an organization can function with only one ambitious person?😂😂, plus some ambitions can only be fulfilled by working for someone. I'd love to see someone like you in a leadership position, the stagnation of whatever that organization is would be something else 😂😂😂

    "I want to learn how to hide, I want to learn how to be unseen, I want to become as good as you... no better," said Ghost standing up beside Alpha.
    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasía · Kurai_Takahashi
  • kill_zone58
    Comentado por

    it's this kind of bullshit that makes me want to drop

    "There's nothing we can do. A warning wouldn't reach Colt in time. All we can do is prepare for what comes after." Paul reached into his pocket and brought a phone up to his ear. After a few seconds, a deep voice sounded on the other side. "I'm going to need your help."
    Pantheon Online
    Juegos · Antihero
  • kill_zone58
    Comentado por

    it's like the people in the comments don't understand that it's strategies like this that have kept the human race alive for so long and also put us at the top of the food chain

    ~But then again. You'd probably be praised back on Earth,~ he thought to himself before sitting down.
    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasía · Kurai_Takahashi
  • kill_zone58
    respondió a Khel

    5 minutes is enough time for the shrooms to find them, it's like most ppl don't realize that they were extremely outmatched, I mean even the strongest of them, Lucius, was almost killed by just two of them, let alone the way weaker leaflings that have very little discipline and training, you also expect him to think of all this while under extreme pressure, something you can't do, I'm pretty sure you took a good while to think of this, and you're not under any pressure whatsoever

    ~But then again. You'd probably be praised back on Earth,~ he thought to himself before sitting down.
    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasía · Kurai_Takahashi
  • kill_zone58
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    I don't get why ppl are angry at him, he saved the most useful ppl ensuring that they had a fighting chance, instead of being naive thinking he could save everyone thereby dieing with the rest of them. I guess ppl don't like knowing their incompetence

    Lucius stopped for a moment and turned ever so slightly to look Hannibal in the face. "I'm angry but not at you. Your plan was good considering the circumstances, but that's not the type of strategist I'm trying to raise," Lucius replied before proceeding.
    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasía · Kurai_Takahashi
  • kill_zone58
    respondió a Riassuba

    since you're so competent, how about you come up with a better strategy within such a time frame

    Lucius stopped for a moment and turned ever so slightly to look Hannibal in the face. "I'm angry but not at you. Your plan was good considering the circumstances, but that's not the type of strategist I'm trying to raise," Lucius replied before proceeding.
    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasía · Kurai_Takahashi
  • kill_zone58
    respondió a Riassuba

    he explained that if they were to little the shrooms would have noticed, he did the logical thing, and followed his oath, he's a better leader than alpha simply because he new the repercussions and still did it. you all call him a coward but it also takes bravery to do what he did even when he knew the others wouldn't accept it

    Lucius stopped for a moment and turned ever so slightly to look Hannibal in the face. "I'm angry but not at you. Your plan was good considering the circumstances, but that's not the type of strategist I'm trying to raise," Lucius replied before proceeding.
    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasía · Kurai_Takahashi
  • kill_zone58
    Comentado por

    living by the oath 😞

    "It was the only way."
    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasía · Kurai_Takahashi
  • kill_zone58
    respondió a shadowlord_6324

    no, he means to a leafling, he's twice their hight and so it's a three storey building to them but not him

    He dragged one of the branches towards a hole and used all his strength to lift it off the ground ever so slightly, just enough to direct it into the hole before pushing it until stood up straight. The branch was perhaps four times taller than he was, and with one quarter of it being in the ground, it was equivalent to a three-story building to a leafling.
    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasía · Kurai_Takahashi
  • kill_zone58
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    you'd be surprised how many of such ppl are in fiction

    "You never said I couldn't, and besides, I doubt you'll ever meet an enemy willing to fold their hands while you attack them."
    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasía · Kurai_Takahashi
  • kill_zone58
    respondió a SquishedElephant

    forgive me, this junior had eyes but couldn't see mount tai🙇🙇

    "Pagan, I like that name," Pagan said, before continuing his mockery of the others.
    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasía · Kurai_Takahashi
  • kill_zone58
    respondió a Mukesh_Ch

    he did man🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️

    "Can you keep quiet for just one moment," Lucius interrupted, wiping the beads of sweat that had begun to collect on his forehead.
    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasía · Kurai_Takahashi
  • kill_zone58
    respondió a Avery025

    it's called ambition, and it's normal🤦🏿‍♂️

    "I want to learn how to hide, I want to learn how to be unseen, I want to become as good as you... no better," said Ghost standing up beside Alpha.
    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasía · Kurai_Takahashi
  • kill_zone58
    respondió a Marc_Moon

    bro your comprehension ability has taken a massive hit from all the cultivation novel you've been reading, the comment you were replying to started another paragraph with "by the way" which should have notified you that he had shifted the topic to something else🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️

    "I'm not happy with the way things are, I am not satisfied with my current state of living." It was Alpha, he moved to stand at the center of the circle, and looked straight into Lucius's eyes.
    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasía · Kurai_Takahashi
  • kill_zone58
    respondió a Mr_Babbles

    there has never been anyone to show them a different way, especially when you read the novel and comprehend it, to realize that their former leader was an idiot, and now they have one that is different and shows them a better life, plus you can also see that this change is not evident in all of them, some still wish to continue that carefree life while others don't, this novel is honestly prolly better than whatever you've been reading but you don't realize that because you came here to judge and criticize when you should be enjoying a good read, which is prolly why you started reading novels in the first place, to enjoy

    "I'm not happy with the way things are, I am not satisfied with my current state of living." It was Alpha, he moved to stand at the center of the circle, and looked straight into Lucius's eyes.
    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasía · Kurai_Takahashi
  • kill_zone58
    Comentado por

    come to think of it, humans have achieved world domination huh🤔

    ~Yea, this might work out. If I build a few defenses and teach the leaflings photosynthesis, perhaps we can scare our... neighbors away. Yea... and why do I have to stop there? Why should the leaflings live in fear each time there is a threat? Why should they stay at the very bottom of the food chain, bullied by others unless they hide?~ he thought to himself before stopping abruptly.
    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasía · Kurai_Takahashi
  • kill_zone58
    respondió a Kurai_Takahashi

    I came searching for free pass, and I found gold

    [Creating 『Solar Sorcery Index』...]
    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasía · Kurai_Takahashi
  • kill_zone58
    respondió a system_evolver

    how do I become a moderator, I taught it was just for this novel

    After dropping all five of them back at the main camp, Lucius sat next to the river to properly examine his new form. Though he hadn't noticed it at first, there were two black stumps at the top of his head, poking out ever so slightly. His teeth were razor sharp, as if he were meant to be eating meat, and he had a very short limb protruding from his back, though he couldn't feel or move it.
    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasía · Kurai_Takahashi
  • kill_zone58
    respondió a Laron_Shawn

    feminist when they skip biology class😹😹

    "Right here." The voice was female, it came from the area right behind him, where the injured leaflings were resting.
    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasía · Kurai_Takahashi
  • kill_zone58
    respondió a Daoist_Supreme

    how is dimensional decent now?

    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasía · Awespec