


I like the 'fight' between science and magic

2019-04-19 Se unióRomania



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  • Neqtrix
    respondió a Daoistwaterdrop

    Thank you for your kind words. As for your question, I do not know as of yet. Right now, I am building up the story until I reveal the first romantic interest. From thereon, I'll see whether I will include more FMCs.

    Nozim's Legacy: A Shattered Heritage
    Fantasía · Neqtrix
  • Neqtrix
    Publicado por

    If you stumble across this novel, just like I did, I can only tell you to give the story a shot. The novel starts off with quite the dark settings and you can feel the dread and despair just by reading the chapters. WIth all that said, let's get into the meat of this review. CHARACTERS: In the first 20 chapters the character number is low and they are mostly side-kicks. As for the MC he is roughly fleshed out. You can get a basic idea of what and how he is, bit there is a lot of room to evolve in the future. WORLDBUILDING: We don't know much about this world, but it is some kind of blend between our world and a fantasy world (Note: this is the starting world) As for the pace of the strory, it starts off pretty slowly, but ramps up after chapter 17ish. All in all, a good novel if you want to follow a MC that isn't just an ice-cold, arrogant young Master that is perfect in every little thing.

    Supreme Warlock
    Fantasía · LazyAngel
  • Neqtrix
    respondió a LazyAngel

    I'll eagerly follow the story until then. Can't wait to see the world you have in mind :) On another note, please don't feel discouraged if it seems like the story doesn't get any traction. The few of us that are here will follow through with the story.

    Ch 20 Chapter 20- The Spiral Prison (Part 1)
    Supreme Warlock
    Fantasía · LazyAngel
  • Neqtrix
    Comentado por

    This is pretty good, ngl. The pace is nice, though a bit slow for my taste, and the writing is varied and rich. Keep up the good work.

    Ch 20 Chapter 20- The Spiral Prison (Part 1)
    Supreme Warlock
    Fantasía · LazyAngel
  • Neqtrix
    Comentado por

    Hey Vsauce, Michael here.

    Or was it?
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasía · Awespec
  • Neqtrix
    respondió a AnAxeToGrind

    the author didn't delete yours, though

    The Rise Of A Porter
    Fantasía · AkshatArpit
  • Neqtrix
    respondió a Solomon369

    it's possible, through the canales that connect the ears with the back of the throat

    "I…" Lionel voice was lost in a gurgle of blood. "… Just wanted to see my mother…"
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasía · Awespec
  • Neqtrix
    respondió a mistermoon

    was some guy on pinterest. in the original art, the guy had pants,I just cropped it to fit

    Ch -1 Prologue
    Fantasía · Neqtrix
  • Neqtrix
    Comentado por

    Stay safe man. It's better to be healthy than to follow a stupid schedule if it's impacting your well being.

    Ch 41 Striking Back
    Take It If You Dare
    Fantasía · seth4bucks
  • Neqtrix
    respondió a SkyLq

    the author reads all coments on his works, this is why I posted this. I'm too lazy to tell him this on his server

    At that moment, Supreme Monet sat in silent meditation on a large bed. She wore a silk lace gown, defining her curves. Despite the faint wrinkles on her face, she still had a stifling, captivating beauty that could cause the hearts of men to boil.
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasía · Awespec
  • Neqtrix
    respondió a Neqtrix

    Awe you do realise there are some men who aren't attracted by wamen. (I'm not among them though)

    At that moment, Supreme Monet sat in silent meditation on a large bed. She wore a silk lace gown, defining her curves. Despite the faint wrinkles on her face, she still had a stifling, captivating beauty that could cause the hearts of men to boil.
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasía · Awespec
  • Neqtrix
    Comentado por


    At that moment, Supreme Monet sat in silent meditation on a large bed. She wore a silk lace gown, defining her curves. Despite the faint wrinkles on her face, she still had a stifling, captivating beauty that could cause the hearts of men to boil.
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasía · Awespec
  • Neqtrix
    Comentado por

    nice, can't wait for the next chapters

    Ch 198 Same
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasía · Awespec
  • Neqtrix
    Comentado por
    He wouldn't completely rely on his talent, but there was no need to directly ignore it either. There was no need for him to be hypocrite, on one hand ignoring the god given gifts he had been handed, and on the other, still relying on them to escape dangerous situations by a hair. He didn't want to be that kind of person.
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasía · Awespec
  • Neqtrix
    Publicado por

    Amazing work. The author really outdone himself with this one. The writing quality is almost perfect imo, though the chapters are extremely short ( around 1000 words per later chapters ) though it makes up with a very stable release schedule. The story is very interesting, it get's you hooked up very quickly ,it's pacing is very consistent and it doesn't feel stretched. The characters are pretty well done, each having it's own personality and they don't tend to steer away from their morals, though changes have to occur in order to survive in their new world. The world development is good, and it allows for further changes.

    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasía · Awespec
  • Neqtrix
    respondió a PatriarchFireWall

    there has to be some sort of drawback. Donno, maybe this guy has to sacrifice something extremely important to be able to modify the genetic code of such strong beasts, something like blood essence or something

    Ch 175 Interrogation (2)
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasía · Awespec
  • Neqtrix
    Comentado por


    Ch 175 Interrogation (2)
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasía · Awespec
  • Neqtrix
    Publicado por

    This work is yet another amazing novel of Awe's and it shows. This novel is as exciting and enticing as his other novels, maybe even more so. The writing is fluid, easy to understand and extremely vivid, each scene or fight is very well defined and it's pace is not too fast, nor too slow. The story development is arguably slow, but there is no moment in which you will be bored with just fillers. The character design is good, the author perfectly describes the feeling and emotional state the MC goes through, making it easy to relate. As for the other characters, they are also well defined, each with it's own personality and motivations. As for the world development and background, Awe didn't spent a lot of time on it, and it unfortunately shows, but to be frank the world building doesn't have to be excellent.

    Grand Ancestral Bloodlines
    Acción · Awespec
  • Neqtrix
    respondió a Michael_Crew

    politics man

    "Since the formalities are out of the way, we should get to the important stuff. I'm sorry to tell you that until the Capital sends a proper response, the two of you won't be allowed to enter any Zones. This procedure will take at least a few months with the state the Ascension Province is in currently."
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasía · Awespec
  • Neqtrix
    respondió a Zelkolak


    Ch 45 Chapter 45 Journey
    The Lord Impaler
    Fantasía · Zelkolak