



2018-12-29 Se unióChad



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  • gdxfr
    respondió a HoldMyOsmium

    it's embarrassing mf not only are you a baby but now you have to suck on your moms tits while being Sentient xD

    [Just power trough, the faster the better]
    Rubber Human in MHA
    Cómic · BioedwinMX
  • gdxfr
    respondió a Nightrow

    a year is 1/10th of her life. she is ten. a year is a relatively long time.

    She has a point. That kid has had her quirk far longer than I and seems to fully understand the ins and outs of her abilities better than I. And while she may not seem like much, being as small as she is, she's surprisingly strong and rightfully fast on her feet and uses some form of judo that works very well in her favour. I've never fought her but I have seen her practising her moves and I know for a fact that we're on the same level when it comes to martial arts.
    Seemingly Impossible (Mha Fic)
    Cómic · OriosGrafeas
  • gdxfr
    respondió a NeoSG

    you are just completely wrong the definition of gambling is: take risky action in the hope of a desired result. it does not say anything about not getting somethings, it is about the desired result

    Kyle could hear footsteps coming towards his room before the door opened revealing his mom in her full glory. Her eyes darted from him to his phone and back to him before sighing tiredly, "You and that game of yours. You're already 18 young man! You should be thinking about your future!"
    As a Tuna in Another World
    Cómic · NeoSG
  • gdxfr
    respondió a Einlion

    A review is: critical appraisal of a book, play, movie, exhibition, etc., Critical Means: expressing or involving an analysis of the merits and faults of a work of literature, music, or art. "Expressing the faults" is key here. When you express something, it is not objective. IT IS HOW YOU FEEL. When someone is complaining about your work, that is GREAT! It shows you what you are doing that people don't like! But you, you asshole who can't take somebody saying "I don't like it when the main character has 100 people in their harem" (even though that is valid criticism). Let me dumb it down for your puny little brain to understand (you have said similar things to other people you ape). People review food, right? Now, if your favorite food, one of the best looking dishes you have ever seen, halfway through earing it, the waiter walks over and EMPTIES THE SALT SHAKER ON THE MEAL! (I sincerely doubt you are capable of understanding metaphores, so let me put this in a way you will understand. The dish is the book itself. You are the restaurant and its staff. The salt you, the waiter, empties onto the dish is the unacceptable amount of women you add to the harem. you cannot have a good romance with dozens of women. its impossible. it waters down, overpowers, and takes precedence of ALL THE AMAZING FLAVORS OF THE BOOK!) You would fucking complain too, wouldn't you? You like salt, sure, but all of it? that's just excessive!

    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Cómic · Einlion
  • gdxfr
    respondió a EpimetheusBB

    do you think people can't make jokes or have funny ideas?

    Than there is the wizarding currency. Wizarding money comes in three denominations: bronze Knuts, silver Sickles, and golden Galleons. There are 29 Knuts in one Sickle, and 17 Sickles make up a Galleon. I hate how those numbers aren't even but what can I do with it?
    Uninterested as a Malfoy in Harry Potter
    Fantasía · Krsak
  • gdxfr
    respondió a Oto

    The MC mentioned that she woke up days later in this novel. I wouldn't be surprised if the gossips told people they saw it happen etc, and peer pressure/gas lighting caused it to become true.

    "Ye Ying dragged Jian to run with her, and then Ye Ying tripped her. How did Jian get involved with seducing her teacher?"
    Rebirth: General, Don't Mess Around!
    Ciudad · Azure Ascend
  • gdxfr
    respondió a HimeSama

    but did the author say that's all she knows about?

    She knew perfectly about the structures of the human body!
    Rebirth: General, Don't Mess Around!
    Ciudad · Azure Ascend
  • gdxfr
    respondió a Elsa_Perez_8925

    it's her temperament

    As he snapped out of his daze, Feng Kun smiled sadly. How could that be Xiao Ling? I must be missing her too much to mistake another girl for her.
    A Star Reborn: The Queen's Return
    Ciudad · Xia Wanying
  • gdxfr
    respondió a Sinnermann

    translation: he wants to be friends because she doesn't only talk to him because he is good at baseball as other do

    I have a feeling he wants to be friends with me because I dont talk to him just because of his skill in baseball
    Mob In Khr
    Cómic · AnimeNyx
  • gdxfr
    respondió a gdxfr

    *wife xD

    Borrowing someone else's knife to kill someone, this was something that Xia Yu did often. Xia Yu was deft at pretending to be the weak one, acting all innocent, hiding in the background as the secret mastermind. Regardless of how despicable the job was, she somehow was able to keep herself clean. In her past life, Xia Ling had suffered a lot from this skill of hers. Now that she had reincarnated, she did not need to spend energy guessing to know that Sister Qiu had probably received instructions from Xia Yu, and she was out to get at this girl.
    A Star Reborn: The Queen's Return
    Ciudad · Xia Wanying
  • gdxfr
    Comentado por

    she killed Pei's husband.

    Borrowing someone else's knife to kill someone, this was something that Xia Yu did often. Xia Yu was deft at pretending to be the weak one, acting all innocent, hiding in the background as the secret mastermind. Regardless of how despicable the job was, she somehow was able to keep herself clean. In her past life, Xia Ling had suffered a lot from this skill of hers. Now that she had reincarnated, she did not need to spend energy guessing to know that Sister Qiu had probably received instructions from Xia Yu, and she was out to get at this girl.
    A Star Reborn: The Queen's Return
    Ciudad · Xia Wanying
  • gdxfr
    respondió a gdxfr

    +16 is a normal age of consent in most of the world

    He sat calmly at the driver's seat. Watching her get into his car as stealthily as a thief, his lips curled up ever so slightly. This girl was indeed special, low-profile and not attempting to take advantage of the situation for self-benefit. She was just the type he liked.
    A Star Reborn: The Queen's Return
    Ciudad · Xia Wanying
  • gdxfr
    respondió a Sylvinarocks_1997

    age of consent in China is 14 (pretty sure china is where this story takes place)

    He sat calmly at the driver's seat. Watching her get into his car as stealthily as a thief, his lips curled up ever so slightly. This girl was indeed special, low-profile and not attempting to take advantage of the situation for self-benefit. She was just the type he liked.
    A Star Reborn: The Queen's Return
    Ciudad · Xia Wanying
  • gdxfr
    respondió a IceEmperoronline

    avos was the first leader of the association who that island they attacked was named after

    Este libro ha sido eliminado.
  • gdxfr
    Comentado por

    as long as we know you're still here and you update us frequently, I think most of us will be fine if you just know you have or haven't given up.

    Ch 109 Resonating
    MARVEL: Killswitch's Origin
    Película · NightHowl
  • gdxfr
    respondió a Dreadix


    Sure I used to be a teenager who was in college, but now I'm a girl who works in a pub which no one sees this wrong around here.
    Is it wrong to be a girl in a dungeon?
    Cómic · Lacrima_de_Sal
  • gdxfr
    respondió a draculemorningstar

    complete weirdo found

    Este libro ha sido eliminado.
  • gdxfr
    respondió a Ling_Hou

    I don't think it's magic. it's like putting something in your stomach

    [Chaos Storage Space (Lvl 1) - allows the user to store everything except for living things (this does not include corpses). Its capacity is currently 100 spaces, this number will increase with each evolution...so there is no other way to upgrade the skill. Does not consume MP as it is not a combat skill].
    The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya
    Fantasía · LuciferSama
  • gdxfr
    respondió a RealistKun

    this is a game world but whatever

    [Durability: Infinite]
    The Ancients World
    Juegos · easyread
  • gdxfr
    respondió a jayden13

    pretty sure it was a tan

    Ch 9 The Weak Need Not Be Respected
    Starting With 3 S-Class Talents
    Oriental · Heavy Punch Winner