
Review Detail of Dens88 in Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Detalle de revisión


I am having a real time continuing this story, it is frankly boring and super cringy. Almost every chapter I end up cringing, this novel seems more suited to a young audience rather then anyone with any amount of maturity... rather then action and a struggle to grow and improve it seems like everything just falls into his lap, especially women.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos


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A review is: critical appraisal of a book, play, movie, exhibition, etc., Critical Means: expressing or involving an analysis of the merits and faults of a work of literature, music, or art. "Expressing the faults" is key here. When you express something, it is not objective. IT IS HOW YOU FEEL. When someone is complaining about your work, that is GREAT! It shows you what you are doing that people don't like! But you, you asshole who can't take somebody saying "I don't like it when the main character has 100 people in their harem" (even though that is valid criticism). Let me dumb it down for your puny little brain to understand (you have said similar things to other people you ape). People review food, right? Now, if your favorite food, one of the best looking dishes you have ever seen, halfway through earing it, the waiter walks over and EMPTIES THE SALT SHAKER ON THE MEAL! (I sincerely doubt you are capable of understanding metaphores, so let me put this in a way you will understand. The dish is the book itself. You are the restaurant and its staff. The salt you, the waiter, empties onto the dish is the unacceptable amount of women you add to the harem. you cannot have a good romance with dozens of women. its impossible. it waters down, overpowers, and takes precedence of ALL THE AMAZING FLAVORS OF THE BOOK!) You would fucking complain too, wouldn't you? You like salt, sure, but all of it? that's just excessive!

Einlion:I cringe when kiddos leave a 'review' in the form of a complaint instead of actually caring about the metrics provided by the review system. Feels like you're just fishing, my dude.

I cringe when kiddos leave a 'review' in the form of a complaint instead of actually caring about the metrics provided by the review system. Feels like you're just fishing, my dude.


lol I said my thoughts on the book, I have noticed that you tend to get very defensive on negative reviews. Think what you want, matters little to me.


Not even tasty bait.

Dens88:lol I said my thoughts on the book, I have noticed that you tend to get very defensive on negative reviews. Think what you want, matters little to me.

3 years late but it seems like he's deleted my low review so I'm surprised yours is still up


L after L

Einlion:Not even tasty bait.