


Steph Curry>>>>

2023-05-21 Se unióUnited States



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  • PenguinMage
    respondió a Thor_Ragnarok_8653

    Yeah, took a six day trip out of the country, will be back. Not in a rush because the story wont get a lot of exposure without 15k words yet.

    Ch 6 Interview
    hagdha duduhd
    Cómic · PenguinMage
  • PenguinMage
    respondió a Phaze_MorningStar2

    Nejire is definitely here no worries [img=recommend]

    hagdha duduhd
    Cómic · PenguinMage
  • PenguinMage
    respondió a Mytici

    If I have too many it would bog down the story too much, I had to make sacrifices here and there.

    Ch 1 A Promise
    hagdha duduhd
    Cómic · PenguinMage
  • PenguinMage
    Publicado por

    Hello Readers, first off thank you for even viewing my story in the first place, it means a lot. This story is a harem, and no students will be a part of it for obvious reasons. Also, for the most part this fanfic is a feel good slice of life romance. There will be action, but not a lot, the focus will be on the characters and their personalities and potential. The tone of the story is majorly light with some aspects that make it a little more dark but nothing crazy. That is all for now, PenguinMage out.

    hagdha duduhd
    Cómic · PenguinMage
  • PenguinMage
    respondió a Kamui_Yurinagi

    The Harem is Midnight, Miriko, Lady Nagant, Star and Stripes, Nejire, and Mount Lady. None of the students will be a part of it for obvsious reasons.

    Ch 1 A Promise
    hagdha duduhd
    Cómic · PenguinMage
  • PenguinMage
    respondió a STBear

    I appreciate the support! If you have any questions or suggestions let me know. [img=recommend]

    hagdha duduhd
    Cómic · PenguinMage
  • PenguinMage
    respondió a Apostle_of_Noice

    "And so on" would have been better also.

    It was the first day of the weekend at the Rosemary household. We are but a humble family that lives in a single-floor house with a basement that was so crowded, you had to be careful where you walked or you risk knocking down a shelf or a lamp or a mirror, etc.
    How to Redeem a Trashy Side Villain
    Fantasía · nemolikessoju
  • PenguinMage
    respondió a DaoistUxPrwu

    Abilities have cooldowns and have to be activated while skills are passive and cant be turned off.

    MHA Gamer Fanfic: False Icarus
    Cómic · PenguinMage
  • PenguinMage
    respondió a YoungMaster_MtTai

    No, picking physical attributes will do exactly that. if he chose magic he would turtle in the back, stay reclusive, and do exactly the same thing in his old life. How do you become something new and change? By putting yourself in a situation where you have to, be uncomfortable, and to adapt to that uncomfortability. You dont get adept at driving from sitting in a chair, no, you drive; no matter how bad at it you may be. Souta is forcing himself out of his comfort zone because he knows he isn't disciplined enough to change in a comfortable environment. 👍🏽

    Ch 4 Choices
    MHA Gamer Fanfic: False Icarus
    Cómic · PenguinMage
  • PenguinMage
    Comentado por

    Great First Chapter!

    Ch 1 Chapter 1 - The Beginning I
    Cómic · MCOverse
  • PenguinMage
    respondió a TIAkilesIT

    Good point, but as a counter, for almost a year straight when he was a baby all Souta could do was go through his memories and reminisce on his old life. He practically was forced to relive said life because what else could he do as a lump of fat and slobber. Almost like a placebo, he was cementing those memories as his current self and as such his habits and so on also become slowly ingrained in his body. Souta whole heartedly believes those memories are him, then as a byproduct he may start to exhibit habits and create sequences of thoughts that map his new nueron pathways to mimick his old life. It has been shown that humans are creatures of habit, and for like 60% of the day you usually rehash the same thoughts from yesterday. Think the same thing for a year straight, and you maybe believe it without question.

    Ch 7 Hope
    MHA Gamer Fanfic: False Icarus
    Cómic · PenguinMage
  • PenguinMage
    respondió a Risk6666

    Next chapter :), there is a reason.

    Ch 7 Hope
    MHA Gamer Fanfic: False Icarus
    Cómic · PenguinMage
  • PenguinMage
    respondió a RexHarris

    There are other Quest Lines, but didn't want to overwhelm readers with information.

    The -Hero Quest Line- continued as one might think, and Souta found it a little disheartening that lives were nothing more than experience to the system. It made sense, it had no personality or will and was just a measure of his growth. His occupation was a Hero after all, there were only so many ways to show his worth as one, and saving lives was definitely toward the top of the list.
    MHA Gamer Fanfic: False Icarus
    Cómic · PenguinMage
  • PenguinMage
    respondió a SVCERVANTES

    Monoma sadly wouldn't work well because he would copy the system but not the accumulated Levels, skills, buffs, and AP, just like with One for All. Stockpiling Quirks are his bane.

    Could One for All potentially supercharge the system and make it better, was it worth trying to get? Can All for One take his Quirk away?
    MHA Gamer Fanfic: False Icarus
    Cómic · PenguinMage
  • PenguinMage
    respondió a Risk6666

    Yep, even with a nerfed version in due time he will be OP still.

    Ch 4 Choices
    MHA Gamer Fanfic: False Icarus
    Cómic · PenguinMage
  • PenguinMage
    respondió a RatApothesis

    Some, not all

    Ch 4 Choices
    MHA Gamer Fanfic: False Icarus
    Cómic · PenguinMage
  • PenguinMage
    respondió a Rey_Diaz_5305

    Yep, some people shouldn't have kids, my uncle was like this and has three kids. It's alright, we shall prevail.

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    MHA Gamer Fanfic: False Icarus
    Cómic · PenguinMage
  • PenguinMage
    respondió a Veechers

    I thought about going that route but if he had magic, or if just anyone in general had magic, we would definitely be slinging huge magic spells and stuff cuz who wouldn't?

    The MC in MY FANFIC will be a Brawler who will fight with fists and get right in the thick of things. His hands are gonna be Rated E for everyone and he will not have the go to answer to every conflict. Warning, it's called character development.
    MHA Gamer Fanfic: False Icarus
    Cómic · PenguinMage
  • PenguinMage
    respondió a GODSLAYINGMAGE

    I am six chapters ahead but I realized I made a huge plothole and had to go back and fix it ;( They will be out soon no worries.

    Ch 4 Choices
    MHA Gamer Fanfic: False Icarus
    Cómic · PenguinMage
  • PenguinMage
    respondió a TrueKnight

    What Souta means is that eventually he will be powerful or have enough buffs and skills that overide the regeneration and benefits of it. Like Constitution in the later stages will technically make him immortal.

    Ch 4 Choices
    MHA Gamer Fanfic: False Icarus
    Cómic · PenguinMage