Maybe yes... Maybe no... Time will tell
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Over 50 chapters are a pretty good indicator on the story. If the author radically changes the story after that he might as well rewrite it and make it shorter / better. But that is terribly unlikely to happen with webnovels given that on sites like this one there is an incentive to keep as much useless chapters as possible while keeping readers reading. You can read the definition yourself. I would say you count as one in your review.
Nah man, I tried reading it but just had to quit before the fifth chapter. The quality is just nowhere to be seen and the idea far from unique or interesting enough to pull through that.
Ironically, many bigots are people who think others are bigots
Some mighty Axe action would also be appreciated, when he is wading through the masses with blade spells shearing through his enemies by his side
I think you already have the big confrontation planned all out, but could the MC's goat familiar make an appearance? Maybe at Skuldavn against the Draugr Overlords or if they don't join Mirajane, the Vampires could use some headbutting
Crown's effect is good, but it is hard to properly limit the effect it and the 'fake' crowns will have. If an Adept could normally cast two novice spells at once, the fake crown would let him cast two apprentice spells instead. The normal crown rictus has would let an Adept cast two Adept spells at once. Since Rictus is a Master and even better than ordinary ones, he should be capable of casting a Master spell in Destruction (that would take more effort, like Blizzard) and still keep one or two familiar spells like telekinesis and rock wall going.
Unfortunately, not really. I skimmed through it all and it is basically usefull spells, but made into their godlike versions. No variation, no development through training, no diversity. The spells could just as well have been divine skills with different names he got bestowed and his martial soul could have been anything and it wouldn't have changed anything in the story...
Well, kinda my thought as well, but since I haven't read it yet, idk if the author was smart enough to not make such a stupid mistake. Transfiguration could be one single spell for all transfigurations, or at least a category. Wingardium Leviosa could be more or less telekinesis, protego all kinds of shields, a cutting curse etc.
I kind of want Rictus to get an ultimate. Like, a new Aethereal Staff/Axe. That would let him store an incredible amount of magicka and channel it into his one-handed skill he got. And a smaller, kind of like a wand, staff for Morrigan, with which she can cast two of lightning, fire and frost like noone's business. I just don't know if it would make sense, since on one hand she is beyond Enchanting 100, and on the other, she doesn't have a staff enchanter (or could she have gotten one since she became the Arch-Mage). Smith is difficult for me, since just being an amazing smith won't let you do any supernatural stuff besides parts of his things being nigh unbreakable or extremely sharp, which isn't much without good fighting skills to go with it. Traps also doesn't seem super reliable for combat, so I don't think he should be anywhere near the frontline. I just dislike the idea of his smithing infringing on enchanting by granting all kinds of properties to what he creates.