


My name was a joke I made when I was just 8 years old. Even if It's ridiculous, It's special for me. In [Fanfiction-net] my name is MegaMacho too. (200-word limit, more about me on FFnet).

2018-01-11 Se unióBrazil



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  • MegaMacho
    respondió a Slammeron01

    The Spider from imjusttryingtofindmyway

    In my quest to implant Max Eisenhardt's mutation within myself, there lay not only a thirst for knowledge but also a deeply personal motivation—the desire to overcome my limitations and expand the boundaries of the possible.
    Superior Reed Richards
    Cómic · Arcane_Eso
  • MegaMacho
    respondió a Swikong


    Competent Poseidon
    Cómic · DaoistqZxYMH
  • MegaMacho
    respondió a saszeta


    Ch 19 A Promise
    The Soldier in MHA
    Cómic · MegaMacho
  • MegaMacho
    respondió a Daoisth5q9cG


    Ch 18 Tears Will Betray Our Trail
    [LOL] Rift-Summoned:He Comes from the Void
    Derivados de juegos · Daoisth5q9cG
  • MegaMacho
    respondió a Daoist_Viking

    It also does bot change that he is an old man inside that body that has no problem dismembering someone while they are aware. Congratulations, you just said the same words and did not address my point at all but just repeated yourself. Of all horrible things he did, you stop at that? You should feel sorry for tsunade instead, as she is the one being tortured by him and tricked by his innocent child persona he fully embraces.

    Naruto: Dream to Immortality (COMPLETED)
    Cómic · HolyJoker
  • MegaMacho
    respondió a Daoist_Viking

    Wow. You actually read all those chapters of war crimes and MC literally saying what he is gonna do, and not only that, what he did was not r*pe, no, it was worse. He manipulated her in such a way she doesnt even see it as one and even thinks she is the one who abused mc, thats how much of an evil genius he is. You missed the entire point even after reading so many chapters and put a poor review that is literally "r*ape?! 1 star!!!" with no context whatsover. Killing, experimenting, torture, emotional e trauma abuse are fine to you, but that's your line. If you can't handle evil MC, like my review warned you, you shouldn't have read to begin with, like a guy who hates bread going to a bakery and posting 1 star cuz he hated bread. Meaningless. Be consistent. There is a reason why other r*ape fanfics are disliked while this one is hailed as a masterpiece till now, because context and intent right from the start actually matters! He didn't surprise you. This is one of the few evil fanfics in this website, and this is why its adored. It was hard for me to persist for way less than r*pe as torture at the time was tense for me, but I didn't go monkey brain like you did. That's my "skill issue".

    Naruto: Dream to Immortality (COMPLETED)
    Cómic · HolyJoker
  • MegaMacho
    respondió a Daoist_Viking

    You mean the MC REINCARNATOR that is mentally an old man? Of all things that he did, from brainwashing to torture, that's what got you? Your standarts are as stupid as your comment.

    Naruto: Dream to Immortality (COMPLETED)
    Cómic · HolyJoker
  • MegaMacho
    respondió a Enormiity

    Fair enough.

    Er... Sorry again? At least I made the thing make sense.
    Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
    Cómic · EvansKannon
  • MegaMacho
    respondió a Enormiity

    Last chapter at the end is literally him going around the world while being philosophical about it, coming to the conclusion that different places have different standarts, and as long as both parties are happy and no one is hurt, it is okay. He already explained a while ago. This explanation, of his chapter, is him adressing people like you, who didn't like what he did and are crying about it, saying he "F-up" even when he already made the reason why heard loud and clear, a reason that is logical and believable. YOU didn't like it, that doesn't mean he made a mistake or a "F-up". "Divide readers in two sides" oh please, if you really believed that you wpuld have left ages ago when Shego, despite all her possesiveness, wished for Hector to get a harem. That was by far the biggest stretch the Author make. After that, everything just fell in line. He started to care about One piece, to the point of the double quirk not working on whitebeard as MC sees him as a real and important person, and Hector is all about knowing himself by deliberately feeling situations firs hand. What he did is perfectly in line with his persona, especially since One Piece is not as dangerous as Marvel as he doesnt have to worry about their safety that much, plus a bunch of examples in One Piece of mothers and children not blaming the husband's abscence, making Hector see that he was the one against, not the mother or the children that would follow. I really don't get your dislike, not when you read all those previous chapters and indured way worse things and still chose to read, i really don't

    Er... Sorry again? At least I made the thing make sense.
    Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
    Cómic · EvansKannon
  • MegaMacho
    respondió a Enormiity

    First of all, I actually looked over the 'most of the time' my fault. Second, just because he is explaining it, it doesn't mean it is a F-up. He only did it because of senseless haters who have no clue to hints and as dense as uranium. This is a fanfic, and the public ranges from children to adults and more, he is explaining to the range thaat literally has no ability to pick up the obvious, that honestly should not have been here to begin with, as this fanfic is pretty philosophical at the end of the day, and require a bare minimum of cognition.

    Er... Sorry again? At least I made the thing make sense.
    Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
    Cómic · EvansKannon
  • MegaMacho
    respondió a Enormiity

    And you are right, it IS a plot device, and he wouldn't come back without it as there would be no reason anymore. The thing is is that you called it a F-up, that is doesn't make sense, which it does. A plot device is not senseless, especially in this case. You may not like it, though a F-up is a tad much no? And saying it doesn't make sense is just insulting you comprehension at this point.

    Er... Sorry again? At least I made the thing make sense.
    Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
    Cómic · EvansKannon
  • MegaMacho
    respondió a Enormiity

    One kid he doesn't know it exist. Not only that, but the whole point was that this is one piece and that they see parenthood diferently, and how judging things from his modern perspective alone isn't fair, making him more understanding of other cultures and what nots.

    Now for MY side. The child is a good plot device... Just watch the changes that will amke on him, how he will see the world. 
    Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
    Cómic · EvansKannon
  • MegaMacho
    respondió a Enormiity

    Except not. Plenty of times the readers are just wrong, and mistake disagreement for "not making sense", many of them even ask things that are literally written in the chapter, since they just skip through by speed reading. I don't know what fanfics are you reading, but the good ones at least explain because of polemic, rather than lack of logic, because surprise, life has more than one solutions, and many right answers for infinite circunstances. Seems more like spite to me the way you said it, accusing him that angrily.

    Er... Sorry again? At least I made the thing make sense.
    Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
    Cómic · EvansKannon
  • MegaMacho
    respondió a FatesEnvoy

    ... And I guess I owe you an apology. Seeing as you are now, I misjudged you on past experiences here in this plataform and my own frustations. I see now that you were genuine and not a troll, or a karen, like I initially thought. You at the end maintaned you composure far better than I, which is honestly an embarassement given my job. Better things could have been done from you and me, but I ended up more agressive than deserved in the end. So, I apologize. I'll sleep now I'm dead tired, perhaps that's what i shoud have done from the start.

    "All these law restraints and moral ones are what allow us to sleep well at night... Peace of mind... Heh." Hector points again to the people below. The ones that are now helping King Riku to be king again "See? Why didn't that guy in an orange shirt become king? Why put someone above you? He gave up on control for security, for stability..."
    Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
    Cómic · EvansKannon
  • MegaMacho
    respondió a FatesEnvoy

    It's been a long time now, but it's basically what Buddhism adapted from the Christian Garden of Eden and made a lesson about it. They also have another quote about how people are entitled to dignity and have an equal (this equal part is the most important) and inalienable right to liberty. Your freedom should not affect the freedom of others, as it comes back to you in a cycle that results in less freedom for anyone, or the majority at least.

    "All these law restraints and moral ones are what allow us to sleep well at night... Peace of mind... Heh." Hector points again to the people below. The ones that are now helping King Riku to be king again "See? Why didn't that guy in an orange shirt become king? Why put someone above you? He gave up on control for security, for stability..."
    Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
    Cómic · EvansKannon
  • MegaMacho
    respondió a FatesEnvoy

    And as the final comment, how do I know all this? I work in public clinics and health posts since I study medicine. I have the data. I SEE the data every week. Kids with crack, thank God, are very rare. Don't assume things you don't know. Assuming is something you do to virtual, metaphysical things, not physical ones, and you should still exercise caution in those too. By the way, this logic I initially did was based on the garden of Buddah that his father/guardian had put him in, surrounded by walls or something like that, to protect him until he could protect himself, highlighting the good parenting that Buddah praises his father/guardian for. And this is Buddah, a very open religion compared to others. My memory of it might not be the best, but the lesson from it is "Too much freedom imprisons the person." If you can't understand this phrase and the limitations of freedoms and their clash with itself, I have no words, as I can't see how can I teach you them.

    "All these law restraints and moral ones are what allow us to sleep well at night... Peace of mind... Heh." Hector points again to the people below. The ones that are now helping King Riku to be king again "See? Why didn't that guy in an orange shirt become king? Why put someone above you? He gave up on control for security, for stability..."
    Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
    Cómic · EvansKannon
  • MegaMacho
    respondió a

    By the way, why did you delete your reply? Hmm? I'm not a clown, I know what you are on.

    "All these law restraints and moral ones are what allow us to sleep well at night... Peace of mind... Heh." Hector points again to the people below. The ones that are now helping King Riku to be king again "See? Why didn't that guy in an orange shirt become king? Why put someone above you? He gave up on control for security, for stability..."
    Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
    Cómic · EvansKannon
  • MegaMacho
    respondió a

    Too much freedom imprisons the person. Give freedom to a kid to inhale crack, and they will be trapped for the rest of their life, not able to get away from the crippling addiction of crack and be trapped, having their very will sapped by the drug, directly affecting their freedom, all because of the product of manipulation and evil (if someone offered said kid the drug, knowing its effects), ignorance and nativity (not knowing what crack is and being too trusting of strangers), or others. By prohibiting this drug as a whole, you protect the people from its devastating effects, regardless of their age, intention, or knowledge. This limits your freedom as you will not have access to crack, but also free you from terrible fates that were bound to limit your freedom even more and irreversibly should you had access to crack.

    "All these law restraints and moral ones are what allow us to sleep well at night... Peace of mind... Heh." Hector points again to the people below. The ones that are now helping King Riku to be king again "See? Why didn't that guy in an orange shirt become king? Why put someone above you? He gave up on control for security, for stability..."
    Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
    Cómic · EvansKannon
  • MegaMacho
    respondió a

    The ultimate freedom is the one that doesn't interfere with the freedom of another, since the moment you interfere with another, you are inviting others to do the same to you.

    "All these law restraints and moral ones are what allow us to sleep well at night... Peace of mind... Heh." Hector points again to the people below. The ones that are now helping King Riku to be king again "See? Why didn't that guy in an orange shirt become king? Why put someone above you? He gave up on control for security, for stability..."
    Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
    Cómic · EvansKannon
  • MegaMacho
    respondió a

    Complementing this example for a better closure: "Authorities acting on these laws are the ones that imprison people. Freedom has little to do with the actions these people take." Congratulations, you just played yourself with your own confusion. Let me use your logic here: A shooter doesn't actually kill people, but the gun is the one who killed it. A guy threatens you with death by having a bomb on your neck and forces you to kill people, so, even if you hundreds, you did not kill them, but the guy with the remote detonator. You could have said no, and accepted your death instead of killing so many people, but you used your freedom of thought and action to choose the option you come out alive instead, despite the casualties.

    "All these law restraints and moral ones are what allow us to sleep well at night... Peace of mind... Heh." Hector points again to the people below. The ones that are now helping King Riku to be king again "See? Why didn't that guy in an orange shirt become king? Why put someone above you? He gave up on control for security, for stability..."
    Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
    Cómic · EvansKannon