


My name was a joke I made when I was just 8 years old. Even if It's ridiculous, It's special for me. In [Fanfiction-net] my name is MegaMacho too. (200-word limit, more about me on FFnet).

2018-01-11 JoinedBrazil



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  • MegaMacho
    MegaMacho17 days ago
    Replied to Pj23o3

    Thank you. Really, this is webnovel, it has no business having people as nice as you. I don't deserve you all. Thank you again.

  • MegaMacho
    MegaMachoa month ago
    Replied to THE_NOVELIST_

    i didnt know nor bothered checking, sorry.

  • MegaMacho
    MegaMachoa month ago
    Replied to SonoBello

    noy yet, been through some tough times

  • MegaMacho
    MegaMachoa month ago
    Replied to saszeta

    i didnt give up on this fic, but i cant make any promises anymore, it would be just lying at this point.

  • MegaMacho
    MegaMachoa month ago
    Replied to Pj23o3

    i didnt give up on this fic, but i cant make any promises anymore, it would be just lying at this point.

  • MegaMacho
    MegaMachoa month ago
    Replied to Binge_Reader69

    I sent a reply to an older comment of yours since i couldnt find this one, but again, I'm sorry. I didn't manage to pass a subject that is a semester long and now I'm basically doing 2 years of study in one simuntaniously, so I just went completely off of the internet. I have no excuse. I made promises and didnt follow them, nor bother warning anyone.

  • MegaMacho
    MegaMachoa month ago
    Replied to saszeta

    I'm good, thanks for checking. I am alive XD. I didn't manage to pass a subject that is a semester long and now I'm basically doing 2 years of study in one simuntaniously, so I just went completely off of the internet. I have no excuse. I made promises and didnt follow them, nor bother warning anyone.

  • MegaMacho
    MegaMachoa month ago
    Replied to Pj23o3

    I'm good, thanks for checking in. I didn't manage to pass a subject that is a semester long and now I'm basically doing 2 years of study in one simuntaniously, so I just went completely off of the internet. I have no excuse. I made promises and didnt follow them, nor bother warning anyone.

  • MegaMacho
    MegaMachoa month ago
    Replied to Binge_Reader69

    sorry. i can only say this. i had a disasterous year on my grades, and im basically doing 2 med years in one. I went completely offline even on discord and anything really. I have no excuse, i just completely shut off to study and didnt bother warning anyone with how angry i was. i didnt give up on this fic, but im no longer able to make any false promise. Im sorry, again.

  • MegaMacho
    MegaMacho3 months ago
    Replied to Benoit_Valtin

    Who cares about webnovel conditions? They literally abused us with ads and relenteless censorship that didn't even made sense. Now, oh no, a guy interacting with his readers is bad. Like the author said, you REALLY must be fun at parties.

The Bagel Effect

The Butterfly Effect. A small act that leads to an avalanche of consequences of epic proportions in ways that might not make sense linearly. Well, in my case, the small act was a bagel being thrown at my face. All my life, I was a joke. Even my origin story began as a joke. It didn’t matter how much I studied, or how high I climbed the Alchemax ladder, or how much I pushed the boundaries of science, nobody took me seriously. I was just another spot in the crowd. They mistook my gentleness, my meek and innocent and shy personality, for disgrace. Whether consciously or not, it doesn’t matter. Because of a joke, I was in the wrong place, at the wrong time, as the wrong person. I lost my job. My life. MY FACE. My family won’t even look at me. Even the villains mocked me. And Spider-Man, the one who made me into this, laughed and fought me while typing on the phone, looking away, calling me a ‘villain of the week’. No one in my life ever gave me an ounce of respect. A sliver of dignity. A drop of honor. They don’t know how it feels to have a hole eating you inside. Having a black spot in your heart. The feeling of being a hollow shell. Of being less than zero, less than nothing. Of staring at the abyss, and the abyss staring at you, pouring into you. They should have known better. I am done playing nice. I am done being weak. And I’m tired of pretending I’m not. I won’t be a ‘villain of the week’ anymore. They will see the consequences of epic proportions. They will see The Bagel Effect. They will see ME. LOOK. AT. ME.

MegaMacho · Anime & Comics
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