
Domestic Violence

Indeed, Bai Pu hadn't driven there; it was Xu Xiaoran who came to pick her up. She tilted her head and asked, "It's so late, what could you possibly have to do?"

Mu Qingyun seemed surprised by her question, hesitated for a moment, and then simply explained, "Some work-related matters."

"Cough, cough!" Xu Xiaoran coughed, pounding her chest as if her lungs were about to come out. When Bai Pu looked at her, she miraculously recovered in a second and gave her a glare.

What an idiot! It's obvious that he's finding an excuse to take you home. Why so many question marks, so many whys!

Although she didn't say a word, everything was communicated through their eye contact. In that moment, Bai Pu fully understood her meaning.

When she looked at Mu Qingyun again, she inexplicably felt a bit uneasy. If they were just friends, she could remain calm and composed. But whenever Xu Xiaoran started joking about romantic relationships, she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.