

Wanning Apartment was not far from there, which was one of the reasons why Bai Pu agreed to let him drive her. They turned on the navigation system, and the voice prompt along the way helped alleviate the awkwardness.

Mu Qingyun glanced at the road conditions while Bai Pu took out her phone. During the day, Jiang Lin was probably busy taking care of Shen Liu and didn't bother her much. But in the evening, he finally seemed to remember to put up a front and sent her two messages.

Bai Pu glanced at the messages but had no interest in replying. She simply pressed the screen to turn it off.

Mu Qingyun noticed her looking at her phone and thought she might be checking the time to hurry home. He couldn't help but ask, "Do you have something to do after going back?"

"Hmm?" Bai Pu glanced at him.