
Dead or not!

Max brought out his gun and looked at Jessica for a final indication that she was ready to face death.

Even though it was unsure they could survive.

And that was dangerous on its own. If Jessica dies, people like Jake and Jenny are only going to get depressed and nothing more. But at least, they've lost dear people already. They would probably get past it.

But if Max dies, then the whole world would die with him. Maybe it's because Jake and the rest aren't aware of the fact that Max was the only scientist alive to make the antidote. Maybe it was because Jessica didn't tell them.

And he was not planning on telling them either.

He would rather be with Jessica than stay in the car and expect her to be alright.

Jessica nodded once, then brought out two revolvers. She looked back briefly at Jake, nodding slightly in the process. Like she just told him something which Jake understood.

"Be safe," Jake said and the men opened the boot.