

Kyle woke up confused in a strange place until he figured out he was no longer human,Kyle is a saiyan warrior in the dragon ball rpg multiverse where the more fighters he defeats the more level ups he gets and credits to buy and chances to earn new power ups,forms,and techniques,and a scummy RNG system,what Friends will he meet? What powers will he achieve? Read to find out!

Darkhorse99 · Cómic
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

The air crackled with anticipation as Kyle strode into the West City PVP arena. Level 50.He felt like a force of nature, his black and white gi taut against his rippling muscles, a headband emblazoned with the symbol of his clan cinched around his brow. The hum of the crowd, the cheers and jeers, the shimmering energy of the arena – it was all a symphony of power. It was time to unleash his fury.

The vibrant, neon-lit arena was a digital canvas where the boundaries of reality blurred. An ethereal portal shimmered before him, a gateway to a chaotic dance of power. As he stepped through, the air shifted, the temperature dropped, and the arena came into focus.

Player Data:

Zenos23-Female Majin-Level 23

Zfan98-Namekian-Level 30

GT1sC@non-Male Cyborg Saiyan-level 45

Kyle-Male Saiyan-Level 50

A Majin woman, her avatar a testament to the strength of her race, stood on the left, muscles bulging beneath a simple t-shirt and sneakers. Her face, etched with defiance, was a mask for the steely determination that shone in her eyes. "Well, well, look who decided to grace us with their presence," she sneered, her voice a low growl that echoed through the virtual arena. "Thought you'd hide away in your little apartment until you were strong enough to show your face online again you little Saiyan bitch?"

A Namekian, his avatar wrapped in intricately carved armor, stood on the right. Age and experience had etched a map of countless battles across his face, his eyes wise and calm as he observed Kyle with quiet intensity. He remained silent, allowing Zenos23 to do her part in the pre-battle theatrics.

Lastly, a Saiyan male, his avatar adorned in sleek, chrome-plated prosthetics and some simple gi pants with no shirt, completed the trio. His limbs, enhanced and augmented, gleamed under the digital spotlights, a gruesome yet fascinating sight. His eyes, burning with a cold fire beneath the shadow of a black and red hooded robe, held a chilling intensity. "There's no need for such hostility, Majin," he rasped, his voice distorted by the mechanics of his prosthetic voice box. "He's here for the fight, same as us."

Kyle, despite the taunts and the inherent tension of the situation, remained calm. He had faced countless opponents, their avatars imbued with the same thirst for victory. He had learned to control his emotions, focusing his energy on the task at hand. "Don't waste your time, Majin," Kyle replied, his voice low and measured. "Let's cut to the chase. You want a fight? I'll give you one."

Kyle let out a menacing laugh. "You're all just stepping stones on my path to ultimate power." He flexed his fingers, the air crackling with his Saiyan energy, a crimson aura swirling around him.

Zfan98, his voice a modulated rumble, spoke, "Your arrogance is your downfall, Saiyan. You underestimate the power of this arena."

"I underestimate nothing," Kyle snarled, his power surging. "I've trained my entire life to be the best, and there's no room for weakness here."

GT1s with the robotic limbs, his voice a distorted mechanical rasp, said, 'You're strong, Saiyan, but I'm not here to play games. This is about survival.'

A tense silence fell over the arena, broken only by the hum of the energy fields.

The battle erupted with the force of a supernova. Kyle, fueled by his insatiable hunger for power, launched into a whirlwind of attacks. His fists, imbued with the raw power of the Super Saiyan 3 transformation, crashed into Zenos23 woman's defenses, sending her tumbling backwards.

Zfan98, his armor gleaming with emerald energy, met Kyle's assault with a barrage of ki blasts, each one crackling with raw power. The battle raged on, each player pushing the other to their limits, their attacks blurring into a kaleidoscope of fury.

GT1s with the robotic limbs, his movements precise and deadly, used his advanced technology to outmaneuver Kyle, his cybernetic limbs a blur of mechanical motion. He landed a powerful punch, his prosthetic arm aimed at Kyle's throat, but GT1s warrior braced himself, the force of the blow sending him sprawling across the arena.

Kyle, his rage burning hotter than ever, sprang to his feet, his eyes blazing with fury. "You think you can break me?" He roared, a blast of energy erupting from his hands, forcing the robotic Saiyan to dodge.

Zenos23 woman, her body shimmering with a dark energy, attacked from behind, her fists aimed for Kyle's back. Kyle turned, a lightning-fast punch catching her squarely in the jaw, sending her flying across the arena.

Zfan98, his energy crackling with a vibrant yellow light, unleashed a powerful blast of ki, aiming for Kyle's heart. GT1s warrior, his instincts honed to razor sharpness, twisted out of the way, the blast scorching the air behind him.

As the battle surged forward, Kyle was a whirlwind of destructive power. He fought with a brutal efficiency, his movements honed to a razor's edge. He left no room for mercy, his attacks relentless. The arena began to crumble around them, battered by the sheer force of their clash.The tension in the arena thickened, the anticipation becoming tangible, a living thing that vibrated in the air. Zenos23, her avatar letting out a guttural roar, charged at Kyle, a whirlwind of fists and kicks. Her attack was a storm, a chaotic torrent of energy, but Kyle met her onslaught with a calmness that bordered on serenity. He dodged her blows, his movements fluid and precise, each step calculated, each parry a testament to his years of honing his skills.

Zfan98, his avatar moving with a measured grace, joined the fray, a wave of energy blasts erupting from his fingertips. Kyle, his senses heightened, reacted instinctively, his body moving like a shadow as he deflected the attacks with a series of well-timed ki blasts.

GT1s, his avatar moving with a disturbingly smooth, almost robotic precision, utilized his augmented limbs to their full potential. The metallic extensions buzzed with energy, each blow delivered with a chilling efficiency. Kyle countered with his own techniques, his body a weapon, his attacks fueled by the burning fire of his Saiyan pride.

The fight was a whirlwind of motion, a symphony of clashing energies. Kyle moved with a grace born of years of training, weaving through the attacks of his opponents, his punches packing the force of a supernova. With every successful block, every dodged attack, Kyle felt his power grow. He was in the zone, his body and mind working in perfect harmony.

He landed a powerful kick on Zenos23's chest, throwing her back with a grunt. Zfan98, taking advantage of the opening, unleashed a powerful blast, but Kyle deflected it with a swift wave of his hand. He then launched himself towards GT1s, his fists aimed for the mechanical joints of his opponent's arm.

GT1s, anticipating the attack, swung his prosthetic arm, aiming for Kyle's head. Kyle, however, was ready. He ducked under the blow, his fist connecting with GT1s's metallic knee with a sickening crunch. The blow sent GT1s staggering back, his prosthetic knee sparking ominously.

Zenos23, recovering from the initial blow, launched herself at Kyle once more. He met her attack head-on, his fist colliding with her jaw with a bone-jarring impact. He followed up with a flurry of punches, each blow driving Zenos23 back.

Seeing an opening, Kyle channeled his energy, gathering a powerful blast of ki in his hands. He unleashed the energy, a shimmering blue wave that enveloped Zenos23, sending her flying backwards. She tumbled across the virtual arena, crashing into the wall with a resounding thud.

Zfan98, sensing Kyle's power, charged forward. He unleashed a wave of energy blasts, but Kyle dodged them all, his movements fluid and effortless. He then launched himself toward Zfan98, his fist aimed for his chest.

Zfan98, his face etched with surprise, unleashed a powerful counter-attack, but Kyle was too fast. He ducked under the blow, his fist connecting with Zfan98's jaw. Zfan98 stumbled back, his avatar dissipating in a burst of light.

GT1s, his prosthetic leg whirring back to life with a mechanical groan, charged forward. He swung his prosthetic arm, aiming for Kyle's head. Kyle, his senses on high alert, reacted instinctively, his hand catching the arm milliseconds before it could connect. He then pivoted, his knee connecting with GT1s's robotic chest with a metallic clang. GT1s staggered back, his avatar dissolving into a digital mist.

Zenos23, her avatar slowly reforming, rose from the ground, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of anger and admiration. 'You're not bad, Saiyan,' she growled, her voice raspy. 'But I'm not finished with you yet." She launched another attack, but Kyle was ready. He moved with a speed and grace that was almost otherworldly, his every action a testament to his mastery of his Saiyan power. He dodged her attacks, countered with his own, his every movement a symphony of strength and precision.

a Majin woman, her pink skin mottled with bruises, struggled to her feet, her energy faltering. Her clothes lay in shattered pieces at her feet, a testament to the ferocity of the attack. Fear flickered in her crimson eyes, a primal fear that resonated with the primal rage that fueled Kyle.

'You're finished, Majin,' Kyle rasped, his voice a low growl, 'You should have known better than to challenge a Saiyan.'

'Never underestimate a Majin, Saiyan,' she hissed, her voice a raw rasp, 'I still have tricks up my sleeve.' A defiant glint returned to her eyes as she gathered her remaining energy, a crimson aura flaring around her.

Behind Zenos23, Zfan98, his green skin marked with deep wounds, staggered, his armor cracked and his energy flickering. He reached for his staff, its tip glowing with the faintest hint of emerald light.

'Don't underestimate Zfan98's resilience, Saiyan,' he rasped, his voice strained, 'We are masters of regeneration, our bodies capable of unimaginable feats.'

Kyle grinned, the cruel curve of his lips revealing a row of pearly whites. 'Regeneration? Impressive, but it does you no good when you're too weak to fight.' He lunged, his fist a blur of motion, striking Zfan98 with a force that sent him flying back, crashing against the steel wall of the arena.

Zfan98 coughed, his chest heaving, blood staining his green skin. He raised his staff, a desperate attempt to buy time, but Kyle was already upon him. The Saiyan's fist, infused with ki, struck the staff, shattering it into a million pieces.

The crowd erupted in cheers, their voices a cacophony of excitement, as Kyle turned his attention back to Zenos23, who was now charging at him, her body ablaze with crimson energy. She unleashed a barrage of energy blasts, each one a sizzling ball of fire, but Kyle, with a swift movement, deflected them all, his aura shimmering in response. He then closed the distance, his fist connecting with her jaw, sending her crashing to the ground.

'You are weak, Majin,' Kyle sneered, his voice dripping with contempt, 'You are no match for a Saiyan like me.'

Zenos23, her body bruised and battered, slowly rose, her eyes filled with a fierce determination. 'I may be weak, but I will not go down without a fight.' She raised her hand, a dark, swirling energy gathering in her palm. 'This is the power of Zenos23, Saiyan! I will make you suffer!'

Kyle, his eyes narrowing, recognized the energy signature. It was Zenos23's ultimate attack, a move that could drain the life force of her opponent. He knew he had to act quickly.

'I don't have time for this,' he said, his voice low and menacing, 'You are not worth my time.' He threw a Galick Gun, a powerful energy blast that ripped through the air, engulfing Zenos23 in a blinding flash of white light.

The crowd gasped, their cheers replaced by a stunned silence. The air shimmered, the dust settling slowly. Kyle stood, his chest heaving, sweat dripping from his brow. Zenos23 was gone. vaporized by the sheer force of the attack..

GT1s, a warrior forged from steel and cybernetics, was a formidable opponent, his strength amplified by advanced technology. Despite his mangled state, his eyes blazed with a cold, unwavering intensity, reflecting a burning hunger to win, to prove his dominance.

GT1s's chest plates were dented and cracked, revealing the intricate network of wires and circuitry that powered his body. A crimson glow emanated from the wounds, a testament to the searing heat of Kyle's ki blasts. Yet, despite the pain, GT1s remained defiant, his robotic limbs twitching, his eyes locked on Kyle, a silent challenge passing between them.

The crowd held their breath, a collective gasp rippling through the stands at the spectacle before them. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation, a symphony of fear, excitement, and raw adrenaline. This was the culmination of a relentless battle, a clash of titans for the title of the strongest warrior in the multiverse. And it was Kyle, the relentless, power-hungry Saiyan, who stood poised to deliver the final blow.

He moved with a blur of speed, a whirlwind of black hair and white cloth. A low growl emanated from his throat, a primal roar that sent shivers down the spines of the onlookers. GT1s, despite his injuries, reacted with lightning speed, his robotic limbs churning as he launched a desperate counterattack. Steel clashed against flesh and bone, sparks flew, the clang of metal echoing through the arena.

One moment Kyle was a blur of motion, the next he was right in front of GT1s, his fist cocked back, his muscles bulging with pure power. GT1s, his eyes wide with surprise, raised his metallic arm in a desperate attempt to block the attack.

The impact was bone-jarring. GT1s's arm crumpled under the sheer force of the blow, its metal plating shearing apart. The force of the attack sent GT1s crashing backward, slamming against the arena wall with a sickening thud.

Kyle didn't give his opponent a moment to recover. As GT1s struggled to his feet, Kyle charged. His movements, fuelled by pure rage and the thrill of combat, became a blur of speed and power. His attacks were rapid, merciless, each blow a testament to his mastery of his strength.

GT1s, despite his technological enhancements, found himself overwhelmed by Kyle's aggressive assault. His robotic limbs, despite their incredible strength, were no match for Kyle's raw, unadulterated power. He blocked, parried, and dodged, but each attack seemed to chip away at his defenses, leaving him vulnerable.

The battle was a brutal dance of destruction, a whirlwind of energy blasts and sonic booms, a symphony of pain and fury. The arena, already scarred by the previous battles, was reduced to a twisted canvas of destruction. The floor was pockmarked with craters, the walls were cracked and scarred, and the air hung heavy with the metallic tang of ozone.

GT1s, his metallic joints grinding, found himself cornered, backed against the arena wall. His body was battered and bruised, his systems overwhelmed. But his eyes, those cold, unrelenting eyes, remained focused on Kyle, a silent defiance burning within them.

'You look exhausted,' Kyle said, his voice a low rumble, 'I can end this now.' He paused, his eyes cold and calculating, 'But I like a good fight. So, come on, show me what you've got.'

GT1s didn't respond. He simply stared at Kyle, his metallic body humming with energy. He raised his hand, his robotic fingers twitching. A crimson glow filled his eyes, a surge of power emanating from his core.

'You're not giving up?' Kyle grinned, a hint of respect in his voice. 'I admire your tenacity, even if you're only a machine.'

GT1s, ignoring Kyle's taunt, unleashed a wave of crimson energy, a powerful ki blast that tore through the air, heading straight for Kyle.

Kyle's grin widened, his eyes glittering with excitement. He raised his hands, his muscles flexed, and met GT1s's blast head-on. The two blasts collided, creating a blinding flash of light and a deafening roar. The shockwave rippled through the arena, shattering the remaining intact structures.

When the light subsided, Kyle stood unharmed, his body cloaked in a golden aura, a shield of energy that deflected GT1s's attack.

'Impressive,' Kyle said, his voice filled with admiration. 'But you'll need more than that to beat me.'

GT1s, his reserves of energy drained, his metallic body sputtering, knew he had reached his limit. The fight was over.

The final blow was swift, brutal, and devastating. Kyle, his fists blazing with energy, delivered a final, shattering punch to the robotic Saiyan's chest, sending him crashing to the ground, his life force extinguished.

Kyle stood triumphant, his body drenched in sweat, his chest heaving, his shirt torn and bloody. The arena around him was a shattered wasteland, a testament to the raw power he unleashed. He had won.

The stench of ozone hung heavy in the air, a lingering scent of power. The crowd was silent, stunned by the ferocity of the battle, the brutality of the victory. Kyle, his eyes cold and calculating, looked down at his fallen opponents. He had tasted victory, and it was intoxicating.

His mission was complete. He had proven his dominance, his strength. His thirst for power had been quenched, at least for now.