
Yugioh: New Duelists X

Yuji Kusanagi a 15 years old boy who likes playing DM. But after a certain event involving DM, he was expelled from his school, then his parents decide to burn all his cards and duel disk. Fed up, he ran away from home and decide to become a duelist like he always wanted.

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72 Chs

☆6: Old Dorm Rumble

[I'm gonna die...]

Yuji placed his deck into The Duel Disk, witnessing the girl in front of him summoning a similar device in her left hand out of thin air.

At first, he thought the girl in front of him were Alexis, but as it turned out it was somebody else.

Calling her somebody is an underestimation. In the world of Duelist, she was a very famous one, and her name is...

"My name is Dark Magician Girl, it is nice to meet you ♡", says her doing a cute poses and winking toward him.

Yuji smiles wryly. He thought that she is a student from The Duel Academy who just cosplaying as a duel monster, but after she launches two magical missiles and summoning a Duel Disk out of thin air, made Yuji realized that the girl in front of him isn't just a cosplayer but rather a bona fide Duel Monster spirit named Dark Magician Girl.

For a good or shit luck, now he must duel her, even though he was in a hurry to search and rescue Alexis.

If he refused her duel invitation, it would result in him being minced meat, or probably a frog.

The Duel Disk expands, and Yuji opens his mouth.

"Before we duel, let me tell you that I'm not your enemy and I absolutely won't endanger your life! I'm here to search for my friend, that's all", said Yuji with solemn expression.

Dark Magician Girl's eyelid twitched, "I'll be the judge for that", told her.

Yuji were earnest, there isn't any lies in his words, but Dark Magician Girl did not believe him because she still felt the dangerous vibes that oozing from his body.

He closed his eyes, "Then I'll make you believe me with this duel"

Dark Magician Girl nods, "Then before we start..."

Like a circus performer, Dark Magician Girl spins and swings her staff so skillfully, and then throw it up into the sky.


She snaps her fingers, and her staff explodes into a beautiful multicolored firework, which amazed Yuji.

The firework is just a beginning, as a magic circle with pentagram symbol appears above them which then a thin pink layer-like curtain fall from the circle, surrounding Yuji and Dark Magician Girl like aurora.

With a confused and worried look, Yuji asked, "Is this... Shadow Game?"

The girl in front of him shakes her head, "No, this isn't Shadow Game".

She then touched her cheek with her beautiful index finger, doing a cute pose.

"The mechanic is similar, but... gunununu", she grumbles, "This wasn't a Shadow Game, more like a pact or Geass between two duelists"

She continues, "Like I said before. If I won, you'll tell me everything about yourself! Depending on the answers... I'll decide if I must erase you or not"

The corner of Yuji's mouth twitched, "That... sounds like a Shadow Game?!"

Dark Magician Girl pouted, "No, it isn't! Don't compare my magic with a Shadow Game!", cried her.

After a brief silence, she coughed, "W- well, it is up to you to believe this is a Shadow Game or not. Beside... until one of us is victorious, both duelists can't escape from here".

The corner of Yuji's mouth twitched again, [Yeah, this is a Shadow Game].

Dark Magician Girl extends her left arm, "What are we waiting for?! Let's duel!", insisted her as The Duel Disk expanded.

Yuji slightly grits his teeth, "Let's go!"


Dark Magician Girl |4000|

Yuji |4000|

Without showing some hospitality nor politeness, Dark Magician Girl snatched the first turn.

"First draw, first get!"

She then shows her newly drawn card to Yuji, looking at her happy expression it seems she drew a very good card.

"I activate Magician's Souls from my hand. I'm sending one Level 6 or higher spellcaster monster from my deck to The Graveyard, then by sending this card to The Graveyard to special summon Dark Magician or myself from it!"

Just like Yuji's Duel Disk, Dark Magician Girl's Duel Disk automatically send the card to The Graveyard. After that, she discards her card she had shown to Yuji to The Graveyard, and draws the previous card that was sent from The Deck to The Graveyard.

Dark Magician Girl raised her hand high, holding a card that shines like a beacon.

"Teacher, please lend me your strength!"

Yuji's eyes become sharper, [Here he comes!]

"Come, Dark Magician!", shouts her as she placed the card with wondrous vigor.

Purple and black stars emerges from the magic circle, dancing together surrounding Yuji and Dark Magician Girl like glittering diamond dust. Then, the clustering stars clumped together, forming a humanoid figure.

Crooked pointy hat with multiple ring segment, majestic robe with shiny curved plates with sharp edges covering his torso and shoulder area, last but not least his weapon, the magical rod with an orb etched on the tip which radiate an intense magical aura.

The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense.

Dark Magician (LV.7)

ATK/2500 DEF/2100

[So, this is the true Dark Magician?!]

Unlike the last Dark Magician he faced, The Dark Magician in front of Yuji gives off a majestic and mystical aura like a thousand years old sage, and also an intimidating pressure as if it comes from a hardened soldier like that of a war general.

Even though he knew Dark Magician is a normal monster, but he has a feeling that it won't be that easy to defeat him.

"I set two cards on the field, my turn here has ended", announced Dark Magician Girl.

Next is Yuji's turn, but before he started he gives Dark Magician Girl a praise first.

"As expected of you, Dark Magician Girl. In just the first turn, you manage to summons the famous Dark Magician with power of 2500! You truly are... a strong duelist!"

Hearing his praise, Dark Magician Girl's cheeks become redder, and can't help to show a smug expression while scratching her left cheek.

"Y- you think so? This isn't much, but... uh... thank you".

She then raised her eyebrow, then shakes her head, "Wait! What am I saying?!", mumbles her.

Yuji let out a soft laugh, looking at her expression.

He then placed his fingers on top of his deck.

[I can't use Elemental HERO yet. So let's try this new deck that I assembled]

After that he draws a card, the corners of his mouth bend upward after he saw what card he had drawn.

"I activate the spell card Pot of Greed. It allows me to draw 2 cards"

Dark Magician Girl slightly frowned, looking at Yuji who quickly draws another 2 cards from his deck at lightning speed.

He nods in satisfaction after looking at the two cards he had drawn.

"First off, I activate Watapon's effect from my hand. If Watapon is added from my deck to my hand by a card effect, I can Special Summon it directly"

A living cotton ball with big blue eyes and antennas emerges to his field.

Watapon (LV.1)

ATK/200 DEF/300

Watapon: Wa... ta... pon!

"Kyaa Kawaii (cute)", yells Dark Magician Girl, happily looking at Watapon with sparkling eyes.

Yuji shows another card, "Then, I activate Odd-Eyes Saber Dragon's effect. By sacrificing one light attribute monster and then sending Odd-Eyes Dragon from my deck to The Graveyard, I can special summon it!"

Watapon vanished into sparkling lights, making the female magician ahead pouted.

Yuji began to chant, "The dragon with heterochromia eyes. Wear the radiant stellar armor, and cut away the darkness like a sword of light!"

A magic circle with Mandala like symbol appears on his field, and a dragon with radiant majestic armor and blade-like wings crawls from it.

"Come forth, Odd-Eyes Saber Dragon!"

His dual-colored eyes glowing brightly as he let out a loud roar.

Odd-Eyes Saber Dragon (LV.7)

ATK/2800 DEF/2000

"What a strong dragon!", stunned her.

The moment she laid her eyes on the dragon, she felt a very strong and similar pressure to that of Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

Based on her own instinct as a duelist and understanding as a magician, she judges that the Odd-Eyes Saber Dragon in front of her maybe superior to The White Dragon and maybe her own teacher.

Yuji clenched his hand, "It's time for battle!"

He points his finger to Dark Magician, "Odd-Eyes Saber Dragon, attack Dark Magician! Stellar Flame Wave!"

Hearing his command, the dragon quickly gathers and then launched a large quantity of radiant golden flame from its mouth.

"Kiaaa!", screamed her after receiving the blast.

The attack reach and strike Dark Magician directly, draining his disciple's Life Points.

Dark Magician Girl |4000>3700|

Looking at her Life Points plummeted, Dark Magician Girl raised her hand to reveal the card she had set, "Trap card activate, Time Chain! (movie)"

Six chains with claws-like hand attached to it flies toward Odd-Eyes Saber Dragon and Dark Magician, binding them tightly.

But the creepiest thing about the chains is that it somehow makes the two monsters transparent, as if like they were made from glass.

Dark Magician Girl explained, "This card prevents both monster from being destroyed by battle, then bind the two monsters until the second Standby Phase of each player's own turn!"

Yuji grunted after reading the card's description, "They are treated as if they are not on the field, huh?!"

He continues, "This turn, I haven't used my normal summon yet. I set a monster, and then set two cards in the back rows"

He declares, "With this, my turn has ended"

With bated breath, Dark Magician Girl draws a card.

"Lucky!", giggles her, after she takes a look at the newly drawn card.

Yuji slowly narrowed his eyes, [She draws a very good card again, huh?]

Dark Magician Girl then showed him a card, "I activate The Tricky's effect! By discarding one card from my hand, I can summon him directly!"

She continues, "Let's go, The Tricky!"

A spinning wind appears on her side of the field with a trapped caped magician with question marks (?) On his face and body inside it.

The caped magician swing his hand, immediately dissolving the tornado, as to break free and at the same time announcing his arrival.

The Tricky (LV.5)

ATK/2000 DEF/1200

[Another monster that Yugi used!], comments Yuji looking at the caped magician.

But, Dark Magician Girl's move isn't over yet!

"Next, I activate Card of Compensation (manga)!", said her smiling.

"Card of Compensation?", asked him as he tilted his head sideways, [A card that I've never heard!]

She explained, "Card of Compensation's effect. When this card is discarded from hand to The Graveyard, it allows me to draws 2 cards"

"What a card...", surprised him as he's frowning watching Dark Magician Girl draws another 2 cards.

"Hum hum... my move isn't over yet, you know?!", humming her proudly as she held her head high, showing her elongated nose like Pinocchio.

"Here, I summon a Skilled Dark Magician in attack position!", exclaimed her, smiling as she's placing a new monster card.

A magician with three 'Magic Counter' symbols appears. With the upper half of his face were covered by shadow and/or maybe the turban, masking his expression.

Skilled Dark Magician (LV.4)

ATK/1900 DEF/1700

Dark Magician Girl clenched her hand, "Now, it's my turn for attacking!!", then points her finger to the face-down monster on Yuji's field, "The Tricky, attack!"

The caped magician swings his hand, creating a crescent blade of wind, ready to slice up the monster beneath the face-down card.

Yuji smirks as he's looking at the upcoming attack.

The set card opens, summoning a cute white monster like a vanila-colored blob with its face reversed.

Marshmallon (LV.3)

ATK/300 DEF/500

"Marshmallon's effect. If this monster is attacked while it's originally in face-down position, the attacking player takes 1000 damage"

He continues, "Not only that, Marshmallon have another effect, that it can't be destroyed by battle"

Like slingshot's rubber, Marshmallon's body stretching far by the crescent blade that unable to destroying it, and then bounced back the attack toward The Tricky, hitting him instead.

Dark Magician Girl |3700>2700|

"Kuh!", Dark Magician Girl frowned, looking as her LP plummeted.

She slightly grits her teeth, "Turn... end"

Even though she still had Skilled Dark Magician, she restrained her urges by ordering him for attacking Marshmallon, then going straight for the end phase instead.

Yuji crossed his arms, staring at Dark Magician Girl with his clear green eyes.

"Next is my turn. But before that, I'll say it again, I am not your enemy!"

Yuji extends his hand for her to take, and exclaimed as he stares into her eyes.

"Believe me, Dark Magician Girl!


In the basement of The Old Dormitory.


Jaden |4000>2000|

Syrus and Chumley widened their eyes, witnessing Jaden's Life Points decreasing.

In front of them, a Big Guy named 'Titan' he is wearing a mask with millennium eye symbol while holding a pendant that looks like an upside-down pyramid with an eye on the front issuing an attack to his monster 'Terrorking Archfiend' to destroyed Jaden's E•HERO Avian and dealing damage to Jaden.

But the creepiest thing happened after that, as the three of them shocked to see some part of Jaden's body goes missing.

The big guy named Titan chuckling amused seeing Jaden groaned in pain and watches as he confused of why he can lose some of his body part.

Jaden grits his teeth.

"So... this is the Shadow Game?!"