
Yu-Gi-Oh! Gojoing GX

Yugioh GX Fanfic Branch off timeline from Help me Step Gojo, I'm Stuck. -YuGiOh and the official cards are all owned by Konami. -This is an AI generated DMG. Volume 2 is Arifureta Fanfic.

AnHa8 · Cómic
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52 Chs

We don't need Spirit Keys - 15


After I left the scene. The day after tomorrow, the Bastard was kicked out from the amazons Tania and Jaden was 'forced' to engage in a high-stake duel where his chastity and single status was on the line. Bastion was sure looking like a dumbass in love after that one-night snu snu. But because he consistently lost in duels against her, she had lost her appetite for him.

Even though I didn't really care, Alexis informed me that Jaden had won with just barely a couple of hundred life points left at the end after dueling her. But, based on the information I had, Jaden had acquired some new cards. So, I couldn't help but ask, how the hell did he still almost lose with those new cards of his?

After discarding the polymorph magic shadow charm, which was similar to a curse item but wasn't necessarily harmful unless used for a shadow game, it was discovered that Tania was in fact a White Tiger. She had never bothered to start a shadow game to gather souls from living beings. Regardless, she was still doing her job as a shadow rider.

As I said before, that whole drama wasn't worth my time. After hearing Bastard wailing about his love not dying after she left the island.

What I'm curious about is, who is creating those objects that are capable of such feats and miracles. I liked to offer a deal. My assistance in defeating the key holders in exchange for some items that fulfill my request with no curse attached.


Gojo's POV

[Would be really funny if I blew up that submarine right now.] I made a telepathic joke to my wife.

[You wouldn't,] The Dark Magician Girl replied, sitting on my shoulders and casually crossing her legs.

[Right, I wouldn't. Too many eyes watching, and that submarine looks expensive too,] I agreed.

[But for fuck sakes, why does this guy have to use a microphone? It's screeching every few seconds.] I was getting annoyed by the second.

A giant submarine surfaced in Duel Academy's port, and from it emerged an admiral with a pirate accent. He was equipped with a microphone and began addressing the surprised and curious students of the academy.

[You think this guy is a shadow rider, dear?] Dark Magician Girl chirped.

[Hell to the no. He's already playing both the pirate and the admiral navy officer roles. Adding another role is just weird,] I remarked as I observed Jaden, Alexis, and Chazz boarding the boat to head to the submarine.

[Well, I've never been in a submarine before,] I expressed my interest as I teleported to join the group. While staying invisible.

While the bastard (Bastion) was expressing his thoughts and his interest. I was looking around with interest while ignoring the conversation until.

"Ah! Tis be a fine ship. But now chuu (let's duel) you filthy powder monkey!" The Admiral said.

[Ayo, babe. This guy knows how to joke,] I chuckled a bit from hearing that.

[Didn't he just call Jaden a monkey?] Dark Magician Girl interrupted her exploration, questioning the choice of words.

We watched as Jaden and the admiral made their way to the duel arena in the submarine. This place was much bigger than I had imagined. With excitement and curiosity, I headed off to explore the other rooms with Dark Magician Girl by my side. However, that was until.

[Ah, crap,] I muttered as I pulled on a lever, given there was no description on it to indicate its purpose.

[Did you do something?] Dark Magician Girl, who had been looking around, turned to see what I was up to after some room went dark.

A portion of the entire submarine plunged into darkness.

When I pulled the lever back up, nothing happened. 'Nawh, nothing's wrong, babe. Let's check out this other place,' I suggested, trying to keep things casual.

A few minutes later, a crew member arrived to check on things and proceeded to fix whatever had gone wrong. Everything was back to normal in just a few seconds.

However, we had already left the room and were busy exploring the bunkers.

"Oh wow, I never thought I would actually see these in real life." I muttered out loud in surprise.

[Huh? What's that?] Dark Magician quickly came over to see what I had found, her expression full of interest as she glanced at what appeared to be a magazine.

[A porn mag,] I said with a mischievous grin.

[Oh, for heaven's sake,] she clicked her tongue and smacked me.

After exploring what seemed to be everything, we stumbled upon an ongoing argument. We decided to check out what was happening, and it turned out to be a duel. The duel was centered around a bet, with the outcome potentially leading to Jaden becoming a teacher for a new duel academy under the sea 💀.

I laughed after seeing how Jaden got dragged into a scheme and the admiral gently kicked out Alexis, Bastard, and Chazz. And those useless people actually thought Jaden wanted to stay? As I watched one of the crew drive Jaden's friends back to duel academy island as Jaden was still inside the submarine.

[Soooo, what are we going to do—] Dark Magician Girl asked, but her question was interrupted by a text message I received.


Text Message: From Alexis

Hey Gojo, can you get Jaden for us? We wanted to talk to him, but he went with the admiral who owns this submarine. You see, what happened was… (followed by a description of events from their point of view).

~ Alexis


And so, I replied to her back with a seen-read message.

Text Message: To Alexis

K. lol.


And sent. Like I'm hell I'm going to read all that.

I stayed in the submarine along with Dark Magician Girl for about half the day. Eventually, I decided I had seen enough and went to grab Jaden. Jaden was taken by surprise by someone grabbing him but didn't see anyone. As I grabbed him, I teleported both of us back to Duel Academy Island. In the blink of an eye, Jaden's eyes were blinking in disbelief. He had no chance to react to being suddenly grabbed and then transported back to Duel Academy Island. By the port there was Syrus who was sitting and waiting. Alexis and Chumley were also there.

Just like Jaden, Syrus, Alexis, and Chumley were left blinking in astonishment at Jaden's sudden appearance and arrival.

"Is that Jaden?!" Syrus ran toward him and embraced him, with a few tears in his eyes. "No homo."

"Eh? Did he just appear?" Chumley asked in surprise.

"Oh, thanks, Gojo," Alexis sighed with a mutter and a relieved exhale.

"Yeah, no problem. Useless. Y'all really can't do anything without me, lmao," I quipped out loud for Alexis to hear.

"Huh?! Where?" Alexis was surprised and immediately checked her surrounding to look around but couldn't find anyone as I disappeared once more.


And just like that, my days were spent comfortably for just a week. Although I had to drop in on group meetings and check in with Alexis's brother and Alexis from time to time.

Just one week after that bizarre pirate submarine admiral event, we received news of a new arrival on Duel Academy Island, as I got a text from the Chancellor. Supposedly, it had something to do with the law 💀. Personally, I call absolute bullshit on that. Why is the law involved? There were never such things.

Hell, Kaiba seriously went his way to screw the rules because he got money and power. Where was the law in that? Though, I can't lie about the fact he transformed the world, shifting from military and political conflicts to resolving disputes through card games, is an unbelievable feat and deserves to be called the GOAT (greatest of all time). But that is that this is this. Where does the law fit into this? The academy called in a detective to 'help' the duelists in duel academy because of the shadow rider.


I was with Alexis, checking up on her brother who was just lounging outside of his room, gazing through the windows. He had no memories and hadn't spoken a word. He appeared utterly empty, hollow even, like a person without purpose, memories, or identity.

Naturally, the guy who might have been responsible for this mess was there to provide comfort. I was saying things like, "It's not your fault at all. There's no fault to begin with. It was nobody's fault. In fact, you should blame your own brother!" She couldn't help but roll her eyes at my attempt to console her with my 'comforting words.'

Well, it was my wife's suggestion, so I had to do it.

[Try harder! I don't want to see her like this, in this state,] Dark Magician Girl urged me.

[Ya, think I might be able to find a potion recovery for memories?] I telepathically asked.

[Don't you dare try to rely on drugs.] She refused the idea of that.

[Is it because it was made by humans?] I retorted.

[No, it's because the symptoms were caused by dark magic. What if his memories could come back naturally through a duel? Wouldn't the double influx of memories overload his brain or something? Human minds are really fragile and can only handle a certain amount of information. They're not like you, who can process any amount of information.] She explained.

[Ah. Fucking hell why does everything have to be based off shadow games.] I groaned.

"Look, useless— Alexis. Damn those names are pretty much the same." I muttered to which I earned a very annoyed look.

"Nightshroud took on the full infinite void. He bore the full burden, and any remnants of him were essentially also stripped away. I can say with certainty that he tampered with his body, perhaps by brainwashing, wiping out memories, or stealing memories," I said." I explained.

"I know and I hate that shadow rider for it." She growled, growing annoyed and slowly angrily.

"Then shouldn't you hate me too?" I asked. 'One way to improve her current state and mindset is to shift the blame onto someone else entirely, and right now, only I can fit that bill.'

"I am the one who changed the conditions and penalties of the shadow game, by throwing Nightshroud into the shadow realm. The way to recover his memories is almost gone. I think there is no other way to recover Atticus's memories than by getting Nightshroud back. But that's going to trigger another shadow game, and I'm not going to let that happen," I added.

Alexis bit her lip, recognizing the truth in my words. She knew she couldn't blame me for it. I had to do it to save Jaden, or else his soul would have been sealed.

"It's not your fault," she struggled to say. "I would have done the same if I were in your position," she added, clenching her fist.

[Wow, she's mentally strong enough to be able to say that.] Dark Magician Girl clapped in admiration.

I gave Alexis a gentle hug, which truly surprised her. Her eyes widened, and a hint of life returned to her.

[OH WOW! Way to go, Husband,] Dark Magician Girl cheered.

"You still look like shit right now, Alexis." I openly said this loud.

[Ok, stop. Where did the moments go?] Dark Magician Girl tried smacking me for that.

Alexis, who was momentarily surprised, immediately got mad after hearing that. She was arguably the most beautiful girl in the academy. Looking like shit? How? She was in perfect condition.

"So, I hope this hug helped you a little. You've always had the look of someone worrying sick, always wearing a concerned expression, and at moments, ready to help others. Aren't you overburdening yourself?" I tried to console her, speaking gently as I caressed her back.

She took in that hug and reciprocated with an even tighter one. We were just hugging in the middle of the hallway with Alexis's brother staring through the windows. It was a bit awkward and silent.

"So, are you good? There is no point brooding over it. Like seriously what a waste of time—" Dark Magician Girl cut me off with her materialized hand.

"Hmhmhmhmhm," I chuckled as I tried to pull away from the hug, noticing incoming visitors.

Alexis reluctantly let go of the hug, her face flushed slightly red.

"You look so much better like that." I said with a grin and a nod as we separated.

Before she could respond, Jaden and the others approached.

"What's up, Alexis, oh hey, Gojo!" Jaden greeted, accompanied by Chazz, Banner holding Pharaoh, and a man dressed in a formal brown suit, who appeared to have a knockoff Millennium Eye.

[Never thought I would see Jaden bringing in a shadow rider to me like this. This saves so much time. He had just become useful all of a sudden.] I laughed internally.

[Husband, I can sense dark magic emanating from its eye. But it's invisible.] Dark Magician Girl conveyed.

[And that just confirmed he is a shadow rider. Is it an illusion? Memory tampering? Or suggestion hypnotist?] I asked in curiosity.

[All of above, it's trying to fill in an artificial memory of also acknowledging his existence, although it's artificial. If you look at the memories closely, you will recognize it doesn't make any sense.] Dark Magician Girl telepathically explained his abilities while huffing and proud that she can see the abilities.

[You also forgot to include that you have to look at the eye for it to take effect,] I suggested after observing with my six eyes. I guess this man is a bit frustrated that a blindfolded man like me is not getting affected. I couldn't help but smile at his funny attempt.

"How's your bro, Atticus doing?" Jaden asked curiously as he looked at the empty man staring out the window.

"Well, So-So. I guess. He is out of that hospital bed now. But he still can't remember anything." Alexis answered.

"Yeah, and I could use some weed too," I sarcastically quipped.

"Gojo…" Alexis sighed, and Jaden tilted his head upon hearing that.

"I'm sure he will come back to us soon." Jaden reassured Alexis.

"Yeah, putting that aside, what brings you guys all over?" She was surprised by the group.

"The law, actually," Professor Banner said, turning to look at the mysterious man and giving him a chance to introduce himself.

[This a shadow rider who is also involved with the law? What kind of bullshit is this?] I found it utterly unbelievable.

'You'd think they'd catch on to the common signs from going against countless shadow riders. They all wear knock off millennium items with that weird eye in it. But no, these useless dumbasses just aren't getting the hint.' I facepalmed.

[Oh. I didn't notice.] Dark Magician Girl voiced her clumsiness.

[It's alright, babe. Even if you're slow and clueless, you're perfect the way you are.] I teased.

[What was that?] Dark Magician Girl asked with a strict tone. But she was cute when she did that.

"Good afternoon, everyone. I'm detective Zaloog." He revealed himself and flaunted his eye a bit with some magic power emanating.

"Okay…" Alexis responded unimpressed.

"You see, since two of the spirit keys of the seven keys have already been taken by the shadow riders and the fate of the world rests on protecting the remaining 5, the academy thought it best to call in the police." Banner explained the reason why he was here.

[Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, huh.] I rolled my eyes at seeing this shit happening in real life. Who the hell called this person in?

[Oh wow, that's a great line. Did you come up with it?] Dark Magician Girl asked.

[No, babe. It's a quote from one of the greatest war generals and strategists. He's known for his supreme art of war, which involves subduing the enemy without fighting. For the record, he has not lost a single war with his strategy. Too bad, he's just a strategist, but he's still a formidable presence in my world, also shrouded in mystery,] I clarified.

[Wow, really? This guy sounds incredible! Winning a war without fighting? Tell me more!]

[No.] I quickly shot down that request.

"Who called this person in?" I asked in genuine curiosity.

"Oh, I suggested it, and the chancellor agreed. He thought it would be best to have an enforcer agent guarding the Spirit Key holders," Banner said with his eyes narrowed, responding to me.

[Are they in cahoots!?] I'm trying to wrap my head around this. 'No, it's definitely unlikely. Did they get played by that millennium eye knocked off?'

[We'll find out more later,] Dark Magician Girl responded, her eyes narrowed as she observed the situation.

"Whatever. I'm heading out. This police thing sounds stupid in my opinion." I said as I walked away from the group, giving Alexis's head a playful bop before making my exit.

"Hey!" Alexis called out, sporting an annoyed expression from being teased. Secretly, though, she seemed to really enjoy it, finally being able to grab Gojo's attention, something she couldn't have done before.

Waving my hand dismissively, I left. Professor Banner and Zaloon kept a close watch on me as I walked away. Only to turn invisible the moment they lost sight of me, slipping away unnoticed.


"What was all that about?" Jaden asked, his eyes blinking in confusion.

"Yeah, what gives, Alexis? You're going to let him touch you like that," Chazz snarled.

"Mmhmm. Don't worry about it, boys," Alexis replied with a sly smile, feeling something on her hand. Her eyes widened a bit, and she gripped her hand tightly around the invisible one, as if not wanting to let go.

"By the way, where is your key, Lex?" Jaden asked, looking for her key.

"Right here, around my neck," she responded, casually pulling out her necklace with her free hand.

"Same," Jaden and Chazz both chimed in, revealing their own Spirit Keys.

"Oh my Oh my, that's exactly what I was afraid of, you may think that's where it is safest but it's not. Before, you see all the shadow duelists have to do is find you and they found the key." Zaloon, the detective, warned with a sly grin.

"So, the detective is suggesting we all hide our keys somewhere." Banner added.

"That sounds clever, I guess. But didn't Gojo say something about stealing the keys won't work?" Jaden said out loud, followed by some low muttering at the end that was barely audible.

"Wait, what about Zane?" Chazz said.

"He doesn't need to. He's a strong duelist," Jaden laughed. "He can probably handle any Shadow Duelist who comes after him."

Alexis agreed by nodding her head.

"Hmph. I'll show who's strong," Chazz muttered with determination.

"I see. This Zane person is also a spirit key holder." Zaloon muttered, closing his eyes with a troubled expression.

Alexis knew I was here and played along, holding my hand as we engaged in a playful version of "footsies," but with our hands instead. Although it was fun to play along, I had another purpose for staying invisible in this moment.

'Who would have thought I would be able to find out his intentions? Stealing the keys, huh?' I secretly smirked.

I tapped on Alexis' shoulder as if indicating to let go, and reluctantly she released my hand. I teleported away with a fun plan in mind.


"So, let me get this straight, you want me to give you my Spirit Key, so it can be stolen?" Zane's eyebrow raised as he heard my seemingly illogical statement.

"Yeah, I know it makes no sense. But you do realize the key itself isn't what matters anymore. It's about losing after you've grabbed the key, right?" I explained.

"I think I'm starting to understand a little. There's a Shadow Rider here, and they are stealing the keys." Zane asked with a more serious expression now.

"You're still useful ain't cha? Anyway, you got that right, they are using some magic to manipulate trust. Though, they are fucking stupid for thinking that just stealing the key would work. It will make them come back and expose themselves looking like complete idiots." I thought the shadow riders knew better.

"Isn't that a plan that can backfire any time?" Zane asked skeptically.

"Well, you either give it to me, or I could duel you and make you lose the Spirit Key in the process," I cackled.

He clicked his tongue and threw me the Spirit Key, which I effortlessly caught.

"You just want to make fun of them," Zane rolled his eyes after understanding my intentions.

"Oh, most definitely! You've got to come watch this. Can't wait to look at their faces when they are caught lacking. hahaha." I laughed a lot louder now.

"No, thanks, I'd rather not get caught up in their magic," Zane replied as he walked away.

"If you say so~ Chow." I teleported to Jaden's room and briefly scanned the area. I found it inside a drawer, sitting right there amidst his mess. So, I placed the key inside, right alongside his clutter, where his Spirit Key resided.
