
Your Girlfriend is My Fiance's Ex-girlfriend .

Her fiance is goddess, handsome and such a beautiful person almost like a Male God but has a ex-girlfriend that makes her hold her from falling for him ,but she has a black past too which always stops her from falling for anyone ,but what if the nightmare you never wants to happen ,happens with you .....

Ddevil_Staeswife · Combinación de músicas
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My soon to be wife .......!

Ara's POV

I got in taxi and my phone ranged so I picked it up without looking "hello ?" a sweet voice said from other line it was my fiance jungkook "hello" I said "Ara ya where are you ?" he said worried "ohh jungkook ahh don't worry you go ahead I'll be there in 30 minutes " I said as I looked at my watch "oh okay be safe" and he kept the call .He always been so cool even though we have been engaged for 5 months he never asked for anything never,he always supports me and my decisions and his this attitude is the reason why am getting married to him because I can trust this guy.

At office

Jungkook's POV

we have a important meeting today Ara and me are not only partners for life but also partners in business and to tell the truth since she came in my life my business got on No.1 never ever she let me feel awkward even though we didn't loved each other, we always act like friends but now I started to forget my ex and started to fall for Ara ,I hope she feels the same today am gonna tell her about this thing too I hope she accepts me .

Ara's POV

I reached 14th floor of the Jeon's Dream collection building its jungkook's company names ,I gone in meeting room and saw others waiting for me and jungkook sitting on his boss chair in middle and I sat beside him infront of the empty seat that belongs to the dealer ,I already have the idea of how important this deal is for jungkook,he always wanted to collab with Kim's Collections it's a successful company in USA ,and that company is thinking about opening there branch in here also in Seoul. "What took you so long Ara-shi ?" jungkook asked in formal voice cause we are in meeting room "Am sorry Jungkook-shi ,I'll tell you later don't worry am okay " I said as I smiled at him .

He smiled at me and soon the door opened and a man come in ,he was wearing black suit everyone stood up accept jungkook ,I also had to stood up to Greet him but soon stood there shocked what is this man doing here ??????????????

Taehyung's POV

I was feeling really happy as I entered the meeting room my dear dongsaeng(junior) is waiting for me but as I got in all of the colleagues stood up to greet i greeted them with smile and pulled my chair to sit but when I see ahead I saw her ,she was there right infront of me stood shocked but she covered her expressions and sat down, she was wearing a blue suit A Chanel one ,she always liked Chanel's clothes, I sat down and the meeting started I have to agree jungkook is doing really great and Ara too ...!

Jungkook's POV

soon the meeting was over and I asked taehyung hyung to have a lunch with me and Ara I wanted to introduce her to him as my fiancee "so let's go hyung "I said as he nodded and started walking but Ara held my hand I looked at her "where are you going ?" she asked in a whisper "oh sorry babe but am not going alone your going with me too let's go "I said as I pulled her by her waist .

Ara's POV

Babe?And he's also grabbing my waist oh my what's wrong with you jeon jungkook your making my heart beat faster soon we reached a hotel and taehyung was there too ,me and jungkook sat together and taehyung sat infront of us "so ?" taehyung said as jungkook held my hand and said "hyung meet Lee Ara my soon to be wife "jungkook said smiling as I was looking at taehyung who was shocked but he covered it and said "ohh nice to meet you Ara,jungkook is really lucky to have you as his fiancee" he said smiling ."Yea hyung your right am really lucky this time " jungkook said as he gently kissed the back of my hand and smiled at me lovingly, he did it all the time infront of his friends but this time it was different his eyes ,his eyes are looking so lovingly at me and I can see sincerity in it .....