
Your friend

Everyone came into this world by accident. Some regretted it, others thanked God for a second chance. Different values and desires, different life experiences and ages. They were united by only one thing, each of them thought that he came into this world alone. This story will tell about one of these "reincarnators". He is cunning, ambitious and smart. The people who came into this world with him are just small variables in his plan.

ampluua · Cómic
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1 Chs

New piece on the board

It was a sunny day, a weak cool breeze was blowing, children were frolicking in the streets, parents and old people were watching them with smiles and happiness in their eyes, life in the village of Konoha was in full swing and in full swing. There was no other way to describe this environment as harmonious and happy.

Along a narrow street at the edge of the village, a boy of about twelve was walking, his brown hair falling over his eyes, sometimes shining in the hot afternoon sun. Everything about him showed youth and carefreeness, except for his eyes; they showed a maturity unusual for his age. In addition, they showed an unbreakable will and determination to protect something.

Approaching closer to the house, already seeing it on the horizon, a light and relaxed smile appeared on the boy's face. He remembered his parents, maybe they don't know it, but they did a lot for him, much more than they think.

The fact is that he is not from this planet, not even from this world. On earth he was an orphan; from childhood he understood that in order to get something he had to dig in and hold on until the very end. He lived his entire short life with this attitude.

Rejecting many women who were interested in him, he never started a family, living the life of a careerist, returning year after year to a huge, but essentially empty house. One day everything changed, he died. Expecting a lot, but none of this, he happily accepted this new life full of colors. His parents surrounded him with warmth and care from the first minutes of his life; they were from a simple family, but they always gave him the best. In this dangerous world of shinobi and war, where the strong are like dirt, he vowed to protect his parents at all costs. He was lucky because at the age of nine he also received a golden finger, a system, a weapon and a way to protect all reincarnators.

- Mom, dad, I'm home. "Opening the door of the house and taking off his shoes, he chanted loudly.

There was no answer; the smell of metal hit his nose sharply.

- Mom, dad, where are you?! – He shouted out with a bit of panic.

Quickly running into the living room where the smell came from, he was stunned. In the middle of the room, a Konoha shinobi sat on a chair with a dull look, and around him in a pool of blood lay two bodies, a man and a woman with their throats cut, in them he recognized his parents. Seeing the boy, the shinobi jumped up from his chair, throwing away the murder weapon and fell to his knees, hugging his legs.

"F-forgive me, I beg you, my daughter, if I hadn't done this, he would have killed her." – Tears flowing from his eyes fell to the floor, mixing with his saliva, at that moment, the proud shinobi of Konoha looked more like a slug.

- For what..? "The boy said quietly and helplessly, paying absolutely no attention to the man.

Lightning flashed, the shinobi's head flew off and fell to the ground with a muffled sound. Behind the headless shinobi stood a tall, pale, muscular man with a white simple bandana on his head, in his hands, occasionally sparkling with lightning, a golden staff shone, and from behind his back four drums with three black tomoe on each peeked out. Gold diamond-shaped earrings hung from his unnaturally long lobes, reaching to his chest. His entire body was saturated with an aura of arrogance and lightning, he had a malicious grin on his face, but his eyes were blank, like a doll's.

"You sons of bitches, Konoha will pay for this." "Slowly with anger," the boy muttered.

An azure panel appeared before his eyes, more like water, visible only to him. With the power of thought, the boy forced Enel to move, his whole body was covered with lightning, and his gaze acquired a spark inherent only to living beings.

In the center of Konoha, on busy streets where trade is very developed, a family of three was walking. The man is an Asian man of thirty-five years old, of a thin build with a straight nose and black hair neatly styled. At a distance from him, a pretty woman of the same age walked gracefully, her waist perfectly described the shape of an hourglass, and wisdom and intelligence were visible in her sky-blue eyes. A boy of about six years old was sitting on the man's neck; he took something from each of his parents.

"Darling, you need more time to relax with us," the woman said with a slight smile.

- Yes, mom is right, dad needs to work less! – The boy enthusiastically echoed his mother.

"Okay, Shion, I'll try to work less." "Looking at his wife like a winner, the man raised his hands above his head in a sign of surrender.

Everything in Konoha village spoke of its well-being and harmony. Tree leaves blowing in the light breeze of the spring, people walking along busy streets, cats and dogs sleeping peacefully in the sun, occasionally running past on the roofs, shinobi. Nothing is eternal.

Lightning flashed in the sky, and thunder spread throughout the entire village, and a heavy downpour began, which eventually extinguished the fire that broke out due to lightning strikes. There was little point in the rain; all that was left of the house and surrounding neighborhoods was turned into dust and soot. Only the boy and a tall man with a blank look remained.


Konoha, the spring sun was shining, falling through the window of a two-story house. A tall young man was eating at the table, his brown hair falling over soft brown eyes and rectangular-framed glasses. He was wearing a Konoha shinobi uniform and a khaki vest. At a distance from him, there was a chair, propping up an elegant and expensive sword in a sheath, everything about it revealed the work of a master.

The fact is that this man is not from this world. Being an ordinary college student from the earth, he always wanted something more. He had big plans and goals in his past life, but this was not destined to come true. He died, as is cliché, but it's a fact.

– Twenty-one years, exactly twenty-one years have passed since I got here. – The man whispered as if nostalgically.

– Already forty-five percent, during this time I have built up a lot of strength, both my own and political. The time of death of the third Hokage is getting closer, by taking his place I can finally gain a foothold here and begin to fill the template by leaps and bounds. – The man said with a slight smile and a bit of coldness in his eyes, looking at the translucent snow-white system screen.

Suddenly, thunder thundered in the sky, dozens of lightning strikes not far from the two-story house, and the entire room was illuminated by white light. The man got up from the table and went to the window with an intrigued look, looking at what was happening.

– Interesting... I don't remember a single person, other than the Raikage, who could do such a thing. Did my intervention change the plot..? – Having finished the sentence, he disappeared from the room as if no one was there in the first place, only the still warm food reminded of the person's recent presence.


Among the ashes and dirt, in the rain, what he used to call home, stood a boy and his companion. If you look into the eyes of a child, you can feel the emptiness and plunge into it headlong. The boy looked blankly at the dozens of arriving shinobi, standing on the trees and roofs, looking at him with an unkind gaze. There was a tension in the air that could be cut with a knife.

"You better give up, you won't be allowed to rampage in the village, you will be arrested and taken into custody until further proceedings." – One of the shinobi said with all seriousness on the roof of a three-story building.

– Idiots brainwashed by the will of fire, such people are better off dead. – The boy said with undisguised anger and arrogance.

- Little bitch. – Said the unnamed shinobi standing on the roof, the boy's provocation worked.

In an instant, dozens of kunai flew at him, forming a rain of metal, giving him time to use the seals. At this time, a tall man came out from behind the boy, repulsing absolutely all the projectiles flying in their direction, he grabbed the boy with one hand, jumped to a safe distance, used his other hand to hit the two central drums with his staff, creating a huge electric dragon, which crashed into a shinobi at high speed.

A second, a flash of white light, most of the ninja turned into charred corpses, some escaped with only minor injuries. They continued to make seals, now came the shinobi counterattack. Dozens of ninjutsu combined into one, each matching its element, flying towards the enemy. In the ninja world, C-rank ninjutsu is not something special, every experienced shinobi can use it. But when dozens of ninjas use it at the same time, it turns into something of a natural disaster.

A ten-meter wave and an equally large wall of fire created a huge shadow that fell on the boy and the man, and the wind created through ninjutsu prevented them from standing normally, blowing them away from their place. The man once again grabbed the boy trying to dodge, but did not have time.

Water and fire came into contact with the ground and turned into hot steam. The wind blew away some of the steam, revealing two people; the huge figure of a man covered the heavily breathing boy with his body, revealing only minor parts of the body.

- Huff, haf, haf. – The boy greedily gasped for hot air, the use of the puppet greatly strained his mind, and also the protracted battle, all this put an end to his already weak stamina.

At the behest of the boy's thoughts, the man took him in his arms, wanting to leave the battlefield. Suddenly, from the steam that had not yet completely dissipated, a huge black pole flew out, sending a man flying, simultaneously smashing nearby buildings.

- Ho-Hokage-sama! – A shinobi lying nearby shouted with joy.

– Evacuate the villagers and help the wounded. – The old man said in a strong-willed voice.

He was dressed in a black ninja combat suit and a helmet that completely covered his ears and the back of his head, and in his hands was a huge wide pole, several times his own height. No one dared to disobey the Hokage, soon the battlefield was empty, only the old man and a boy with several broken limbs lying nearby remained.

- I have your master! – Hiruzen shouted loudly, taking the boy hostage while pretending to be knocked out.

In an instant, with a lightning strike, a tall man appeared next to the old man, with whom they immediately entered into a confrontation. The man struck with a golden staff, but the old man dodged each one, managing to counterattack with his huge staff. But this did absolutely no damage, the man constantly turned into electricity, avoiding attacks, or even accepting them.

-Who are you, and why did you come to Konoha!? "The old man asked during the fight, letting the man move away, this was his main mistake.

- El tor. – The man said emotionlessly, pointing his hand at the old man.

There was a flash of light, a horizontal beam of lightning came out of the man's hand and hit the dodging old man. The beam passed through his body and went further, destroying the part of the rock behind him on which the third Hokage's face was located.

- Ghak, ghak. – Hiruzen coughed up blood with effort.

Beads of cold sweat rolled down his forehead, and there was a grimace of hellish pain on his face. Half of his torso, right down to his forearm, was missing. Leaning backwards, the old man's body was ready to come into contact with the ground, but out of nowhere a young man appeared and caught him on the fly.

– Where the leaves dance, the fire burns... the shadow of the fire falls on the village... and again new leaves will bloom. I entrust the village to you, protect and take care of it and its inhabitants, Aizen..." With an effort of will and a tortured expression on his face, the old man said in a whisper. Giving the person your last smile.

"Thank you, I thought I would have to wait for the chunin exam, you will fulfill my goal earlier." – With a relaxed and soft smile, said the young man with glasses, casually throwing aside the corpse of the former Hokage and looking at the boy.

"I constantly doubted whether I came into this world alone. From the age of eight, when I became a shinobi, when I went to war, and when it ended, right up until this moment, I was looking for any hint, any clue. I tried not to stand out, definitely not so that my name would spread throughout the world. But you forced me to choose between influence and safety. Still, I would still have revealed myself, it just happened earlier than I planned. – The man said to the fleeing couple.

"Under different circumstances, we could have become allies." – Aizen said a little melancholy, looking at the clouds from which the first rays of the sun were breaking through.

For a moment, the man was left completely alone on the scorched earth, standing next to the severed head of the boy. The puppet, which had previously been so formidable, crumbled into dust and disappeared with the first breeze.

"This village will have a new Hokage, and it will be me." – Aizen said with a cold expression on his face, looking at the newly arrived elders.


In a small room, on a simple armchair, with a thoughtful look and a soft smile, sat a man of thin build, he had a straight nose, and he always styled his meek black hair in a neat hairstyle. While reading a book, the man turned the page every three minutes.

"The user indirectly eliminated the reincarnator, 1 lottery point"

"It worked..." The man's face was distorted into an evil grin, and his eyes were filled with coldness. It seemed as if the temperature in the room had dropped several degrees.

"Tadanobu... can I come in?" – A woman's concerned voice was heard from behind the door.

- Of course, did something happen, dear? - The man's behavior changed one hundred and eighty degrees.

– Do you remember what happened today? – Entering the room, the woman said sadly.

- Yes, sure. I asked my neighbor, it was all over, the shinobi killed the deserters. "The man said as if he didn't understand anything.

"The thing is... Hokage-sama, he died defending the village..." the woman said with tears welling up.

- Oh God... at dinner we need to pray for the repose of the Hokage sama. – Looking stunned, the man said with a pinch of sadness.

"I'm sure the Hokage herself is in the pure land." Don't cry, Shiho. – With a smile full of love, putting the book aside and hugging his wife, the man said.