
Extra Story II : "Raphael's True Feelings"


I yawned and rolled over.

This is boring. Being a baby is boring. I kept repeating those words for a millionth time already. Please, please! I want to play!



Someone walked in. Who's this? Christopher? No no, brother Christopher would shout my name every time he walked in.

Edgar? he would call too.

It's impossible for Leorys and Sehan to gently open the door. They would drop kick the door!

And it's impossible for brother Sylvester to visit me alone. He's too shy. He would come with Christopher or Edgar.

Mother? she's busy during this hour, same as father.



N-No way!


This is a miracle! Raphael, the cold-hearted, quite, secretive brother. He visited me!

"Agu~!" Wah I'm so happy~!

I rolled to my back so I can face Raphael who's standing beside my crib. I reached my tiny arms to him, giggling. Raphael didn't react, he simply stared.

"..." Raphael looked around the room. As if he's checking if there's someone else in the room.

"Gu~?" I blinked, feeling confused by his actions.

Raphael then leaned closer to me. His nose touched my cheek.

"Don't tell anyone... But I love you, my little brother,"





... Yes, the world will end soon.