

To touch a Dark One is death. To talk to an immortal is suicide. Yet, I've been marked by both. A Vampire. And the King of the immortals. My life is no longer my own. And now I know the truth, my life was never mine to begin with. It was theirs. It's always been theirs. I knew their history. Probably better than most of them. I'd been studying them for most of my life, pouring over books and research with constant dread that, one day, my number would be called, and my life would be played out for me in absolute horror. Humans were like little insects that they allowed to survive only because it was necessary for their own survival. We die. They die. Therefore, we live.

JusticeFaruck · Fantasía
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49 Chs


Genesis's [POV]

Drystan's eyebrows shot up to his hairline when I walked into the store. I wondered if all immortals could smell what I'd been doing or where I'd been. Then again, Ethan had said he'd marked me.

So maybe it was just like walking around with his scent all over me.

"Genesis." Drystan pointed to a stack of boxes. "We just received another shipment. Why don't you put the books away to start with, and then I'll have you help customers."

"Great." I reached for the boxes and was surprised when they didn't feel heavy at all, maybe it was compliments of the vampire blood which was currently making my veins feel like they were on fire.

Ethan had said it would wear off throughout the day, but my body still felt hot. I wasn't sweating, but I felt like I should be.

I carried the stack of boxes over to the corner and started pulling out books. Each one was in alphabetical order, making it easy to find a spot on the shelf for them.

I was halfway finished when I felt it the chill in the air.

"Cassius," I breathed, "didn't take you for a reader." I knew I was safe from him as long as I didn't touch him. I was bonded with Ethan, meaning, at least part of Cassius's charm was going to be lost on me.

He chuckled darkly. "How'd you know it was me?"

I turned, welcoming the relief the cold of his body brought me. "You're chilly."

"I am that." He nodded, shoving his hands into his jeans pockets. He looked almost human. His dark hair was pulled back from his face and tucked behind his ears. His eyes appeared more gray than white, and he was wearing a perfectly harmless combination of jeans and a white T-shirt.

He still looked huge.

And completely out of place in society.

Then again, people probably assumed he was an NFL player or something.

"Did I pass inspection?" He grinned.

I rolled my eyes and turned away. "Have any good dreams recently?"

"Are you saying you miss my invasion, sweet?"

"No." And I didn't. I was just curious, more curious about him than I cared to admit, especially after everything Ethan had shown me. My hand caressed the spine of the book I was placing on the shelf.

"Questions… Perhaps I should sit down." He pulled a chair from a nearby table and sat, folding his arms over his chest. "You may begin when you're ready."

"Arrogant," I snapped.

"Feisty." He sighed cheerfully. "Always happens when you have a bit of spice in your blood. Vampires aren't known for their calm demeanors."

I licked my lips. "What happened to Ethan's daughter?"

Cassius stilled, and his breathing stopped altogether. "So he's shown you… That's brave of him, all things considering."

"Mates don't keep secrets."

"Oh?" His voice dripped with doubt. "I must have missed that lesson in the last two thousand years."

I couldn't hide my shock. "Two thousand years."

"Give or take a few days." He shrugged. "Ethan's daughter was not Ethan's daughter. I took care of the situation as I saw fit. Don't forget who I am, human. Or what I am and what that means for you and your pitiful fleeting little life."

I swallowed and backed away. "Are you threatening me?"

"Think of it as a reminder," Cassius whispered. "When all this is said and done… if you fail, if Ethan fails, you'll be just another blip on the immortal life. A mere… memory."

"Great pep talk," I muttered, reaching for another book.

"I didn't sleep with the human," Cassius offered. "I know that's what you're thinking. What type of friend… or brother… would do such a thing? Did I kiss her, try to win her affection? Naturally, because that's the order of things in our world. If she cannot stay strong for her mate, she doesn't deserve immortality."

"So you test all the humans?"

"Yes." His voice was final. "And if they fail…"

"They die."

"They're simply eliminated before the natural order of things happens. Eventually, they die. Take Mason's mate, for example. Lovely girl, obsessed with the wolf — dead."

My eyes burned with unshed tears. "Ara…" I hated saying her name. "She didn't love Ethan."

"In her selfish heart, I believe she thought she was in love with him. She loved him in the best way she knew how. She loved herself more."

I nodded, sadness piercing my chest, making it hard to breathe.

"More questions, or shall I simply touch you and be done with it?"

Ignoring him, I shoved another book in its place. "Stephanie says you aren't bad."

He said nothing.

I thought he'd left, but when I glanced over. He was staring into the space above my head as if in a trance. "Stephanie." Her name sounded different on his lips. But as soon as he'd uttered it, he closed his eyes and shook his head as if he didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"I'm not bad." His eyes turned white. "But I'm not good either."

"What? So you just hang out in the middle?"

"When it suits me." He smiled and then stood. "Tell me, do you believe yourself strong enough to resist a Dark One's touch?"

"I did before." I stepped back from him. "Before I was mated to Ethan."

"His blood makes you strong. His mark… stronger than before." Cassius tilted his head. "But the human heart is the strongest of all. It surpasses all immortal claims."

"My heart is my own."

Cassius sighed, his eyes sad. "And that is the problem with humans, is it not? They continuously lament not being able to find love, and when they do, they still refuse to relinquish their most prized possession. Oh, they give their bodies, their souls, but their hearts?" His chest almost grazed mine. "They keep for themselves."

"Why?" I blurted.

He stilled, tilting his head to the side, making himself look more predatory, like an animal ready to pounce. "Fear."

A gasp escaped my lips.

"Fear," he repeated, "is not welcome here."

And suddenly my world made sense.

"I wonder," Cassius whispered, his breath freezing the air in front of me, "when the time comes, will you also choose yourself? Give into fear, or finally, sacrifice the one last shred of humanity you have to gain immortality?"

I opened my mouth to answer.

"About done?" Drystan called then appeared around the corner.

My lips were freezing, probably blue, but Cassius was nowhere to be seen.

"Genesis?" he repeated. "Are you alright?"

"Yes." I found my voice. "Fine. I'm almost done."


He walked back around the corner. I lifted another book just as the barest of whispers flew past my ear.

"Until you sleep…"