

To touch a Dark One is death. To talk to an immortal is suicide. Yet, I've been marked by both. A Vampire. And the King of the immortals. My life is no longer my own. And now I know the truth, my life was never mine to begin with. It was theirs. It's always been theirs. I knew their history. Probably better than most of them. I'd been studying them for most of my life, pouring over books and research with constant dread that, one day, my number would be called, and my life would be played out for me in absolute horror. Humans were like little insects that they allowed to survive only because it was necessary for their own survival. We die. They die. Therefore, we live.

JusticeFaruck · Fantasy
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49 Chs

She’s Alive

Genesis's [POV]

My body was heavy on fire and the only way it felt better was when I was pressed against Ethan. I had no idea how long we'd slept. He woke me up three times in the middle of the night. Each time, he'd drunk from me, never a lot, but enough to make it so my world stopped.

Each kiss was like a slow drug.

Each touch of his fingertips, each caress, went on for an eternity until I lost complete track of time.

I fell asleep with my face pressed against his solid chest and my legs wrapped halfway around his body.

"Genesis." His smooth voice was hypnotic. "Genesis, wake up."

"No." I pressed my face harder against his chest.

A warm chuckle erupted. "Yes, we have work to do. Well, you have work to do, and then after your so-called work, we're going to visit your mother."

I didn't open my eyes. "No staying in bed all day?"

"About that…" Ethan sighed. "The good news is it will feel like we've been in bed for days when it could have been mere hours."

"Hmm?" I perked up. "Well, that's a nice trick."

"I'm full of them." His eyes sparkled. "Care to know more?"

"Yes," I whispered, my mouth finding his.

With a groan, he pushed me back against the mattress and loomed over me, his naked body glorious-looking against the sunlight streaming through the window. "Perhaps we'll stay a bit longer."

"Yes." I nodded my head eagerly. "I'm your mate, after all. Don't you want me to be pleased?"

"You were pleased with least four times last night, possibly five, if we count the time I"

"Shh." I put my hands over his mouth.

He smirked. "Afraid the dust will hear?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Ethan!" Alex's voice boomed on the other side of the door. "Feed her!"

"Ignore him," Ethan hissed.

The knock got louder. "For the love of God, she's human. Give her food."

"He's a siren. He knows nothing." Ethan continued kissing me.

"Mason will break down the door if he has to." Fighting broke out in the hall. "Ethan, I can smell the sex from here. One immortal to another, feed her before you can't feed from her anymore."

Ethan growled and pulled back from me. "They have no manners."

I was half-tempted to cover my face with my hands. Had they heard us? Of course, they'd heard us, and they knew, and they could… Yeah, I wanted to crawl under the bed and hide for a few days. Instead, Ethan pounced from the bed, put on a pair of jeans, and jerked open the door while I tried to hide beneath the covers.

Alex peered over Ethan's shoulder and waved.

I had no choice but to wave back and hope that I wasn't as red as I felt.

"She's alive." Alex held up his hand for a high five. "No? Not funny? Too soon?"

"Horrible joke," Mason said next to him. "I made eggs. She's going to need food. Make her eat everything on the plate and"

He was still talking when Ethan slammed the door in his face and brought a giant plate of food over to me.

"Forgive them." Ethan scowled. "There aren't typically secrets between us, and they're just concerned for you."

I pointed at the eggs, ten slices of bacon, and toast. "They don't want me to starve."

"Wolves." Ethan looked heavenward. "He should be more concerned with his diet, the ass."

"It does smell good." I moved up the bed so I could lean against the headboard. "Do you eat?"

Ethan's lips curved into a predatory smile. "I ate several times last night. Care for me to refresh your memory?"

My cheeks burned.

"So tempting." He reached for a piece of bacon and held it to his lips, taking a small bite that had my entire body clenching to keep from reaching out and attacking him. "And yes, I can eat. I typically do eat but haven't been because when we drink, we don't need normal food."

"But before me…" I grabbed a piece of toast. "You were eating normal food."

"I like you better." He winked. "But yes, I was."

"Good to know I'm better than bacon."

"Your taste…" His eyes brightened. "…is unlike anything I've ever had."

"Hmm…" I licked my lips.

"Stop it," he hissed and looked away. "Damn, I can't watch you eat. I'm going to shower while you eat your entire plate as per Mason's orders, and then I'll contemplate letting you leave this room so you can go to the bookstore."

"Ah!" I almost knocked over the food. "My job! Am I late? Will I get fired?"

Ethan burst out laughing. "It's eight in the morning. He's expecting you when I drop you off. No sooner, no later. You won't get fired. He wouldn't dream of it, and you are adorable."

"And hot." I sighed.

"That too."

"No, I mean hot, as in, it's scorching in here."

Ethan winced. "You may be that way for a few days."


He nodded.


"Too much vampire blood makes you overheat a bit." He shrugged. "It won't turn you You're very much human like I've said before, but sometimes the vampire blood causes a type of burn to take over in your bloodstream, not painful, just not exactly pleasant if it's a hundred degrees outside."

"Good thing it's Seattle." I bit into the toast.

"Yes, well, I imagine at this point, raindrops would simply turn to vapor if they landed on your skin."

I smiled.

"Shower." He nodded. "I'm going to turn around now and walk away."


"That's what I do when I can think of nothing more than ripping that sheet from your body, slamming you into the nearest wall, and possessing you all over again."

I dropped the toast.

He growled, taking two steps toward me, then swore and turned back around.

"Have a good shower!" I called.

Another growl was his answer, and then his jeans went flying. I wasn't laughing anymore.

The ride to the bookstore was torturous. Ethan pulled over a half-dozen times just to kiss me. It was noon by the time we made it there, and even then, I almost refused to get out of the car.

"Four hours," Ethan repeated for the tenth time. "Do your work, contribute to society, enjoy yourself, and after… we'll visit your mother."

My stomach dropped to my knees.

He gripped my chin between his fingers and kissed my mouth softly. "We need to know the truth, Genesis."

"Why?" My voice trembled.

"Because it may have something to do with the prophecy, or it could just be a rare coincidence. I swear, I won't let her hurt you."

I sighed, already drawing into myself.

"My offer still stands," Ethan whispered.

"What?" My head snapped up. "What offer?"

"I'll kill her," he said softly. "All you need to do is ask it and it's done. She doesn't deserve life for the way she treated you, and it would make me happy to see you hold your head high around her."

"But she'd be dead."

"Perhaps I'll just toy with her a bit."

I giggled.

"Go." He kissed me again. "And if Cassius shows up" Ethan swore. "Which he may, considering he's insane and has a death wish… try to ignore him."

"Done," I answered. "Besides, I could touch him all I wanted…"

Ethan growled.

"…and still crave you."

His face softened. "I wish that was true."

"It is."

His face was sad. "I'll see you in a while."