
You Can Do That ?! I Can Do That !

Imagine waking up one day to find out you’ve got powers that let you see your own stats like in a video game, right? That’s what happens to Lin Feng, just a regular guy from a tiny village. After some crazy visions, he realizes he can check out his skills and growth on this cool status screen only he can see. So, Lin Feng thinks, “Why not explore the world?” and takes off to find out what’s up with his new abilities. He faces off against weird creatures and meets people who actually help him get stronger and understand his powers better. They’re all trying to figure out why Lin Feng’s so special. The thing is, it’s not just about fighting and getting stronger. Lin Feng’s adventures are going to take him way beyond his world, like, to different realms and maybe even across the universe! It’s all about grabbing what life throws at you and rolling with it. So yeah, it’s about this guy who’s learning to deal with what he is, making some friends, and maybe shaping the future of not just his world, but like, the entire cosmos! Sounds epic, right? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been cooking up this story for quite some time, expect as many releases as I can every single day, I've got a stockpile of them in my writing vault and I'm simply making as many as I can. Lin Feng is going places, you can be sure of that.

Saint_Of_Love · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs

The Path to Baiyun

As the morning sun climbed higher, casting long shadows across the village of Xi Song Lin, Wei stood at the threshold of his home, watching Lin Feng prepare for his journey westward towards Baiyun. Wei's expression was a mixture of concern and bewilderment as he reflected on the young cultivator's unconventional training methods from the day before. Running and jumping in a robe, and not even proper training gear, he thought. I've heard of Body Strengthening techniques, but nothing quite so... vigorous and unorthodox. Shaking his head slightly, Wei finally bid Lin Feng a somewhat awkward farewell, still unsure about the sanity of the young man he had hosted.

Lin Feng, now alone on the road, set a brisk pace. The journey to Baiyun was a day's travel by foot, and he was eager to cover good ground before nightfall. As he walked, the Overseer materialized beside him, its form shimmering slightly in the daylight.

"You should consider examining the evolution tree, perhaps even acquiring a cultivation manual," the Overseer suggested, floating alongside Lin Feng. "Your current training regimen is quite rudimentary."

Lin Feng nodded but responded with a calm resolve. "I'll explore those options in time. For now, I want to experience gaining a cultivation level through my own efforts. Understanding one step at a time is crucial—first cultivation, then the evolution tree, after that a manual, and there's also the legacy. Anyways, there are lots of things I still need to delve into and fully understand."

The Overseer seemed to understand, though it added, "Just keep in mind, purchasing a cultivation manual could be vital for your advancement, especially if you aim to break through to the next cultivation stage efficiently."

Before Lin Feng could inquire further, a rustle in the underbrush caught his attention. Reacting instantly, he saw a wolf burst from its hiding spot, its eyes locked fiercely on him. Lin Feng clicked his tongue in frustration and charged forward, closing the distance in seconds. "Rapid Fire Fist!" he shouted, unleashing a flurry of punches that targeted the wolf's vital points. Each hit landed with precision, causing internal ruptures and quickly bringing the beast down. A system notification flashed: +14 Experience Points.

Lin Feng exhaled deeply, wiping sweat from his brow, but his relief was short-lived. The Overseer's urgent voice cut through the calm, "Look out, wolves always hunt in packs."

Before he could fully prepare, another wolf pounced, its teeth sinking into Lin Feng's arm, tearing through the fabric of his robe and drawing blood. Reacting out of sheer instinct, Lin Feng grabbed the wolf by its neck and twisted sharply, breaking it with a gruesome snap. He tossed the limp body aside, scanning his surroundings as the reality of his situation became apparent. Several more wolves, eyes gleaming and teeth bared, slowly encircled him.

Knowing hesitation could be fatal, Lin Feng centered himself. "Wind Blade!" he called out, sweeping his arm in a wide arc. A crescent-shaped blade of air sliced through the approaching pack, felling two wolves instantly as they attempted to flank him. The remaining wolves growled, regrouping for another attack.

Lin Feng kept moving, his eyes darting between the wolves. He remembered the Overseer's words and knew he had to keep them at bay. Suddenly, he felt a disturbance in the air behind him—a subtle shift in the wind. Trusting his instincts, Lin Feng ducked and rolled forward just as another wolf leaped at where his head had been. Springing to his feet, he spun around and shouted, "Wind Blade!" once more. The blade of air extended from his fingertips, cleanly bisecting the attacking wolf mid-air.

The fight was frenetic, each movement a blur of motion and primal survival. Lin Feng's use of Rapid Fire Fist and Wind Blade kept the wolves at a distance, but their numbers were wearing on him. As another wolf lunged, Lin Feng utilized Phase Walk silently, his form shimmering out of visibility momentarily. He reappeared behind the wolf, catching it by surprise, and delivered a crushing blow to its side, sending it sprawling.

As Lin Feng caught his breath, readying himself for what he hoped was a moment of respite, the remaining wolves regrouped for another assault. With rapid movements and calculated precision, he dispatched three more wolves that dared to challenge him. Each encounter left him more drained, his robe torn and stained with the mix of his blood and that of the wolves.

As the last of the lesser wolves fell, the forest fell silent, eerily so. Lin Feng, clutching a side where sharp teeth had grazed flesh, strained his senses, alert for more danger. It wasn't long before he sensed it—a powerful, ominous presence that made the air around him feel heavier.

Emerging from the shadows of the trees was a wolf unlike any other Lin Feng had faced. This beast was larger, its fur a deep silver that shimmered with a menacing gleam under the sunlight that broke through the canopy. Its mane was thick and flowed like liquid night. Each step it took caused the earth beneath its paws to depress, a testament to its formidable mass and strength.

"What the hell is that?" Lin Feng couldn't help but utter aloud as his eyes widened at the sight of this majestic creature.

"That is a Qi Condensation beast," the Overseer replied quickly, its voice tinged with urgency. "Just as humans can cultivate, beasts can too, although it is much harder for them to take this first step. This one has clearly advanced far on its path."

The Alpha Wolf stood still for a moment, its penetrating gaze sizing Lin Feng up, seemingly assessing whether he was prey or a threat. It then let out a low, rumbling growl that resonated through the ground. Without warning, the Alpha Wolf opened its mouth and expelled several sharp stone spears, hurtling them towards Lin Feng with lethal speed.

Reacting on instinct, Lin Feng darted aside, narrowly avoiding the stone spears that thudded into the ground where he had just stood. His heart pounded against his ribs, adrenaline surging through his veins as he prepared for the inevitable next move of the Alpha.

As predicted, the beast lunged with astonishing speed, its entire body a weapon hurtling towards Lin Feng. In this desperate moment, Lin Feng's mind raced. If it can use the earth... then I can too! Fueled by a surge of despair and determination, he shouted, "Stone Barrage!" Mirroring the Alpha's earlier attack, Lin Feng conjured his own array of stone spears, directing them with fierce resolve at the charging beast.

The spears flew with deadly accuracy, piercing the Alpha Wolf in mid-leap. The impact brought a sudden, brutal end to its charge, the beast collapsing with a thud that shook the leaves around them. As it fell, a system notification flashed before Lin Feng's eyes, a testament to his desperate gamble and its unexpected success:

[System Notification: 'Stone Barrage' Skill Acquired]

Lying sprawled on the forest floor, Lin Feng breathed heavily, his chest rising and falling with each labored breath as he mentally recounted the harrowing encounter. The rush of victory was tinged with the stark realization of how close he had come to death. As the adrenaline faded, the reality of his physical state set in—he was profoundly depleted, both in strength and Qi.

"Congratulations on your victory and acquiring a new skill," the Overseer floated nearby, its voice a monotone that seemed out of place in the quiet aftermath of the battle. "However, the smell of blood is thick here, and it may attract other predators. We should depart swiftly."

Lin Feng attempted to rise, his limbs shaky and his body screaming in protest. Every movement was an effort, his Qi reserves nearly tapped out, making even the simplest gesture feel like an immense burden. He grimaced, frustration etching his features as he realized his precarious situation.

Seeing his struggle, the Overseer's form flickered slightly, a sign of its growing concern. "Lin Feng, I suggest you authorize me to make a purchase from the Gift Shop on your behalf. It is imperative to restore your strength immediately."

Lin Feng looked at the Overseer skeptically. "Why can't I do it myself?" he asked, his voice hoarse from exertion and pain.

"The process requires concentration and clarity of mind, which you currently lack due to your condition. It is just a pragmatic step," the Overseer explained, its tone insistent yet reassuring.

Reluctantly, and without fully grasping the implications, Lin Feng gave his consent, annoyance bubbling within him. "Fine, do it. But don't ever ask me to agree to something like this without a full explanation again. I need to understand what I'm getting into," he said sternly, his frustration palpable. He hated feeling cornered into decisions, especially those shrouded in partial understanding.

"Understood," the Overseer responded quickly, and within moments, a pill materialized in the air, dropping gently into Lin Feng's open palm. It was a Basic Rejuvenating Pill, designed to swiftly restore a cultivator's stamina, Qi, and heal minor injuries.

Lin Feng swallowed the pill without hesitation, driven by his immediate need. As the pill took effect, he felt a soothing warmth spread throughout his body. His muscles relaxed, the cuts and bruises began to heal, and his Qi slowly replenished. The relief was almost instant, a stark contrast to the pain and exhaustion that had overwhelmed him moments before.

He stood up, steadier now, his body no longer a burden. Despite the physical recovery, Lin Feng did not offer his thanks to the Overseer. Instead, he reiterated his earlier demand. "Always full transparency, Overseer. I hate not understanding."

The Overseer nodded, if such a gesture could be attributed to it. "Of course, Lin Feng. It won't happen again."

Checking his status, Lin Feng noticed his Gift Points had dwindled to a mere 2, the cost of the emergency intervention hitting home. Yet, despite the low points, there was a silver lining—the battle with the Alpha Wolf had substantially increased his experience points, now standing at 214. The significant leap towards the next level was a small consolation in the grand scheme of his journey.

The remainder of Lin Feng's journey to Baiyun unfolded without further incident, a welcome change after the earlier life-threatening encounter with the wolves. The rejuvenating effects of the Basic Rejuvenating Pill he had consumed were remarkable, eliminating any traces of fatigue and allowing him to maintain a steady pace even into the night. With his energies restored, Lin Feng found himself appreciating the uneventful calm as he followed the road westward.

As he journeyed on, Lin Feng encountered several groups of travelers. Merchants with their heavily laden carts and caravans moved alongside him, each with their guards keeping a wary eye on the surroundings. Occasionally, patrols passed by, their presence a reassuring sign of the efforts taken to keep these routes safe for travelers and traders alike. Their presence minimized the risks of nocturnal attacks, allowing Lin Feng to focus on his destination rather than potential dangers.

During one quiet moment by the roadside, Lin Feng decided to use another Intermediate Qi Gathering Pill. He had been pondering the Overseer's advice about acquiring a cultivation manual, but the stark reality of his dwindling Gift Points made that option impractical for now. Instead, he focused on what he could do with the resources at hand. After taking the pill, he felt a familiar surge of energy as his Qi increased by another 10 points, edging him closer to the next stage of his cultivation. It was a small yet significant step, reinforcing his resolve to continue strengthening himself through any means available.

As dawn broke the following day, the impressive city of Baiyun came into view, and Lin Feng was a figure of sheer determination and physical exertion. He had intensified his physical efforts, pushing his body through vigorous exercises as he traveled. His goal was not just to reach Baiyun but to do so while purging his body of any residual toxins from the pill he had consumed. The result was that he arrived at the city gates not just energized by his enhanced Qi but also drenched in sweat from the continuous physical exertion.

Each step towards the city was accompanied by the heavy breathing of a man who had treated his journey as a prolonged training session. His clothes, soaked with sweat, clung to him, marking the physical toll of his self-imposed regimen. Despite the discomfort, Lin Feng knew that this relentless physical activity was essential for maintaining his health and cultivation stability, especially after consuming Qi-enhancing substances that could potentially leave harmful residues in his body.

As he entered Baiyun around 11 am, the vibrant city life greeted him with its bustling energy. The city was alive with the sounds of commerce and conversation, a stark contrast to the solitary quiet of his road-worn journey. Merchants hawked their wares loudly, competing with the calls of street performers and the general hum of a busy metropolis. The air was rich with the smells of street food, herbal concoctions, and the underlying freshness that suggested the proximity of well-tended green spaces.

Despite the welcoming vibrancy, Lin Feng's appearance as a heavily sweating, somewhat disheveled traveler did not go unnoticed. His intense state drew curious glances from some city dwellers, while others offered sympathetic nods, perhaps mistaking his condition for the result of a dire rush to reach safety or shelter.

Aware of the attention his appearance was drawing, Lin Feng made his way to the nearest public well. There, he took a moment to splash cool water over his face and neck, rinsing away the salt of his exertion and regaining some semblance of presentability. Refreshed but still feeling the residue of his rigorous exertion, he knew that finding an inn was his next priority, both to rest and to reassess his needs moving forward.