
You Can Do That ?! I Can Do That !

Imagine waking up one day to find out you’ve got powers that let you see your own stats like in a video game, right? That’s what happens to Lin Feng, just a regular guy from a tiny village. After some crazy visions, he realizes he can check out his skills and growth on this cool status screen only he can see. So, Lin Feng thinks, “Why not explore the world?” and takes off to find out what’s up with his new abilities. He faces off against weird creatures and meets people who actually help him get stronger and understand his powers better. They’re all trying to figure out why Lin Feng’s so special. The thing is, it’s not just about fighting and getting stronger. Lin Feng’s adventures are going to take him way beyond his world, like, to different realms and maybe even across the universe! It’s all about grabbing what life throws at you and rolling with it. So yeah, it’s about this guy who’s learning to deal with what he is, making some friends, and maybe shaping the future of not just his world, but like, the entire cosmos! Sounds epic, right? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been cooking up this story for quite some time, expect as many releases as I can every single day, I've got a stockpile of them in my writing vault and I'm simply making as many as I can. Lin Feng is going places, you can be sure of that.

Saint_Of_Love · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

First Job

After refreshing himself at the well, Lin Feng felt a renewed sense of clarity and determination. The cool water had invigorated him, but his mind was already racing with thoughts of what needed to be done next. His goals were clear and pressing: earn some money, secure safe lodging, find an easier way to gain Gift Points, and most importantly, focus back on cultivating. His obsession with understanding every aspect of his path left no room for distractions.

Standing near the well, amidst a crowd of people shouting different prices at a local market auction, Lin Feng spoke out loud, engaging in a conversation with the Overseer. The noise of the auction was a mere backdrop to his thoughts; without money, it held no significance for him.

"I need Spirit Stones," Lin Feng declared, his voice cutting through the surrounding cacophony. "Finding a secure inn is essential. But I also need to figure out how to gain more Gift Points more efficiently. And then, I must focus entirely on my cultivation."

The Overseer, materializing beside him in its usual shimmering form, responded thoughtfully, "Lin Feng, have you considered learning a profession? Becoming proficient in a trade such as alchemy, blacksmithing, or even talisman crafting could provide a steady income of Spirit Stones. While it may take some time to learn, the benefits could be substantial."

Lin Feng shook his head, rejecting the idea almost immediately. "Learning a profession would take too much of my time and focus. Right now, every moment counts. I need a faster way to earn Spirit Stones, something that won't divert my attention from cultivating and understanding the System."

As he wandered, his attention was drawn to a large wooden board plastered with numerous scrolls, pieces of leather, and other tapestries, each covered in writing. Curious, Lin Feng approached the board, noticing that people seemed to avoid it. The crowd gave it a wide berth, which only piqued his interest further.

Upon closer inspection, Lin Feng realized that the board was filled with advertisements and job offers from cultivators. He quickly understood why the board was shunned. Most of the jobs were far from desirable, seeking individuals for dangerous missions, experimental lab rats, or bodyguards for perilous journeys, all at meager pay.

Lin Feng sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and determination. He needed Spirit Stones, and he couldn't afford to be choosy. His eyes roamed over the postings until one caught his attention. It was an ad from a young, aspiring alchemist named Cheng Yuan, looking for someone to test his pills. The pay was merely two Spirit Stones per pill, but for Lin Feng, it was a start. Young alchemists often lacked the skill to produce truly dangerous concoctions, making the risk manageable.

"Testing pills for a young alchemist," Lin Feng muttered to himself. "It might be reckless, but it's better than nothing. And two Spirit Stones per pill is substantial given my current situation."

The Overseer chimed in, providing more practical advice, "While this opportunity may seem suitable, always remember to be cautious. Young alchemists might not produce lethal pills, but unexpected side effects could still occur. Ensure you understand the risks before committing."

Determined, Lin Feng tore the notice from the board. The ad provided directions to the alchemist's abode, not far from the market square. With the paper in hand, Lin Feng navigated the winding streets of the city, his mind set on securing his immediate future.

The path led him through narrower alleys, away from the vibrant heart of the market. Here, the atmosphere was quieter, the buildings older. Eventually, he arrived at a modest building with a wooden sign hanging above the door, inscribed with the characters for "Alchemy."

Lin Feng took a deep breath and knocked on the door. After a moment, it creaked open, revealing a young man with disheveled hair and crazed eyes. He looked to be in his early twenties, with the unmistakable air of someone deeply engrossed in their studies, perhaps too much so.

"Ah, you must be here about the ad," Cheng Yuan said, his eyes lighting up. "Please, come in."

Lin Feng stepped inside, the scent of various herbs and concoctions filling his nostrils. The interior was cluttered but organized, with shelves lined with jars and bottles of various substances. Despite Cheng Yuan's unsettling appearance, Lin Feng's mind was solely focused on the Spirit Stones he would earn.

"I've been working on a new batch of pills designed to enhance physical strength and endurance," Cheng Yuan explained, holding up a small vial filled with round, pale blue pills. "I need someone to test them and provide feedback on their effects. The pay is two Spirit Stones per pill."

Lin Feng nodded, already familiar with the terms. "I understand. I'm willing to test them."

Cheng Yuan's face broke into a relieved smile. "Great! Let's start with one pill and see how you respond."

Lin Feng took the offered pill and examined it briefly before swallowing it. He felt a warm sensation spread through his body, a slight tingling in his muscles. The effect was immediate but not overwhelming.

"How do you feel?" Cheng Yuan asked, watching him intently.

Lin Feng flexed his arms and moved around a bit. "There's a noticeable increase in strength and stamina. It's subtle, but it's there."

Cheng Yuan nodded, jotting down notes. "Excellent. Let's monitor your response over the next few hours. If all goes well, we can proceed with more tests."

Over the next few hours, Lin Feng tested several more pills, each with varying effects. Some provided slight boosts to agility, others to focus and clarity of mind. None of the effects were drastic, but each was noticeable and beneficial in its own way.

However, as Lin Feng swallowed the last pill, he started to feel sick and woozy. His stomach churned violently, and he instinctively tried to vomit, but his body refused to comply. A wave of nausea washed over him, and he fell to his knees, gasping for breath.

"What's happening?" Lin Feng managed to choke out, his voice laced with panic.

Cheng Yuan's eyes widened in fascination as he watched Lin Feng's reaction. "Interesting," he muttered, jotting down more notes.

Lin Feng's horror intensified as he looked down at his hands. His nails were growing longer and sharper, tearing through his skin and muscles. The pain was excruciating, and he contorted on the ground, struggling to maintain control.

"Make it stop!" Lin Feng screamed, his voice raw with agony.

Cheng Yuan, seemingly unperturbed by Lin Feng's distress, approached him with another pill. "This should counteract the effects," he said, shoving the pill into Lin Feng's mouth.

The new pill dissolved quickly, and Lin Feng felt his nails retracting, the pain subsiding slightly. His forearm muscles were still torn, but at least his body no longer looked like a wild animal's.

"That should be enough for today," Cheng Yuan said, jotting down more notes.

But Lin Feng, driven by his need for Spirit Stones and his obsession with achieving his goals, shook his head vehemently. "No, I can take more. Double the pay, and I'll test worse pills."

Cheng Yuan's eyes gleamed with excitement. "Are you sure? The risks are substantial."

"I'm sure," Lin Feng replied, his voice filled with determination. "If I want to understand in peace, I need money. This is just pain; I'll get through it."

Cheng Yuan grinned, his eyes gleaming with a mix of admiration and madness. "Very well. Let's proceed."

The next batch of pills were even more torturous. One pill made Lin Feng's skin burn as if on fire, leaving red welts and blisters. Another caused his bones to ache and crack, making him feel as if his entire skeleton was being crushed. Despite the agony, Lin Feng gritted his teeth and endured, his mind focused on the Spirit Stones he would earn.

A particularly dreadful pill caused Lin Feng to hallucinate vividly. He saw horrific visions of monstrous creatures and his own body morphing into grotesque forms. His screams echoed through the alchemist's abode, but Cheng Yuan only observed and took notes with detached interest.

The final pill left Lin Feng paralyzed, his body stiff and unresponsive. He lay on the ground, unable to move, his mind a whirlwind of panic and fear. Cheng Yuan quickly administered another antidote, and slowly, the paralysis wore off.

Exhausted and in immense pain, Lin Feng finally lay still, his body trembling. Cheng Yuan crouched beside him, placing the agreed-upon bag filled with Spirit Stones in his hand. "You've done well. We'll continue tomorrow if you're up for it."

Lin Feng nodded weakly, clutching the bag tightly. Despite the agony, he felt a grim satisfaction. He had earned his money, and with it, he could take the next steps toward understanding his path and cultivation.

As he left Cheng Yuan's abode, Lin Feng's body ached with every step, but his resolve remained unbroken. He had faced pain and emerged stronger, more determined than ever. With the Spirit Stones in hand, he could now find a secure place to stay and focus on his cultivation.

Deep into the night, Lin Feng weakly stumbled out of Cheng Yuan's abode, clutching a small bag containing forty Spirit Stones. His body ached from the torturous effects of the pills, but his determination kept him moving forward. The rough parts of town were eerily quiet, with only the occasional distant sound breaking the silence.

Lin Feng's mind was set on reaching an inn he had seen earlier, "The Serene Lotus Inn." It was a modest place but seemed clean and secure enough for his needs. Each step he took was a struggle, his body protesting every movement, yet he pressed on, his fist tightly clenched around the bag of Spirit Stones.

As he turned a corner into a dimly lit alley, two middle-aged men with ferocious looks emerged from the shadows. Their eyes locked onto the bag in Lin Feng's hand, and they began to approach him with menacing smiles.

"Looks like you've got something valuable there, kid," one of them said, his voice dripping with malice. "You'd be doing a great service to the city by sharing that wealth with us."

Lin Feng mumbled something under his breath, too quiet for the men to hear. They exchanged a glance, then took another step closer.

"What was that?" the second man asked, his tone mocking. "Speak up, boy."

Lin Feng continued to mumble, his words growing slightly louder but still unintelligible. The men leaned in, trying to catch what he was saying.

"What's he saying?" the first man grunted, taking another step closer.

They finally drew near enough to hear Lin Feng's words, and their expressions shifted from curiosity to anger as the most vile curses and threats filled their ears, making their blood boil.

"You're gonna regret that," the first man snarled, raising his fist.

Just as they were about to attack, Lin Feng's mumbling turned into a clear whisper, "Wind Blade." With a wave of his hand, a sharp crescent of wind sliced through the air, bisecting both men in an instant. Their bodies fell to the ground, lifeless, blood pooling in the middle of the alley.

Lin Feng didn't spare them another glance. He resumed his unsteady trek toward The Serene Lotus Inn, his clothes now stained with blood. When he finally reached the inn, the receptionist looked up, noting his disheveled appearance and the dark stains on his robe.

"Welcome to The Serene Lotus Inn," she said, her voice steady and calm. "The baths were recently renovated if you need to freshen up."

Lin Feng nodded and placed ten Spirit Stones on the counter. "A luxurious private room for a month," he requested, his voice strained.

The receptionist took the stones and handed him a key. "Room 7, up the stairs to the right."

Lin Feng climbed the stairs, feeling the eyes of the staff on him. He sensed their scrutiny and shot a weary glance back, causing them to quickly avert their gazes. Reaching the room, he unlocked the door, stepped inside, and locked it behind him. Without another thought, he collapsed face-first onto the floor, too exhausted to even reach the bed.

The Overseer materialized beside him, looking down at Lin Feng's unconscious form. "Stupid child," it sighed, its voice tinged with a mixture of exasperation and concern.

In the stillness of the room, Lin Feng's breathing gradually steadied. He had survived another day, endured unimaginable pain, and earned the Spirit Stones he so desperately needed. As he lay there, the path ahead seemed just a little clearer, the goal a bit closer, but the journey was far from over. For now, though, he allowed himself to rest, knowing that tomorrow would bring new challenges and new opportunities to grow stronger.