

Zhang Lei was working late when someone barged in to her office unexpectedly. Janine was not able to stop him. It was President Han. He was red with anger. Zhang Lei got scared. "I'm sorry Madam, he insisted, I could not stop him. Janine's voice was scared. "Its fine Janine." Zhang Lei's voice was stern although she is frightened inside. She nodded to Janine to leave but signaled her to call for help. Janine hurriedly went out and call security and sped towards where Li Jei is.

"What can I do for you President Han?" she calmly asked "You witch! You did not spare a moment did you?" " My company is in chaos because of what you did!" "You should have thought before throwing those threatening words towards me and my company. Of course, I am only concern about the welfare of my company. Haven't you forgotten Mr. Han this is business. You win some and lose some." "Shut up! You're are just a girl and naive at that. Why don't I teach you how to be a woman." He gave her a menacing and lustful look. He approached her suddenly and grabbed her hard by the shoulders. "Let me go!" Zhang Lei was shouting at him trying to get free from his hold but he did not move. He gave her a cynical smile. "Come on Zhang Lei, I promise you will like it!" He tried to kiss her mouth but she evaded it. "You disgust me, let go this instant!"

Li Jei and his team were able to set up the new security system in Zhang Lei's company. The IT Manager was impressed. They need to be trained on how to maintain the new security software and the leader of Li Jei's group initiated the training. It will take a week to complete it. While the leader of his team was talking, Janine came in out breath. He immediately thought that something might have happened to his fiance. He stood up quickly, " Where is she?" he demanded his voice was hasty and full of concern He did not let her speak, he immediately left towards Zhang Lei's office. "Call security." He said "They are coming." Both of them went with haste. "What happened?" "The new president of Han Corp came. I think he will do something bad to Madam." Li Jei run faster. He arrived at the office ahead of the security. Slammed the door open just in time to see his fiance being assaulted by a man. He dashed towards the guy and kicked him on his side that made the man stumble hit Zhang Lei's, table and papers flying all over the place with the man. Mr. Han groaned in pain but still stood up. "That was a good kick CEO Li. He stood up painfully. And catch his breath. "This is not the end." He warned them and left holding his side were Li Jei kicked. He was escorted by the security and was banned from entering the premises of the building.

Zhang Lei was terrified. She sobbed and tightly hugged Li Jei. He assessed her if she was hurt, there was small bruises on her arms. He waited until she calmed down. "I'll take you home." Li Jei said. "Okey, let's go." While they were on the car, Zhang Lei slept on his lap. He called his secretary. I need you to investigate this new President Han of Han Corp. Let me know every move he makes from now on. "Got it boss!"

After they arrived at Li Jei's house, he scooped her up while asleep and brought her to their room. She woke up when he laid her on the bed. He propped her up in bed. "How are you feeling right now?" Li Jei asked. "I feel a bit better." She smiled. "Stay here while I'll prepare your warm bath."

Zhang Lei could not sleep. Li Jei was already asleep hugging her. She silently get out of bed went to the balcony. She inhaled the fresh cool air. It was a clear sky millions of stars were visible and she just stared at them. She felt more relax. She took her phone and dialed her secretary's number. It took three rings and a sleepy voice answered. "Hello boss?" "I want you to tell everyone to withdraw their support with Han Corp. If anybody refuse tell them that we will cut business ties with them immediately." "Okey boss." Zhang Lei ended the call.

On the other side, Janine was wide awake already. She knew that her boss would do something like this. If someone threatens her empire she will definitely retaliate full force. "This is going to be a long day for me! Wake up Dong, our boss is going for a kill again." Dong who still groggy opened his eyes, "Mr. Han?" "Who else!"

The next day, the business worlds and media were buzzing with the news about the Han Corporations' stocks went into a dive and investors are pulling out. The new president went frantic. He knew that Zhang Lei would make a move after what he did. He was in his condo when his secretary called him what happened. He was watching the news when his phone rang. "Hello grandpa. I will deal with this problem right away." "Come to the office right away." the called ended. He get dressed right away. He thought that his grandfather would help him out of this predicament, he became hopeful.

Gio Han arrived in his office. "Where is grandpa?" He asked his secretary. "Sir they are waiting for you at the conference room." his secretary replied. "They?" "Your grandfather called an emergency shareholders meeting. You should hurry sir." He hurriedly went to the conference room. He went in and everyone was there. His grandfather was fuming at him and at his side was Zhang Lei. "Finally you are here. Let's start with the meeting. His grandfather did not even invited him to take a seat. "First of all I apologize for what my grandson did. And from this day on, the new owner of this company is Zhang Enterprise. Madam Zhang Lei here will have the full decision as what she deemed fit with her new company. "Grandpa what is this?" Gio shouted. " Quiet you imbecile! You have done a great damage to our company. You are not suitable to manage it. I should have known better than giving it to you. Let's go home, you don't belong here anymore." He dragged his grandson out.

Zhang Lei stood up and addressed the shareholders. "Starting today there will be a new management. I will not terminate anybody. The structure will remain as it is. I am a co owner of this company. My partner will be your President. He has greater knowledge and capabilities of handling business with regards to technology. I give him the full authority and power over this company. May I introduce your new CEO, Li Jei. Everyone gasped with surprised. "He is the CEO of Li Technologies!" Everyone was talking all at once. Li Jei stood in front of all the share holders. He cleared his throat and everyone fell silent. My name is Li Jei as some of you might know who I am and what I am capable of. I will try my best to imorove this company's reputation and status in our industry. Everyone applauded and pleased with their new CEO.

Earlier that morning Zhang Lei received a call from the old Mr Han. He wanted to meet and discuss the company's situation. She does not want to get involved with his company but he begged her. Li Jei was listening to their conversation. He said that he would help her out and hey ended buying the company together. "Honey I don't have enough knowledge on how to run a business like that." she was whining like a little girl. "Honey that's why I am here to help you." "I have a better idea... I will give this company to you. You run it." she gave him a very sweet teeth showing smile. Li Jei could only shake his head. He could not say no to his fiancee.

At City D Xiu Yeng was preparing for the launching of their new season collection of perfumes. It will be held at a five star hotel owned by her fiance. There will be guests not just from their local perfume entrepreneurs but there will be international as well. Her family will be there of course together with her grandpa. Other family members were also invited. Some of her cousins are estranged to her. When they were younger, they bullied her. They call her the ugly duckling. When they learned that she was chosen by their grandpa to succeed in his business the more they got jealous. They will attend tonight just to mock her whenever they have a chance. The only thing they do not know is that she is engaged to the most sought after bachelor who all women would do anything just to be his wife.

Xiu Yeng wore an off shoulder midi white dress the decoltage is lined with swarovski crystals. She wore an open toe red LV shoes. She wore a light make up and let her long black hair curled at the bottom put it in a ponytail. She looked very elegant and extremely beautiful. Not to mention the eye catching engagement ring she wore. She was waiting for Wung Jun. She got a text message from him that he will be late because of some last minute emergency problem at one of his clubs. He said that he will go directly to the venue. She got up and called her chauffeur.

Xiu Yeng arrived at the venue minutes before the opening time. Her family were already there. They greeted her and congratulated her. The venue was spacious. The decorations were exquisite. Her team did a great job with the venue. Guests are starting to arrive and the venue became livelier. Xiu Yeng greeted everyone. Her vicious cousins arrived. "Our dear Xiu Yeng congratulations. I hope for your success in this new launching. I heard that Mr. Wung Jun will be one of the special guests tonight is true?" Lingling her older cousin of one year whispered to her. " Yes he will be here later." Xiu Yeng gave her a fake smile. "Wonderful! This will be a great opportunity for me to get his attention. Watch and see girls." Lingling got excited while she was talking to her other two cousins Tami and Chinky. Tami and Chinky are one year younger than Xiu Yeng. They are sisters. They are spoiled brats whose only dream is to sleep with all handsome men in the country. Their promiscuous behaviour luckily did not get them health problems yet. 'Good thing my man is loyal to me' Xiu Yeng was thinking. She smiled at them and an usher led them to their table.

The launching will start soon but there was no sign of Wung Jun. Xiu Yeng has to go to the stage to make a speech. She stepped to the podium. "Hello everyone, I am Xiu Yeng, I would like thank all of you for taking the time to be here. Our new collection is inspired by unexpressed love. Loving someone for so long and although you keep on supressing the feeling it will never stop. That love will just grow more and more until such time that it can be expressed and the more that it will be unstoppable. Our featured scent is called faithfully... this depicts a love that even unexpressed it is still faithful to the person it loves. This scent lingers longer on you and the fragrance will never fade. I hope that this would also be true for all our lives. Thank you again. Have a great evening. Everyone applauded. She bowed and smiled. She saw a person standing at the entrance holding a bouquet of flowers. He smiled at her sweetly. She smiled back. The music started to play and the people stood up and walked around looked at the displayed perfumes.

Their eyes never leave each other. Xiu Yeng stepped down from the podium and waited for him there. He walked towards her. Some ladies noticed Wung Jun. His presence stirred up the other ladies present. Lingling overheard the chatter and was on her feet. She roamed her eyes and saw him. She followed where he was heading. To her dismay he was walking towards her cousin Xiu Yeng. The green eyed monster inside her was awaken. "It's Xiu Yeng again!That ugly bitch!" She stomped towards them but Tami and Chinky stopped her. "Don't do make a scandal. Grandfather is here." Chinky said. They just watched the events unfolding with green eyes. Wang Jun smiled at Xiu Yeng and they shared a quick kiss. They were petrified.