
Call Us Mom and Dad

Both their parents were already in the restaurant. They were waiting for their kids to arrive. The door opened and Zhang Lei and Li Jei went inside smiling, holding hands. Their mothers were really happy with the site they are seeing. Indeed their kids are together. Their mothers hugged them and congratulated them. They settled down in their seats and Li Jei ordered for the food to be brought in. While waiting for the food, they could feel and sense the questioning looks of their parents.

Li Jei spoke for them. "We know that you are eager to know what is going on between me and Zhang Lei." He looked at Zhang Lei and she nodded to give him a signal to pour out their story.

"We started dating ten years ago. Actually we were classmates since pre school. We knew each other from school but we started having feelings later on. Zhang Lei and I remained dating even after she left. We had some misunderstandings during our graduation ceremony and from then on she left me without a trace. But I remained faithful to her. Hoping that someday our paths will cross again and she will come back to me. So, last week, thanks to our moms who persuade us to meet each other, we reconciled and clear up our misunderstanding in the past. We are now back together. We apologize for not letting you know right away. We are planning to surprise you but I think that you already knew. We invite you to dinner for the reason that I want to ask Zhang Lei's hand properly from her parents." With that Li Jei stood up and bowed in front of Zhang Lei's parents. "Mr. Zhang and Mrs. Zhang I love your daughter with all my life. I would like to properly ask your blessings and allow me to take care of Zhang Lei forever. I will love, protect and make her happy as long as I live."

Zhang Lei's parents were touched. "Li Jei you are a good man. Thank you for showing us your sincere intentions towards our daughter. We are fortunate to have a son in law like you." Ren said and shook Li Jei's hand. "From now you call us mom and dad." Meilyn added hugging him. Zhang Lei couldn't help but fret with happiness when her fiance asked her parents' blessings. She was really blessed to have Li Jei.

"And you call us mom and dad from now on too Zhang Lei,we are so happy to have you as our daughter in law." Leian said and hugged Zhang Lei as well. "Our son is lucky to have you." Zhang Lei just hug her back and her tears kept on falling. Li Jei approached her and placed his hand on her face and wiped her tears away. "That's enough crying hon. You'll get ugly when you cry." He laughed at his adorable fiancee. She smack his chest dramatically " I can't help it. I am just overwhelmed with happiness you know." teary eyed Zhang Lei said. "Ssshhhhh ssshhh calm down now." Li Jei continued to comfort her. Their parents were pleased to see them like this. To divert the situation Don, Li Jie's dad spoke, "So have you decided when to announce your engagement and have you decided on the wedding date?" "Actually we want to keep it private dad. We know it would be difficult for our situation especially we hold the highest positions in our companies. We just want to have a simplewedding with our families and friends." Li Jei replied.

" I would like to make a toast for the union of our families and may we get to see grandkids soon!" Ren said, then all made toast. They had a wonderful time planning about the wedding especially their mothers. Zhang Lei was just nodding her head to the suggestions her mom and mother inlaw are saying to her. She glanced at her fiance and who was observing them. She smiled at him and her eyes were saying 'save me'.

They went their separate ways with hugs and kisses from their parents. "Now I can breath!" Zhang Lei said relieved. They were on their way back home. "I told you my parents would adore you. They even forgot that I was there all along." They laughed. "I am glad that it's over with. Thank you hon!"

They were exhausted when they arrived at Li Jei's place. They freshened up and went to bed. They cuddled, he hugged her from her back. She moved closer to his chest. Her safe haven. However due to the day's events they could not sleep yet. Li Jei started nibbling her ears then it went to kissing her neck. His hand explored down to her stomach slipped his hand underneath her pajamas and reach down further to caress her there. She moaned and tried to turn to face him. "No stay that way." He sucked her neck and planted kisses on her shoulders and continued his pursuits underneath her panty. He touched her clit and stroked it gently which made her jump. She opened up to give him more access. Their room was filled with sounds of Zhang Lei's moans and wet kisses. She climaxed and had a great release. Sated, she faced him kissed him passionately. "That was wonderful." she whispered "It was my pleasure." Li Jei said She reached down to his bulge. "How about you?" "I'll be fine don't worry, I kind of try to stay more at the control department." He cupped her face. "I love you Zhang Lei" "I love you too." She was exhausted and went to sleep almost right away. Li Jei made sure that she was sound sleep and went to take a cold shower. Afterwards he joined her in slumber.

The next day they went to work. Li Jei drove Zhang Lei to work before he went to his office. "Thanks for dropping me off honey, I appreciate it but honestly my workplace is away from yours if you do this you might get late all the time." He kissed her. "Don't worry it is not a hassle for me. Driving you to work is my happiness just give this to me. Besides, I'm the boss nobody will question me." he jokingly said. "Alright boss I better go now. love you." Zhang Lei get out from the car.

Some employees saw that their boss came out from a luxurious car after kissing the driver. That scene spread gossip right away in the office. It reached Janine's ears right away. She could not ignore it. She planned to asked her boss about it later. Janine was already waiting for her. "Good morning Madam." She greeted her. "Morning Janine." Her boss looks happy so this might be a good chance to ask her. "Madam, here is your schedule for today, you have a lunch meeting with President Han." "What is his problem again this time? Last time we met he was just asking me what to do because his wife is mad at him. He thought I was his love adviser." she laughed. "Anyway, what else do I have for today?" " Here are the designs of our new jewelry collection, you need to choose one to wear during the gala. And some proposals to review and papers to sign." "That's all?" "One more thing madam, I know I am not in the position to ask personal questions but I heard that a guy drove you here today. Some employees talked about it. And I am just wondering if that is true? Is he the guy who helped with our security problems last week and the same person who came here yesterday with red roses?" "Yes he is the one." She smiled at her secretary. "Now lets go to work." "Right away madam!"

She texted Li Jei and told him about her lunch date.

[I'm sorry honey I was planning to have lunch with you but I have this meeting.] she placed a sad emoji after. Li Jei called her. "Honey" she answered. "It's fine honey, I also have a lunch meeting. I'll pick you up later and we'll have a dinner date then." "I like that. Okey hon, see you later." Their call ended.

At lunch Zhang Lei headed to the restaurant that she will meet Mr. Han. 'What is his problem this time. This old man and why in this romantic kind of restaurant.' she was lead by an attendant to the private room. She looked around the room it really looked like she's going to have a romantic date. At that time the door opened and a man came in. He wore a grey suit with a navy tie. His hair is long but was neatly combed to the side. He smiled at her. "Hello, I am Gio Han, I am the new president of Han Corp. my grandpa passed it on to me recently." "Oh hi, I did not know that Mr. Han retired already. Well anyway, nice to meet you President Han." "Have a seat", he offered her a seat. "Thank you." Zhang Lei accepted the gesture and sat. "You don't mind I already ordered our food?" He said. "No that's fine" she replied. "So what is this meeting all about Mr. Han?"

"I want to make changes in our business agreement. As the new president I want to make changes and improvements to our company. I planned to do reconstruction of our company. I want it fresh and up to date. You know the old man's ways were outdated."

I want to invest more on modern technologies and compete with the Li Technologies. They are dominating the market when it comes to new breakthroughs in tecnologies. And I want to change that. I need more investment and since your company is the longest client of my company I want to ask your cooperation and be my partner not just in business but as my wife." Zhang Lei was shocked with his proposal and she stopped herself from laughing out loud with his ridiculous proposal. "That is a very ambitious plan Mr. Han." "So, what do you say? I may be older than you but with our business bound with marriage we can be the most powerful couple."

"I'm sorry Mr. Han, I decline your proposal." "Well then, I will pull out our shares from your company. Your company owes us a lot. We provide the security system and if you decline my proposal you will end up vulnerable and your empire will be destroyed. And I will never help you." "Is that a threat Mr. Han?" "I am just stating a fact." "Well then, by all means go ahead and pull your shares. My legal team will settle everything. If there are violations to our agreement, be prepared for the repercussions of your decision. My company will survive without your shares. There are a lot more companies deserving your place. Have a good day Mr. Han." She left Mr. Han speechless.

She called Dong right away. "Dong I need you to review our agreement with Han Corp right away. Their new President wants to pull out their shares see if there are violations regarding this. Let me know right away." "Right away Zhang Lei." Dong is the head of her legal team. He is a lawyer now and he is exceptional in his career. He is her entrusted friend and family. After calling Dong she called Li Jei about what Mr. Han wants to do. She was worried about her company's security system. "I will handle this honey. Leave it to me." Li Jei assured her. "Thank you honey, I know I can count on you." " I'll be there in your office, I will bring my team with me in an hour."

She arrived at her office and told Janine to call the IT Manager to her office right away.

When the manager arrived in her office, " we will have changes with our security system today. Mr. Li from Li technologies and his team will come here in an hour. I want you to assist them in everything they need. Our security system will be changed. From now Li technologies will provide us the security system. Mr. Han's company is no longer part of our company.

Li Jei's team arrived and they started their work right away.

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