

A chilling wind welcomed him as he stepped out from his private jet in the city. He smelled the fresh cool air. The city showed a simple and laid back vibes which seems so inviting. His menacing presence excudes as he descended and the temperature around him decreased a couple of degrees more. This give the people waiting him at the bottom of the plane's stairs terrified except his right hand Oliver. Wearing a black suit and a coat he demanded, " Where is Shen? Call him at once. That brat, its been weeks and I never heard from him." "Boss, the young master is at school right now. He disguised himself as a high school student just to be close to Ms. Zhang Lei." Oliver said as a matter of factly. Oliver is a young man who was hired by him at a young age and he treats him as a son as well. Oliver is loyal and does an excellent job as his right hand. He also has a special relationship with Shen. The old man gave a sigh, "Bring me to the hotel, I need to rest before I will see my brother. Do you have everything that I need Oliver?" "Yes Master everything is prepared." Oliver was saying as he kept his pace together with is master who was walking with a cane to keep him steady. Oliver guided him to a black Limousine that is waiting for them and sped towards the city.

"Everything I worked hard for is gone now Meilyn, everything. I am afraid I can't support our daughter's future. I feel so bad. I feel so useless." Ren said to his wife placing is hands over his face. His business went bankrupt. A more influential company trampled their business and he lost everything. He was also sad that hundreds of employees lost their jobs. They were his responsibility and also part of the family he built. Only his very loyal allies stayed, Mr. Yan and Dong. "Don't punish yourself too much Ren. We can manage. Zhang Lei is a smart kid, she holds a scholarship in school. We can hold up until she finish high school. I still have money saved we could put up a small business. Perhaps noodle shop or something. We can figure something out as a family. We'll tell our daughter when she comes home." Meilyn said with hopeful tone. She knows how difficult it is for her husband right now and she needs to be strong for him and their daughter as well.

Although Meilyn stayed home and became a full time wife and mother, she had a degree in business and management. She also is a good cook. She was about to be trained under her dad's company when she got pregnant with Zhang Lei. His dad got mad at her. Ren asked her to eloped with him and she agreed. They live from country to country never leaving a trace behind. They were followed by Meilyn's dad everywhere they went. Until when their daughter turned five they settled in City D. They never heard from her father again. Her husband started his business from scratch and he met Mr. Yan. Mr. Yan's past is a mystery to them but the man showed loyalty and he helped them build their business to grow. So, they did not asked any further. They gave him their full trust.

Ren and Meilyn were sipping their afternoon tea while they heard a knock on their door. "Who could that be?" Ren said. "It's not our daughter since she has a key, she will just come in." Meilyn added. "I'll go and take a look. Stay here they might be dangerous people. Call Mr. Yan and Dong." Ren went to open the door. "Good day sir. My name is Oliver. I am the secretary of Mr. Cheng." "You might probably got the wrong house I do not know any Mr. Cheng." Ren said wonderingly. "I assure you sir we are at the right house." Before Ren could reply the door to a Limousine opened and a elegant man got out walked towards him and said. "It's been a while brother."

"Lu...Luise is that you? I can't believe this. Brother you're alive." Ren can not believe that his brother is here in his doorstep. They hugged each other and were laughing. Meilyn heard loud voices, she hurriedly went to the front doors and saw her husband embracing another man. "Ren what's going on? Who is this man? She asked. "Oh Meilyn, honey this is my brother that I told you. I thought he was dead but he is here right now alive and well. "Why don't you come in and let's continue our converstion in inside?" Meilyn offered. The brothers went inside and sat on the couch while Meilyn prepared a cup of tea for her husband's brother. "Meilyn this is Louise." Ren introduced his brother. "Nice to meet you Meilyn, now I know why my brother left without a trace and eloped with such a beauty like you." Louise said teasing his little brother. Dad was devastated when you left. He said not to look for you. He said that you know your way back if you want to. He did not approve your relationship with his arch enemy in business. That's your father Meilyn. "I did not know anything about that brother Louise." She said. "She does not know anything brother, I too knew it that day that I asked her to elope with me. Because it was the only way that we could be together to start our own family without our father's control. She was pregnant with our daughter at that time. I was afraid that dad would do something about our baby so we did what we had to do to protect our daughter. But I do not have any regrets about what happened."

"Brother I came to see you because I want us to work together in our company. I know what happened to your business here. I want to give you back what should be yours. I own a business conglomerate now. You can choose which area you want to work at. I'll give it to you. You bring your family and whoever you want to be with you when we go back. I am sick and I need someone to be my successor. And my only heir is you daughter. I need to talk to her about that too." "I thought you have a son somewhere." Ren said. "Yes he is my adapted son, he's name is Shen. You'll soon meet him. He'll be here soon.

Oliver waitied outside the house. He is standing near the doorway while a black Audi stopped next to the Limoousine and Shen got out. He was wearing a white polo shirt with black jeans and shades. He looked so handsome. While he walked towards him smiling. Oliver smiled back. "How's everything here?" Shen asked. "Everything is going well." "Okey, I'll go in. See you tonight?" He asked Oliver. "Yes. I will see you tonight." With Oliver's reply, Shen beamed and squeezed his right shoulder before he stepped inside the house.

"Ah finally, my son is here. Shen come here and meet you uncle and auntie. Shen walked towards the elders. "Hello Uncle and Auntie, nice to finally meet you. I am Shen. He gave them his respects and sat beside his father. I am sorry dad I am late." " No you are just in time. Your cousin is not here yet, for sure she will be surprised to see you." His dad knew what he has been doing for this past weeks. Disguising as a student just to get close to his cousin. "We'll clear everything when she arrives."

Zhang Lei arrived. She noticed the two cars parked outside their house. And a handsome man in a suit standing outside their door. The man nod at her and she greeted back. She panicked and opened the door quickly. She called her mom and dad. No one answered. She ran inside and saw her dad and mom with two other unfamiliar men. They were laughing and enjoying tea. "Mom, dad..." Her parent's look up and saw their daughter. "Zhang Lei you're back. come sit and meet your uncle and cousin." Her dad said. She approached them and met the gaze of the young man... "Shen?"