

Zhang Lei was sitting on her bed hugging the stuffed animal that Li Jei gave her. Her eyes are all red from crying. She still can't believe everything that had happened today. She was overwhelmed with the truth at the same time she is thinking about Li Jei. They had the best time in the resort. She had the best time of her life there but it was replaced with sadness when she came home.

She recalled what her uncle said.

"You are the only heir and has the right to be my successor in our family's business. I know it's difficult for you to accept this for now. I need you to go back to our country and be trained. I will send you abroad to study as well. I will prepare you so that when the time comes you will be ready. Shen is not my real son. Although I love him as my own, I do not force him to be my successor. I am sorry my niece but you and I have no other choice. I talked to your father about this. Your parents will go back to our country together with you. They will start anew there. I have given my brother his rightful place in the company as well as your mother. We will leave by the end of next week. I will handle everything regarding your transfer. You will love your new school there." "But uncle, what about my friends, my life is here. I want to stay even just until I graduate." Zhang Lei protested. "Zhang Lei if you will not go, I will not be able keep my promise to your dad. It's either you will go with then or your family stay here. You know your financial status right now. I know your life is here and I hate to ruin that. But you have to think about your father, and your future."

Her uncle is right but it is hard for her to accept it. She refused to accept the fact that she will be away from Li Jei. They just started and this happens. The distance will really be a struggle. But she promised herself to help her parents to regain what they lost. Her uncle offered help to redeem them. She has to do it. Her problem now is how to tell her boyfriend all about it. Her tears fell again until she was exhausted and fell asleep with a heavy heart.

The next day Zhang Lei tried her hard to smile brightly to Li Jei who was waiting for her at the entrance in their school. He squeezed her hand as they where walking towa da their classroom. "Did you had a good sleep last night?" he asked. "Yes I did" she lied. Although Zhang Lei was all smiles, her forlorn did not escape from his eyes. He knew something was wrong. He wanted to ask about it but he decided to wait for her to tell him. What he can do for her right now is to be with her and try what he can to make her feel better.

Xiu Yeng was in a bad mood when Zhang Lei sat beside her. "What's with you?" "Nothing something just irritates me." At that moment they saw Wung Jun talking to a pretty girl in the corridor that can be seen directly by them from inside. The girl was trying to be cute while they were talking and she hit his shoulder flirtatiously. This make Xiu Yeng even more irritated. Zhang Lei chuckled but not too loud because she does not want to provoke her further. She looked at her boyfriend and they shared the same thoughts of what's going on with these two. Li Jei gave her a wink. The first bell rang to signal the start of their class. Everyone went to their seats.

Lunchtime came and the four friends ate together. They were laughing at a joke Wung Jun shared. Xiu Yeng's mood also started to lighten a bit. But it became grimier when the girl who flirted with Wung Jun earlier came over to their table. "Hi Wung Jun." She greeted him sweetly. "Is this seat taken?". She sat next to him without even waiting for their reply. "I'm Leila by the way. Nice to meet you all." she said. Wung Jun's face was unreadable. He glanced at Xiu Yeng. Xiu Yeng remained calm. "I'll go ahead, I still have to go to the library to do some reading. Excuse me." Xiu Yeng left. Li Jei and Zhang Lei also excused themselves. Wung Jun was left with Leila. He wanted to go after Xiu Yeng but he can't. He knew she is mad at her. And he was angry at himself too because he kept on evading for his growing feelings for her. Wung Jung was silent. He stood up to leave but Leila stopped him. "Please don't embarrass me further. Stay until I can finish eating. There are a lot of eyes looking at us. I know they are talking about me right now. Just this once do this favor for me and I will leave you alone." Leila said sadly and in the verge of crying. Wung Jun sat back and said, "I'm sorry about all this. I apologize for leading you on. I am an idiot. Sorry if I hurt your feelings." "It's fine, I'm okey with it. I could never be your type. I know someone who is taking refuge at the library right now, deserve to know how you feel about her. I leave first. Thanks you". She left and gave him a smile. Wung Jun again is lost for words.

At the library, Xiu Yeng was trying to concentrate on reading a book but to no avail. She was so mad at Wung Jun. She was surprised about why she felt like this about him. "No no no Xiu Yeng you have to stop this. Stop... erase erase it!" she was scolding herself. She walked to the aisle of books and scanning through some titles that could peak her interest. She scanned through aisle after aisle, but there was nothing she wants to pick out. She continued walking absentmindedly towards the last aisle that has math books. "Do you love math now that you ditch us at lunch to have a date with math books?" Wung Jun was leaning on the last bookshelf with math books on it. He looked at her and she stared at him with a bit of a scowl. "I begin to like math. It gives me the exact answer and is always giving me the right values." she glared at him. They stared at each other for a long time no one wants to give in. The staring game continued until the bell rang signalling the start of the afternoon classes. Xiu Yeng walked faster than Wung Jun. She was far ahead of him hugging some books towards their classroom. Her best friend was already seated when she came in. She dumped her books on her desk forcefully that it surprised Zhang Lei. Her bestfriend was in a really bad mood. She decided to keep quite and let her calm down before she tells her another bad news. After a while Wung Jun arrived in class and sat quietly beside Li Jei.

Li Jei was worried about his bestfriend. "What's going on between Xiu Yeng and you?"

"Nothing." Wung Jun replied nonchalantly.

Their afternoon classes was so dragging. Their last class was Ancient Literature which make more boring Everyone keep on looking at the clock. Anticipating for dismissal. On the other hand Zhang Lei does not want the day to end. She wanted to spend a bit more time in class sitting beside the persons that matters to her the most her best friend and of course her boyfriend. Finally dissmisal bell rang, everyone cheered except for the four friends at the back who does not want to move. Li Jei urged Zhang Lei to get up and leave the two behind. Before they left the room Li Jie whispered to his best buddy, just tell her the truth."

Zhang Lei was getting uneasy as time passed. They held hands when they were out from the campus and was walking on the pavement towards Zhang Lei's house. They held their hands. She knows that she needs to tell him right now there was no more time. Li Jei was just patiently waiting and ready to listen whatever it is. He has to be there for her.

"Li Jei can we buy some ice cream before we go home?" Li Jie nodded. They went to an ice cream parlor and ordered their favorite flavors. "Where do you want to go?" he asked. "Uhmmm lets stroll in the park and eat our ice cream." she smiled. They sat on the grass under a big tree away from the crowd. They were concentrating on eating their ice cream until Zhang Lei sighed. Her tears are starting to accumulate in her eyes and it will fall anytime soon. "Jei, I am leaving City D next week for good." teary eyed she looked at him sadly. Li Jei's mind went blank.