

Glitter and Glam Annual Gala of the Zhang's Company became the number one topic in all platforms all over the country. Indeed it could only be achieved by the most powerful company. Not to mention it is lead by a young woman. Zhang Lei also received an awful lot of praises from business communities and social media. As a young woman leading the largest business conglomerate in the city she was able to surpass expectations that awed many. This in turn increased their stocks in the market.

Zhang Lei and Li Jei were sitting in the sofa while they read the reactions from the news and social media about the Gala. They were not also spared from the watchful eyes of the people about how they behaved and showed their affection with each other during the event. People got curious about their relationship status. Some are shipping them and saying they look good together. Branded them the most powerful couple. Some say it was just a show and for business purposes only. Both of them just smiled at the comments. They were not a bit effected by what others say.

"I'm so glad that it was over and done with." Zhang Lie laid her head onto her fiance's shoulder. "I am so proud of you wifey." Li Jei kissed her forehead "Now that the gala is out of our way, we can focus on our wedding..."

"hhhmmmm.." Zhang Lei replied. After a while she dosed off. Li Jei carried her to their room and settled her on bed and joined her in slumber.

Shen and Oliver were drinking wine in their penthouse. Relaxing in their balcony watching the stars above. Sitting on lounge chairs, Oliver gave a sigh of relief after his job was done. He received positive commendations for how he managed such a successful event His number one supporter and fan is celebrating his success beside him. "Cheers to you! I know you would do great." Shen was praising him. Oliver gave him his sweet smile and thanked him for his faith on his capabilities.

"Zhang Lei said that she will give us a vacation after all these.Of course after their much awaited wedding. It's my turn to get busy in the next few days." Shen said as he sipped some wine. "I am happy for both of them. They deserve happiness." Shen said. "That's why we should give our support in their happiest day." Oliver added. They held hands and enjoyed their night together.

In a hotel room.

"Love, thank you for your gift." Xiu Yeng was really happy. Her husband, Wung Jun bought the bracelet that she wore during the gala. She was in bed waiting for him as they are getting ready to sleep. "Anything for my wife! I want to see you wearing it right now. Just the bracelet and nothing else." His eyes has a glint of mischievousness. She smiled "Your wish is my command." She removed the covers and revealed her naked body with only the bracelet on. She giggled and said, "So what are you planning to do about it then my love?" "Wifey you never cease to amaze me." He positioned on top and kissed her. Their kiss deepend and turned into a make out session. He pounced on his wife until both of them were panting trying to get some air. "I love what you are wearing right now." They both laughed, they did another round before exhaustion overwhelmed them and put them to dreamland sated.

The hottest topics in social media the next day was about Sia, the female star who had an embarassing moment of being taken by security because she forgot to leave a millions worth of necklace during the gala. And the relationship status of the two giant CEOs.

Sia had a sleepless night due to the embarrassment and not to mention her bad encounter with the CEO with the Li Technologies. She does not care much about the security issue. She was more devastated and angry about her being rejected. "I'm going to get even with you Mr. CEO. Just wait and see. I will make you make notice me. That is a promise!" She was talking to herself. She was still in her pajamas and with disheveled appearance she was sipping wine early in the morning while looking at the comments in her phone.

Later that day, at Li Jei's office, "Mr. Li, here is te list of the choices for new ambassador for our company. Would you like to take a look?" his secretary asked. "Gerald, I'll let you handle that one. You can choose whoever fits the company's values and principles." He said without looking at his secretary. He was concentrating on more important thing. "Alright sir." Gerald's short reply. "Wait, book this cruise for me. And don't tell anyone. It's a surprise for my wife." he said happily.

Gerald left his boss' office and peruse over the candidates for new ambassador. He particularly set his eyes on a certain female artist. Her name is Sia and she is the most popular artist today. According to the information they gathered she is known for her professionalism when it comes to her work. And she did not have any bad issues when it comes to her personal life as well. The good news that made Gerald happier is the fact that she is under the the entertainment network under the Zhang's Company, Willows. This might help him get this artist easier to sign up for their company.

Lunchtime, Sia was still at her condo when her phone rang. "Hello?" her groggy voice answered "Where are you? And why is your voice like that? Are you still sleeping? Move your ass and come to my office right away. The Li Technologies just offered you to be their Company's Ambassadress! Be here in 15 mins. I do not want this gentleman here wait for you." Her manager was scolding her at the same time excited about the offer. The CEO's secretary personally came over and brought the contract with him. The manager was thinking that because it was the secretary who personally came, that the CEO might have personal interest with her artist. She looked at Gerald who heard everything she just said smiling to him, "She will be here right away, I apologize for this"

"That's fine madam." Gerald's quick nonchalant reply.

'Oohhh this is going to be wonderful.' the manager thought to herself.

Meanwhile, upon hearing her manager's news, to her delight, Sia jumped right away from her bed and went to the bathroom and fixed herself. She got excited when she heard the Li Technologies chose her to be their ambassadress. This is really an exciting news.

Exactly fifteen minutes later. Sia arrived in her manager's office. She wore exquisitely to impress. "Hello I am Sia." She greeted Gerald with her sweetest smile. Gerald just nod his head to acknowledge her. She sat opposite to Gerald. "So let's start. As what your manager mentioned to you on the phone, our company wanted to offer you the ambassadress position. Enclosed in this contract is your roles and responsibilities as an ambassadress with us. If anything here is violated, or if some certain issues arise during your time as our promoter we have the right to terminate this contract immediately." He handed a copy of the contract to Sia and her manager. "If you do not have any questions please sign the contract."

Sia was still floating while reading through the contract. "Did Mr. Li really personally invited me to be his company's endorser?" Sia asked. Gerald did not reply right away. He was thinking that she might reject the proposal if she would learn that it is not his boss who made the choice but him. "Yes" he simply said. This made Sia even more elated. She thought, 'He might really recognize me but he just couldn't show it because he was with Madam Zhang Lei.'

They signed the contract and Gerald left.

"Sia do you know the CEO of the Li Technologies?" her manager asked. "I met him during the gala and that's it. I did not know that he would still remember me from that night. I mean we just bumped into each other at the bar."

"That's it? No exchange of pleasantries whatsoever?" her manager was curious.

Sia did not mention the part where she got rejected by him. "That was it, I believe so."

Her manager was still curious about the CEO's motive. "He was with our Madam CEO that night. They might be in a special kind of relationship." Sia said.

Her manager puffed her cheeks. "Our Madam? She is a cold hearted iron lady. No man in this entire world would be able to melt that cold heart of hers. If that certain someone exists, I will resign as a manager." She was very sure of her words but does not know the repercussion that would befall on her later. "Sia do your best in this project, the CEO might notice you and provide you with favorable advantages. I heard he is still single." Sia just nodded excitedly.

Gerald arrived back in the company. He went inside Li Jei's office and reported that the issue with the new ambassadress was solved. Li Jei did not question him further but he was glad that it was settled smoothly by his trusted right hand.

The next day, the news of the new Spokesperson of Li Technologies was announced. Some news even said that Sia was personally chosen by the CEO himself. This lead to suspicion about the reason behind it. Some reporters even added that the CEO might be attracted to Sia. This issue got out of hand when Sia's manager was interviewed. She said in the interview that the secretary of the CEO personally came to offer the contract to her. This made Sia's fans excited for her. And even posted shipping comments for her and CEO Li in forums. This in turn counter attacked by the fans Zhang Lei. There was an uproar between the fans in social media. However, the person in the issue doesn't even know that this was going on. Gerald upon seeing the news and what Sia's manager commented in an interview. He felt anxious that his boss was led to this kind of issue. He got worried and was planning to tell him right away.

Xiu Yeng saw the news about this. And she got irritated about this Sia and her manager for making unwarranted comments and ideas towards Li Jei. She called Zhang Lei. "Hey sissy, what's up?" Zhang Lei answered enthusiastically to her bestfriend. "Sis, did you hear about the new Ambassadress that Li Jei chose for his company? It's all over the news and it even has maliciously involved your fiance that he has some 'personal intentions' towards this actress. Here I'll send you a link.".

Zhang Lei had no any idea what was going on. She opened the linked that Xiu Yeng sent. "I have no clue of what's going on. This female actress is under our company too. I doubt Li Jei would do this. There must be an explanation about this."

"Okey, sis I don't like this actress and her manager. They are so assuming! Li Jei should better clear this up. Our double wedding is coming up soon." "I'll talk to him sissy, don't worry." Zhang Lei said and they ended their call.

Li Jei has no knowledge of what was going on outside and in the social media. Gerald approached him sullenly. He looked at him "Gerald is there a problem?"

"Boss I have to tell you something. Regarding the new Ambassadress that I picked for our company. It is the actress Sia. The announcement was done today and there was a problem. Her manager was interiewed and was asked if you picked her personally. Her manager confirmed it that it was you and said that it was I, your secretary personally brought the contract for her. I might have had a part of this misunderstanding. When Sia asked me if you personally choose her I said yes. My intention was to make them sign the contract right away. But I guess it turned out differently. It's all over the news and its getting out of hand. This might reach your fiancee and she might get mad. I am so sorry boss, I failed you in this tasked. But rest assured I will solve this right away."

"You better be." Li Jie said. His phone rang. It was Zhang Lei.

"Hi hon, how are you today?" Li Jei said cheerfully. "Honey have you seen the news about your new amabassafdress?" "Nope but I just heard a confession from my secretary about what happened. He was the one who chose that actress. I gave him the power to choose one but unluckily there were some issues afterwards."

"Have you met this lady before? It says in the report that she met you once in the gala. Can you remember something?"

Upon hearing this from Zhang Lei, a memory occured to him, there was a girl approached her at the bar. That might be her. He did not even see her face. He told Zhang Lei about it. "Hmmm honey, that might be her. My honey really attracts butterflies everyhwere... hahaha" she laughed. "Am I be wrong but is this the sound of my honey being jealous? hmmmm... he teased her. "Li Jei I am not jealous. I just want you cleared of this issue. It is a bit lame but still. She reprimanded him. She used his full name. This means she is really jealous. This make Li Jei happy. "Don' worry my wife, your husband will clear this up immediately. Okey? I love you." "Okey I love you too. See you later." With that they ended their call.

Gerald was still inside his office and heard everything. "I know you heard everything now go and clear this thing up. It was your fault afterall. Look for another ambassador, this time a male. I do not care about breaching the contract. Just do it." His voice was really cold and intimidating. It made Gerald more scared and run for his life. He will really do it right this time.

Late in the afternoon at Sia's manager's office. Her and Sia where celebrating. "Oh I am so proud of you Sia. This will make you more popular, especially that you have a CEO behind you. Not to mention a very handsome and powerful one." Her manager was already fantasizing the great favors that will come her way as well. SIa was very delighted. She was also dreaming of being his girlfriend in the future. She dismissed what she saw during the gala between her big boss and Mr. Li. 'They might be just good friends' she thought.

The manager's secretary came into her office hurriedly. "Boss, Sia you should see this." She turned on the television. They saw Gerald. The Headlines read: Breaking New: Li Technologies sudden change of their new Ambassador.