
Glitz and Glamour

It was the day of the Annual Gala of Zhang's Company. Everyone was in frenzy especially Oliver. This is the most important year-end event of their company. There should be no room for failures. Glitter and Glam is the theme for this year. Security would definitely be very tight since they will allow all the female guests to wear a piece of jewelry during the event. The Gala will be held in the largest ballroom in one of the five star hotels in their company. Everything is set. Guests will start to arrive at six in the evening.

In the CEO's office, Zhang Lei is still working till the last minute. Her gown was delivered two hours ago and it is set in her lounge by Shen's people together with her best friend's gown. The make up artist and the hairdresser are waiting for her. "Madam, Ms. Xiu Yeng is here." Her secretary said on the intercom. "Let her in, thank you." Xiu Yeng went inside. "Sissy!!! she was so excited to see Zhang Lei. They hugged each other.

"We need to hurry, you changed first while I finish my work and I'll follow you. Please assist my friend first." She told the make up artist and hairdresser. She went back to finish her work.

Her phone is beeping, without looking who is calling she answered right away. "Hello" "Honey, are you still working?" It was Li Jei who is calling her since it is already five and he is calling if when she will be ready and he will pick her up. "Uhmmm... yes honey I am almost done. I will prepare in five minutes. Sorry honey I had to finish something really important." "Okey. Shall I pick you up there?" "Yes hon, Xiu Yeng is here too. We will get ready in no time." "Okey Wung Jun is with me right now, we'll be up there in a few minutes." Their escorts are already dressed. They were waiting for them outside Zhang Lei's office. it is already fifteen minutes til six and there was still no sign of their ladies.

Seconds later, the doors opened and came out two beautiful ladies. Zhang Lei was wearing a princess cut dark blue long dress accentuated with diamonds. She wore a simple light make up that complimented her fair skin. Her hair was made into a loose bond. On the other hand Xiu Yeng was wearing a mermaid cut black dress showing her curves. Like Zhang Lei's dress it is also adorned with swarovski crystals. Her long black hair cascading on her back covering her open back.

They received praises from their respective fiances and they left for the Gala.

The grand ballroom is starting to get packed. Each guest has to walk on the red carpet and the media is their snapping pictures before they enter the hotel. Also all employees in the company also attended the occasion.

Zhang Lei's parents arrived followed by Shen and his father. Li Jei's parents was also invited. Everyone went inside. The onlookers started to shout when the brightest stars in the entertainment industry arrived. One of the female stars that is very well known, Sia arrived and the people got wild. The cameras did not stop taking pictures of the gorgeous female artist. She wore an elegant long red back less dress with a very high slit on the side. She is the leading artist of an Entertainment network owned by the Zhangs. Other artists are coming in as well. Some of them will perform during the gala.

Oliver was near the entrance to keep an eye on things when Shen arrived at his side. "Hello" Shen said smiling. " Congratulations you did a marvelous job. I am so proud of you." he whispered to Oliver. Oliver smiled back and said, "Thank you. I am still on my toes, Madam CEO has not yet arrive. And we are about to start." "She will be here any minute now. I called my people and they said Zhang Lei and her group left ten minutes ago. Just relax, breathe. I'm going to stay here with you while you wait. It's going to be fine." "Thank you. I really appreciate it." "That's what I am here for." Shen said sweetly.

At the entrance the people are stirring up. A staff called Oliver and said that Madam CEO has arrived with her escort and another couple. Oliver made a sigh of relief. "See I told you." Shen said. They waited until Zhang Lei's group will arrive at the entrance.

Xiu Yeng and Wung Jun got a lot of praises from the people outside including the media. The cameras keep on snapping pictures of Xiu Yeng and someone from the crowd even shouted how beautiful Xiu Yeng is and he offered marriage then and there. Wung Jun was appalled. He wanted to cover Xiu Yeng with his coat and bring her immediately inside. But of course he did not. He just placed his arm on her waist and dragged her to get inside faster.

The power couple walked next and the last to arrive. They made a grand entrance. They held hands and they were smiling. They stopped for photos and the media uproared. "That is the CEO of Li Technologies."

"Wow , what a powerful duo."

"Are they a couple?"

What they displayed tonight made the media curious and they became the latest talk of the night. Many dared to asked the questions of their relationship but they did not say anything.

Inside Oliver greeted Xiu Yeng and Wung Jun. Shen gave Xiu Yeng a hug and she complimented him on her wonderful creation. "Shen my gown is so wonderful, I love it. Thank you so much." Xiu Yeng said "It was my pleasure sweet pea. I am looking forward to you wedding dress." Oliver lead Xiu Yeng to the area where some staff are waiting for her with the jewelry that she will be wearing tonight. She was looking at this beautiful man. She realized that he is Shen's beau. 'Zhang Lei was right.' She smiled while looking at Oliver.

"Ms. Xiu Yeng here is a bracelet made of two thousand diamonds. You will wear it tonight and please give it back to us before you leave tonight." Oliver said. A staff placed it on her arm. Xiu Yeng fell in love with the bracelet. The item was worth 5 Million dollars. She was admiring her bracelet when Wung Jun appeared at her side. "Do you like it?" Wung Jun asked. "It's so beautiful, love." "You look beautiful on it" He gave her a kiss on her temple.

The grand ballroom was full of people talking and socializing with each other. The simple yet very elegant silver white with light lavander color accent decorations made the place very modern. The women were admiring their jewelries and even some already promised to buy them.

Zhang Lei and Li Jei arrived at the entrance

Oliver made instructions to her. And led her to the back stage. She will give the welcome address for tonight. "Honey I have to leave you for a while, I need to go to the stage, okey?" Zhang Lei said to her fiance. "Alright hon, good luck. I will be watching you." Li Jei said and gave her a kiss on the cheeks. "Come on lover boy I will accompany you." Shen led Li Jei to their seats near the stage. Their family were also sitting there. They paid respects to them before settling in.

Oliver signaled to start the program. There was the que and everyone took their seats.

The emcee appeared on stage. " Welcome everyone to our Annual Gala. Tonight is a very special night especially for the women. Its glitz and glamour night! And the good news is for those who want to buy what they are wearing right now, you can actually buy them and half of the proceeds will be donated to charity. And now let's all welcome to the stage the glamorous Madam CEO of Zhang Company, Ms. Zhang Lei." Everyone applauded.

Zhang Lei appeared on the stage. She smiled and the necklace that she was wearing complemented her look. She was also wearing her engagement ring. Others thought that might be one of the jewelries tonight.

"Welcome everyone, friends, families employees and guests to our Annual Gala. This is a wonderful year for our company. And I would like to say my thanks to everyone for your job well done. Thank you for your hard work. Our company will not be where it is right now without your perseverance and strife for excellence. Kudos to all. I hope everyone will have a great time tonight." She bowed and once again everyone applauded.

She exited the stage and other artists started to perform on stage.

Zhang Lei arrived at the area where her family and friends were. Her parents and uncle congratulated her as well as her soon to be in-laws. They were so proud of what she has achieved at a young age.

She approached her fiance who was just smiling at the sidelines. They shared a hug and he whispered, "I am so lucky to have you. I love you and I am so proud of you hon." her heart melted upon hearing his words. "Thank you hon." She said smiling at him.

Their moment was cut short when one of her managers approched her and said that many business guests wants to talk to her. "It's time to work hon. Be right back." Zhang Lei was so busy talking with businessmen. She got a dozen offers of blind dates and marriage proposals from old businessmen for their sons or nephews . She got tired rejecting each proposal respectfully.

"Madam CEO, I know you are single and I would like to set you up with my son perhaps. He is single and same age as you. He will be my successor and if you two get married that would be very beneficial to both our companies." And old businessman told her Zhang Lei gave a wry smile and said "Thank you for the offer sir but I am engaged already." "Engaged? I did not know you have a boyfriend. Is that your tactic to drive away suitable suitors? Young lady I tell you this, that is bad for your company. And you will become a spinster!" He left dissappointed turning his head from side to side. Zhang Lei chuckled. "What did you say to that old man he was mumbling." Xiu Yeng arrived at her side holding a glass of wine. "I rejected his offer." "What kind of offer?" Xiu Yeng asked after taking a sip of her wine. "Blind date with his son." "Oh." Both chuckled. "I bet your honey over there has also the same problem as you."

Li Jei was also being dragged to the lime light. Some of the guests knew who he was they crowd around him also gave small talks to him regarding business and business proposals including of course offering daughters and nieces for matchmaking. He of course rejected it as well. After a very long time, the crowd dispersed around him and he immediately went to the bar to get some more refreshments. While waiting for his drink, he looked for her fiancee. He spotted her talking to Xiu Yeng and Wung Jun. He was planning to go directly to them after his drink is filled.

He felt someone stand next to him and smelled a sweet ladies perfume. "Hi. May I offer you a drink? I'm Sia by the way. What your name?" She said in a very sweet voice and looking at him flirtatiously. "This gala is so boring. Would you like to ditch this place with me. I know a great place to have some fun." Li Jei did not answer. Finally his drink arrived. He thanked the bartender. "I am not interested." Li Jei said sternly, glanced her way not even giving an eye contact. Then he walked away.

Sia was floored. She never had experience being rejected all her life especially now that she is the most sought-after female celebrity. She called her assistant. "Come here right right now!" She shouted. "Investigate who was that guy just left me here." "Right away Sia." 'No body rejects me and gets away with it!'

Her assistant came back. "Sia, I know who that guy is. But I don't think you can do something about it this time." was her assistant's statement. This irritated her more. "What do mean by that!" "See for yourself." Her assistant pointed to Zhang Lei's direction and the guy with her, with his arms on her waist was the handsome guy she talked to a while ago. "He is the CEO of Li Technologies. Our boss' boyfriend." her assistant said. Sia was lost for words "Hmph. Let's just leave this place!" She stomped out from the venue but an ear piercing alarm sound off. All security gaurds ran towards her with their guns pointing at her. She raised both her arms and cried, "What did I do?" Everyone's eyes was on her. Sia was even more embarassed."Mam please move back inside the hall. And remove the necklace before you leave." She followed what they said. A staff removed the necklace carefully. "Oh do hurry up!" She scolded the staff. After that she left stomping her feet. This did not slip from the media. Some even posted on the social media platforms. Sia's predicament that night was the number one on the hottest topic that was talked and ridiculed.