
You again? (Katsuki x reader)

noah_cloud · Cómic
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3 Chs

So that's his name..

Third-person POV

The morning frost began to dissolve as the golden sun poured out over the land. Slipping through holes in curtains and rifts in the trees. With beauty comes pain as the light descended upon a young girls face who laid unconscious. Her smaller nose twitching in discomfort, her eyes open, revealing bright, glossy eyes. Her left being a dull-white, while her right being a vibrant green, her skin was soft and absorbed light with a snowy effect. She was slim with muscle from her outdoor work, a scar began from her left eyebrow to her left cheek going through her eye. Causing her eye to fade in colour. Her hair rested just above her hips being a copper-colour with natural curls at the ends. Annoyed, the young girl met the light with her hand as she shifted to an upright position, the shirt from the night before lazily draping down the side of her arm, tangled with her shorts.

A low rumble emanated from her throat as she wished to be back asleep. There was no time to spare, today was the day she would move into her new dorm at UA high school. As peaceful as she looked when she slept, she was anything but friendly. Her drastic actions and bad temper got her into regretful situations. "(Y/N)!!!! Get up before I drag you out again." yelled no other, then her brother. "Shut up, prick." Answered the girl. Hesitantly she glimpsed around her bedroom before standing up. All that was left was her bag, the remainder of her items where being conveyed to the school. Her rough fingertips soon met with a black T-shirt with a small rose in the corner. Quickly pulling one-off and putting another on. After getting changed, the young girl began shoving her slept in clothes lazily into her backpack, which was decorated with pins and tags.

The young girl then made her way into the kitchen, where she met both her mother and brother doing their own thing while holding a conversation. "Y/N! Jesus christ you sleep like a rock." The girl's mother turned to show a bucket in the sink, her slight wet blue dress ending at her knees. "And what is that for exactly?" She replied. "Oh, the bucket? Plan B. You're not late for school ON YOUR FIRST DAY. You're so god damn lucky to get a scholarship there." the two exchanged a look before leaving the conversation there. "Ew, what are you even wearing? You look like one of those try-hard Tumblr Gir-" The sound of air rushing from the boys noise filled the air as y/n grew sick of his insults. "Y/N! Shi! Enough. I won't let you both walk into school brutally attacking each other. For one day just get along." The twos mother spoke. Is this bitch for real? Y/n thought to herself. The two gave a stare before nudging further away from each other.


7:30 AM

"Come on, get in the car or your both walking," Mum said. "I'd much rather walk." Mumbled Shi. "You're about to live up to your name if you don't shut the fuck up, dude," I added before crossing my arms pissed. "Y/N Jesus, please no swearing." Not even eight in the morning and she's already so stressed out. Not my fault dad left her, oh wait. "Greenlight," Shi growled, and the day began. Watching the trees go by made me somewhat sick as I already hated being in cars, and now I had to sit in one with my family while watching the most annoying things go by. Why don't people wearing crazy shit for once? Then something caught my eye, a red-headed boy, yellowed headed boy and some form of army hedgehog with blonde hair. Is that the UA uniform? Nah, only precious shit faces go here, why would they be walking?

Before I could think any further, I felt a pinch on my left arm. Having enough of my brother already, I turned around, grabbing his throat. Violently and squeezing. "Touch me again, and I'll fucking turn you inside out," I growl, my pale eye glowing a white shade. "Y/N please! just stop!" My mother cried out from the front seat, her voice breaking in the process. "Fine," I said before letting go of my brother. We then arrived at school though before we could get five meters, mum came rushing behind us, giving us a painfully awkward hug. "You guys stay safe okay? Brush your teeth and-" I could tell my brother wasn't having it when he cut her off. "Mum really enough. I'm sixteen I don't need to be reminded of this." I scoff. "Fifteen Teen." I correct. His face twisting to form a sarcastic smile. "Okay, well. Please stay safe, its dangerous fighting crime and all. I'll miss you two. Call me often and send cards, maybe?" I have to admit I did feel sorry for her, she would be alone at home now. "We will," I emphasise on WE then glance at my brother. "Yeah sure, we will." He says with an eager to leave tone. "Okay, love you both stay safe." She says before watching us walk through the gate with that worried mother expression.

Without looking where I was going, I turned to walk beside my brother when I bumped into someone. Falling back onto my ass, I reach to rub my nose. then up at who I bumped into. "Hey watch it, asshole." My eyes widen slightly while my eyebrows tilt angrily yet confused. "The fuck you say to me?" an ash blonde turns to face me, still on the floor, while his red-headed friend placed a hand between us. "You again!" I growl before standing up and dusting myself off. "Hey, bakugou let it go, shes new and didn't mean it."

Bakugou.. so that's his name.


Hey guys! I'm new at writing fanfics so hopefully I did alright with this one.

Please share and like this writing so I know you guys like it and I will make more.

Also give me feed back!! I love feedback!! Leave comments if you like! I don't know how often I will be uploading a chapter but I will try to do so frequently.

Remember to follow me!

Wattpad: NoahCloud17

Twitter: Ohiyotanjiro

Instagram: katsuki_bakugou_kem

Thank you!