

Brandon Nguyen, University Freshman, living by himself in Southern California. The year is 2018, life seem to be aimless. With no clear goal for his life, Brandon sole joy everyday in life is to login to his favorite MMORPG, Yggdrasil. p.s: Writing to pass the time. English is my second language. feel free to comment on my English as well as writing.

MtHugeBook · Fantasía
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16 Chs


June 6th...

"I am an idiot" I thought as I drink my coffee. I am sitting in White Lotus Coffee. This is one of the most famous coffee shop in the area. As the matter of fact, it is the only coffee shop on Main st. I send them the message on that night saying I will be waiting in this coffee shop. However... "I didn't tell them what time is the meeting" I softly banging my head on the table like an idiot. I was already here from 8:00 in the morning, but there is nothing for me to do but to wait.

As I lamenting how stupid I was, I remember Iron-Man message. "try to log back in at 6:66pm..." Such an ominous number I thought. Not to mention there is only 60 minutes in an hours. "But what are the chance something would actually happen?" I has already tried logging in many time before, but I failed every time. "I will take a look tonight" When has Iron-Man ever steer me wrong?

Iron-Man. The name itself is self explanatory. I remember our first meeting when I was trying to fight a group of zombie in the Svartalfheim dungeon. In Yggdrasil, Svartalfheim is the realms of advance robotic. Robot NPC was everywhere. they use steam trains as their main mode of travel. It was the land where all Mechanic players started their journey. I remember the first thing he said to me, "Your fighting style is awfully obvious for an Assassin" He was right of course. I was playing a more of a dexterity style assassin which fight their enemies head on while relying on dodging rather than one who use sneak attack for a 1 hit KO. "And you are wearing such an inconspicuous armor for a Tony" I told him then. He was wearing an all black armor with basic design, the one that is not often standout from all the power-armor wearing Mechanic out there. We team up after that. I even clear my first dungeon with him, my first friend in that game.

So I waited all morning. "The shop is not very crowded today" I thought. there seem to be some kind of accident two block away. Some guy hit a BMW when trying to make a U turn. "It is already 3:00. I will go and take a look on my way home".

the guy that cause the accident seem to be apologizing. It seem he wanted to compensate with cash, but the owner of the BMW seem to want to exchange insurance information. "I dont understand some people. its cash. You can just use it to fix your car and there will even be some left over" I thought as I pass by them on my way to my car.

Yes, I drive here today. The bus would have taken too long and not to mention traffic. Mine was an Acura Integra model 1996. It is nothing fancy, just an old car I bought cheaply and have one of my relative help me fixed it up. The radio didn't work, but other than that, everything is in perfect condition.

"Both idiot is not home today" I was talking about my roommates. One is going to the East coast to visit his relative, and the other probably sleep over at his girlfriend house. "Summer vacation just started and I already have the house for myself" More like having the whole house for me to clean.


"exactly 6:66pm? I will be amazed if the clock even hit 6:60" I thought as I sitting on my chair. "I might as well try login in early" I click on the game icon.

Surprisingly, the game can still be turn on. But when I try to log in, the same error message pops up. Thus, I wait.


"10 more minutes"


"and 6:60...?" I almost jump out of my seat. "6:60! the clock hit 6:60! This is impossible" It is the ingame clock. I looked at my phone and watch, and the time is running normally. it is 7:00pm. But the in game clock is 6:60...6:61..6:62...6:63... I can hear my heart beating faster. the in game clock has always synchronized with my time zone. what has happen? 6:64... I can barely hear the sound of insect outside my window. 6:65... My mouse is pointing directly at the log in button. I am ready to pressing it at any moment.

6:66!!! I click the log in button. Time seem to stopped. In a split second, I realized my entire room turn black. "An outage?" My PC turn light is off. My light is off. I scramble looking for my phone, but to my surprise, even my phone is off. Then suddenly i hear a voice from my headphone. it was Iron-Man voice.

<Iron-Man> : "Kid. Are you there?"

Oh my god. it is him. I grab my headphone in complete darkness, put it on my head, and answer.

<Norcturne> : "YES. Yes. i can hear you. what is going on?"

on the otherwise, I can hear a mechanical voice. It was barely audible

/Sir..I has finish...calculation...energy...can...stabilized/

<Iron-Man> : "Do it" He didn't seem to be talking to me.

In a split second, everything in my room turned back on. My PC light turned on without my notice. Yet, my screen is still pitch black.

<Norcturne> : "Iron-Man! can you hear me"

<Iron-Man> : "Yes kid. I figured it out. You wouldn't believe what i have to do to connect to your Universe"

i was so confused. suddenly, my screen turn back on. The logo of the game appear. It seem I was indeed able to log back on. But what is this? Isn't the game title wrong?