

Brandon Nguyen, University Freshman, living by himself in Southern California. The year is 2018, life seem to be aimless. With no clear goal for his life, Brandon sole joy everyday in life is to login to his favorite MMORPG, Yggdrasil. p.s: Writing to pass the time. English is my second language. feel free to comment on my English as well as writing.

MtHugeBook · Fantasy
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16 Chs

THE Iron Man

Yggdrasils? as in multiple Yggdrasil? "Is this real? Am I in the middle of some movie plot?" I have to calm my self down. I need more information. So I decided I need to ask the person who know what is going on, Iron-Man.

<Nocturne> : "Excuse me. Iron-Man?"

<Iron-Man> : "Yes. I forgot. We finally able to make real contact with each other. I wound't say it was all me, but it is. I understand you are confused, so I will let you go first. Brandon is it?"

<Brandon> : "Yes. My name is Brandon. Yggdrasil sever was shutdown. How did I login? What is going on?"

<Iron-Man> : "Yes. Apparently the sever was shutdown in your world. But I bought the game sever in mine. I tried many ways to locate your ip address, but It always come up with one conclusion, that it does not exist, in my world at least" I was going to interrupt, because what he said is absurd, but he continues. "I came to a conclusion, either you some kind of supercomputer that can hide from Jarvis, a ghost that was able to talk to me for the past 4 years, or somehow, you are from a different World all together." So he start his monologue.

<Iron-Man> : "I have already figured it all out long ago. The game sever in my world was dead. I brought the old sever, boots it back up, and somehow, able to interact with you. An individual in a world full of NPCs. I could not interact with any of the other "players" that you were talking about. except for our group. And all of them was gathered together by you"

<Brandon> : "But there were real players. One of the people I know at school also play the game. i had meet up with him in game once"

<Iron-Man> : "Maybe they are real in your world. But in mine, there are no one playing this game. It is currently running in a closed sever in my house. As far as I know, I am the only one in my world who is playing this game. So unless you are all ghost that haunting this game sever, or you and I are not coming from the same World. The fact that i need to use the Tesseract in order to connect my sever to yours prove this"

<Brandon> : "Impossible" Jarvis, Tesseract, Iron-Man... swallowing my saliva, I ask, "Who exactly are you?"

<Iron-Man> : "...You Know...Remember when we first meet? You called me Tony. I didn't think much at that time, because I was pretty popular over here. But when I found out that we are not from the same Universe, I have always wonder, how did you know my name?"

<Brandon> : "Tony? As in Tony Stark?"

<Stark> : "My full name. now I am curious. Is there another Tony Stark in your world?"

<Brandon> : "Well, no, but... There are movies about you"

<Stark> : "What kind of movies?"

<Brandon> : "Is there away for me to show you?"

/Sir, there is no way for you to share a video. There is a way for you to share image in game is it not/ The mechanical voice is not much clearer even thought it is still very small. But it was right. there is a way for me to send jpg image in the game. It was a part of the creation system in the game where you can use photos and images to used as picture decoration, flags, and outfit design in game.

<Brandon> : "Give me a second. There are comic book about you too." I say it as I scrambling through the internet, looking for Iron Man/Avenger comic book.

<Stark> : "..."

A few hours latter...

I took awhile for me to find a few complete comic book issue to send over to Mr.Stark. I was lucky and even able to get the scripts for Iron Man and The Avengers. Stark didn't say anything to me. But from time to time, i can hear him saying thing like "oh god..", "this is worst than how they wrote my biography..", "this is embarrassing.."

<Stark> "That was... Interesting" he said after an hour. "But there is no actual Tony Stark in your world"

<Brandon> : "None" I replied. "But there is a person, Elon Musk, that people are calling him the "real life iron Man"

<Stark> : "Well, he is over here too, interesting fellow, but not even close" he retorted. "Alright. Enough with the introduction. There are a lot of things we need to figure out, so I hope you don't have anything to do tomorrow"

<Brandon> : "No problem. It is June. We just start our summer break" I feel excited. i have never been this excited in a very long time. The last time have to be when I was a child on Christmas night, unable to sleep, waiting for Santa to come. But I have no need for sleep now, for the night is long and I just made contact with the actual Iron Man from a different Universe.


Main st. across the street from White Lotus Coffee...

A dark shadow loitering around an empty street. "Did they not come? or did I miss them? He already went home. Maybe this was another miss" As the sun starting to rise, the shadow figure disappear in the dark alley, vanish as it was never there.

If this story start to sound like fan-fiction, it kinda is. But Tony Stark is going to be a character in the story. the story is not going to revolving around the Marvel Universe.

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