

Brandon Nguyen, University Freshman, living by himself in Southern California. The year is 2018, life seem to be aimless. With no clear goal for his life, Brandon sole joy everyday in life is to login to his favorite MMORPG, Yggdrasil. p.s: Writing to pass the time. English is my second language. feel free to comment on my English as well as writing.

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Dawn After The Sleepless Night

I was exhausted. We keep talking and testing many thing over the course of the night. I was 8:00 am that I finally went to bed. I was so tired, I sleep like a baby. It is not until 5:00 pm that I finally wake up.

We found out that the game, on my side, is no longer crowed with "players"; just as all the "NPCs" has disappear from Stark side. So we came to a conclusion, because Stark couldn't interact with the players on my side, they appear to be NPCs to him. Now that my sever was shutdown, there are no longer "player" running around, there is no "NPC" on Stark side either. Well, there are still actual NPCs that sell weapon, operating tavern, and whatnot, but no longer NPCs that acting as individual according to Stark.

Stark tried to make me investigate the developers of the game on my side. Unfortunately, my "investigate" is only to the extend of Googling it. So all I found out was some generic developers names. Jarvis cannot access into my world internet to help with it either. So we stop at that.

Stark has already done the investigation on his side. Apparently, the game was one of those old style CD based game in his world. He was surprised when he first found the game because they didn't even use CD in their world anymore. Apparently everything using micro chips that can hold tens of Petabyte of information, and that is just for commercial use. When he found the game and its sever, he purchase it and was able return it to operational in his garage. As to why he did that, in his word, because it was supposed to be impossible. During one of his "mission", he discover the game sever. it was non functional, but its origin is completely mysterious. The company that build it did not exist, the people who developed it did not exist, non of the serial number on any part of the sever match with anything in his world. It was as if the thing appear out of thin air. That is why he was so curious about the developers who make the game in my world. But there are no way to contact them that I can find, no address, not even a phone number was left after the game was shutdown.

We found out another peculiar thing. The name of the game in his world was different, Yggdrasils, as opposed to mine, Yggdrasil. We have no idea why this is the case. We theorized that since there are multiple Universe, there are multiple Yggdrasil. But that did not explain why the one in my world was different.

All the other members are offline, so there is nothing we can find out about them yet. Stark said he was only suspicious of the multiverse theory before this so he didn't talk to them about it yet. We just have to wait for them to come back online before we do anything. For now, that is all we can gather on the game itself.

We talk about our world a little. What is different and what is the same, all that jazz.

9/11 didn't happened in Stark world apparently. the twin tower didn't even exist.

I asked if Trump was ever President of the United States. "Who is Trump?" is his answer.

He ask if the United Nations was created in my world. Well, that exist in my world at least. But in his world, they were created in 1919, following the event of World War One. Then he asked why I called it World War One. That is how I found out that there is no World War Two in his world. The War that Hitler Germany started in 1939 never escalated to the scale of a World War. Captain Steve Roger see to that.

Funny enough, Apple was a thing in his world, but they never took off. Apparently, Steve Jobs, after he was forced out of his company, partner with Bill Gates company Microsoft and dominated the household electronic market. But they are all history now. Now, Stark Industry is currently dominating everything electronic, basically monopolized the market. Stark sound very proud when he tell me that.

As for Elon Musk, he refuse to tell me anything.

We talked about these thing all night. It was night time over in his side too. When we decided to stop, it was already morning. He told me to meet up latter today in the game. According to him, I should be able to login as long as he keeping the Tesseract "hook up" to the sever. I don't know if I should feel relief when my only life line with the other world is an Infinity Stone. I hope Thanos is not a thing in his universe, but I haven't have the courage to ask.


Earth, year 2127. Stark Mansion...

"A parallel Universe" Tony was thinking out loud, "This can't be just a coincident that we were able to make contact"

/What do you want to do now sir?/ Jarvis ask.

"keep tinkering with the sever. Don't break it. See if we can make an actual "connection"

/Right away sir/ Jarvis respond /But you should get some rest sir. You haven't sleep for 2 days/

"I know" He said frustratingly, "Tell me immediately when he came back online"

/As you Wish/
