
6 The little rascal

It was night time and all the soldiers were defeated. Everyone one was in a jolly mood drinking and dancing to their enjoyment well except for two people.

Me and Anna was sitting near the street bench each one of our face had an vivid emotions .Anna because when we went to her house and couldn't find her mother or father . I couldn't find any words to console her in area of war their chances of survival was not so good. Me because I just saw the fricking wonder women either her or a good cosplayer who can divert bullets. If it was former I had come to a conclusion to which world I had come to and it was not a kind world. The world were super hero and super villlan preside . The world were Gods and super powerd aliens live. The world of DC and I have never been so glad that I upped my status because in this world even that may not be enough to survive. Anyway it was better to keep low profile from the Amazon for now.

Thinking of the future I couldn't help but feel the excitement as I know my life won't be just as boring as I thought . I don't have to worry of surving till the start of justice league as when I became a celestial human I also stopped aging it was explained in the race description but first I have to prepare. Since I am again send back in the past money will be not be a problem in a matter of fact it will be easier than last time and another that I didn't understand is that why ainz didn't have any gold when reaching the other world my inventory is made up of all sort of gold , diamond and expensive metals thinking of all the money I couldn't help but smile .

"Stop smiling like that it's creeping everyone out" I heard a small yet ruthless voice to the side of me.

"You know you're not cute for a 14 year old.." I rebuked the small girl near me.

"I have to take my anger on someone.."The girl said looking at the star's.

"And the first person that came to your mind was me" I asked the ungrateful girl.

"So you have any plans on what you're going to do because I will be busy." I asked the pushing the girl on what she will say she smart enough.

The girl girl flinched for a second before looking at me with a pitiful expression and clasped her hand to her shoulder and made a shivering act.

"I am cold.." she said coughing a few time between each words

"The summer will come.." I replied looking at the sky clearly ignoring her plight.

"will I able to survive till then.." she said sounding like little desperate puppy.

"Yes...you will " I said with determination looking directly at her eyes without faltering

"what if I don't make it till then ? what if I perish before then ?" she said pitifully but one can see the clear annoyance bidding up.

"I will take full responsibility after you're death " I said to her with a smile.

"why don't you be responsible for me now instead after my death" She clearly said annoyed.

"Why would I do that ? " I asked with a innocent smile.

"You're enjoying this aren't you ? " The girl said with a deadpanned expression.

"yes very much.." was my only reply.

"So what's your decision.." she asked little shaking now.

"Mmmm maybe if you say the magic words.." I again asked.

"Anna.??" Just before she was going to say please we heard a fragile voice a little far from us .

We both turned towards the voice there were 2 people although dressed well off they had an exhausted and ragged expression on there face one can see they were not able to rest for some time. Anna eyes widen and small tears started to fall from her blue eyes she stood up and slowly started walking towards them but after the third step she suddenly stopped and looked back at me .

I smiled at her thinking although a little cynical she is still a kind and caring child . I was going to wave her to go on but she just raised her middle finger at me "see you later sukker..." and went on a full on sprint to her mother and father without looking back.

I sat there stunned for a few second when I came to my senses she already reached her parents . I was going to curse at her but felt something in my arm. I looked down and was suprised to see what was in my hand it was her family hairloom necklace. I blinked in suprise and turned my head at their direction to see both the parents bowed there head little in appreciation and she was waving her hand widely with a wink . I smiled at retrieving figure of that and something tell me I will see her again. As i watched them go and I decided to return to my palace to check everything.

"You were very brave out there.." I nearly jumped in fright at the voice that came behind me and my eye widen wondered at what the women want.


Next episode time skip

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