
Yet Another Ray With A System

Yet another victim of Ray Elliot, Emperor of a multiverse. He return to the time of his transmigration just after his death and killed the ROB but in another parallel multiverse to change his parallel self fate just for fun. His parallel self didn't take it too kindly though after all the abuse he have to face in the name of tutorial. He was thrown into a zombie infested world to be baptized by fire before starting his real multiverse transmigration. ——— I'm bad at making synopsis but that's the gist of it. (Disclaimer, My fic is trash. Don't read if dear reader dislike trash fics - Sincerely, Author.) ——— Upload is not yet confirm since I made this at the spur of moment. ——— Cover isn't mine, I just snag it from google. ——— Also, whenever I ask for a vote. I wouldn't care anymore after the next chapter released because the decision already been made and change according the the votes would be incredibly bothersome and time consuming. (Sorry if this sound rude but some people are voting after the decision are made and they might have expectations that their choice will be followed. I have to clarify this to prevent some of them getting angry I didn't follow the vote anymore.)

Daoist_KittyKat · Otras
Sin suficientes valoraciones
121 Chs

Chapter 27: Attack on Kuoh Town Part 4

When Kokabiel summoned the literal guard dog of hell. I went into a little panic.

This isn't part of the plan! Also how the heck can a fallen angel obtain the guardian of the gate of hell? This has to be a conspiracy… Is Hades involved with Kokabiel to let him summon them to battle?

With new unknown variables on the battlefield, I cannot delay anymore and have to end it now before it gets out of hand. Thankfully or maybe not, both heiresses joined the battle with most of their peerage. They are handling the three Cerberus for now but the Siegfried clones are a problem to them because he/she is wielding fused Excalibur fragments.

"You still dare to get distracted, human!"

I frantically jumped to the side almost automatically with the help of an implant and the satellite's AI temporarily assisting me.

I did a roll and continued to shoot Mithril dust bullets to Kokabiel. The reason I avoid Mithril flechette bullets is because the effect is immediate and easily noticeable unlike the dust that takes some time but is more subtle. This proves that Kokabiel is still looking down at me but this works better to me. He will not notice the effect unless he uses a high amount of magic power.

Kokabiel stopped chasing me into a melee fight after seeing that I will only keep distance from him. He raised one palm to the air and a hundred small light spears formed behind him before raining down on me.

I didn't use another skill and let my barrier take the brunt of the damage as I rolled again to evade the light spears. 17 spears hit me and shaved only a small fraction of my shield's durability which left me confused for a second before I remembered God Hand's other effect that give me immense resistance toward the attack that killed me.

The condensed light spear that killed me before definitely gave me very high resistance against light magic. After knowing this, I decided to be a little more reckless and stop putting distance between us.

"Finally! You grew a spine to face me head on. Let me give you a taste of the sword that slaughtered 3 legions of devils!" Kokabiel exclaimed excitedly.

I change my bullets to Mithril flechettes type before reloading to finalize the change.

"How many times did I have to tell you I'm straight damnit. Go fuck your own daddy with that sword you proud of. I doubt he will even feel anything from it. Small just like your own dick, you pathetic incel."

Profanity and slur flowed out smoothly out of my mouth as I wielded Proposition with one hand while I took out the Holy Moonlight Sword on my dominant right hand.

"Y-you dare insult my manhood! This perfect body was made by father himself." Kokabiel was enraged indeed. Though he didn't understand the word incel apparently. Kokabiel is one of the few that fell not due to tasted sin of lust. He fell because he is too bloodthirsty and enjoyed battle too much.

"Aren't I correct? This is the sword wielded by a real man. Behold, the Holy Moonlight Sword!" With my new found bravery knowing I am highly resistant to light power, I decided to fight in a shorter range.

The one handed sword in my hand morphed into a greatsword with ethereal green light bathed the sword. The sword feels stronger now that he is fighting under a real moon.

"Holy Moonlight Sword? Never heard of such a holy sword ever made by Father." Kokabiel seemed to pause for a moment and replied to my statement before resuming his hostility toward me.

Kokabiel came flying and tried to stab me in the chest but to his surprise, I welcomed his attack with open hands. I made no effort to evade or parry the stab. He thought I was overconfident and ignored his suspicions that something was not right.

His sword stabbed me but my magic barrier appeared and blocked the stab. Kokabiel however is within my striking distance as I poured my energy into the holy sword and smashed it on Kokabiel with my savage like strike as usual. An ethereal green arc released from the greatsword. With this, Kokabiel was forced to the ground by the energy arc and opened an opportunity for me again.

"Reload On Fire!" I use these abilities again to slow time to near halt.

Quickly I shot the Mithril flechette bullets point blank into Kokabiel's body, aiming for important organs like heart, liver and his testicles where blood flow was abundant.

"Limit Burst!"

Another skill that I activate for extra strength and slash him with Holy Moonlight Sword. I tried to inflict as much as I could and aimed to subdue him and put him into submission to apply the system implant to him.

The burden from Reload On Fire reduced greatly when using Limit Burst. Before the 5 seconds ended, I impaled the Holy Moonlight Sword into Kokabiel's chest, onto the concrete building.

When the 5 seconds time expired, Kokabiel howled in pain and confusion. Last thing he remembered is being smashed by an arc of green energy now he is impaled to the ground by a greatsword.

"How does this feel for you huh! Great was it? I have yet to pay you back for my death twice, ye small dick bastard!"

I pinned Kokabiel to the ground and blasted his body with Proposition, point blank to make sure his magic is totally disabled. I make sure to fill every inch and crevices of- wait, that sound gay as heck!

Anyway… Kokabiel grunted in pain and confusion when his magic wasn't responding and dispersed the moment he tried to muster them. The Mithril works like a charm indeed.

"Cmon, shout harder for your daddy here, squeal harder! I make sure to pay back double the pain for exploding me into pieces!" I keep shooting at Kokabiel and twist the greatsword to aggravate the impaling wound until he is forcefully implanted with a system implant. It good that Kokabiel have great durability for me to torture him for a bit.

On the other side of the battlefield, the three Cerberus unsummoned because Kokabiel can no longer muster his magic to sustain their summoning. Now, there is only the clone Siegfried left to fight.


"On it!" Sona replied to Rias call as they already understand each other's mind.

As the devil from the house, Sona has a great affinity to water magic. Twin water serpent formed with her skillful manipulation of demonic energy. The serpent assaulted the clone Siegfried and trapped him/her inside its body made of water.


"Akeno, Buchou, I reached max Boost. Who should I transfer to?" Issei asked Rias and Rias to look at Akeno who smiled sadistically and nodded to her king.

"Akeno it is… Transfer!"


Issei holds Akeno's shoulder and uses Boosted Gear to transfer the boosted power to her. Akeno instantly blushed and squirmed slightly in ecstasy when suddenly receiving a vast amount of power from Boosted Gear. Issei swears he hears Akeno moaning… he needs to touch himself after all this shit.

Akeno immediately cast her strongest lightning attack that created four 10 meters wide magic circles that quickly moved to above the clone Siegfried before forming a large 60 meters wide magic circle.

"Wow, Akeno's magic power is amplified by 8 times!" Few people exclaimed after seeing Akeno's current display of magic prowess.

Then a large lightning strike descends from the magic circle like a divine smite from god. The attack blinded and deafened everyone for a few moments like a flashbang.

When the attack settled, only the sword remained in place. There is no corpse or any remains of the clone Siegfried. No wonder they called it a faulty clone Even with Excalibur fragments, it still died easily when the Excalibur Destruction fragments can easily destroy the attack or lessen the impact or use Excalibur Mimic function to create a shield or something.

While everyone is busy fighting and another is torturing Kokabiel to submission, the operators raided the remnants of the abandoned church to kill Valper Galilei before that slimy bastard can escape.

With this, the attack by Kokabiel is officially subdued with Ray doing majority of the heavy lifting. The said person is still stabbing and shooting the already helpless Kokabiel for another ten minutes before a notification informs him that Kokabiel is subdued.

Ray woke up after feeling like he just sobered from a long party night. His body feels very weak like he just worked for 10 hours straight on a backbreaking labor job that he struggles to even open his eyelids. The bed and pillow feel very comfy at least.

Then his ears start to pick up the noise of very subtle moans and gasps. His lips felt wet for some reason. He is about to ignore it, thinking he probably licked his dried lips and forgot about it. Then a tongue invaded his mouth which caused Ray to immediately open his eyes wide like an owl.

What he sees is Mittelt in front of his face, busy sucking his lips and mouth while humping on his body. He wanted to use his arm to push away Mittelt but his body didn't move at all.

'Am I paralyzed?' Ray asked himself since he did remember using Limit Burst that can cause paralyzed debuff.

"Mph.. mn… Mitt- elt.. stop stop." Ray struggles to free his mouth from Mittelt assault.

Damn this horny girl…

I hijack her body immediately and make her stop. Also my body is indeed in paralyzed state and have around another 2 hour before the effect wear off.

"Mittelt, what happened after the battle? The last thing I remember is defeating Kokabiel." I asked Mittelt buy she is looking dazed and distracted while blushing heavily.

Again, damn this horny girl… she is the one doing me and now she is blushing at her act. I sighed and instead contact Raynare through the system implant.

After conversing for a moment, I learned that I am currently within the Underworld and specifically a hospital in the territory of Gremory clan. After the battle concluded, they found Kokabiel is missing but I already lose counsciousness at the time they went and get me.

For the Kokabiel case, I unsummon him immediately because although he has implant in him, I need to be counscious and actively enforcing his obedience. If not, he can still attack me and act freely.

After I unsummon Kokabiel, I deactivated the Limit Burst then I fell unconscious and I wake up in this room.

"Where are you right now? We been trying to find you but you went missing along with Mittelt for quite a while. The hospital staff is in a panic looking for you, Ray." Raynare added which cause me to look at Mittelt for a moment.

Mittelt is no longer in daze but still blushing. Fidgety when I glance at he for a moment.

"Not sure but Mittelt is with me right now and I woke up to her pleasuring herself on my unconscious body." I snickered.

As expected Raynare went silent instantly and I can imagine her fuming in anger and mostly jealousy that Mittelt is enjoying herself while Raynare is worried about me going missing.


"I'm not angry if that is what you are afraid of Mittelt." I said while unconscious wanted to run her head but my hand won't move.


"Yes" I replied while nodding my head, the only body part thay isn't paralyzed.

Mittelt jumped to the bed and hugged me and thank me. She recount the moment when I saved her from Kokabiel's condensed light spear and she thought I really died. Mittelt cried and sobbed thanking me for still being alive. Look like my second death shocked her too much. I didn't exactly pay attention to her at that time because I was focused on killing Kokabiel and I assume she escaped to safety after I transfer the attack to me.

I comfort her and reassuring her that I am still alive next to her. Then I cooed her to sleep after she soaked the sheet and clothes on my chest from her tears.

While Mittelt is asleep with a peaceful look on her face and Raynare with the others are searching for me, I went and checked my system. Surely enough, there are notifications that contain rewards.

[Congratulations for defeating a very powerful opponent, Fallen Angel Kokabiel. Base body is upgraded, enhanced and strengthened as a reward.]

Surely my body is undergoing changes although I feel nothing from it. Not even any discomfort as I hear my bones cracked and my perception enhanced. This power up only makes me superior to a normal human. For example I can definitely run 3 times faster than before normally without an ACE Suit. The most surprising of them is that my expected lifespan increased 3 times from the description.

(Note: Like campione but without authority, magic resistance and insane luck. Just bodily upgrade)

Then the next one,

[Due to the user's actions interfering in destiny, this world path had been altered and many characters' fate were changed for better or worse.. User's actions caused decent positive changes and is rewarded with a mid rank mystery box.]

[Spiritual Cat Egg]

Egg of a type of cat from a certain cultivation world. Popular pet choices among young mistresses of various clans because of their cuteness and decent ability to protect their master. State: Ready to Hatch.

After opening the mystery box, I found a pet egg and a cat? Aren't cats mammals? Anyway, a wonderful gift for Cheshire since she will no doubt be affected emotionally by my death too like Mittelt.

[Congratulations for reaching ??? Milestone. Supernatural Weapon, HK World Smelter(Double Assault Rifle) is obtained as a reward.]

HK World Smelter

In a world where fantasy and modern technology are intertwined, these mysterious weapons are crafted with the essence and soul of the Black and White Impermanence deity. Its wielder will gain the Impermanence's essence to venture in battle against the horror of the Nether Realm.

When I read the gun's description, I found it very interesting that it came from a world where modern technology exists along with fantasy and they create this gun from deities corpse and soul. It terrified me that they literally turn a god into a weapon to kill more dangerous creatures. This gun consumes enemies' souls to refill bullets, increase damage and also provide buffs.

After I finished reading the notification, I stared at the white ceiling. Since I'm still stunned and Raynare had yet to find me, I fell asleep along with Mittelt.


(If I rate the battle scene…it's 3/10. I just can't describe the surroundings well during the battle and am very focused on Ray and Kokabiel. Only at the very end did I notice and add Rias and Sona peerage to let them participate too.)