
Yet Another Ray With A System

Yet another victim of Ray Elliot, Emperor of a multiverse. He return to the time of his transmigration just after his death and killed the ROB but in another parallel multiverse to change his parallel self fate just for fun. His parallel self didn't take it too kindly though after all the abuse he have to face in the name of tutorial. He was thrown into a zombie infested world to be baptized by fire before starting his real multiverse transmigration. ——— I'm bad at making synopsis but that's the gist of it. (Disclaimer, My fic is trash. Don't read if dear reader dislike trash fics - Sincerely, Author.) ——— Upload is not yet confirm since I made this at the spur of moment. ——— Cover isn't mine, I just snag it from google. ——— Also, whenever I ask for a vote. I wouldn't care anymore after the next chapter released because the decision already been made and change according the the votes would be incredibly bothersome and time consuming. (Sorry if this sound rude but some people are voting after the decision are made and they might have expectations that their choice will be followed. I have to clarify this to prevent some of them getting angry I didn't follow the vote anymore.)

Daoist_KittyKat · Otras
Sin suficientes valoraciones
121 Chs

Chapter 24: Attack on Kuoh Town Part 1

Ray was inside the Mission lobby when he took out the three Excalibur fragments. The Excalibur Rapidly, Nightmare and Transparency.

He discovered that weapons unlike armors are extremely customizable. Every separate part can be infused with different material or used for sealing. For example, Ray used his last remaining Adamantine to enhance the six barrels on Proposition. The Adamantine barrels make it impossible to overheat or be damaged.

Then he sealed the three Excalibur fragments into Proposition. Now he can use the Excalibur fragments effects while wielding his Proposition. Better than cannot use it at all because he cannot wield the Excaliburs directly.

The Excalibur Rapidly passively increases anything related to speed like movement speed, reloading speed, fire rate and bullet speed. Excalibur Nightmare allows him to create corporeal clones of himself for 30 seconds or create harmless illusions of him for longer duration and cost energy. Excalibur Transparency allows him or his equipped items to be invisible.

The sealed weapon can be unseal easily which is a relief if he wanted to seal another thing later.

After finishing his planned tasks in the lobby, he put away everything and returned to the real world. There everyone is sitting in the living room and waiting for him to return.

He is aware that he had ruined Kokabiel's plan and he will return to finish what he started. He vaguely remembers in the anime this happened after Kiba Yuuto became rebellious and sought to destroy Excalibur fragments. He will fight Freed that wields the Excalibur fragments then achieve his Balance Breaker.

"Good evening Miss Rias, Miss Sona, how is your progress?" Ray greeted Sona and Rias after he arrived in ORC. The two heiresses join hands in searching and apprehending Kiba who went rogue.

"Still no progress for now. Both of us have already sent out all our available peerage members to search the whole Kuoh currently."

Rias sighed while nursing her growing headache. Akeno remained in ORC as the one incharge of communication. Sona also has her queen, Tsubaki at her side currently assisting Akeno in relaying information to the search teams.

"I would assume that you called me because you require my assistance?" Ray takes a seat at the sofa while trying to listen to Akeno and Tsubaki to assess the situation.

Ray heard them talking to the communication magic about an encounter with enemy forces consisting of stray exorcists. They still didn't find Kiba because they encountered resistance.

"Indeed" Sona nodded.

"I would like to gain your assistance to fight the stray exorcists that currently surround the abandoned church. I can feel Kiba's knight piece in the vicinity of the abandoned church. However both mine and Sona's peerage are halted by the stray exorcists that keep coming in waves to slow them down." Rias explained while trying to point the locations on a piece of map, the location of each search team.

Rias looks at me with a hopeful gaze for me to assist her. Sona however proposed to hire me as a mercenary if I wanted monetary rewards to help.

"Not that I am unwilling to help… However, if there are enemies within Kuoh, I would rather protect my daughter instead of helping you. She is the most important to me in this world."

"You two will understand my situation right?" I stated to them that I am prioritizing Cheshire more than anyone else.

Akeno looked at me briefly with an unexplainable gaze before she returned to her task of handling the communication with Tsubaki.

"This… I understand."

Rias cannot refute my words because she is also the same as me. Her family or what she called her peerage as, is the most important thing in her life.

"In fact, leaving my home to come here is already difficult enough for me. The ringleader, Kokabiel is still yet to be caught and there is a high chance that he will be involved after knowing his intention to restart the Great War. The appearance of Excalibur fragments isn't a coincidence when you consider who is vulnerable toward the holy swords." I explained to both Rias and Sona who agreed to my statement.

"He is correct, Rias. If this involves a Cadre the level of Kokabiel, we will be a meat on chopping board. A ten winged fallen angel is not an opponent any of us can handle." Sona said but Rias jumped and held Sona's arms.

"Please don't, Sona. If the Underworld is involved, Kiba will immediately be branded as a stray devil. He will be hunted and put down." Rias begged Sona with tears in her eyes to stop Sona from contacting the Underworld.

"Sigh, what am I going to do with you, Rias… We are violating the law by hiding this from the Satans especially when it involves someone the level of Kokabiel. Even if we are childhood friends, I still cannot risk the lives of my peerage and hide this news." Sona also has a headache thinking about the risk and potential aftermath they will receive if they are found breaking rules.

"Fine, I will wait until we capture Kiba and stop from continuing to go rogue. However! I will report immediately if Kokabiel does appear. I will not go any further than that."

Sona sighed after seeing Rias doing puppy eyes and begging her. She always tells herself that she needs to be more strict but Rias always manages to make her falter from making important decisions like just now.

"Thank you Sona! I will definitely repay this favor in the future."

Meanwhile Ray sitting there feels like he is watching a slice of life friendship drama unfold between Rias and Sona.

"I changed my mind."


Ray's sudden statement surprised the pairs of king and queen of respective peerage.

"I will participate and assist with apprehending Kiba only if you promise to protect Cheshire along with the three fallen that I have already assigned to protect her." I said after changing my mind.

"Since both of you are prime targets if Kokabiel did appear, you two will protect my daughter for me so I can focus on the task."

Both heiresses instantly agreed and I told them to come over to ORC. Raynare used teleportation magic to bring Kalawarna, Mittelt, Cheshire and Asia to the clubroom before Rias teleported me to Issei.

"If anything happens to Cheshire when I return, I will kill everyone in this room before myself." I left a threat to everyone before the teleportation magic sent me away.

Time to put on the Doom Eternal, Rip and Tear.

Exiting the teleportation magic, Ray lands near Issei and Saji who are fighting against 10 stray exorcists.

"Uncle Ray?" Issei is distracted when Ray appears from Gremory crest magic circle.

Ray smiled with bloodthirst while looking at the confused stray exorcists. It's been a while since he got to fight in the real world. He missed the bloodshed that the infected lacks and made him feel unsatisfied when fighting them.

He equipped his armor and his favourite gun in his arsenal, the Proposition. Then he turned on the music, Rip and Tear from Doom Eternal. A classic game that he managed to play since its popularity made it survive for whole 40 years into the future.

(Unknown Pov)

We are ordered by the higher-ups of Khaos Brigade to assist Lord Kokabiel after his plan is thwarted for reasons that remain unknown. Around 500 of them are sent to Kuoh town and a failed Siegfried clone that is still able to serve its purpose.

He was part of group 28 that are tasked to delay the devils and anyone that are trying to reach the abandoned church. Lord Kokabiel and Valper Galilei, his pawn to recreate Excalibur for his plan on restarting the war by sacrificing the devil heiresses of Sitri and Gremory, both are sisters of the current Satan Leviathan and Lucifer.

He is the team leader during this mission and he found two devils. One with a red gauntlet and another is the annoying frog tongue black sacred gear that sucks his magical energy. At least be a succubus if you are going to use that sacred gear. It feel gay when a guy suck his energy.

His team work together and manage to almost kill the stupid devil named Saji. He tried to suck energy from stray exorcists that magical energy is made up of tainted holy energy. Tainted it might be, holy energy is still holy energy and it is harmful toward a devil.

His team is about to kill Saji and ganging up on the remaining devil when his uncle appears and looks at them with a bloodthirsty smile. He had never felt such a dense bloodlust before that it petrified him on the spot. He can see a glimpse of an armored man sitting on literally a mountain of corpses staring into the depth of his soul.

His step faltered and took a few steps back unconsciously. His comrades take it even worse when most have shaking limbs and at the verge of pissing themselves.

The man suddenly surrounded by blue holograms that covered his entire being before he appeared again but fully armored and holding a mortal weapon that he would laugh at normally but the dread only magnified and he can feel on instinctual level that the mortal weapon had felled many and he will soon join the mountain of corpses.

He can hear the sound of music from the armour man's direction. Sound like heavy metal music started with a short speech that was followed by chants of unknown language.

"Against all the evil that Hell can conjure, all the wickedness that mankind can produce, we will send unto them... only you. Rip and tear, until it is done."

"kar en tuk… Kar En Tuk… KAR EN TUK!"

He didn't even notice the gatling guns were aimed at his team. Only when the loud sound of continuous gunfire explodes does he is knocked out of his stunned state but the pain is the last thing he hears before his world turns pitch black.

His team are decimated in less than 10 seconds as all 450 bullets emptied into their already torn corpse.

"Search and kill anyone that wears similar clothing on sight." The man in armor said after summoning 22 operators.

"Affirmative, High Commander Ray." The operators replied in emotionless voices. Reminiscing a machine that feels no emotions and their job is only to complete their order.

Tonight, the blood and gore will wash the street. The Annihilator had been released along with his instruments of slaughter.

Even his allies feel shivers down his spine when he gets to know for the first time the other face of his own uncle.

The sound of gunfire and explosion drowned all noise that night. Even the scream of the desperate stray exorcists fighting for their survival remained unheard. Only the sound of gunfire and explosion remained constant.

Those stray exorcists who manage to escape or hide will be haunted by the nightmare of the scene straight out of hell replaying whenever they close their eyes. A traumatic scar that engraved into their soul.

(Note: Slightly exaggerated but this is a description from an unknown stray exorcist's perspective that experience the event.)
