
Meeting Akari

??? Pov

The fighting had stopped…

It had taken a bit but eventually, the constant cacophony of voices had been silenced by the sound of gunfire and the constant groaning of animals in heat had ceased

She wasn't entirely sure of what could have caused the canceling effect of her cell to go haywire but she could guess that it had something to do with the fierce rumbling she had literally felt coming from the upper levels of the catacombs

This rumbling seemed to have caused a flux in the radio waves and caused her situation, sitting on her bed in a cell surrounded by the feral and dying calls of beasts in heat

They would paw at her door, begging to be let in, sounding as if they would die if she neglected them but in the end, they all resorted to violence… they got angry that she wouldn't talk to them and blamed each other. Before losing themselves in a bloody rage and killing those they originally called friends

Only for the cycle to start again

And again

And again

As dictated by human nature, disgusting as it was. And now as footsteps rained out from the corridor she waited for the usual soft and "loving" voice to enter her ears…

She was shocked when instead the door opened

Cane Pov

After inspecting the small box that sat next to the cell door, which he actually knew to be the control mechanism for the power cancelation frequency he found two problems, it appeared that during the fight between Alice and Jasmin upstairs they must have damaged one of the hidden generators for this cell or at the least severed the wires while throwing each other through the walls meaning that the cell was now getting far less power than it normally would, causing the frequency to somehow amplify her abilities, not that he knew how that was possible

Normally this could be fixed by a flick of a switch and the cell would begin taking power from its personal backup, causing it to run itself independently until the damage was repaired. However, this was where the second dilemma came into play, during the large scale brawl it appeared that someone had slammed the head of their opponent against this box… multiple times judging by the skull fragments and grew matter on it, causing damage to the box itself meaning that it was now inoperable

Luckily for him however a second box existed within the actual cell itself in case of an emergency just like this one, so he simply walked over to the door, swiped his key card, and walked in.

Only to narrowly miss getting his face removed with a katana

It got so close to his face that he felt the airflow from the cut brush against his nose, and after he regained his senses from the admittedly large shock he raised his gun, causing his attacker to freeze

Akari Yuu, The women who had caused all this… admittedly by accident

"don't even try it" he warned as he saw her readjusting the grip on her sword "bullets fly faster than you might think"

Despite the situation he couldn't help but admire her looks, she had bright blue hair, similar to Jasmin but it was longer, both of her arms were covered in tattoos that were heavily reminiscent of the Yakuza and she had quite a large amount of disgust and suspicion in her glowing red eyes

"death before dishonor, as they say," her mouth was in a grim line and he likely would have turned to stone if looks could kill "you touch me and I swear I'll cut you into so many pieces, they'll think you fell into a woodchipper" her voice, much like her moniker was practically hypnotic, even without her powers affecting him he could still feel the attraction

Sighing he couldn't help but leave small amounts of annoyance in his tone as he explained "I'm here to fix your cell, I have no real interest in sleeping with you" he began to explain his situation, telling her about what had happened upstairs and the reason he was here. As he did so she didn't lower the sword for a second, the mistrust never left her face and the disgust only changed to a lesser form of distaste "anyway if you could put the sword down, which I have no idea how you have that and LET ME DO MY JOB!... I can be on my way" he told her losing his patience for a moment as she raised her sword at his words, before regaining his patience

She seemed kind of shocked at his attitude towards her but he didn't really give a shit, right now he needed to fix the cell before more people died and it was taken out of his paycheck and then he needed to calm down his patients before they caused him any more problems

"Now please move," he said indicating towards the bed and box attached to the wall near it, it was identical to the one outside except much less gory, she seemed to be judging her next move as her eyes roamed over him. Finally, after an entire minute of staring she clenched her jaw and moved out of the way

"Try anything and I'll castrate you" she threatened, her tone taking a cold and metallic tone as she watched him

Sighing and giving a small thankful nod he made his way past her, making sure she never entered his blind spot, and placed his key card against the metal surface of the box, releasing a click the box opened horizontally, and the metal that was once its walls folded into the wall.

Taking a few seconds, he adjusted the wiring as he had been taught how during the short but informative introduction to his duties that he had been given upon his first day between clients

roughly a minute later he had finished and a gentle hum filled the room indicating that the frequency was now operational. Then he simply left the cell and the now shocked woman behind

Akari Pov

He left?!

He didn't even try anything?

What a strange man

I still exist!

pateom is now six chapters ahead and still just a dollar, please pay me!

still love you all'

I enjoy your comments

bye for now

Lord_Sadnesscreators' thoughts