
Yandere Therapy

The Catacombs, a place where those whose powers have driven them over the edge reside Cane Barlow, the new therapist and soon-to-be heir of the Barlow family Women lost to insanity, grief, paranoia and the past are given a new light When given a chance at happiness and a respite from the dark depression of their lives what will they do? Kill? Maim? Torture? Love? Obsess? All and More not my art (Yanderes For the lord!) (You can support me on my Pat re on)

Lord_Sadness · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Brawls and Broadcasts

Not knowing that he had been discovered and unaware of the coming storm Cane let out a relieved sigh as the elevator began taking him to the sublevel

The sublevel that contained the patients of the victim wing sat roughly 30 meters below the actual facility and normally the only human interaction allowed was the delivery of food, water, and other necessity's

The reason behind this was that all interaction between the inmates and other people was rarely needed due to many said inmates being contained through the use of an induced coma. The only people that were allowed any amount of interaction were those that had abilities that only activated under specific circumstances and in no way impacted the human psyche

The wing was divided into 3 small blocks the A1 block which was also known as the storage room because it was where those that were put under induced comas were put, A2 was where those who impacted the human mind unconsciously were kept and A3 was an extremely heavily guarded secondary wing that housed the true powerhouses… reality warpers

Luckily for him however the security breach was in block A2 because if there was a breach in A3… even he couldn't stop them

As the elevator stopped and the doors opened, he found himself assaulted with a level of quiet that was terrifying, normally even if the only people allowed within the victim wing was those who worked restocked the iv drips and food there would still be a fair amount of Hussle and bustle due to a large amount of staff needed to run this wing

The signs of human life were still present, trolleys full of full iv bags and food were left scattered through the halls, and every once and a while he would find a discarded jacket or hat. Making his way towards block A2 the closer he got the more discarded items he found, a watch or a book even an insulin pump

And that was when bodies started showing up, unlike the ones he had seen above stairs they weren't ripped to shreds or ripped apart, no they appeared to have been killed by regular old people. Some guards were left bloody and collapsed at a doorway from being peppered with bullets, a nurse that appeared to have been strangled to death but mainly they appeared to have beaten each other to death

Keyword: each other

It appeared that these people had gone insane and started fighting each other…

And he only knew of one person within the facility who could cause that, pulling out his phone he began to scan through the files he had on the victim wings patients until he found the person he was looking for and what cell they were in

Cell 0235

Heading in the correct direction he began to count each door and as he got closer and closer the number of bodies kept increasing

Cell 0134: 1 body next two it

Cell 0156: three bodies close by

Cell 0198: the bodies had become so common he had to step over them

And when he turned a corner, he saw something that confirmed his theory, a mob of people were engaged in a vicious brawl, surrounded by piles and piles of bodies that had to be at least sixty people all up

Taking out his pistol he decided that he might as well just wait for the group to kill each other off before handling the breach… no point wasting bullets

So, he simply sat down, amongst the corpses and waited for the fight to end, rooting for one until they lost and moving his gaze to another before repeating the process over again, listening to the primal snarls and continues screaming of the words "mine", "precious", "darling" and so forth.

thankfully he didn't have to wait long as it appeared that the fighting had mostly concluded by the time he arrived, meaning no new members entered the melee and only a small group was left to fight it out

eventually there was only one person standing, a surprisingly small woman, completely drenched in blood and holding a boxcutter. Now having won the battle she gave a wide and creepy smile whispering the words "now we can be together" before reaching for the cell door that the whole brawl had occurred in front,

of course, she never even touched the door as Cane put a bullet in the back of her skull to prevent any further breaching of any kind.

Making his way towards the large metal door and stepping on the bodies (no room to step around them) he turned his gaze to a small box sitting next to it,

Now for an explanation

The person that had caused all of this carnage was a woman by the name of Akari Yuu

her ability was the continuous and unconscious release of a special blend of dopamine and a related hormone, norepinephrine. These chemicals were normally what caused the mental effect within one's brain of falling in love, gaining her the moniker "Siren"

this would normally be a perfectly fine ability if it was not for her releasing a SPECIAL blend which caused a level of infatuation that resulted in high levels of obsession and emotional instability, with is what caused the people within the facility to fight over her

under normal circumstances her ability only affected those she touched or who were in proximity with her for a short period of time. This was counteracted by a machine within her cell that released counter radio waves, causing the nullification of her powers, however, the computer that programmed and controlled said frequency was much like the other controllers and generators powering the victim wing, scattered through the facility as to avoid someone accidentally or intently releasing the entirety of the victim wing. but due to being damaged by the fight between Alice and Jasmin, now instead of canceling it

it was broadcasting it

pat reon is now 6 chapters ahead!

love you all

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