
Yandere girls surround me

(isekai) (Gore) (Reverse Gender World) (Reverse Rape) (Femdom) (Manipulation) (Blackmail) DO NOT READ THIS STORY IF YOU ARE NOT 18+ SEX IS THE LEAST THING YOU SHOULD BE WORRIED ABOUT. Now with the OC character illustration That I did myself, Not great but decent enough. I'll also be drawing scenes as the story progresses further. Our main character is a Nobel and innocent man, in a, fucked world of ghosts and monsters and people from different races and personalities (fucked up personality) . . . but even If the world is fucked up doesn't mean you should too. Just because you read a revenge novel, it doesn't mean that you should become emo. No! this world survives on hope! good man making good times and good times making good man. our MC is powerless! no literally! with just his wits, honesty, and effort he will try his best to face Every challenge!!! AND THERE ARE YANDERES, VERY CRAZY AND ABSOLUTE CRACKHEADS, VERY VIOLENT AND GREEDY. WELL THAT'S IT ENJOY! OH YEAH! I'M GONNA MAKE THIS STORY A FREAKING FUCK FEST!!!!!!!!!! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. ALTHOUGH NOT FOR EVERYONE... . . . but certainly entertaining~

Rain_Thundercloud · Fantasía
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84 Chs

CH 27-Back to School.

Rain now wore some new stylish clothes.

Getting ready for school, he was in a pretty energetic mood.

Riz stood at the door, her expression were grim.

And as soon as Rain walks to the door she shoots the door knob down.

Riz:"Go to your room."

Rain:"I am going to my Droom room, let me go."



Riz:"...You really wanna do this young man."

Behind them all stood Ashley, Riz And Jude, along with Kara and Sara.

Slar:"Got the popcorns."

Slar gave everyone a bowl of popcorn.

Rain:"Do not get in my way Mom."


Rain:"*sigh*... so that's how it's gonna be huh..... I'm sorry Mom... but you made me do this....."

As Soon As Rain said that he threw a ladybug on Riz.

Riz, who saw that bug coming towards her, Jumped up like a deer.


Riz was pushed to a corner, Rain put down three ladybugs around Riz and all she could do was look at him in awe.


Rain:"Sorry Mum! love ya~"

Rain dashed out of the house.


Riz screeched at her family members.


No one said anything.

And Just Continue eating popcorns.

Jude:"That ladybug is fake by the way."


Jude:"For the bargain of the future."

Riz upon hearing that stormed towards the door .....

But there was no one.


She went inside as she slammed the door the close.

Rain:"[goodddd my ear hurts.]"

Rain was hiding behind the car, he is currently glad and surprised his plan worked.

Taking out a mask and sun glasses from his pocket he made sure to hide his face.

Rain:"Allright..., *deep breath*.....time to walk."







Rain:"Hello, ..Kenny?, yeah ..... could you give me a lift?"





Kenny:"You are....uh... not welcome."

Rain:"Eh!?, why is that?"

Kenny:"Did you see how Mom screamed?, oh wait DID YOU HEAR HOW MOM SCREAMED?"

Rain:"Oh..that,but hey, I gotta go to my school."

Kenny:"I know....that's why I did, not, help mom."

Rain:"Thank you~"

Kenny:"But there is one condition..."

Rain:"And that is?"

Kenny:"...be safe bud...., it's your last warning, any more fuc-.... mess ups and you'll be staying in the house.... FOR YOUR WHOLE LIFE."


Kenny:"And I'm not kidding, and I'm absolutely NOT Letting this go off easy, and I don't even know WHY I am taking you to this ... ACADEMY where I don't KNOW you will be safe."


Kenny:"Rain.... this IS your last chance, And Mom too, is only an INCH away from taking extreme measures, cuz she'll rather have you locked in a basement, then to see you injured."


Kenny:"I hope you take what I'm saying at heart."






By the Evening, They had arrived at the academy.

Getting off the car Kenny picked up his luggage and they bagan to walk to his drom.

Kenny:"....How the hell is a place.... this fancy and secure had 5 students Murdered....and one of them is the Princess none the less."

Rain:"Who knows."

He gets in front of the door, looking at his sister he asks with a Nervous tone.

Rain:"....You... wanna stay for a cup a tea?"


Kenny leaves with a sour mood.

Seeing her Rain sighed worry, not much he could do tho, expect being safe.

He opens the door.

Rain:"Guys I'm ba...huh?"

Ethan and Eric were standing naked in front of the mirror with a rural.

While Glenn had his phone in his hand and was taking a video, Rain Walks to him and asks.

Rain:"Please give me a normal context of what's happening here?"

Glenn:"They are measuring their sizes!"

Rain:"...why are you recording?"

Glenn:"A moment for the victor and loser."







The Next Day.

Everyone leaves for they classes.

Rain:".....hey is it me or... everything seems... chill?"

Eric:"Why you Miss those days if being shrugged?"

Rain:"I was not shrugged, they were just avoided me."

Ethan:"Hau it was a long time ago, C'mon, no need to trouble your smooth brain over it."

Getting in the Class.

Teacher:"Morning Kids, hm? oooh, look Master Rain actually decided to grace us with his presence."

Rain:"I..... am.. sorry?... for my... unnoticed leaves."

Teacher:"your friends were kind enough to fill an application for you..., I had hope you would be giving me all those days homeworks by the start of the next week."

Rain:"Ah~, Tommorow's Sunday I ca....wait a second ... Tommorow is Sunday...then.... I'll have to do it all... in one...day!?"

Teacher:"Oh it seems you are smart~★, I suggest you began as soon as possible."

Suddenly the class speaker spoke.

""All students and teachers are ordered to gather at the gym hall."

Rain:"We have a Gym!?"

Eric:"Don't.... just ....don't give such reactions you are embrassing yourself."


Ethan:"Nothing I just wanted to say that, saw that in a movie."

Rain:"...have all of you lost your IQs at the same day?"




Everyone Gathered at the gym, at the stage stood The head Mistress, Dark circles under her eyes, and a bottle of wine in her hand.

Head Mistress:"Hello kids... uh.... due to the recent events i am about to loose my seat as the headmistress... SO I'M GONNA PROVE THAT I'M PRODUCTIVE!!!!!, NEXT MONTH! WE WILL BE HAVING A SPORTS & ACADEMICS & MAGIC COMPETITION! GET YOUR ASSES READY BECAUSE WE WILL TRAIN TILL TITS POP OUT!!!!!"

AND after saying so she fell uncouncious due to too much drinking.







Volume 2 ends here, Volume 3 will come with a sports arc, and Rain will too complete a year in this college, And We'll have a new villian, No more ghosts tho, and no monsters either, CUZ PEOPLE ARE SCARY AND CRAZY ENOUGH.