
Xena’s Twilight World (gxg)

Xena, being labeled as "lord crazy" of vampires is sent from her "book" (world) to another just because Mark the 4th creator made a mistake by making another book intervening the two books together. Mark being scolded by his friend Aurora the 1st creator for making another world is told to take the punishment of being whipped a thousand (1 000) times after that is decided Aurora takes an interest in the new book that had been made. See how Xena's journey in a new world is going to be like while having the backing of 2 creators without even knowing it.

Kuh_Sian · Película
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9 Chs

Chapter 1


Xena Notré – a crazy vampire lord – will turn into an orange cat when it's nighttime- cat name: Sativa (Given by Alice)

Mark Alpin – 4th creator

Aurora Marshall – 1st creator

The normal twilight cast - Alice being Xena's mate


Before people's fates were rewritten or tore apart by the entity Mark Alpin the 4th.

Aurora Marshall the 1st Pov:

Aurora starts to blush while reading from a book that had piqued her interest to her fellow entity with her beautiful and elegant voice echoing throughout the throne-like room. "In a dimly lit room, you could hear light moans slipping through the beauties blood-red plump lips-".

As soon as those words were said, she was rudely interrupted by her friend who so happened to be the owner of this book.

The entity who was given the name "Mark", embarrassment and a tint of irritation could be heard through his deep majestic voice saying to her "Rora, my friend".

He starts saying "my friend" whenever he is caught red-handed creating another world or rather a new dimension originated from the leading branch.

Rolling my eyes and turning to face him, he continues with a sheepish smile on his face while rubbing his neck.

"why has it caught your attention from all the millions of books? And it's so embarrassing, no?" he removed himself from the seat next to my right side and bowed down with his knees, arms, and forehead on the white mirror-like floor obviously begging to get his new creation back.

I just stare at him before sighing and throwing the book by his side and waving him away before saying "Mark my dearest friend you already know the rules, you will get the punishment of being whipped a thousand (1 000) times"

He nods before quickly collecting the book and bows still looking down, like a child that had been scolded, and disappears out of my sight immediately.

Taking in a big breath I lean backward while simultaneously crossing one leg over the other moving my hand on my temples rubbing them in an attempt to calm myself down.

Putting a finger up making a pattern of a mirror to see the world live rather than waiting for the book to type out the actions and the dialogue of the main cast.

Inside the mirror...


Hello and welcome to my 3rd posted story, I wrote this at 3 am and will probably keep on doing it as that is apparently the only time I will be having inspiration.