
X-Men: The fastest man alive!

Bart Allen is a college student studying at the university of San Francisco. However, one night while going over a new theory he thought up while trying to figure out the law of motion, the phoenix force returns and with it a massive wave of energy spreads throughout the world. Bart is hit by the wave while in his lab and is suddenly hit by a red lightning bolt. Changing his life forever.

Thomas_Hodge · Cómic
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26 Chs

Meeting the team

After his more than impressive test run, Bart was escorted by Hank to one of the many rooms on Utopia.

" Whoa! This place is better than the room I had back at school. But it's lacking all the character. Gonna have to fix that." Bart made a note to his self to remember to grab some things for his new room when he heard a knock at the door. Bart ran to the door and opened it to see Hope standing in his doorway. " Howdy!" Bart greeted the girl.

" Hey, Bart. My name's Hope. I'm your new team leader and I wanted to invite you to meet the rest of the team. So, how about it?" Hope asked the boy.

" Team?" Bart asked the girl. " Sounds Awesome! Let's go." Bart shouted in the girl's face.

Hope looked at Bart like he was strange. O... Okay, glad to see your so enthusiastic about everything. Follow me." Hope said to the boy before walking away.

Bart nodded and began following after the girl. As they walked Bart began hammering Hope with questions about the inhabitants of the island.

" And I said to the guy, I don't care who you are man, I just want my clothes back." Bart explained to the girl.

The lights and kitty Pryde watched as Hope and Bart entered the room and laughed at the girl who looked like a hurricane had hit her.

" Ughhh! All you shut it!" Hope yelled. " Everyone, meet Bartholomew All." Hope said to the team before Bart ran past her.

" Hey, nice to meet everyone. Names Bartholomew Allen! But call me Barry or Bart or Impulse or Bart Impulse Allen or Barry Impulse Allen whatever floats your boat." Bart explained to the team.

The others with the exception of Idie all looked at Bart a little amused by his long-winded explanation of his name.

" Well, I like Bart, so I'll go with that. My names Gabriel Cohuelo I go by veolcidad." Gabriel told the boy.

" What can you do man?" Bart asked Gabriel.

" I can slow down time around me. Makes me seem like I'm going very fast." Gabriel explained to the boy.

" Oh, yeah? I'm pretty fast myself. Want to see who'd win in a race?" Bart asked the boy.

" Nah man, even with my powers I don't know if I'd be able to keep up with you." Gabriel replied.

" Hey, don't be so sure Hermano." Bart replied.

" Hahaha! Hey, you're funny man. It's nice to meet ya man." Gabriel finished with a wave.

And who are you? You seem older than the rest of us? Are you a teacher? I like your hair. And your suit is pretty nice too. Simple yet elegant." Bart said to Kitty.

" Uh, well I'm your overseer Kitty Pryde. In the field I go by Shadowcat. I can phase my body and pass-through things. It's nice to meet you, Bart. This here is teno or primal. He's a little savage so don't mind him." Kitty explained.

" Hey, no worries professor K. We're all good right T-man?" Bart asked as he raised his hand for a high five.

Teno looked at the boy and then walked away.

" Ouch! No love from the T-Man." Bart exclaimed in fake hurt.

" Do you always talk this much?" Hope asked.

" Hey, my voice is my gift to the world, red. Besides I'm only trying to get to know everybody." Bart replied. " Speaking of which, what's your name young lady?" Bart bent over and asked the African child.

" Idie Okonkwo. Are you happy to be amongst other monsters?" Idie asked the man briefly stunning him.

" What makes you think you're a monster?" Bart asked the girl.

" Well, that's what the people who tried to burn me said. That I was a witch and was going to hell." Idie said with a straight face.

Bart patted the girl on top of her head and smiled. " Well, I think those people were the real monsters. The only thing I see in front of me now is a young lady." Bart explained to the girl. He then turned and went to speak with the last of the lights.

" Aaaaand who are you?" Bart asked the blue skinned girl.

" Hi, Bart. I'm Laurie. Laurie Tromette or Transonic. I can fly move at sonic speeds, fly, and shapeshift. It's nice to meet ya." Laurie said to the man.

" Your fast too? That is so Crash. Hey wanna race?" Bart asked the woman.

" What is with you and racing?" Hope asked the boy.

" Hey! I just wanted to have a little bit of fun. Loosen up red. Chill the attitude and try some altitude. If you get what I mean." Bart explained to the girl.

" UGhh!" Hope Growled like a beast making Bart laugh.

" Hey, I think we got beauty and beast mixed up." Bart joked

" Alright, let's end the meet and greet before Hope tries to kill Bart. Bart a few of us are going to the opening of the mutant museum tonight wanna come with us?" Laurie asked Bart.

" A museum? I'd love too! let me go get changed. Impulse roll out." Bart replied before running out of the room.