
Written in Art

Written in Art follows the life of Serio Svana, a problematic, bipolar, writer like no one else. Serio is raised in a different family lifestyle, in different manners, and always taught to follow a code, but even tho now a grown man, away from his family, the family trauma and issues follow him up, how will he fix his life, while trying to maintain a relationship with someone,

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Serio goes to Jon and takes Magica,-Jon-Is Laria okay?-Serio-No, but she is strong and will be okay,-Jon-You don't seem very well,-Serio-Well Jon, I came from a funeral and I heard a touching speech like an arrow toward me, it was true.-Jon-Want to stay at my house today?-Serio-No Jon no, thanks but I am not in that condition, goodbye!Takes Magica and goes to his house and the moment he opens his door, the phone rang, Magica enters the house while he opens the phone and talks,-Serio-Hello father, -the one who was calling was Serios's father, Eros.-Eros-So you still be you?-Serio-So you still be you?-Eros-Last time saying a little serious Serio, come back home or you'll regret everything.-Serio-No one regret something when he did it with his all being father. Never call me or mess with my life again or Tony is the least I will cause you.-Eros-Strong threats from an alone serious Serio, I will make you regret.-Serio-I am waiting for the storm but worry not because I am a soldier, I am the storm.Eros closes the phone and Serio gets inside.Leona calls him,-Serio-Today is calling day,-Leona-Is Laria okay? -Serio-Yeah is holding herself but is her brother's wife who died. You had called me, what you wanted?-Leona-Not the perfect timing for this, later I will tell. I am calling Laria to give my condolences.-Serio-Okay, Leon bye,Closes the phone and goes to the bedroom.-Serio-You see Magica this is why I don't like a relationship, is the bonding. You get used to being with someone, and then everything looks so empty. This is the first night in this house I ever felt alone. A sign that I am getting too attached to Laria, is not that I don't understand or what. But why me, why I Serio should get this type of feeling, this empty lonely melancholy. Is going to get harder if I ever broke up with her,Magica lies in the bed and falls asleep.-Serio-Oh my what I have become, talking so un me, talking so softly.Leona calls,-Serio-Calling day, calling day, yeah that's today.-Leona-I have to say this, I met your mother but she told me to not tell you. I am sorry that I didn't tell you the moment I met her, she was fine. She left after I met her,-Serio-Where? -says it with anger,-Leona-In the road to college, I think she was looking for you,-Serio-Okay, -closes the phone and goes outside, -Serio-Is me or them is me or this world or me and not them, you looking for me now that everything was fine, now that I am normal -rain starts,-Serio-Now that I found that normal people peace and nothing unordinary, so Life is this your doing, are you using Fate so I face them face to face or no, no, no, was everything going so good that you used you, servant, Karma to make everything worse. -walks to the bar he goes to meet The Bartender,-Bartender-I know that look Serio, stay calm or you will do things you don't like, a cappuccino?-Serio-Give me what I want Bartender, what I want not what you think I need.-Bartender-But you promised that girl,-Serio-I never change and when I want the past doesn't knock on my door, my past breaks into.-Bartender-You sure you want it?-Serio-Yes and give me a black leather analog watch.-Bartender-As you wish, Serio, as you wish. -goes to take something from the back door.Laria calls, but he doesn't open the phone.-Serio-Sorry the woman I want but calling day is closed now because I never change,Bartender came with a black leather box and the watch Serio wanted.-Bartender-Open it, I have kept it clean and new,Serio opens the box and there was a black and grey revolver with a name scratched on the side, Serious.-Bartender-Why so serious? -laughs-Serio-This isn't the moment to laugh at a sentence like that, thank you. -he wears the watch and leaves.-Bartender-Please don't do anything you will regret,While walking down the road he sees Mike walking out of a liquor store. Mike sees him and lowers his head and leaves without turning his head back.Serio goes to his house and looks for the best suit to wear, and chooses the suit Laria chooses for him.-Serio-Serio you're looking so serious now, last time you tried this you almost did it. This time, this round, this momentum will be a legend, a story which will be told to future generations of how serious I Serio was, Magica don't cry for me but laugh that even when bad things happen I have to to try and see farther for the great things I am missing. Now I am so visionary that even Fate can't stop this great vision.He leaves the house and get's in his car and drives to a bar called "Un Milione", meaning one million,He gets inside and goes to a table in the center where his mother drinking a glass of wine alone, his mother's name is Aradia,-Serio-Aradia, what are you doing here?-Aradia-Serio my son, how did you? -gets up in the moment to hug him but he doesn't allow,-Serio-Listen here Aradia, my mother Aradia who isn't at all what your goddess name is, what are you doing here?-Aradia-Please Serio take a seat, it has been a while,-Serio-Does my face shows a single joy of meeting you or does my voice give you the warm feeling of a boy who loves his mother, does it?-Aradia-Serio please, I have said a hundred times. I am sorry for everything, and no, I can't change the past,-Serio-Where is he now? Where is my father Eros?-Aradia-He's not here, why?-Serio-So the big serious father isn't here, good, very good. I have a word for you mother, don't ever think to get close to me, and if you think don't. I might be a good person toward good people, but you are part of my family. Which isn't, leave and never show your face again, or I will have to deal with you not only with him, -turns around to leave,-Aradia-You're in a relationship now? I know about that girl, she is beautiful.-Serio-Are you deaf, to pretend to not hear the word said to you or what? -Aradia-I am proud of you my son, you're becoming a great man. A strong one, -tears fall from her eyes-Serio-I always was, and always will be, mother,-Aradia-Please don't be your father, treat her well,-Serio-I will,Leaves and goes to his car,-Serio-Why don't you change? It needed to end today, today. In this strong day, this bad day, this calling day. Whatever day, why Serio? Why are you like this Serio? Mercy for them, for them? -screams when said "them"-Serio-Never forget what they did, who they're, never Serio, understand?Goes to the bar and talks with Bartender,-Bartender-So you didn't do it?-Serio-Unfortunately I never change is a matter of time trust me, one day I will lose my mind and do it and end it.-Bartender-Your mother stopped you again?-Serio-No she didn't, is me who stops me.-Bartender-Why don't you go and talk with him?-Serio-To talk with Eros, a terrible man, to talk with him after everything? Is like killing an animal and your excuse is "I was going to save him, but things happened but since he can't be saved anymore let's use his fur and do a jacket".-Bartender-Then give it to me, or you will cause only bad to yourself.Serio gives back the gun and the watch,-Bartender-Now, want anything?-Serio-An Irish Coffee,-Bartender-On the way,-Serio-Hopefully not out,Bartender starts making it,-Serio-Ever happened to think everything going to go okay, Serio? Because I don't, things go all right when you make them go, so this time it isn't going all right, -Bartender-Here's your Irish Coffee, -Serio-Grazie, -in Italian meaning thank you,-Bartender-So Serio, why talk with yourself?-Serio-Ever heard the story of the lake, the mirror, and the beast?-Bartender-No,-Serio-There was a beast, so ugly but so powerful, but yet not a single animal liked it or wanted to be friends with him so he just stayed alone, sometimes different predators tried their luck with him but he would kill them in an instant, but lately he didn't. Just hurt them and threw them away, a parrot asked him what was wrong with the big beast? Why so soft and merciful? Beast said: I am bored from killing, I am bored from everything no one likes me so they avoid or try to kill me because I am so ugly and strong. Parrot saw the situation and as always a parrot started talking a lot of meaningless things until he mentioned a mirror. That caught the big beast's attention, what is that beast asked, and the parrot told him but warned him that a mirror was found only in humans cities, but he didn't even fear humans so he went on the journey to found a mirror, time went and he arrived at a city full of skyscrapers and big houses, wherever he walked people run or took pictures of him and he was confused, do they hate or admire me? But people sent him to the army and after a bloody fight they caught him and sent him for testing to learn about him while staying in a big white room there was a mirror and he saw himself and thought so this is who I am, I am beautiful, why they hate me? A doctor came in and saw the beast obsessed with himself and laughed. The doctor said to him that there is a myth that mirrors shows us 5 times more beautiful than we are, his sudden happiness was destroyed, and looked the doctor in the eyes and got angry, so angry that the doctor still laughed with him and said if he let him make some tests on him they would free him, the beast got angrier and spoke to him "I might have lost my mind not my pride" and destroyed every wall in his way and while leaving doctor shouted"Go to a lake and see your true self" and so he did and when he went he saw his true self, it wasn't as beautiful as in the mirror but was the true reflection of him, and he liked it so much that never lowered his head again and in the middle of the jungle he shouted with his whole being "I am a beast".-Bartender-Nice story as excepted from you, Serio, but why?-Serio-Yeah, why? -opens his wallet and left the money for the Irish Coffee,-Serio-I am leaving now my friend,-Bartender-Okay my friend Serio,Goes for a walk, and on the road he sees Leona and Jon walking together, and smiled, He stayed behind a tree so that could pass without seeing him, then continued his walk,-Serio-Walking down the road, down to earth, and straight to the heavens, or in the deepest red bloody colored hell, who knows? Really who knows?While walking saw an old friend from his neighborhood, the moment he saw Serio he went to greet him, his name is Leoro, -Leoro-No way, Serio?-Serio-I am in a bizarre moment right now, not gonna lie,-Leoro-The same Serio, the same old Serio, -Leoro hugs Serio,-Serio-About that,-Leoro-Sorry forgot you don't like hugs,-Serio-Ehh, so what brought you here?-Leoro-My new job is here, now I am a real estate agent in this city, so do you want to sell a house? Contact me,-Serio-This is...good, but no I don't have any house to sell,-Leoro-That was like, you know to let you know in a way,-Serio-Same old Leoro, okay bye,-Leoro-After all this time, not some time for a beer?-Serio-Not now Leoro, I will call you,-Leoro-But you don't have my number?-Serio-Yes, -leaves and goes to his home.-Serio-Hi Magica anything new or the same old?Laria calls him,-Serio-Calling day, -picks up the phone,-Serio-Hi how are you?-Laria-Fine thanks, called you to tell you that I will stay a week here,-Serio-Of course you need, your brother needs you now.-Laria-Thanks, bye.-Serio-Bye, -sees Magica,-Serio-Time for a nice good dinner, Magica, -Magica goes and falls asleep on the couch while Serio was just seeing her,-Serio-Or just a nice good sleep, you know, -goes to his bedroom and his manager calls him,-Serio-Hi calling day I am Serio, what can I do for you?-Manager-How funny, a book you can actually,-Serio-Okay bye,-Manager-Wait, you remember Jeson?-Serio-Of course, what about Jeson?-Manager-He called me to interview with you,-Serio-I don't do those things you know that and what about him with interviews?-Manager-He still writes but now he has his radio channel where big personalities go for an interview, and I said yes,-Serio-Wow, wow the f*ck, okay then you go,-Manager-It's a radio, no one sees your face they just hear, and I said yes for you to go as Ruazo, hmm think about it, waiting for you tomorrow at 8 am because at 9 am the interview starts,-Serio-I will think, and one more thing for you, don't ever call me at night, you can just text me okay, just text me is easy, teenagers do it every day or I will block your number,-Manager-You don't know how to block my number,-Serio-Oh then I pull my card, Jontus, and boom, -closes the phone,He wakes at 7 am.-Serio-Wow was excepting to wake up at 11 am but Fate pulled his dark strings to make me go, then I will go, I will go,At 8 am Serio shows up wearing a sporty outfit,-Manager-Well you look like normal,-Serio-I don't remember being abnormal,-Jeson-Yo man, hi-Serio-Yo man making me bye,-Jeson-Want anything to drink?-Serio-A cappuccino,-Jeson-Of course, now let's get straight to the point. What topics you don't like me asking and talking about?-Serio-My relatives, my close people, my family, and my fortune. Don't ever talk about it,-Jeson-Okay will talk about books, what made you write and those types of things,-Serio-Yes,-Jeson-So how you been man, any new work on the way?-Serio-Yes, but will need time to release it,-Manager-And now you tell,-Serio-It's not done, when done will send it to you,-Jeson-Right, so anything you would like me to ask you so you can share a story with me and the audience?-Serio-Not really, I am here because I am not that wanted, two different things, so let's do it quickly!-Jeson-Okay man, so wild dude, chill out.A person came and said that t was going to start in 5 minutes, he brought the cappuccino too,-Jeson-Time to go, my friend-Serio-I am not your friend,-Jeson-Yes you are now for the audience, -laughs-Manager-Please, Serio be cool-Serio-I am sorry, did you see any heat coming out of me?-Jeson-You're lit man, -laughs,Radio starts,-Jeson-Good morning good people, and you know what's good? Ruazo, my friend is here for an exclusive interview, we will ask him everything, from his life to his author life with all the best-selling books that you, like me enjoy, and we can get a glimpse at his new work, but you aren't here for me, aren't you? Ruazo showtime, or heartime,-Serio-Hey everyone, it's nice being here with a cappuccino and to talk about me, that's all actually,-Manager-Serio, be more like the cool you not depressed and anti-social you? -when the manager's talk is not recorded so the audience can't hear him,-Jeson-He said it, nice being here. So Ruazo how did you become an author? How did you find that light in you and knew you had it because you have it, man, I can see it,-Serio-I know I have something, but a light? Thanks, Jeson, didn't know people saw that too but people are not alight. Everything, to tell the truth, started for personal reasons which I don't like talking about, I was 12 and always tried to create a new reality based on the reality we live but sometimes making it better and sometimes being real, you can't plant flowers in the rain so yeah from now on, I will be as real I can in my upcoming books,-Jeson-He is serious today, man we have young ones because I think a strong drink would be better if you know what I mean, unfortunately, is only 9 am,-Serio-Really, cappuccino is good for me, thanks, next question?-Jeson-Ever had writer block?-Serio-Many times, this past week I have been into one but next week will start working on the new book, so I am out of my writer block or going in, into my writer thought as a friend of mine would say,-Jeson-Nice saying by your friend, but the audience needs to know something, last year you said it might be the last writer's ceremony you went to, may we know why?-Serio-Well, year by year people want to know what I look like and I don't like that, I really am grateful for people who enjoy my books and not saying because I need to, I am not like that but I don't like fame so that's why, and whenever I go to writer ceremony I usually stay at a place with a microphone and talking to people who went there for me but never on stage with other authors, I am not doing this to gather attention so the day I reveal my face people going crazy and buying more books, people who like my books, and read them knows that I am 1001% against fame, but the real reason to not go there anymore is, people get disappointed by me, they want to see me and I am not there where they can see me, they want autographs and are like less than 100 autographs I ever did Jeson,-Jeson-You take your privacy on a whole new level, your writing is on another level but why privacy too?-Serio-When you hear a song do you need to see the singer or just hear his voice?-Jeson-I see where this is going, nice words man,-Serio-So for you there hearing me, fame is overrated, not really needed, can't do a thing with that and I don't like it, and without the fame, I can have privacy which everyone needs, and I am not even that known, but do the lion need to show who he is so others can acknowledge him Jeson?-Jeson-No? -says without knowing the answer,-Serio-Because his presence and work show, I want my work to be acknowledged not me,-Jeson-A tough one people, but I have more to talk with you. We have a minute ad break,Ad started,-Jeson-Man don't be like that, be like me, make them like you,-Serio-I am really sorry Jeson that you are so cool and people like you so much that my personality needs a 180-grade turn to even reach your level but unfortunately for me would be a downgrade,-Jeson-Yo man calm that was cold, didn't mean any harm, man this dude,-Manager-Serio what's wrong with you? Be normal,-Serio-I will ask to leave,-Manager-Okay, got it to let's finish what we started then you're free,The ad finished and they started talking again,-Jeson-So we understood he likes privacy, but let's make some rapid questions from the audience, we collect the best ones you send us from your text messages now let us hear them, the first one from an old fan since your first book "We aren't them", and the first rapid question is "Ever thought you weren't going to make it?-Serio-No actually because I thought you know there are like 7 billion people, and 10 percent of those is 700 million, 1 percent is 70 million and you know what 0.1 percent is 7 million but wait there is more, 0.01 percent is 700.000 people so I thought I am different but not that different that can't be liked by 0.01 percent of the world and doubt started and I laughed because I can still be liked by 0.001 percent which is?-Jeson-70.000 peoples, that's some quick math for you people and you Serio wanna express what?-Serio-Nothing unknown just you're not alone in this big world and if you like creating, why not, I being so weird sometimes which I call it originality while others call weird made it, go on for your dream and not telling this like some inspiration quote but real math,-Jeson-Second question and this is actually rapid not a long one, so rapid question and rapid answers, let's start. Ever made fun of your friends?-Serio-Yes, whenever I get the chance but unfortunately some understand one not,-Jeson-Second, Ever kissed a man?-Serio-NO,-Jeson-A rapid answer finally, third, Ever thought to be married?-Serio-No,-Jeson-Fourth, Ever happened to be friend-zoned?-Serio-No,-Jeson-Really? Never?-Serio-If no means no then no,-Jeson-Fifth,...-Serio interrupts,-Serio-You mind not counting?-Jeson-This is a special and strong one bit weird, that's why special, Ever thought I am not strong and stayed by me for me?-Serio-Never doubted you, and thanks for the test but I always see you as one of the strongest and I hope everything is okay, and if not, you don't need me and you know why, Aphrodite!-Jeson-Wow, wow, that was so personal man, I mean what? -Serio-There is the sixth I think,-Jeson-Okay and the last rapid question, Ever going to love because your books sure are not about love?-Serio-This is like telling a fish ever going to like an apple, which he never tasted but is constantly wandering about,-Jeson-Smooth, and I know why you weren't friend-zoned man, any advice for those friendzoned guys/girls?-Serio-There is no zone, just a word created by people who take losing too far, and if you believe there is a zone then you lost too because zones aren't small just for one.-Jeson-Rapid questions ended and time for the story of your life, do you Ruazo have a story from your life for us? Please say yes or a lot will be disappointed,-Serio-I see, okay I got one. I think it was summer and something happened when I was driving to the sea and that's all.-Jeson-Wait what? You told me, like on sentence,-Serio-Story of my life is a huge deal, like a great, nostalgic which never can be told to everyone okay, that's what privacy is, keeping what is special for you and only for you, because no one wouldn't tell his story of his life live to everyone,-Jeson-Well, well, wisdom from Ruazo, and since no story, we end it now for today but the music will be here so keep listening, -ended.-Manager-He told you nothing personal,-Jeson-I understand and even if you kinda didn't do as I expected, thanks man, I learned a thing not joking, thanks man-Serio-I just talked, but when from talking go to hearing you learn, is the first lesson everyone tell to the young ones but we never hear, byeSerio and Manager leave, and while driving he leaves Manager to his studio and goes to the coffee shop, there is Jon and Leona.-Jon-Hey man,-Leona-Nice talking about privacy,-Jon-And somehow I don't understand you?-Serio-My friend Jontus, how did that come up? Do you think I could say that for you?-Jon-You see Leona, I told you, that was for you because you have been a friend with him for a long time, not me,-Serio-Of course that is why sometimes I call her lion,-Jon-So anything to drink, is on me, and congratulations man making it on the radio, hoping to see you on TV shows,-Serio-Thanks Jon, I appreciate that, a cappuccino would do the thing,-Leona-You call him Jontus,-Serio-No more, that was the last time,-Leona-And may I know your writer's view about this or why?-Serio-Leona you need to grow to understand complicated situations,-Leona-Yes,Laria calls Serio,-Laria-Hi strong one,-Serio-Hey my goddess Aphrodite, how is your day going?-Laria-After some listening went perfectly,-Serio-I believe you, how is your brother doing?-Laria-He is not doing good, to be honest, and I might come tomorrow if he goes to another county to be alone, but I am afraid Serio is going to hurt himself, and I don't know what to do?-Serio-I believe him for wanting to be alone, everyone needs time to see life-like going okay after that, but is something I can't answer if he is going to hurt himself, but after what he said for Menia at the funeral I don't think so,-Laria-I think that too, thanks Serio and how's Magica doing?-Serio-Being Magical,-Laria-I knew it, bye strong one.-Serio-Bye my only goddess.Jon was sitting there and saw Serio smiling,-Serio-Not wanting to say what, when I know why, but want to know what you will say,-Jon-Some things are better left unsaid, -Serio-This right here Leona is character development,-Jon-I got it, understood that. -laughs,-Serio-So how is the college going on?-Leona-Well, it is what it is,-Jon-When you coming?-Serio-Fate and I are playing a game and he has made some moves but I am expecting one more move from him and then I will come,-Jon-Eh okay,-Leona-And there it is, non-understanding him.-Jon-My father is going to make a big dinner as he calls it and he said to me bring your friends, and I would like all three of you to come but Laria is there and is there a chance you two are coming?-Leona-Well,-Serio-What time it is my friend?-Jon-Today at 9 pm,-Serio-1001 percent I will be there, for my friend.-Jon-Thanks man,-Leona-Well count me in too,-Jon-Thanks both of you and see you there today, I need to go home now, -he leaves,-Serio-So Leona my old friend, what do you think about Jon?-Leona-What do you mean?-Serio-Well he is a friendly friend, and before knowing him I thought he wasn't a good person but that was Mia doing, but as the wise have told "Never judge a book by his cover" which I failed as a writer who writes and read, I became the thing I was supposed to destroy the most,-Leona-He is nice and a good friend, and yeah you have judged him without knowing,-Serio-I got to go too, my Magica is alone in that cold home, bye-Serio goes home,When he gets inside he sees that Magica is sleeping,-Serio-Man what a magical cat who only sleeps, you came from magical kids' stories I am sure that's why you sleep.Magica wakes up and goes to him,-Serio-Well, well who was listening?He starts to pet her,-Serio-Magica you can't speak and I would like to tell you things or open to you, meow if you agree and are not bothered,Magica meow,-Serio-Thanks for being magical Magica, I was thinking today about what it is to love and what it is to want someone? I can't divide or show the difference to myself and is driving me crazy, never happened to me, and is like a great joke from Life to me from what I did to other people by using Karma and you know why? Because now I have someone I want but I think it is not love because I was me when asked her like some great agent give you the choice of the best chance in your life for your opportunity and you say yes, just like that.Magica sees him and meows,-Serio-Sure, sorry for talking without petting you. But ever thought that the arrow that you shot went a 180 degree turning back to you like that, or is this why relationships fail. One side starts thinking he isn't worthy of the other side when the side who thinks it isn't is the side because he cares for the other side more than himself. Oh, dear king of the gods, Zeus shows me the way toward the truth or makes me feel the pain but not her, cuz I know I can destroy a person mentally and physically sometimes without even wanting and now I say why Serio, why Serio? If you don't change then f*ck, you Serio, Magica sees him and tears come out of him,-Serio-I am okay, I am Serio, I am strong and feelings aren't going to destroy me, worst scenarios didn't, understood my magical Magica, thanks for listening.Magica leaves and goes to play with the blanket on the couch,-Serio-Time to cook something, -doorbell rings and goes open it,-Laria-Why so serious Serio?For a moment he made an angry face when she said "why so serious Serio but hugged her"-Serio-Why are you here?-Laria-My brother left for a country he said he didn't want to tell us because we would go to him to check how he's doing but promised to us that only when the time comes he would die and there isn't a chance he would hurt himself,-Serio-Wow, I hope he gets better.They get inside,-Laria-I was like for 2-3 days and you missed me?-Serio-No I didn't miss you, I missed you and it shows so let's change the topic.Laria hugs him tightly,-Serio-Wow, wow who is missing who?-Laria-Thank you for everything,-Serio-May I know what I did for this?-Laria-No you can't, let's cook and I will do it,-Serio-Hahaha we will do it,They go to the kitchen and start cooking together without talking just cooking and seeing each other, Magica comes there and mess with their legs playing,-Laria-How could I not say hi to you, -she grabs her and hugs her and Magica looks happier.-Serio-Oh my, so you look happier now and when I had a great conversation with you, you just use me to pet you?-Laria-A great conversation with Magica?-Serio-Is between me and her okay?-Laria-Of course I will treat her better to give me the information, just you wait,-Serio-She wouldn't -pet her,-Laria-So what's new or what's old?-Serio-New, we are invited for dinner at Jon's house because his father said to him to invite his friends, and old, I was on the Radio Channel of Jeson.-Laria-Why didn't you tell me, I would listen.-Serio-I am 1001 percent sorry,-Laria-What about Leona? She will come too?-Serio-Of course all three of us will go,-Laria-That's great, In the evening,-Serio-Time to go but I haven't asked you, do you want to come because I can say no and not go,-Laria-I will come, Jon's situation with his father isn't good so he probably wants us there,-Serio-Okay,-Laria-Magica can stay for like 2 hours I think,-Serio-Of course,Laria calls Leona,-Serio-Who're you calling?-Laria-Leona hi, we are going to Jon's house, are you ready to pick you up?-Leona-I am here now, sorry for not letting you know. And how are you, is your brother better?-Laria-Thanks I am okay, my brother will be. Then we come,-Serio-What?-Laria-She there, let's go.-Serio-We need to stop somewhere to buy a wine bottle or wait for a second, -goes to his bar and takes a wine bottle,-Laria-A nice one, -Serio-First impressions matter and may I say my goddess you look so amazing Laria,-Laria-Thanks, you're looking serious and I love it,-Serio-Oh my, thank you.While going to the car he thinks about when she said to love it,-Laria-What going on?-Serio-A lot going on, but a lot not going at all like these cars before us, some are going some no because they choose a different route from others,-Laria-It is what it is,-Serio-It is what it is,-Serio-You know what?-Laria-Now I say what,Serio grabs her hand, kissed it, and holds hands with her,-Laria-I know Serio I know,They arrive at Jon's house which is a big mansion,-Laria-He is wealthy, and I can see that,-Serio-Oh my goddess Aphrodite, I am surprised that this is so obvious and you can see it,Jon was in the yard and came to greet them,-Jon-Hey, Laria how are you? You have my condolences,-Laria-Thanks Serio, I am fine, so a big dinner?-Serio-No dear is a small one but people around here are just for numbers to say"Even in small gatherings we are a lot".-Laria-As always, Jon doesn't mind him,-Jon-Haha, that's all right, Leona is inside, and if you want you can go and greet her while I stay a little with Serio,-Serio-Oh my, in this little labyrinth created by Jonathan she will find her way? Run in the maze, Aphrodite,-Jon-She is in the hall,-Laria-As I as, don't mind him, -Laria leaves,-Serio-Spit it out or make me make you spit it out, damn I look like an old dude with a gun,-Jon-I kinda need your help,-Serio-If you say kinda is like I really need your help which, I was a good friend will give or you don't need at all, -Jon freezes for a second-Serio-First one it is,-Jon-I need you to talk a little like you if he asks any of you three for me, so he wants to ask anything you answer not Leona and Laria,-Serio-Thank you for the compliment, and I Serio will answer, did you just call Leona and Laria dumb or inferior to my intelligence?-Jon-No, not that but since you are smarter not that like they aren't,-Serio-It was a joke, I know I am smarter than them,-Jon-I can tell Laria about this, so watch out, -laughs-Serio-Trust you don't want to,- laughs,-Jon-Of course I don't want, let's get inside dinner is ready in 10 minutes,-Serio-This is from me and Laria, -gives him the wine bottle,-Jon-Thanks a lot, one point for me in father's eye,Meanwhile inside Laria was talking with Leona,-Leona-Is it weird?-Laria-That we are talking about this beautiful mansion? Not at all, as long as nobody hears us,-Leona-Yeah, that's trueSerio interrupts them,-Serio-Truth can hurt or make you feel better, but in this situation is just the truth nothing else,-Leona-Was you hearing us?-Serio-I just came to say HI, but somehow I heard you,Jonathan comes in,-Jonathan-Hi I am Jon's father, nice to meet you,-Leona-Nice to meet you too,-Laria-Hi nice to meet you too,-Serio-Hi nice to meet you,-Jonathan-We will talk at dinner. Now I am saying goodbye to my guests,-Serio-Did we interrupt anything, Mr.Jonathan? We can come another time,-Jonathan-Not at all, this was a meeting of my friends with Jon and they meet him, now I meet his friends over dinner,-Serio-I see, a win-win situation Mr.Jonathan,-Jonathan-Yes but please call me Jonathan, I am not that old, -he leaves,-Leona-He looks like a normal person, I thought of him as a big businessman, serious, etc.-Laria-You don't meet a lot, don't you?-Leona-No,-Jon-He is kind but he is serious too, let's go to the dining room,-Serio-So humans do eat-in dining room, I thought was a myth by those who don't an eat-in kitchen,-Laria-I see what you did there dear,-Serio-Lead the way Jon,They get to the dining room where everything was excellent, and the table was set.-Laria-So Jon, I see empty chairs but no chair for...-Jon-My mother have passed away a long time ago,-Laria-Oh I am sorry, I didn't mean that,-Jon-Oh nothing is been a long time now,-Leona-We're sorry,-Serio-Never judge a book by its cover and is piercing me again. I am really sorry Jon,-Jon-Like always didn't understand a thing,Jonathan came in,-Jonathan-So let's break the ice by raising a toast, -they grabbed their glasses and raised them,-Serio-May I ask the reason for the toast?-Jonathan-For breaking the ice and meeting you, Jon's friends. Why isn't it a great opening toast?-Jon-It is father,They raised the toast,-Jon-So father, Serio, Laria, and Leona! -point to show to him,-Jonathan-I have heard Serio's name before, may I ask. Ever been in the restaurant business?-Serio-And to quench your curiosity, I have been and am,-Laria-Didn't know that, -makes a surprised face,-Jonathan-I see you two are together, and dear there is a lot woman doesn't know about men,-Sero-We together? No, we just sit close, -everyone laughs,-Leona-What about you? If you can tell us, in what do you invest?-Jonathan-I already told you,-Leona-When?-Serio-The reason he asked me is that he is in the restaurant business himself, but by asking me he opened a topic, and now the ice was broken,-Jon-You're smart,-Jonathan-Of course he is, he's a businessman, a man who owns what he does not someone who works for other people's work,-Jon-You didn't have to bring it up,-Jonathan-I know and I am sorry, let's dig in,-Laria-Bon appetit!-Jonathan-So before I get to a long conversation with Serio, what about you two?-Leona-Well I am a painter,-Jonathan-That's great, I like art a lot,-Leona-I can see, all your house is filled with art, from paintings to sculptures,-Jonathan-You have sharp eyes, so what do you think about my art?-Leona-Well you like contemporary art, and try to keep your paintings in the corner of the walls, sculptures too. And if we are in the ice breaking, that works always I think in your parties and meeting with businessman,-Jonathan-I see, and it's true, I keep it in the corner to not attract immediate attention but while walking and touring people around to my office they see the art in the corner and wonder why? They ask me if I didn't like it or what? And I explain to them that is just the place I like keeping, while I explain we get to talk about the painting himself and by art to business and by business to normal life and so we get to know each other,-Leona-That's wise, thanks for the tip,-Jonathan-You're welcome dear, and you? -ask Laria,-Laria-I write books, but you probably haven't read them,-Jonathan-Test me,-Laria-Angels in Paris?-Jonathan-Well, angels like a lot of french people because their romanticism and test the romance in couples, -Laria-You have read it, that's amazing to hear a person like you read that,-Jonathan-So you're LIT, wasn't expecting that. Because we may look serious, that doesn't mean is cut with a knife that we should not read fiction or romance, business is our life but not our whole life, we too need colors,-Laria-I am impressed,-Jonathan-I am glad to hear that and waiting for your other work.-Jon-I haven't read that but I am reading "A Warrior's Death",-Laria-I was going to tell you something but I don't want to spoil it,-Jonathan-I see you have great friends, and I am not telling you to make you feel better, -point to them,-Jonathan-You're smart, and people with your intuition should be in business and I mean it.-Serio-Well everyone has different ideas about business, you can just write books and by selling them you make a lot and you can even scale your work more by opening book shops, libraries and more but inside you're in that creative feeling and that's all. Art is a way of living, to tell the truth, and I write books too but I like money too, but some people love just what they're doing and is wonderful because the feeling of loving what you do cannot be bought. -Jonathan-What you said is true, but loving what you do when you're not making your work is weird for me, is like a bird who can fly so fast that can even be a racer but chooses to be a fast taxi driver for other birds who aren't fast,-Jon-I can understand that father, I may not be the smartest or the best here but please don't bring that up anymore,-Jonathan-Sorry son I am just seeing that how great your friends are, and create their work not working for others and trust me I have nothing against art or being just an artist, a writer, or a painter for as long you work for you and create your own thing,-Jon-You say that but even you don't own everything,-Serio-Not to interrupt but yes to interrupt, why are we being so against each other's ideologies. Yes, the bird can be a racer but if it isn't what he wants, for what he race? To be the one, to make money, or to impress people with trophies? Maybe helping others as a bird taxi is what he wants, he may want people to go where they can't buy themself's.-Jonathan-True again, and nothing against that but maybe our ideologies are different not against each other,-Jon-Father I like working with other writers, to find new writers and make their books known and best sellers. That would make me feel good, and as Serio said, who knows? As life goes on I may like writing or investing.-Jonathan-I see, then I am waiting for your great work to be known,-Serio-So Jonathan, you own restaurants?-Jonathan-Well I won up to 70% of the restaurant and the other 30% the owner,-Serio-I seem to not understand, Did you invest or did you find them with different partners?-Jonathan-Neither of them, it's not complicated nor is simple. I find good restaurants but two are in big debt and who might bankrupt, I offer them to pay their loan and after I pay that up to 70% is my restaurant one other 30% is theirs. Some think that is a cruel thing but is business a pure thing, we see solutions and offer them in return for profits, do we?-Serio-Wasn't excepting that, but I must say amazing and yes people need to understand that in business you need to seek solutions but with profits, you saved them from bankruptcy and they still own a percentage of the restaurant. On the other hand, I don't like being at all-time in my business so I have excellent people managing them. I only do the investing and as you said seek the profits,-Jonathan-Who knows in the future we can be partners,-Serio-Future is an open reality so it depends on our present decisions to send us there but the future isn't one, actually is a thousand open realities but who knows,-Jonathan-I got it, I can sense a No miles away,-Jon-I am full,-Laria-It was delicious, hats off to the chef,-Jonathan-Thank you, why don't you go outside, sit near the fireplace and drink something. It was nice to meet you but is the time your young one's being alone,-Serio-The same goes for us, and seeing to meet you again,-Jonathan-Future is an open reality so who knows,-Serio-Who knows,-Jonathan-Good night,They greet him and go outside, Jon brings whiskey,-Serio-I see where this open future going and see that bottle going down,-Jon-Thanks Serio,-Serio-For what? Quick tip, you never need to thank for drinking free alcohol,-Jon-You know why, Serio don't be like that,-Laria-I will drink only one glass,-Leona-I don't like whiskey but will drink with you,-Jon-So a toast,-Laria-For?-Jon-Just a toast,-Leona-One question, do you ever lose in your house?-Jon-No, because rooms are big not that we have many rooms, and our bedrooms are master bedrooms,-Serio-Yeah, not to make you feel bad but sometimes big homes are too big,-Jon-If you say so then you're raised in a mansion too,-Serio-Yes and I am down for another shot,-Laria-Slow down cowboy, -Serio-Even when I slow down I am faster than you people, and you know why?-Laria-Why my dear-Serio-Because my beautiful goddess Aphrodite I need a lot to get drunk, and is a not known fact.-Jon-And for me is a known fact that can get drunk easily, so I am drinking this slowly,Serio laughs,-Leona-You think in our future is an open reality we are still friends? -Serio-I am on the reality side and yes, but since I am on the reality side who knows, it's open reality by the way,-Laria-I don't like talking about the future, I like enjoying my present so A Toast for the Present,They raise a toast for the present,-Leona-And why do you not like talking about it?-Laria-Well Leona, you look like a girl dreaming a lot while I like to live the moment. Not a single thing against you but life can go different paths, not even saying it can't go good but you can die next second,-Serio-You know death isn't scary, not living is.-Jon-How so?-Serio-I am not doing this on purpose to make what Laria said a fact but if you live for the future then you aren't even living, and if you fear death you will be always trying to be careful in decisions, so you aren't even living.-Jon-Than let's do a momentum thing.-Serio-Yes,-Jon-Let's go to the beach for the weekend, by going right now,-Serio-Unplanned trips are the best, but Laria today came from you know where,-Laria-Let's go, I am down for that. If my brother is trying to not lose the good things in life, I should too and I am not even in his situation.-Leona-Like now? Or tomorrow we go and on Monday we came?-Jon-Today is Friday and I said weekend so let's turn our car's engine and go,-Serio-So it's up to you Leona?-Leona-I am not that type of person but you know what? Let's do it,-Jon-Should we go in one car on in two cars?-Laria-We can go in one, I and Leona in the back seats, you and Serio in the front seats.-Jon-What do you think? -says to Serio,-Serio-Of course we will go in one car, where's the fun in two but what am I thinking is, which supermarket is the nearest?-Jon-Hell yeah, road trip and to the beach.-Leona-And at night,-Serio-And we are all dressed,They get to Serio's car and start driving,They are going out of the mansion when Jon's father calls him,-Jonathan-So may I know where are you going?-Jon-To live my life because I am young,-Jonathan-Make sure to come back before Monday, enjoy your trip.Close the call,-Jon-If you want, is time for a song,-Serio-And it began, the symphony of Jon, please no.-Laria-Go on, don't mind him as usually,Jon starts to sing,-Serio-You can sing well, strangely but you can sing,-Jon-Thanks, sometimes I practice,-Serio-I mean if you want people to hear you, but violently, it absolutely works,-Leona-No, you were good enough,-Jon-Thanks you, and that Serio is a supportive friend,-Serio-You thought I wasn't being supportive, I just taught to make people hear you when they don't, my goddess Aphrodite am I wrong?-Laria-My dear, you are absolutely right in the wrong way,-Serio-What my goddess?Serio missed an exit,-Laria-I mean you we're right but in the wrong way because you missed the exit to the supermarket,-Serio-Sorry my goddess, it's my fault,-Laria-You see, he can be understanding,-Serio-I see what you did there but what can I a simple man say to a goddess, except for I am going right to the supermarket which in a way isn't wrong.They get to the supermarket,-Jon-So quick math, how long is the trip how much should we get?-Serio-It's on me so please go on,-Jon-He is a true gentleman,-Serio-I know what I am but do not forget my cappuccinos,Leona goes with Jon to get what they need while Laria and Serio wander around,-Serio-You know my dear, we are in the chocolate, biscuits section,-Laria-Now I don't understand you, do you need chocolate or have your sugar levels got low?-Serio-We are in a section which everyone wants, but can't get enough, but again too much is too much and too much can hurt you,-Laria-And?-Serio-This is in some way what you mean for me but I don't care about how much is too much, because you're someone I want and can't get enough, and you know what? I am not shy to say it but brave to accept how much I want you, -he hugs her and grabs some chocolate bars,Laria kisses him and Jon as Leona passes by and immediately goes to the dairy section,-Laria-I think you are falling into something my dear, are you?-Serio-I am falling for something that's why when I hugged you I grabbed chocolate bars because as you said my sugar levels are low, thanks for being worried about my wellbeing,Laria kisses again,-Laria-I see what you're doing, so let's grab biscuits too and some energy drinks,Meanwhile Jon and Leona,-Jon-They are made for each other, had to say it.-Leona-Yeah they are,-Jon-So, to not look weird let's grab some yogurt here,-Leona-Sure, -laughs,-Jon-I sometimes think, when a person as complex as Serio found someone, will I?-Leona-You are a nice guy, you will trust me.-Jon-Yeah, as Serio says. The future is an open reality with different paths,-Leona-So did we forget anything?-Jon-No, we got the snacks, we got the drinks, and even ice cream, so what do you need more?-Leona-Water, we need water.They go and get water bottles, then get outside where Serio and Laria were staying by the car.-Serio-One question, which is a situation which happens a lot of times when a child asks his mother for something to get in the supermarket, did you get what I wanted?-Jon-I knew I forget something, I will go and get it.-Serio-I got it just to be sure, hope in,They get in and start driving,