
Written in Art

Written in Art follows the life of Serio Svana, a problematic, bipolar, writer like no one else. Serio is raised in a different family lifestyle, in different manners, and always taught to follow a code, but even tho now a grown man, away from his family, the family trauma and issues follow him up, how will he fix his life, while trying to maintain a relationship with someone,

WrittenArt · Urban
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8 Chs


-So you want me? -smiles,

-Laria-What did you saiddddd? Since is getting serious, Serio?

-In this dark world where people wish for their light Zeus didn't give me just a light a common people's dream, the Mighty Zeus gave me a goddess. -laughs.

-Laria-Okey now it got serious, let's go home now. Is getting cold,

-Serio would give you my shirt so you don't feel the cold but no one not a single soul told you to come here like in the home, but some things need to be clear.

-And what if I catch a cold?

-Serio-You will stay 10 meters away from me, what do you think? Romanticism?

He grabs her by her thighs and lifts her, running with her in his arms.

-Laria-Serio is shameful if anyone watches us like this,

-Serio-Only weak people talk about shame because they can't act brave,

Like that, he holds her till home,

-Serio-So now that we're inside you aren't going to get a cold. I know, I know, no need to show me your gratitude, -laughs.

-Laria-You, don't laugh a lot, what happened?

-Serio-Listen here, I know I am weird as you say but you aren't left behind. I mean we almost went through a mental breakdown, not me, just you but we move on from that and are having a good time and if you don't understand is either from a mental breakdown or I have leveled up my game...

Both laugh,

-Laria-I understand you, you weirdo. Your sarcasm is good but Nah, you haven't leveled up your game and I never go through a mental breakdown.

-Serio-Need to make some calls you go upstairs

-Laria-Upstairs? No, I am going to get a snack,

-Serio-This happened when you lived with me, you became like me not a morning person and eat a lot but I don't get fat but who knows you might,

Laria just sees him angry and goes to the kitchen,

After 10 minutes Serio goes to the kitchen,

-Serio-Good news my dear goddess Aphrodite, tomorrow we're going cruising in the ocean.

Laria was eating chocolate bars,

-Serio-You said a snack, not getting fat overnight to prove me wrong but you can't.

Laria's eyes fill with tears.

-Serio- Two mental breakdowns, that's a score.

-Laria-Is so, IDK how to explain it,

-Serio-Romanticism time to kick in, -he lifts her head and sees directly in her eyes.

-Serio-1 bad things happen to everyone in this rounded world, 2 we can't just expect them to be solved like are computer games,3 we too can't just stay down for major reasons but the most powerful from the is "How to move on in the life when you feel you can't, you just move because nothing last forever, not this Life, not this damn Fate games nor even the Karma help" and you know why? Because this is where our system is built. With pillars that are unreachable and there are four but I have no time to explain those big pillars because not the time and we're not in a war and you're not my soldier.

-Laria-Okay was just a moment thing,

-Serio-Hope it was the last moment thing like come one, -hug her.

They go to the bedroom and lie there,

Serio's phone rings,

-If it is Jontus, I am going into ghost mode for my friend.

Open's phone is his lawyer, Nej.

-I saw what you wanted to do but you can't, you can't leave the city for a week till we end our case in court, I am sorry but you can't go cruising since is on the other side of the country.

-Serio-Wow, wow the f*ck. -close the phone.

-Serio-Tides, big waves have made us stay back since Poseidon is having a debate with Zeus and I am not protected, so with my shame, I say "Sorry that I let you down".

-Laria-No need for drama, I was 5 centimeters away and heard all of it

-Serio-You just wait, everything going to be okay tomorrow. The sun will shine although I like storms.

Laria falls asleep but not Serio, he goes to his studio,

Laria wakes up in the morning and sees Serio isn't there,

She picks up her phone and calls him.

-Good morning the one I want, wherein the f you're?

-Serio-I am where I am, you are where you are. Life is a puzzle, so now you have to connect some dots, and some clues to move on and find me.

-Laria-Can I use the I am alone in the home card?

-Serio-A malicious card but not effective in our case my dear goddess Aphrodite,

-Laria-Than I will just sleep, -she falls asleep.

Meanwhile, Serio was at the rooftop bar drinking a cappuccino and writing.

-Serio-She really said "I will just sleep", and it was too easy to find me, and I worked all night long.

Serio calls Laria,

-Laria-What? The malicious card is good now?

-The Serio card was always malicious in a good way, you have to come to the rooftop bar in 20 minutes.


1 hour goes by and Laria comes,

-Serio-I was talking with a pharaoh when I called you now he has gone to a new place and you came,

-Laria-Cappuccino for me too, -waiter takes the order,

-Serio-I finished 20 pages, 20 pages and still haven't done a single page of what I thought to do today,

-Laria-Yeah, good for you but what about me? Why am I here? And why don't we do a morning run?

-Serio-It looks like you're bad with puzzles, I tried keeping it simple but sorry my dear you might be the goddess of beauty but sometimes only that.

On the table was a book with a cover of a girl swimming, next to that book was a mug with bubble wrap.

-Serio-Hmmm stupidity in the morning is a usual thing but my dear are you dumb?

-Laria-Cappuccino is coming, wait for the caffeine to kick in and intelligence is restarted,

The order came and the waiter left.

-Serio-We're going to the sauna and pool,

-In the morning?

-In the dinner, but I tried to do it in the morning an hour before to rise and shine but you rise and sleep.

Jon calls Serio,

-Serio-Is piercing me, this Jontus.

Laria takes the phone and opens it,

-Laria-Serio is in pain for a minute, good morning I am Laria,

-Is he okay?

-Laria-Yeah, a good drama but what's going on?

-Tell him that Nem has said to accept Serio in his class again.

-Laria-Nem will accept you in his class again,

-Serio-He did it, became again Nem the Right.


-Laria-You going?

-Because someone became right, not all can approve of his choices. But hear me out, I have something to do today.

-Laria-Weird flex but say it,

-Serio-When I say I got something to do you're automatically included, like automatic updates.

-Laria-Someone talking tech,

-Serio-We're going to meet your mom,

-Laria-Wow Serio wow the f*ck Serio?

-Serio-You're becoming a mini-me and this is dangerous for society, she was going to come for dinner with us. Okay she still will come but this might be a surprise to her, she can take me seriously.

-Laria-You doing this for me or out of boredom?

-I am a common man of course for my goddess Aphrodite!

Laria lightly touches his hand and kisses him on his neck,

-Laria-You sure?

-Serio-You trying to corrupt me cus is working,

-Laria-I knew it, you are just bored.

-Hear the voice of the inner true sincere me: I want to know more about you but just asking isn't going to do the work being in the home you been raised in is going to make me understand you.

-Laria-That's the deal,

-And since you understand me but I might not always understand you I just need to know who are you.

-Laria-This things shouldn't be told, just do it.

-Serio-No shit you're not reasonably beautiful and corruptive behavior girl, I tried to act as you asked for it.

-Laria-Shit went from 0-100 really fast dude, let's go, and thanks for being sincere but this isn't who you are, I want the real you but not change because I might not like your different sides. And today I pay...

Goes to pay for the cappuccinos,

-Serio-You never change, do you, Serio? I am, I am now for her but even for me,

Bela passes by and sees him,

-Serio-Zeus you're running out of force or are asleep because not this many bad people show up so often around me,

Takes his book and mug and leaves,

-Bela-You're leaving?

-Are you showing a sign of high intellect with a rhetorical question?

Serio leaves and goes to Laria, grabbing her arm.

-Did your emotions change?

-Serio-No but negativity from that girl there is putting me in dark clouds and you know what's the worst part? Her high intellect of a 5-year-old child.

-Laria-She again?

-If you wanna fight don't, I mean I like girls fighting for me but not in this negative environment from her dark clouds.

While going to the elevator,

-How or what were those, girls fighting for me?

-Serio-A joke for smart people but today you're dumb as shit. -laughs.

-Laria-Go in my mother's home alone, -takes the stairs.

Serio chases her and grabbed her arm,

-Serio-Okay I am sorry for my high capacity of sarcasm, I will downgrade my sarcastic behavior but it was just a joke. I never and I mean never would want you to fight with another girl for me.

-Laria-What's that? You don't want me to fight for you? What's that supposed to mean, just to let other girls fight for you?

-The typical girly attitude who never lets a man finish his sentence from I don't know too much emotional anger I think. I don't want you to fight for me in not the way you think but because I have my eyes only for you, the other girls would see me but I will never see them. The same goes for me if I fight every boy who sees you that means you're just something in my possession who you aren't.

Serio hugs her,

-And you said you understand me, but I don't blame you, I am too attractive.

Laria kisses him

-Serio-Remember this! I have never said to a girl that I want her, I never lie in this type of situation. But I like that jealous side of you, sometimes with anger and ready to throw hands and sometimes just acting with an act that hurt me,

Laria: How can someone win with you when you're like this?

-Serio never let anyone win, ask everybody who knows me. But you have won with me and I hope in the end I am worthy enough to win you not to possess you,

-Laria-House is alone and in minutes I can be home alone, wanna play that card?

-Serio-I said that the card was malicious in a good way,

Lifts her in his arms and gets in the elevator

-Laria-Serio people can come here,

He kisses her and turns his back to the door, three floors door opens but no one gets in,

They get to the first floor go to the car and ride home.

-Serio-Like a teenager in the last year of high school skipping school for I am home alone,

After having a good time, they get ready and go to a supermarket to buy something and after that, they arrive at Lauria's mother's home,

-Before going in please, don't talk about my father. They're divorced, and another thing to remember is don't try and make her understand in your way, just act normally.

-Serio-I can marvelously do that,

Mei opens the door.

-Laria-Don't act like you just for today,

-Mei-It looks like The Writer wants to meet me,

-Serio-More to know you since you are my girlfriend's mother,

-Mei-Come in but you should have let me know because we have relatives here,

-Laria-Lets leave,

-Mei-That's why you should have told me, but now come in and those in bags are for me?

-Serio-Of course madam, of course,

They get in and see a lot of people gathered there,

-Serio-Your cousins?

-Laria-Yeah my cousins,

Serio sees around and there is a girl he knows, called Zoi.

-Serio-Past follows me, but why? Why are you doing this oh mighty Zeus?

Zoi sees him and is with Troi, Laria's cousin.

-Laria-Please act not like you, they don't like people like you.

-Do your family have a thing against writers?

-I mean your behavior. Be serious.

A boy called Met goes to meet Laria and Serio.

-Met-Laria? Is it you?

-Serio-You do see, don't you?

-Laria-Met is been a long time,

-Met-So you're her boyfriend,

-Serio-Yes, nice to meet you.

-So a writer?

-So we are into an interview already, I am a writer what's your deal with that?

-Laria-Serio? -raises her voice.

-Met-No man, just asked, why so serious?

Troi and Zoi came to them,

-Troi-Our cousin who never shows, and you're a girl,

-Laria-Hi Troi,

-Troi-My girlfriend Zoi,

-Laria-My boyfriend Serio,

-Serio-Nice to meet you,

-Zoi-Me too,

Mei came to them,

Laria grabs Mei by her arm and goes away from them into the yard,

-Why didn't you tell me about this family gathering?

-Mei-Why would I? You never came, and it happened this morning by your aunt Mery,

-Laria-We came today because Serio wanted to make it like a surprise to you because last time didn't go well but we probably should leave,

Meanwhile Serio,

-Troi-So how did you meet Laria?

-Serio-In a booked ceremony for the first time but started talking when we met at a coffee shop, then things followed things and we now are in a relationship,

-Troi-Good, I met Zoi at a clothing store. It was love at first sight,

-Serio-Good for you,

-Zoi-I have heard of you, your relationships don't last.

-Serio-Hahaha just bad people talking for other people whom I have never been in a relationship with in the first place,

-Troi-You know him?

-Zoi-One of my friends was in a relationship with him for a while but they broke up fast,


-Serio-Yes but your friend might have forgotten to tell me that I wasn't serious with her but she took it too far unfortunately as some girls do, I am sorry for what she might have lied to you,

-Troi-No need to explain Serio, just hoping you don't end your relationship with Laria,

-Serio-Future is unknown and that's what makes it so magical and frightening but I am serious with Laria and ready to face those waves.

Laria sees Serio talking with a serious face and goes to him,

-What're you talking about?

-Troi-Nothing, just a little chat.

-Everyone come and sit launch is ready,

Everyone sat and one chair was empty,

-Laria-Where is Aunt Mery?

-Mei-She went to pick up Brok, she will be here in minutes,

-Serio has to say a nice family gathering, you look so close to each other.

-Mei-Stop the compliments Serio and wait for your food,

-Serio-Okay, -others laugh,

-Laria-Mom stop talking like that, I told you everything.

-Mei-Hmm just assumptions, I can't just believe them,

-Met-Yo Aunt Mei don't get angry, he is new to our gatherings. And the second time Leona brought someone with her,

-Troi-Not that like other times she has come, just saying.

-Something is wrong with Laria if she hasn't come to such a nice family, but more things might be wrong with these gatherings if she doesn't like coming, just saying.

-Mei-She can talk for herself, you writer!

-Come on Serio, we left, and Mom this was the last time I came, I can't just come to my house without you starting complaining about me, the people around me, or what I do with my life. Enough.

-Mei-Again leaving? I just talk and you leave,

Aunt Mery and Brok came,

-Mery-My little Laria finally showed up, I knew that making this family gathering here today you would come,

-This is Karma, I am 1001% sure but don't know what or why.

-Mery-Who this good-looking boy? And what in the world are you talking about?

-Met-He's Laria's boyfriend Serio, a writer. -laughs.

-Serio-Hahaha I see, humor is in your DNA not in a good way,

-Laria-I see what you did there Serio and act however you want because we leaving,

-Mery-I never get to meet you and now you leave?

-Brok-What, Laria you leaving? I don't have a car so can I go with you?

-Troi-There is the cousin who never shows up and when he does he leaves,

-Brok-I had work to do,

-Mery-You were sleeping,

-Brok-So? Anything against that?

-Met-This two are the same, one never came the other when came had a debate then left,

-Mery- Why do you all like this? What the f*ck is wrong with you?

-Serio-A theater with a canteen, a wonder within a wonder happening.Fabulous,

-Met-This dude speaking weirdly,

-This dude doesn't know how to speak, look here everyone because before I and my goddess Aphrodite leave I need to say something.

-Laria-Serio please just leave,

-Serio-First of all, you are all negative as shit, second from you, you envy Laria because of who she is, third from Mei, Mei your daughter I believe is like her father and that's why you behave with her like that. Mary, you look like a good person, I hope to see you in the future, Brok never stops sleeping for not-worthy causes and Mei we will see you in the coming week at our house. We take our leave now,

They get out but Zoi speaks,

-Zoi-He's like that too, he always leaves when his family has a gathering.

Serio heard it but just got out.

-Laria-I don't know what she talked but never mind,

-Serio-I will tell you in the car,

They get in the car meanwhile Troi talking with Zoi

-Troi-You know a lot while your friend dated him just for a while,

-Because she was the friend, you can't be that stupid, don't you?

-Troi-Is this true?

Meanwhile in Serio's car,

-I am sorry to bother you with this thing, I will repay you with our dinner time in the sauna. I and Zoi have been in a relationship before and she's the girl I have dated the longest before you, only a week, and because I was doing something and couldn't break up with her.


-And I never go to my family gatherings, please don't ask me but is true I never go to my family gatherings and she knows from one of my cousins.

-My cousin's girlfriend was your ex?

-Serio-Yes but just an ex nothing more, she is annoying as hell. Even Zeus can't do a thing about her, I hope the gods help Troi.

In the window knock Brok.

-Brok-Yo sorry for bothering you, but can you take me with you until you reach Melior Street?

-Serio-Of course,

He sits in the back seat,

-Brok-Nice car man, I don't care what writer they say you are, you're rich. More than they could be,

-Thank you but being rich shouldn't be something to show off,

-Brok-Shit is going down there Laria, and you have dated Zoi?

-Serio-Only for a week don't know what she is lying now,

-Laria-Come we getting inside, we can't let her put dirt on your name,

-Serio-Dirt on my face? -laughs,

-Serio-I have these expensive car windows to protect me, -laughs more, even Brok laughs.

-Laria-Okay, humor off. Seriosity on.

-Serio-Everything for my dear goddess Aphrodite,

-Brok-Dude, the way you speak is weird but I can learn a thing or two if you know what I mean.

-Serio-Brok I understand and hope we can get along in the future for teaching reasons,

Both laugh and Laria gets outside, Troi comes to Serio's car with a baseball bat,

-Brok-Damn Troi, tf you doing?

-Serio-You have changed Serio, you're changing. You made a statement to Laria,

-Laria-Troi what on the earth? Go back,

-Troi-You hurt Zoi, you f*cking playboy,

Troi hits the car with the baseball bat and Serio gets outside,

-Serio-It's just a car, not worth breaking a statement of change to the one I want,

-Laria-Serio look, -Troi goes to hit Serio but Serio grabs the bat and then punches him in the face while he tries to hit Serio again but Serio hits him and knocks him out,

-Brok-Damn dude, you knocked the f*ck out of him. Goodbye, cousin,

Everyone came out,

-Mery-Oh Troi, how bad you look.

-Zoi-You idiot, look what you have done to my Troi,

-Laria-F*ck you Zoi, he hit the car with the bat. What is Serio supposed to do?

-Serio-To hug him? -Serio and Laria laugh,

-Laria-You're right Serio they can't put dirt on your face,

-Because there isn't dirt on my face,

They get in the car and Brok gets too,

-Brok-So I know my cousin hit your car but since I am his cousin I don't want you to think bad of us or me,

-Serio-I don't judge and I don't make assumptions,

They leave,

-Mei-So Troi, you had a bat and he knocked you out?

-Met-Really bad, only two hits,

-Zoi-Why are you standing there? Bring me some ice,

-Met-So Serio's ex wants some ice for her boyfriend, Nah he got beaten,

Met goes inside,

-Zoi-I have dated him only for a week, I love Troi,

-Mery-I believe you Zoi just shut up, probably what you said inside was a lie,

Meanwhile, Serio arrived at Melior Street,

-Brok-Thanks Serio, nice to meet you.

-Serio-Hope to see you in the future,

-Laria-So what are you thinking about my family?

-Serio-Well, well, well,

-Laria-No need to talk more,

-I wasn't expecting anything from Troi but to be sincere, the one I wanted to beat was Met, was so irritating that wanted a natural slow beating to come to his senses. Not even talking about the humor in his DNA, that's a different topic, or actually, since he doesn't have humor it isn't.

-No need to talk more, Met is a cousin I want to beat too, but if you thought you were breaking a promise or statement you weren't, you were protecting yourself.

-Thank you my goddess Aphrodite, but since we're so tired from the theatrical drama can we just go to the sauna, -sees her in the eyes,

-Laria-Okay just stop it, I see it.

-Serio-You have infected me, is a contagious rap-doing disease,

They arrive at the sauna,

-Laria-Sauna first,

-Serio-No is swimming first,

-Laria-Let's do the traditional Finnish practice,

-Serio-Can you put some light on my face,

-You mean illuminating you?

-Serio-You could just start illuminating me,

-Laria-You start with 10 minutes in the sauna then hit the pool until your heart cools down then hit the sauna again for 10 more minutes and finally light swimming,

-Serio-So playing with your heart rate? I can do that,

They get into the sauna,

-Thanks for protecting me in my family gathering just wanted to say it.

-Serio am a cavalier or a common cavalier for my goddess Aphrodite. But my goddess sometimes you need a little bit of sauna to sweat this ugly stress, and you know why?


-Serio-It was rhetorical because it is ugly. Stress is ugly,

-Laria-I wanna be strong so I have to say what I want to say, right?

-Serio-It depends on my dear, everything can break but not everything can stick after a break. But say it,

-Have you ever felt feelings for another girl? Like strong ones?

-Serio-No, I haven't -says it directly without even thinking and Laria smiles,


-Let me tell you something which gonna turn the situation upside down but it is for a good cause, you can trust a response from someone who responds directly to the question without even thinking but not always because some people are too good at that, and nor that I am lying but a strong woman needs to know this, my dear,

Laria smiles again,

-Laria-I know that I am not the best, but good at understanding that it is that I trust you,

Serio hugs her and kisses her on the forehead.

-Serio-Isn't it strange or weird just standing here in the sauna?

-Laria-And why, I ask,

-Serio-Is empty is silent like something is about to happen and we know it's not going to happen but this thought goes in my mind a lot. This thought goes deep in my brain and touches my room but just an empty blank silent thought. Ever happened to you?

-Laria-No and let's go swim before a theory is created from you,

-I am sorry but I have to leave, I just can't do this now.

-The swim or the sauna? It was your idea in the first place,

-Serio is leaving, -he goes away and goes to the changing room and while taking his clothes Laria comes too.

-It was a little bit cold the water was not how I liked it, so where are you going?

-Serio-I need to be alone, -gets dressed and leaves,

-He did it again and still, I couldn't do a thing. Why?

Laria goes home and starts writing and after a couple of hours Serio comes with a white cat in his arms,

-Sorry for being me, this is Magica, I found her in the park while sitting on the bench. She was lost and I know should have let you know but I had no battery in my phone,

-Laria-This is your house so you can keep any cat you want,

-I never get hurt by words so please don't do it, I can explain and then you decide if we can keep the cat.

-Laria-A strong man does what he wants, he doesn't let others affect his decisions,

-Serio strong man does what he wants but not when he can hurt the woman he wants so doing and wanting are different roads that get crossed a lot of times but sometimes, one road should end so the other continues for both of them. And I need your approval because this is our house,

Laria just sees him in the eyes and then the cat, the cat was really beautiful and innocent in this conversation.

-We can keep the cat, but I need an explanation.

-Serio-Okay, just let me get something for Magica,

Goes to the kitchen and gets something for Magica to eat, meanwhile, Laria pets her, and Magica is too friendly. Serio comes,

-Serio-Here Magica, -gives her food,

-Serio-Sometimes I, don't know how to say... -gets nervous and starts moving his fingers uncontrollably,

Laria gets up and hugs him,

-Laria-I don't wanna know, what I want to know and what I get curious about. , are you okay?

-Serio-Yes, but.. -Laria interrupts him,

-Laria-When you're ready to tell me, tell me, for now, let's make ready a place for Magica.

-Serio-Thank you, -hugs her from the back,

-Laria-You becoming a big hugger?

-Serio-I want you...

-Laria-So why Magica?

-Serio's because she is magical, I mean I was sitting on the park's bench and thinking about different things at once and somehow was lost in a void, and somehow she was there messing with my legs. One look I gave her and wow, she was magical. I didn't even see from where she came or when, and fortunately, she didn't have a collar so yeah Laria is ours now. Tomorrow we go to the vet, and buy a collar for her.

-How are you going to keep a cat when you barely do your food?

-Serio-My dear goddess Aphrodite, both of us are going to take care of not just me, and I will be a responsible person for Magica.

-Laria-Okay, your lawyer Nej called you, he said tomorrow is going to be the court,

-Serio-Oh my, whatever. After court, we go to the vet,

-Laria-And Leona called you too, don't know why but she said is something between you and her.

-Serio-And don't tell me, -looks into her as she smiles and while laughing speaks,

-Laria-Jontus called too,

-Serio-No, why? Oh god, oh mighty Zeus. What did the Jontus want my Aphrodite?

-He wanted to invite you for a drink, that's all.

-Serio-My dear no, I'm not going for a drink but I am going to sleep.

-Laria-And Magica?

-Serio-Do something for her my goddess, like making her bed ready on the couch. Goodnight,

Serio leaves to sleep while Laria starts playing with Magica,

Serio wakes in the morning to get ready for the court and sees Laria lying on the couch with Magica, he covers them and goes to buy something to eat and cappuccinos.

When he came back she was ready,

-Serio-Morning my sunny Aphrodite, and morning little Magica. -pet her,

-What do you think dear?

-Laria-Yeah she's magical, she is Magica. What's in there? -point to the bags,

-Serio-Some croissants and cappuccinos, and some cat food for my Magica,

They eat the croissant and drink the cappuccinos, they're ready to go now.

-Can we leave Magica here alone?

-Serio-No we can't, -pick up the phone and calls Jon,

-Serio-Jontus my friend,

-Isn't it early for a drink?

-Serio-Yeah about that, do you like cats?

-Jon-Yeah, why? -gets confused,

-Today I got to go to the court so can you keep my cat until I come back and then go for a drink?

-Jon-You have a cat?

-And I thought you were my friend? And you didn't know I had a cat? No, I got here yesterday,

-Jon-Well okay, bring it to my house,

-Serio-Thanks Jontus, -close the phone,

-You call him Jontus, but still, call him when you need him?


Serio goes to Jon,


-Serio-Jon this is Magica, she magical so don't make her feel bored until we come,

Serio gives Magica and leaves,

-Jon-Hi Magica,

Serio in the court,

-Nej-Hi Serio, no need to worry about anything. Nothing will happen to you but I am afraid this is going to be treated as a normal fight since you went and hit him first and he can get away with not a big sentence because they going to say he used a knife for protection,

-Serio is not interested in his punishment, I am interested in getting out of the city and going sailing with my dear.

They got inside and Mike's side was there,

As the judge was reading all the cases and was ready to give the sentence, Serio was just seeing Mike straight in the eyes, Mike was feeling uncomfortable and wanted to say to his lawyer that Serio was seeing him but couldn't. Serio continuously just observed him until the sentence was given, 3 months in jail or a 10000 fine. Mike's lawyer accepted a 10000 fine, and both of the sides were going out.

-You were seeing him all the time, please, I know you do it for me but don't cause something now.

-Serio-No my dear, nothing to make you feel bad.

They were staying in the hallway and seeing each other,

-Nej-Is time for us to leave, you didn't get anything because he was harassing Laria. You only protected your girlfriend, please don't be hot-blooded now,

-Serio won't, but he didn't ask for forgiveness from Laria, and that bothers me.

Mike leaves without talking, and Serio calls Jon,

-Serio-Jon my friend, let's go to the coffee shop and take Magica with you,

-Can I call Leona?

-Serio-Is it a rhetorical question? Because yes,

They go to the coffee shop,

-Jon-Magica is so quiet, like just standing and playing without breaking anything.

-Thanks 100 times for keeping my cat, now come to me my Magica, -takes her in his arms and Magica lies in his arms and falls asleep.

-You're getting close to her, aren't you?

-Serio-Dear signs of jealousy are signs of weak people, so please don't. But getting jealous of a cat because she is so magical?

-Laria-Keep dreaming,

-You two are funny, I wish the best for you two,

-Serio-Thanks Jon, finally a wise word from you,

Leona cames,

-So what happened in court? What's that cat? Why did no one call me earlier? -heavily breathes,

-Serio-Court okay, the cat is Magica, why does no one call? We called you now, you sit down, breathe, and breathe a second time.

-That cat is so peaceful, so unheard of cats,

-Serio-You, see this is going to be biassed, cats are peaceful if you let them be peaceful. Like me coming to you at 7 a.m. to just pet or play and you expect me to be like, morning sunshine? No, of course, no, and cats are intelligent animals, and really and I mean it when I say independent, let them be what they're and they will be peaceful around you. They're not your toys at all.

 -That was a little personal, just a strong biassed view,

-Serio-Are you, how to conclude? A non-intelligent person to think this is strongly biased when I openly said so?

-Laria-Waiter coming,

-Leona-Coffee for me,

-This is going to be hard to say because it is a long name, I want a Chocolate Chip Cookie Coffee Milkshake and from now on you will name it 4C, okay?

-Waiter-A 4C for Serio got it.

-Leona-A 4C for me too,

-Jon-A smoothie for me, you choose it,

-Serio-And ice cream for Magica,

Waiter leaves,

-And only for information, I am intelligent just sometimes I might make dumb mistakes,

-Serio-I was joking, Jontus,

Meanwhile, in the bar where Serio goes to meet Bartender Mike and his friends,

-Mike-That Serio pisses me off, I will find a chance and going to make him pay. He is rich but I am not going to get scared of that, he is just a rich boy and we know how to deal with some rich boys, don't we? -his friends say "yes"

 The bartender hears them and goes to them,

-Bartender you are Mike I guess from what I unwittingly heard, let me make 2 things clear. I might not be as soft as Serio but if you get close to Serio, Laria, or any of their relatives, you and your friends will wish to be just beaten and sent to jail for a simple street fight but no, you will not have that chance and 2, you don't wanna mess with Serio. Seriously I mean It, so drinks on me, and don't you ever get in their way, or mine or my kindly way of talking is over.

-Mike-Who the f*ck do you think talking to?

-Bartender-Kid, please speak with silence or I silence you, get up and leave in silence too,

-Mike-Or what you going to silence me? A bartender to silence me?

-Bartender-Okay I am sorry, I got a little warm-up and thought to make a little psychological pressure but words can't solve this. I am sorry for bothering you with a kindly way of talking,

Mike's father gets in the bar and goes to Mike, his name is Loro,

-Loro-Hi, Bartender please just leave him alone. He is young, he does these young people things you know, all been in that age but he is just a kid,

-Bartender-Over 23 but a kid? I think you mispronounced the adult word,

-Loro-Mike come, you others too come and leave without talking,

-Why are you shaking?

-Bartender-Age does not do beautiful things to bodies and being smart but with an idiot son makes you feel bad. You can go this time Loro but if he does the smallest, the tiniest, the miniature thing of bothering, a glass of whiskey, and a fire in the chimney will be your lament.

-Loro-I know, thanks a hundred times for doing this,

They get outside,

-Mike-Father you are embarrassing us, what was that?

-Loro-Son the only thing I can say is people who have bothered that bartender or anyone connected to him are all gone. Don't you even think to do anything to Serio, or my son I will do what he told me to, -Loro leaves,

-Mike-You know? My father always was on my side to beat anyone I wanted, even gang-related people because he never feared anyone, he even had friends in gangs. I will leave this shit, if he was shaking I don't wanna mess with these people,

Meanwhile in the coffee shop,

-So everything is okay, good to hear that. That idiot Mike should have been in jail,

-Serio-Leona my friend, keeping anger and hate is like holding something that hurts you without wanting to, you need to leave out and be in peace and you know why?

-Leona-I understand,

-Serio-Good, and my dear goddess Aphrodite how is 4C tasting?

-Laria-Really 4C,

-I have thought a lot about asking you this, but hmm is a little bit inappropriate to say actually,

-Serio-Yes the order from China is coming and whoa is same-day shipping and my friend can't do the same sentence speaking,

-Okay, isn't it weird calling goddess Aphrodite Laria everywhere?

-Serio-Whoa, Jontus has spoken. Is a code between me and Laria about something important that probably 1001% you wouldn't understand, and is something I 10001% mean when I say it, and unlike how others say it only to convince others that they mean it, I mean it when I say because I live my life not living in the other people's eyes, were always trying to be 100, I am 100 without making people believe me, and I want her to know and if she's bothered she wouldn't be here with me,

-Jon-Yes, so inappropriate to say, sorry.

-Serio-No, no my friend Jontus no need to say sorry. From you isn't inappropriate, but from someone who has no confidence in me is inappropriate, you were curious that's all. But you can learn something from this,

-Thank you because I already learn,

Jon sees Leona and then looks down.

-Serio-Hmm interesting,

-You talking about our cat Magica, yeah she is.

Serio sees Laria, and she winks,

-Serio- Of course, she still hasn't eaten the ice cream.

-Laria-You need to say one or two things to that cat Serio,

-Serio-Now? Like in a coffee shop?


-Leona-Magica isn't a person to tell something, she doesn't like ice cream that's why not eating,

-Serio- Of course, I am taking Magica outside. Jon come with me and let's do a walk with Magica,

-Jon-We can wait till we leave,

-Serio-Magica might want to go to the bathroom and doesn't like an inner bathroom.


They get outside,

-Leona-Serio can get weird in seconds and still surprise me after all these years,



-So we will go to the park and she will do her thing, and we come back?

-Serio-Going to keep it simple Jontus for your simple mind and sincerity, do you like Leona or what?

-Jon-Wait, what?

-Serio-Yes you do. Now hear me, she is different like she needs a lot of time to think to go out so way more to date anyone, and you were Mia's boyfriend and is like a code-breaking dating Leona but if you like her not just because she is a 100 times better version than Mia, try it but if you make her feel bad I will make you feel physically bad. I am good at it,

-Is that obvious?

-Serio-Not only for you Jontus, for everyone who likes someone and stays like a group of friends, except for the person you like everyone else knows,

-Jon-Well how to say, I like her and I know is weird dating a friend of an ex. It is even worse for her, but I like her,

-Serio-Oh no,

-No what?

-Serio-Oh no is something I can't tell you, but if you don't talk to her is going to be a one-sided thing, now let's get inside and don't talk to her because is weird,

 -Jon-Obviously weird, -laughs

-Serio-Jontus has spoken, -they get inside

Laria and Leona are talking about cats,

-Serio-Whoa, hope you aren't comparing to dogs, if yes I leave.

-Laria-Of course not my dear, but the time to get Magica to the vet has come. We're leaving, you stay,

-Serio-Bye, bye, bye

They leave,

-Jon-Not to say behind their backs but they're weird in a good way,

-Leona-The truth, -laughs,

In Serio's car,

-Laria-So you talked with him?

-Serio-Yeah I said one or two things to the cat, he is a good learner,


-Serio-Sorry my goddess Aphrodite, a commoner joke. But yeah I talk with him and now is in his hands how he will let things go, but he is like Leona with me,


-Serio-Jeolosy off and hear with intelligence. Leona always liked me but I always see her as a best friend or actually as my sister, and I am afraid if he doesn't make a move the same going to happen with Jon and "Oh no",

-You said to him "Oh no"?

-Serio-Why every time I speak you understand me? I like this doing nothing of us and just enjoying our time,


-Serio-Yes I said an "Oh no" Where's the problem?

-Laria-Oh no is the problem, is a thing you know?

-Serio-You're talking with Ruazo here so yeah I know,

-But how would you feel if they ended together?

-Tell me the real reason for asking my goddess Aphrodite and going to give the most sincere answer ever.


-To tell the truth, I would feel well. They are too good together and they match like both simple, well Leona is not that simple but Jon is a good man and I feel that man has only been with bad girls so Leona is their end game. But what has happened to me? Being controlled by a goddess by one word?

-I am goddess Aphrodite, am I?

Serio kisses her,

-Serio-You are Laria and more but stop making me lose my mind or are you going to end up elsewhere instead of the vet,

-Laria-Hmm to the vet is the way,

-Serio-You see Magica, you haven't been a long time but I haven't always been like this. I was really strong, in a way that no woman could ever make me lose focus until she came,

-Laria-He lying Magica, he said this to make me feel better,

-Serio-The automatic response I was waiting which, to be honest, is what every woman would say and this is something I shouldn't be saying but I am Serio so I have my right, or do I?

-Laria-You do darling, but you missed the turn,

Serio turns back and goes to the vet but he is crossed for today because of some personal reasons, he had left a note on the door "For personal reasons I will not be today, but probably will come tomorrow"

-Serio-My Magica, my magical Magica, this is Life, you go for something but you will get nothing and will blame the other side but no, that's how Life is built, and we should just find a way or let it show the way,

-Laria-Leave the drama, Serio,

-Serio-You're improving my goddess, Aphrodite, rap industry wasn't cut for you,

-Laria-What now?

-Serio-Well calculating the past events I think we should just,

-A wise and strong woman wouldn't be afraid or shy to ask, so just what?

-Serio-You know a time when just, you know,

-Laria-So Magica what this "just" Serio saying is a replica of laying down all day long, -Serio smiles.

They get home,

-Serio-Today I don't feel like doing anything,

-Laria-Yeah right, -Laria gets a call from her brother,

-Laria-A minute, -goes to another room,

Magica goes after her,

-Serio-Is this the disappointment the pet owners feel when bringing the pet to their room and they leave, like Magica, -screams desperately,

-Serio-From now on, I will just, you know Serio just, -goes to the bedroom and lie down,

10 minutes pass and Laria comes and gets dressed in black clothes,

-Serio-I don't want to say it but who died?

-Laria-I got an older brother, who doesn't talk with my mother and me and he doesn't have a good relationship together,

-I didn't wanna say that I am sorry. Come sit, I will bring a glass of water and will get ready in minutes,

-Laria-Thanks, but no, is my brother's wife who died not my brother,

-Serio am so sorry for your loss, do you want me to come?

-Laria-It would be good, it would be good,

Serio first brings her a glass of water and then gets dressed for a funeral,

Serio calls Jon,

-Serio-I know lately I may have bothered you, and I am sorry but now I need you. I will leave for today and probably tomorrow so can I leave Magica to you, -speaks seriously

-Anything happened?

-Serio Larisa's brother's wife died, we are heading there now,

-I am sorry for your loss, say it to Laria and of course bring it here,

-Serio-One thousand times thank you,

Sends Magica to Jon and goes home,

-Serio-Are you ready? And since your relationship with your brother wasn't good enough, will I bother them there? I and your cousins, don't go well,

-Laria-Neither my brother, unlike distanced himself from any relative, so no is not going to be an issue,

-Serio-All right,

They go to the cemetery,

Lara's brother's name is Evon,

There is her father too whose name is Noah, her mother, and all her relatives. Noah has come with his wife Lenna and Mei sees her with anger but tries her best to keep it down,

-Mei-You brought your boyfriend?

-Laria-Mom, is not the moment and not the time, my brother's wife has died 

Laria and Serio go to Evon,

-Laria-I am so sorry for your loss brother, and I mean it. At least this day let me be by your side, and this day only,

-Serio-I know you don't know me but I am sorry for your loss, Laria I will be there, -he leaves,

-Evon-Thank you,

-Laria-I met her only once but she was a really warm person, good with everyone, she indeed was a good person, sorry if I talked a lot,

-Evon-Thank you Laria, thank you for being here,

Noah comes to them,

-Noah-Laria you came?

-Laria-Of course I came, 

-I don't know what to say Evon, but trust me is going to be okay. Eventually, it will, she will not be forgotten, she was such a nice person.

Mei goes to them,

-Mei-Son is time, if you need more time I can tell them to wait,

-Evon-No, let's do it.

He goes on to say his last speech to his wife, before being buried,

-Evon-Not everyone here knew Menia, and most of the people here are my relatives and her friends because she was an orphan, but let me tell you one thing about Menia. She was my first true love and my last, I will remember her till the day I joined her, I was always a cold and distanced person from people but she came to me brightened my life, and showed me true love. Made me a better man and a better person through her warm personality, trying to see the good in every person and to make others enjoy life with what they have because most people had more than her, but she didn't get sad she only moved on with a smile on her face for a better life, she deserved more but she wouldn't get sad even for this, she would say "Being sad for the very bad thing that happens darken your view to see the great you are missing out there". Farewell, my one and true love, my wife Menia, -cries, 

They bury her, and after giving their condolences, distant relatives leave while family and close friends go to Evon's house.

Serio was staying in the corner of the house and hours passed, Laria went to him,

-Laria-Serio, I am staying here tonight so you go home,

-Serio-Okay, do you need anything?

-Laria-I might stay a week with my brother until he recovers a little,

-Serio- As long as it is needed, and for everything you need just call me.

Serio gives his condolences once again to Evon and leaves,