
Wretch: Exception To The Rule

Born from blood and guts, given life when a human's is brutally reaped, wretches are nothing but filth and destined to die a pathetic death, befitting of the dirty little creatures they are. One of them however, born with strangely colored eyes and blessed with greater intellect, sought nothing more than destroy his fate and to desecrate the laws of nature that bound him. This wretch wished nothing more than to be an exception to the rule.

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187 Chs


The destruction wrecked by O'fiel was still there when Superstes and the others finally managed to get there, Sir Solitar was simply standing in his usual spot, apparently not bothered by the lack of a ceiling and walls.

It had taken them a few days to finally catch up to Solitar, Superstes would have been able to get there sooner than the rest but she had prefered to stay grouped up, Sir Solitar wasn't the sort that could be helped in a fight as well, if he had to fight for his life, it would be best to leave him to his own devices.

Her master and teacher didn't seem to have run into any troublesome opponent however, though, now quite familiar with the man, she could sense that he just seemed a bit more down than usual.

Sir Solitar would be aware of the impression he gave if he wasn't constantly trying to convince himself that he wasn't saddened by O'fiel's death in the least.

Solitar was a master and the fact that he lacked full control over swordsmanship most difficult skill showed just how difficult the apex of warriors was to reach.

He hadn't achieved inner peace just yet.

Superstes on the other hand, hadn't even begun to train such a thing, she wasn't at peace at any time, always seeking the solace of gruesome revenge.

She also hid it, making them quite the pair to watch from afar.

"Superstes" he called out her name, her ears perked as she listened attentively.

He rose his head and stared at her face for some time before speaking again.

"You're a strong girl, but I still doubted that you could pull off your vengeance successfully, rather, I firmly believed that it wasn't something achievable" he admitted, though it didn't come as a shock as his thought on the apostles of Mov made it clear that he didn't consider them something one could simply kill.

"I've had a thought however, which I will keep to myself"

"You must have heard much about what heroes are from Blouvier, she must have told you about the special abilities they are capable of using, yes?" he stood up and walked over the the edge of the room, overlooking the ground from his high position.

"I have taught you all that you needed to forge your own battle style, it's time you truly set your status as a heroine in stone" he declared without facing her, this time, his student was visibly shaken but remained focused nonetheless.

"You must also truly get an understanding of Axiolypito, retrace his steps, put yourself in his mind and then, the path toward victory will reveal itself to you at the right moment" he turned to face her and nodded his head.

His expression impossible to tell behind the helm.

"We might not meet again, so farewell" he added after a bit.

"..." Superstes wanted to say something but held it in, only bowing a bit in his direction before leaving, her face looking a bit pale.

Sir Solitar remained in his position for a long while, still, he was able to tell that Superstes had gone on her own, he hadn't told her whether she should stick with her group or not, but he approved her decision.

She already knew how to play in a team, but she had never really fought on her own for long periods of time.

But from their spars, he could tell that it would be where she could shine the most, especially thanks to her now more refined control over the golden energy.

The way she had used it against that one offspring of Axio was devastating but only one application she had learned to use.

Still, the brilliant gold could be used for much more profound and special abilities.

Sir Solitar remained in place for a few more days, he felt weird about sending Superstes away.

He put a hand over his chest as he moved to the opposite side of the now fully opened room, where the entrance and exit used to be.

'Is this how parents feel like sending one of their kid to war?' he mused, seemingly not realising what he had just thought and what it entailed when he suddenly got into a slashing position.

Where he had stood for days, something had taken up his spot.

"Axiolypito!" he spoke aloud, truth was, it wasn't the monster himself, only one of his offsprings, still, if Solitar couldn't see that Axio was in there, he might as well just give up on his sword.

The needle in the wretch's neck glistened under the pale moonlight, Solitar hadn't paid attention, but tonight was a full moon and the night was bright.

"Solitar, I have come to bargain" expressed the possessed monster with a cool and mighty attitude, Axiolypito was definitely in control there.

"A bargain? What could you have to say?" questioned the swordsman, he extended his senses and noticed nothing other than this one wretch, the others below were fine and oblivious to the situation.

The offspring being controlled lacked power, he was created with the sole intention of being stealthy and fast, in fact, it seemed like the monster would collapse dead to the ground soon.

Axio had even cut on its lifespan significantly, the wretch was only still going because of the needle forcing its body to keep on living.

As such, Solitar felt willing to hear him out, even if only a bit.

'Does he know about Superstes?' that was what the first thing he wondered about, the day Superstes had been chosen as a heroine, the system seemed to have chosen an adversary for her, in quite an overt fashion, everybody on the continent was probably aware of this by this point.

Most believed the hero had been pitted against the monster queen but to Sir Solitar it seemed obvious that the system had chosen Axiolypito as her nemesis.

Axio should be aware that a hero was his fated enemy, but he didn't know who it was or even the first thing about them.

Intel on the heroine had been well guarded.

"Do you want to see the monster queen and her armies defeated?" spoke Axio through the wretch, a sick and twisted smile forming on his offspring's face.