
Wrath of Artaxia: Road of the Divine

The Abyss, where everything that is lost eventually ends up. With a price, power, knowledge, items, anything you desired could be traded with the abyss. The Great enemy of the world who was to powerful to be killed and was subsequently sealed by both Heaven and Hell. And with the goal of sacrificing the world for the power of the abyss, the great enemy of the world of Artaxia held the crown and led the Abyssal troops to attack the world, for reasons only known to the enemy. "You know what Abyssal Lord?" A man in dark blazing attire wielding a sword in hand prepared their blade against the hordes of the Abyss controlled by the enemy charging at the beautiful world behind him. "We can't allow this" Followed up by a woman with bright and wavy clothes that flowed behind her while holding a long spear with both hands. "So Abyssal Lord!" Awakening their Heavenly and Hellish forms of greater strength, their voices turning into something more ethereal. The Man and Woman held their weapons at the surging tide of all consuming black and white, Magical Swords and Spears appearing behind their backs as other shadowy figures ran from within the distance. "Face the Wrath Of Artaxia! And Let us Journey! Onto the the Road of the Divine!"

TreeBriarWood · Fantasía
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23 Chs


Hearing those words, it took a short moment for the aspirants, now students, minds to comprehend that information.

And when it did.

The large hall that could contain hundred of students instantly burst into a flurry of activity.

Besides a few of the more composed individuals coming from higher classes of nobility or those who were already confident in their ability to begin with that were like islands of calm in the storm.

The rest of the student body were rather rambunctious and were celebrating amongst themselves loudly.

The Headmistress, being the understanding lady she was quietly let the celebrations amongst friends, strangers and family happen for a small while.

That was until it showed signs of reaching a breaking point of celebrations through magic.

Quickly intervening the Headmistress spoke with a voice infused with magic.

"Be quiet"

Quietly averting the situation that would arise due to the celebrations infused with magic, Evangelina's soothing voice infused with mana did the trick and calmed the boistrous crowd of students.

Although it couldn't suppress the growing excitement and pride within their hearts, it did the trick for now.

'Hopefully we don't have to kick out anybody this year for going overboard with the celebrations... or duels of honor for that matter'

Recalling the small explosion that appeared on the news that occurred on school grounds due to excited kids having a duel of pride with each other due to the appearance of 'Celebration wine'

'Who the hell provided the kids with wine!? They're barely adults!?'

She mentally sighed and hoped Sebastian would inform the excited children about the few rules they had while cursing the idiot who supplied the kids with wine.

The rules that were established due to the event would have to act as a placeholder for now.

'But I guess I should start to introduce the students to our curriculum and history'

Preparing to read the prepared speech hidden from sight with slight illusion magic.

The Headmistress prepared to read the incredibly long speech that talked about the history of the school, it's founder, it's students, it's facilities, it's teachers, it's achievements, it's accolades and several more little details.

Even by her standards this would be incredibly boring.

'I wonder how many will be mostly awake by the end of this'

Clearing her throat, Evangelina's voice infused with magic began to start her speech that could stretch across a few hours.


'O great Heavens Above'

Ellora silently cursed within her mind as she kept her mind active by shocking herself ever so often.

She cast a glance to the boy with brown and grey hair besides her.

Noticing his stalwart gaze that resolutely stared forwards Ellora mentally chided herself.

'Someone who's younger than you is enduring this better than you Ellora! Get yourself together and endure!'

Turning her gaze back to the podium, unbeknownst to her the boy she glanced at before and thought was doing better than her took a glance at her.

'Pull yourself together Scoria! For Hells sake! A girl younger than you is holding up better than you!'

Grimacing to himself slightly, he quickly composed himself as he quickly burnt his skin in concentrated doses to wake himself up.

=Quick note, they are still assuming that each other is younger than them due to their previous lives=

From another perspective, if they paid attention to the gray haired duo that were differentiated only by the brown and white strands in their head.

One was able to notice that the students had a suspicious glow appearing underneath their clothes every now and than.

And if one was especially sensitive they would see the mana moving every so often in their bodies.


Eventually all things must come to an end.

As the incredibly long, boring sleep inducing speech neared it's end.

People started to come to their senses as if sensing something instinctively.

Which wasn't wrong as the speech finally ended.

"... And that is why, new students of Amandus! I welcome you to your first year here!"

Silence befell the entire hall as if the spell Silence was cast on the hall before the spell broke apart.

Thundering applause coming from all the students and cheers appeared from all as they celebrated being free from the torment.

Although it wasn't hard to stay awake the entirety of the Speech, it was a monotonous two hours nevertheless and it would be hard even for the hardened to stay focused an entirety of the time.

Which was why the speech was met with thundering applause as that meant their suffering was over.

Knowing this internally, Evangelina suppressed a small smile underneath a gloved hand as she slowly backed away from the spotlight.

Leaving her parting words.

"Now I will leave you to the hands of our trusted teachers..."


Now at the backstage Evangelina let out a sigh as she felt a burden be lifted from her shoulders.

Sebastian appeared from the darkness of the Backstage with a smile.

"Headmistress, you have done your work perfectly miss but..."

Evangelina gave a deadpan gaze straight into Sebastian's eyes as he quickly averted his own black eyes from the Headmistress's blue ones.

Chuckling candidly, she snatched the piece of paper from Sebastian's hand rather easily as he let her do her own thing and disappeared back into the shadows.

His presence melding with the darkness itself.

Taking a look at the piece of paper, the words 'Gold Chosen' printed in bold black letters at the top.

Reading it's contents she silently cursed internally.

Now she wasn't the type to curse out loud nor internally, reserving the actual magic based curses for her enemies.

But this moment as she continued to read the paper, she had to curse.

It's contents were as so.

The Daughter of the Sword Saint Tornado blade, Wyndolyn Lynn

The Heir of the Northern Desert Tribe the Scorpion Claw, Katar Norkov

The Prince of Kori, the son of the Frigid King, Lagos Koramangala

The Princess of the Sun Elves, the Daughter of the Sun's bow, Ellimira Linet

A Dragonoid of the Thunder Dragon's bloodline, Klio Karkatina Doranko.

The Prince of Morgast, the son of the Ashen Wizard, Scoria Del Dmantra.

The Princess of Stratus, the daughter of the Sky Witch, Ellora Lafa Nephele.

These people, despite being the ones who enrolled to the school of Amandus that was an integral part of the Southern Kingdom of Lyranda

These people were the ones who were granted the gold mark for being able to defeat all the enemies the school tested them on.

Granted the variety of enemies had much to be desired, but it was still an admirable achievement nevertheless.

Which was why Evangelina only expected to see one or two that pass with gold qualifications like any other year, and in the worst but most probable case none would appear.

Nevertheless Seven of them was something that was both amazing and headache inducing.

Any one of the people who achieved gold would be able to overturn society on it's heads with any of the fields that they would chose to make a splash in.

And as people who have achieved Gold qualifications, the need for good teachers was a must.

However teachers who were qualified to teach Gold were few and far in between, when there was one or two of them she could at least have the Previous Headmaster teach them.

But now that they had disappeared for reasons unknown and there were seven of them.

The need for someone on par with the headmaster that wasn't burdened by duty like herself was needed.

She couldn't dump all her work to teach the students after all, neither could she stunt their growth by providing less than superb teachers.

Sighing and rubbing her brow with a gloved hand it was at that moment Sebastian returned with a guest.

"Sebastian? Why have you returned?"

"Because we have a guest you would be delighted to see."

"You--!" The Headmistress turned around to see the so called guest and widened her blue eyes.


With a wide smile the Headmaster drew a plan within her mind about how to deal with

"How'd you like to teach?"

Caught off guard, the figure in dark green and black colors chuckled slightly before entering the room while thumping their long staff on the ground.

"What type of question is that when you meet an old friend? But..."

Using their free hand and taking down the hood on their head, revealing the head of white hair with sickly green ends.

The figure smiled brightly "How much are we talking?"

Grinning the Headmaster disappeared for a moment and appeared in front of the man.

"Well that's why your here right? How much do you want?"


Walking amongst the crowd Ellora looked at the results board besides Scoria and looked at the top of the list where their names were placed.

Seeing how they were both placed alongside each other in the gold qualifications a slightly confused look appeared on their faces as they searched the crowd for each other.

Not finding each other in the swell of figures that continued to twist and turn with no form of cohesiveness, the both of them gave up.

Navigating through the throng of figures that were slightly disappointed about their results or were incredibly happy and jovial about them.

They left the crowd behind and turned a corner, before immediately disappearing.

