
Wrath of Artaxia: Road of the Divine

The Abyss, where everything that is lost eventually ends up. With a price, power, knowledge, items, anything you desired could be traded with the abyss. The Great enemy of the world who was to powerful to be killed and was subsequently sealed by both Heaven and Hell. And with the goal of sacrificing the world for the power of the abyss, the great enemy of the world of Artaxia held the crown and led the Abyssal troops to attack the world, for reasons only known to the enemy. "You know what Abyssal Lord?" A man in dark blazing attire wielding a sword in hand prepared their blade against the hordes of the Abyss controlled by the enemy charging at the beautiful world behind him. "We can't allow this" Followed up by a woman with bright and wavy clothes that flowed behind her while holding a long spear with both hands. "So Abyssal Lord!" Awakening their Heavenly and Hellish forms of greater strength, their voices turning into something more ethereal. The Man and Woman held their weapons at the surging tide of all consuming black and white, Magical Swords and Spears appearing behind their backs as other shadowy figures ran from within the distance. "Face the Wrath Of Artaxia! And Let us Journey! Onto the the Road of the Divine!"

TreeBriarWood · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Entrance Exams (4)

"Hmmph" Scoria let out a sigh as a droplet of sweat slowly rolled down his forehead, the sword in his hands feeling slightly heavier than usual.

'It's still doable though'

Feeling the mental and physical strain bear down on both his mind and body, Scoria scrounged up the last bits of his mana to fuel the foundations of the next spell he would cast.

As flames flickered to life above his head in preparation to form the ghastly blade he used to tear apart his enemies.

A familiar black pillar descended from the sky.

'So what's is it going to be?'

Silently amusing himself Scoria recalled each monster he had slain.

Wolves, Boars, Bears to Goblins, Moving Dolls, Living Armors to Apparitions, Ghosts and Wraiths.

'Since I've dealt with beasts, humanoid monster and ethereal beings than is it spirits?'

Preparing an elemental spell to attack the spirits.

Scoria was instead greeted with the supervisors of the academy who's test he was taking instead of the usual monsters.

'What?' Nearly activating the spell abruptly and firing a ball of flame at the instructors, Scoria quickly held himself back and made sure the spell stayed in place.

It was a bad idea to accidentally burn someone who would be supervising you in the near future after all.

In front of Scoria was an old man with a kind look to him as he had a grandfatherly aura to him, gently stroking his long gray beard the man looked at Scoria.

A network of wrinkles were on his face as the green eyes still filled with vitality stared at him, an amused look appeared on the man's face as he ran his fingers through his long beard.

Long hair trailing behind him, he slightly lifted the long wooden cane in his other hand and started to hobble to Scoria's position, his gait making it hard to think that it belonged to the walk of an old man.

'Are we done?' Feeling confused, nevertheless Scoria made sure to not lower his blade because a series of following tests may follow.

Nearing Scoria the old man in long robes put his staff forwards, the old wooden staff adorned with a green gem suddenly lighting up.

"Scoria Del Dmantra has completed the test and is now officially a student of Amandus"

Green light's climbing the lines of the wooden staff and exiting through the green gem coursed through the staff before a small green mist left and flew to Scoria.

Eyeing the green mist with suspicion Scoria let the green mist do it's thing as it touched his skin.

And instantly following that thought a refreshing feeling coursed through his body like magic, which it probably was.

Noticing a green aura threading around his limbs and revitalizing Scoria couldn't help but voice out "Restoration Magic?"

Hearing those words the old man with thick eyebrows widened his green eyes in amusement as interest danced his vibrant green eyes and had a small smile on his wrinkled face.

"Why do you think that young man? It could be healing magic"

"Well... Elder..."

Looking at the green aura that still lingered around his body and raising an arm to show it to the old man.

"Restoration magic and Healing magic look distinctly different, healing magic regenerates the body and Restoration magic revitalizes the body"

"Heh, that is indeed correct" The old man chuckled as he slightly brought back his staff and caused the green light's to retrat.

The Green mist that was fueled by the green light soon dissipating as well.

"But despite your knowledge you are still an unpolished gemstone"

Hearing those words, Scoria had to quickly suppress a growing smile on his face and replace it with a frown with some effort as he celebrated within his mind.

"How so?"

'Heh, that is exactly what I want you to think, do you think this prince is that bad at mana manipulation?'

Scoria's plan upon coming into this school was simple.

Showing his unpolished power in both martial arts and magic by showing them a fragment of his power while wasting mana and aura unnecessarily.

'The bonus is that I get powerful resources directed to me so that I can develop my magic and aura faster...'

A slightly strained smile made his way to it's face.

'Although I think I might have overdone it'

Seeing the genial smile that was directed towards Scoria, he thanked Satan, his ancestor for the appearance of a good enough rival to polish his talent against without raising suspicion.

'Hopefully this old man doesn't try to make me his disciple for some reason or something'

However, Scoria's fears were unwarranted as he was soon taken out of the sub reality without a word by the old man.

A series of both surprised and awed eyes were directed his place as he soon left the testing room.

Young men and women perhaps a few years older than him in age stared at him in surprise as the scant few of them observing them from above looked at him.

'My seniors in this school perhaps'

Those seniors who were above him in age and class were staring down at him with surprised gazes.

Perhaps it was because he was already leaving the testing area despite his peers still being stuck in the middle of the tests.

But Scoria could care less.

Except for the fact that the gazes of awe soon turned into astonishment as they were directed behind him now.

'What the? Why are you looking away from me?' Feeling slightly confused with his pride hurt he turned to look at who came out from behind him.

'Oh, I guess it's to be expected of my rival'

Staring at Ellora who stared back with a calm gaze, she gave him a slightly mocking smile as she sauntered out of the sub reality as well in basically the same time frame.

Walking forwards Scoria and Ellora walked in lieu with each other as they went to one of the many seats that were left open for the aspirants passing the test.

And before they could even take a seat in the myriads of chairs at the front row, more people left the sub reality.


In the white Sub reality 

[Thunder Strike My enemy]

Those words left a blue haired woman with long twisting blue horns on their head as the sound of thunder followed.

A loud thunder clap resounded within the white sub reality as the sound of thunder boomed and attacked the enemy.

The Wraith that was floating in the air, it's black cloak trailing behind it as a cold mist left it's body was quickly assaulted by unseen forces.

Quickly getting crushed by the unseen sounds of thunder, the blue haired woman had a bored look in her blue eyes as another black pillar descended from the sky.

However, strangely enough the black pillar had a tinge of gold in it.


The White sub Reality was covered in additional layer of white snow as the being at the core of it roared loudly.

Wielding a large battle axe with two hands, the widely smiling man with rippling muscles that did not belong to a young man roared.

Swinging the axe with resolve, the giant axe clashed against the armored knight's longsword.

More tinges of frost appeared on the armor as the both of them pushed against each other in a contest of strength.

The Man in ripped clothes was the winner.

Pushing against the sword, the knight's armor suddenly gave out as it was revealed that there was nothing within the suit of steel.

The Empty suit of armor clanging against the ground as it skidded across the frost ridden ground.

A black pillar tinged with gold fell to the ground.


This phenomenon of ending the final monster of the sub space, that being either the Wraith, Living Armor or Bears was repeated amongst several people

Each time the pillar tinged with gold descended to the ground.

The recipients of the gold colored pillar all idly stared at the pillar with different eyes.

A shorter than normal yet stalwart boy held the large round shield that could cover his body with a single hand, no other weapons in his hand.

Behind him was the slowly dissipating cloak of a wraith.

A tall amber eyed girl in a hood nocked another arrow on the bow in her hands and aimed it at the black pillar.

An empty suit of armor pierced by various arrows laying behind her.

A lithe joyful looking girl holding a rapier in her hands had a small smile on her face while staring at the golden pillar.

Behind her was a large bear beast inflicted with several small wounds among several others were receiving the golden pillar.

Those who received the golden pillars and were retrieved by the supervisors who declared the tests had now ended were met with surprise and awe by the people how.

And it seemed the test was coming to an end now as they weren't the only ones receiving the black pillars, even if they were for a much more different reason.

Pillars tinged in silver, green, brown and grey descended in front of many of the people.


Outside of the sub reality that was slowly ejecting people out, people started to stream out a series of doors that were at the back of the auditorium.

Having turned to see the people who had taken the attention off from him, Scoria was also beholden to the people leaving the myriad of doors.

Having only noted their presence now.

He wasn't interested in the doors currently although they were indeed interesting.

He was much more interested in the strange reactions that the supposed seniors of the academy were showing to the people who were leaving the sub reality.

Seeing the reactions that were directed to the people that were revealed by the color of the door they left out of, Scoria frowned in lieu with Ellora.

Glancing at her he noted 'It seems that she has seen it as well?'

Looking at the several doors that lined the end of the auditorium like structure, Scoria noted that the reactions directed to those of different colors differed significantly.

Silver was met with gazes of awe although more subdued to his own reactions, Green was met with slight joy most akin to the joy of seeing friends of a sort.

Brown however was one that had the strangest reaction though.

Being a mixture of indifference, joy or pity.

Those who left from the pair of gray doors was only met by nothing but interest or disdain.

Seeing the reactions Scoria silently noted them down in his mind alongside the sources of the reactions.

However, before he could observe the people in the banisters above head more, his attention was stolen by the lights dimming above head and focusing on the stage.

Turning in his seat that was somewhat in the middle of the people that was slowly taking their seats all around him.

The Lights revealed the Headmistress of the academy that suddenly appeared while seemingly stepping through an invisible curtain.

"Greetings Aspirants of Amandus" A small smile appeared on her face a glint of satisfaction appearing in her blue eyes. 

"Or should I say... Students of Amandus?"

